• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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The Tower of West Durandana

Bellesmith stared off the bow of the Noble Jury, and she was smiling. As the wind kicked at her short chestnut mane, she glanced at the various pegasi escorting the skystone ship, then trotted about and made her way into the cockpit. There, Pilate, Eagle Eye, and Roarke stood behind Floydien. Beyond the windshield, lusch jungles and misty treetops loomed. Far ahead, the beacon of light pulsed with platinum brilliance.

"It truly is a paradise," Bellesmith said, leaning in to nuzzle her mate. "I truly wish you could see it for yourself, beloved."

"Heh..." Pilate smirked. "From what I've heard and smelled, it's already shaping up to be quite lovely." He turned his head towards her. "And who's to say? With the work you're doing on O.A.S.I.S., maybe I can see some of it soon."

"Just a bunch of jungles and mist," Roarke grunted, forelimbs crossed. Her lenses retracted beneath a furrowed brow. "Nothing much worth seeing."

"What's the matter, Roarke?" Eagle Eye glanced back, smiling. "You shudder at the sight of any landscape that hasn't been blasted to bits by manafire?"

"If that is some thinly veiled reference to my ambivalence towards Foxtaur, you are misguided, Eagle Eye."

The stallion giggled.

Roarke's ears twitched. "What is so humorous? I was being sincere."

"I know!" He wiped his eye and smirked. "And you didn't call me 'breeder.'"

Roarke simply fidgeted where she stood.

"If metal munching boomer has something to spit than she should spit it," Floydien blurted.

The other ponies looked at Roarke.

She groaned and said, "I'm simply wary of how swiftly Rainbow Dash has made herself available to the accomodations of these backward strangers."

"I wouldn't exactly call them 'backwards,' Roarke," Bellesmith said. "Misinformed, perhaps, but that's to be expected. They've lived as an isolated society for Spark-knows how long. That being said, they seem to be doing remarkably for themselves."

"Am I the only one who's witnessed them pawing all over random members of the Jury?" Roarke remarked.

"Erm..." Eagle Eye bit his lip. "They did seem rather fond of Props." He gulped. "And Ebon," he added hoarsely.

"I think it's too early for us to make a passing judgment," Pilate said. "Besides, from what I hear, the mares of Searo weren't exactly shy about personal space either."

"That's a gross exaggeration," Roarke droned.

"Yeah." Eagle muttered aside. "Usually you just killed everypony before you could so much as nuzzle them."

Roarke ignored that, instead choosing to mutter, "I just don't like this."

"What about this, exactly?" Belle asked.

"Everything about it." Roarke's lenses whirred as she stared fixedly out the windshield. "Rainbow is letting her guard down way too easily."

"What?" Belle smiled. "You think Rainbow has to headbutt and dropkick every culture she runs into in her travels?"

"It's helped her a great deal."

Belle chuckled. "Oh Roarke... if only you knew Rainbow as much as I did."

The metal mare twitched slightly, but was silent.

Belle went on, "The bulk of her collective memories still swim in my head. In Windthrow, Emeraldine, Silvadel—almost every kingdom or township she stumbled upon, she was always trading smiles and exchanging fist-bumps first. Only because of dire circumstances did she ever pick up the habit of having to buck first and ask questions later."

"You've almost exclusively witnessed her during her travels in Ledomare and Xona," Pilate said. "It's easy to get the wrong impression. If it weren't for Bellesmith's sequencing or our collectively shared exposure to our dear friend—we'd make that same assumption about her too."

"That's not the crux of the issue," Roarke said.

"Then what is?" Eagle asked.

"Rainbow has established herself as being responsible for not only this ship—but the fulfillment of her journey," Roarke explained. "That being said, I think it's rather obvious to everypony that her thoughts still dwell on the home she left months and months ago."

"And now that she's meeting pegasi who aren't zombified abominations for once, you think she's somehow..." Belle raised an eyebrow. "...waxing nostalgic?"

"To her detriment, yes."

