• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 5,119 Views, 399 Comments

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter - TalonMach5

Part two, of books two of four, in the Great Slave King Saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Inquire Within and I Shall Speak True

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter

A Story by TalonMach5

Inquire Within and I Shall Speak True

Looking up from his meditation, he growled at what he saw. Narrowing his eyes at his accusers, he sneered, annoyed and infuriated that they thought to judge him, he who ruled all above and beneath the Earth. Glaring at the darkened mirror before him, he saw the accusing eyes of ten thousand staring back at him. Rolling back his eyes dismissively at those who thought to cast judgement upon him, he turned away from the darkened mirror's cloudy surface.

Returning to his meditation, he tried ignoring the piercing stares of the faceless multitude beneath the dark glass of the mirror's surface. Slowing his breathing, he drew in his breathe through his nostrils, and paused before releasing it back out past his pursed lips. All around him he felt the comforting thrum of the Earth pulsing along the ley lines that crisscrossed throughout his domain like a spiders web. Slowly he felt his earlier anger melt away as he lost himself within the hymn that the Earth was singing to him. Now at peace, and completely removed from his rage and fury, he lost himself to the throes of the song of creation, as he became the center of his realm, the Domain of Earth. It was here that he knew calm and true peace, and here there was nothing that could touch him.

But before he could add his baritone voice to the siren song of creation, he once more felt the accusing eyes break through his meditation, piercing his soul.

"Damn it all to Hades!" he roared, opening his eyes as the verdant magic flames composing them flared to life.

Turning to face his accusers, the Slave King tightened his right hand into a powerful fist. Ignoring the squeal of metal rubbing against metal his false arm was making, he drew back his arcanum fist, fully prepared to reach into the mirror's depths to pull a soul from dark glass before him, so he might bring forth the first of many judgements against them.

"Beloved," he heard a gentle feminine voice say.

The speaker's calm and gentle tone threatened to extinguish his rage, and he felt his anger redouble. How dare she! he fumed, annoyed that even this was being denied to him.

"Wife, why have you disturbed me as I meditate?" he coldly replied, not caring for a moment how his callous response might hurt his tender hearted spouse.

Worriedly laying back her ears, she paused a moment to allow his hurtful response to her concern for his well being roll off her pained heart, before replying. "Husband, we sense thou art somehow discomfited," she said, worried that in his rage and anger, her beloved might relapse back into his formerly weakened state.

Normally he had no desire encouraging his wife's inquiry into his private affairs, but until he resolved the issue of the mirror, he feared that he might not be able to return to his meditation and the peace that was found within it. Burying his face within his metal hand, he felt its cool surface against his pallid flesh and felt slightly better. Drawing his hand down along his face, he gently pulled against his greying beard as he ruminated on a proper response to his wife's concern.

Deciding there would be no harm in revealing the cause of his frustration to her, he turned to face his wife. Although he was quite familiar and well acquainted with her beauty, even now it still threatened to captured his nonexistent heart. He supposed as he gazed upon her comely face and radiant form, had his heart still beat within him his chest he might have found it refusing to beat as he basked in her presence. Seeing her in all her glory and beauty quickened his pulse as he found desire for her drying his mouth. Pushing back these unwanted hunger, he steeled himself as he gestured towards the dark glass before them.

"It's the mirror, wife," he said pointing accusingly at its polished surface.

"What of the mirror, beloved?" she asked puzzling why something as innocuous as a mirror could cause such discomfit for someone as powerful as her husband.

"They mock and think to make a fool of me," he accused, giving the mirror a dark glare as he thought over the possible punishments he could give these mortals who thought themselves capable of judging him in the least.

"Who seeks thy discomfiture, husband," she asked, worried that he had indeed relapsed to the vile curse that had nearly claimed him. Feeling sorrow that he was so unhappy, she drew him to her side with her wing and held him tightly. "Beloved, when we wed thee, we swore to thee we woulds't keep thee safe from all thy enemies. We shan't allow thee to suffer any further by thy wicked and unfeeling tormentor's cruelty."

Held fast between the downy softness of her wing and luxurious silken coat, he felt relief for the first time since the multitude within the mirror had sought to censure him. "Luna, thank you," he softly said, nearly surrendering to his wife as she held him to her.

Feeling her cheeks flushing from his unsolicited praise, she pressed her head against his shoulder. "Beloved, tell us of who it is that dares to harass and harangue thee, and we shalt smite them for their crass impertinence!"