"Hah hah hah!" Eagle Eye slapped his knee and grinned at Roarke. "You just can't stand to see Rainbow Dash happy, do you?"

"Excuse me...?"

"It must not compute with Roarke Most Rare!"

"There is nothing wrong with her being happy," Roarke said. With another sigh, she glared out the windshield. "Being happy and dumb is another thing."

"Roarke, she's with flying ponies," Belle said with a sweet grin. "Flying ponies who don't want kill her... or any of us for that matter!"

"Mrmmmf..." Roarke's nostrils flared. "That remains to be seen."

"Metal boomer's spit is a glimmer too sour," Floydien mused.

"Hmmm?" Roarke's ears twitched.

"How about that..." Pilate smirked. "It's a unique statement when Mr. Floydien calls out another pony on her paranoia."

"I don't know about you, but I'd rather suffer a warrior's death in a place that's not a giant toilet overgrown with weeds," Roarke muttered, then shimmied down the crawlspace. "If you'll be needing me—which I assume you won't—I'll be in the hangar, doing maintenance on Whiz—grrghhhhhhgraaaugh... on the Lounge transport."

The cockpit lingered in silence after the departure of the metal mare.

"What do you suppose has her so anxious?" Pilate remarked.

"Perhaps these mist mists threaten to rust the boomer's braces," Floydien said.

"No, I think it's something else," Belle said.

"Like what?" Eagle asked.

Belle blinked... then blinked again. She bit her lip, wincing slightly. "I'm... almost afraid to guess."

Just then, Zaid and Props shimmed up, barely squeezing themselves into the cramped cockpit.

"Guys!" Zaid exclaimed, then glance at Eagle. "...and dolls!"

"Hey!" Eagle pouted.

"You'll never guess what's up ahead!" Zaid beamed. He pointed to the base of the giant wooden tower. "Kera saw it first through the observation room windows!"

"What is it?" Belle asked, craning her neck.

"Only the zaniest and sexiest of treehouses ever!" Props said, giggling.

"Hrmmff..." Floydien muttered as he slowed the forward motion of the Noble Jury, gazing at the array of structures below. "Now that's a lot of twigspace. Yes yes yes..."

Rainbow Dash's eyes sparkled. Before her, the air was buzzing with dozens if not hundreds of pegasi, several of them flying in packs, several more in lone, spiraling patterns. Not a single one of them flew in a manner that wasn't remotely graceful. Every curve of the wing and flick of the tail was done in nimble showmanship and joyful flair. Many of the pegasi seemed too busy enjoying the thrill of the moment to even take notice of the strange, sky-colored pegasus being flown in by Sivrem's entourage, or the hulking skystone vessel puttering after them for that matter.

Several whoops and eagle shrieks sounded off below the mare. Rainbow looked down, and she instantly dazzled at numerous wooden domes built into the jungle canopy. Wooden houses curled and twisted like beautiful nautilus shells, with windows and smokestacks bespeckling every curve. There were no ladders or bridges or platforms or anything else to provide hoofed access between the structures. A plentiful smattering of balconies and ledges dotted the buildings, and pegasi proceeded to leap off of these and carry their business to the far reaches of the forest.

Towards the lower end of the wooden tower, along the part of the shaft where the vertical sections began extending, several round platforms had been constructed. Crude wooden shacks and buildings populated these platforms, allowing for the semblance of a central "courtyard" that hugged the circumference of the structure. Here, the bulk of the pegasi who weren't flying were located, along with several older equines whose wings weren't quite as strong as the athletic Durandanans who had met Rainbow Dash and her friends an hour ago.

Rainbow Dash turned and waved a signal at the Noble Jury. Floydien guided the ship to a stop, hovering several dozens of meters away from the Tower. It was then that most of the locals had finally taken notice of the strange ship in their midst. Dozens of pegasi spun playful circles around the ship, gliding by the portholes and cockpit windows as they stared in amazement. Several chirps and shrill cries flew between them.