Pulling away from her embrace, he gestured once more to the mirror before them. "Can't you see them starring at us?" he said, looking into the glass's dark depths. "Accusing, judging me, as if they had any right to do so."

Puzzled by his response, Luna looked at the mirror and was unable to see anything beyond their reflection looking back at her. Tilting her head slightly to the side, she tried to no avail to see what it was that her husband was seeing. Unwilling to admit defeat, she drew upon her magic, and channeling it through her horn she released a spell upon the dark glass hoping to reveal its hidden secrets to her. But as far as she could tell, the mirror was simply that, a mirror. Her magic showed it held no magic of it own, and beyond the dark glass it was made from, it was simply mundane.

"My apologies, husband," she said, desperately wishing she could see that which was agitating him so. "I see naught but ours and thine reflection within, and mine spell divines nothing magical within the glass."

When he heard her words, he felt relief. Perhaps he had only imagined their eyes staring back at him from the mirror's cloudy depths. Truly their were few to none more skilled in magic then his wife, let alone magic pertaining to the Domain of Shadows. And if she with all her power could perceive nothing, then he was fairly certain what she said was true. Resting his arcanum hand against the mirror's cool surface, he looked into its depths trying to spy his accusers once more. When he could see none, he closed his eyes in relief. Finally he could return to the peace and serenity his meditation offered him.

Turning towards his wife, he was about to offer her his heartfelt thanks for calming his uneasy mind, when he sensed them looking at him once more. Turning around, he glared at the mirror before him with all the fury he could muster. The flames within his eyes burned like balefire as he frantically searched the mirror's depths for the mortals who so foolishly thought they could mock the Slave King and get away with it unscathed.

Concerned with her husband's erratic behavior, Luna placed herself between the angry deity and the mirror in the hopes of calming him down. "Come, beloved," she implored, looking up into his anger filled eyes with concern as she gently nuzzled him. "We beseech thee, dearest, pray pull back thy ire, and allow us to tend to thee."

Breathing heavily from the great strain his anger and rage had placed upon his body, the Slave King breathed in deeply as he turned to his wife. Gazing into gentle turquoise eyes, he found himself slowly drained of his furious anger. Exhausted from the trauma he'd placed upon himself, he sat down upon their bed, and lowered his head in defeat.

"Wife, what would you have me do?" he asked, tired of fighting against the gentle correction of her tender heart and compassionate spirit.

"Tell us, beloved," she said, sitting besides her husband on the bed. "When thou searcheth the mirror, what dost thou seeth?"

"I see their searching and accusing eyes," he replied, his voice nearly a whisper, looking away from the hateful mirror which mocked him so.

"Who's eyes dost thou seeth?" she asked, with equal parts curiosity and concern. Wondering who it was real or imagined that could cause him such duress.

"I know not whose eyes they are, yet I see them all the same," he answered, turning to look Luna in the face.

"Perhaps, husband, if thou placateth the evil spirits which accost thee so, they mayest leaveth thee in peace," Luna suggested, hoping to bring balm to uneasy and troubled heart.

"Yes, wife, perhaps you are right," the Slave King agreed, deciding her suggestion had merit.

Standing up, he approached the darkened surface of the mirror and stood before it. Drawing himself up to his full height, he stood before his accusers boldly, before offering them a derisive sneer. "Alright," he commanded, with all the power of the Earth within his words. "Say your piece. Ask your questions, and I shall not stay my answers. Speak your minds, foul apparitions, begone, and trouble me no further!"

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereaders for reading this noncanon chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, as always comments are appreciated.

The purpose of this chapter is a bit different. In case you didn't read my blog post, I finally overcame the stumbling block to my writing, and am on my way to finally finishing chapter ten after nearly a year of starting and stopping it. Because each of the characters in the story each have a unique voice of their own, I'm concerned that my future writing will suffer after letting my pen lay fallow for so long.

So beyond giving you something to read until I've finished writing chapter ten, I humbly ask that you ask any questions you might have regarding any of the stories in the Great Slave King Saga in the comments, and I will answer each of them in the voice of the character you asked it of no matter how silly or inane it might seem. For example if you wanted to know why the Slave King never seems to eat anything, you would receive your answer straight from the Slave King's mouth so to speak. I hope that this little writing exercise will help me remember the voices I was using for everyone.

So if you wish to participate please say who your question is being addressed to and the manner in which you ask it (i.e. sarcastically, seriously, etc.), and I'll do my hardest to provide the appropriate answer to your question.

Find out the answers to your questions and more, in the next exciting noncanon chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, coming soon to computer near you!

Once again, gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!