In the meantime, Sivrem and his flock descended to the uppermost platform circling the tower. Rainbow Dash swiftly followed suit, landing on the edge and marveling at the thick group of equines landing down and crowding around her. At this location, the golden beacon of the tower above cast a dim platinum shine that brought a shiny gloss to every pegasus' coat. At random points, Rainbow spotted dyed multi-colored manes. However, it was getting harder and harder to see as more and more pegasi shuffled up.

"Sivrem!" A mare said, trotting up with a group of winged equines, the bulk of them wearing charms, earrings, and earrings made out of bird bones. "You've returned early!"

"Mmmmm... that I have." Sivrem leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, their wings stretching forward until their feathers touched. Then, without hesitation, he smiled and did the same to the stallion next to her. After a shared chuckle, the three nuzzled as one, then took a step apart. "You'll never guess who and what I found at First Light." He turned and gestured towards the pegasus. "Fellow ponies, I bring you Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow blinked. She cleared her throat and coiled her wings tightly at the side before waving at the mass of gawking pegasi. "Hi there, sky guys. How's it hoofin'?"

"She says she's from beyond the greens," Sivrem said, his eyes bright. His brow furrowed as he added in a raspy tone, "And she's brought friends with her! Ponies... without feathers!"

The entire crowd gasped.

"No way!"

"By Valkyrie's shout!"

"No ponies live beyond the greens, First Born! You know that!"

"I only know what I can see!" Sivrem said. "Feast your own eyes, if you can't be feathered to believe, gulls!" He turned and pointed at the Noble Jury. "Valkyrie silver! It flies by its own Gold Sights!"


"Could it really be beyond the mists?"

Jerrio cleared his throat. "Please, Sivrem. What Rainbow and her companions have is quite amazing, but there's no good to come out of attributing the Gold Lights to it."

"Jerrio, don't tell us you haven't see what we've seen!" Rayvinne exclaimed. She turned and grinned ecstatically at the crowd. "Some of Rainbow's friends have horns that glow! Like the Gold Lights! And they can make fruit and other ponies float with their mind!"

Murmurs and gasps echoed amongst the group.

"And they have a large pony!" Jagold said, trembling slight. "With br-branches coming out of his head! And the branches shoot lightning!"

More gasps, even as Smythe was stammering, "And a pony with shiny eyes who expresses her anger with Valkyrie silver!"

"Heheh... come onnnnn..." Rainbow chuckled, waving a hoof. "Roarke isn't that bad—"

"Sivrem, how do you know you and your feathered flock of gulls aren't making this all up?" One from the crowd smirked. "Eggshells, I say!"

"Yeah!" Another pointed at Rainbow. "She's probably just some pretender from East D! Look at her mane! No First Born pony has ever pulled off a mane that amazing!"

"That's because I'm willing to bet none of you ponies were born with this flickering piece of awesomeness!" Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. "Or given a wicked sick pendant to spread harmony with..." She rubbed her hoof against her necklace, summoning a ruby glow that instantly stole the breath out of the crowd. "Or..." She kicked off the wooden platform and flapped her wings. "...mastered the finest art of weather flying that only the schools in Cloudsdale could hope to come close to!"

Then, holding her breath, Rainbow Dash zipped up to the neck of the tower, pivoted, and spun around the thing ten times in the span of five seconds. Through sheer speed alone, she appeared as a solid streak of colors in the air. When she came to a stop, a miniature clap of thunder echoed around her, flouncing her mane around a devilish grin.

The pegasi immediately cheered and whooped with avian shrieks. Several of them flew up and hovered around Rainbow, touching her mane, her tail, and staring up close at her pendant.

"Valkyrie's shout!"

"She's like the living sky!"

"I've never seen a First-Born fly that fast! Not even you, Sivrem!"

"Alright, alright..." Sivrem waved his hoof, chuckling. "So she has skills... skills she may have learned from beyond the greens." He smirked. "But let's not smother our new friend. Let's also be courteous to her, as our elders would want. After all... for all of her marvels... she and her friends appear to be strangely ignorant of the Valkyrie."

"Uhm... y-yeah..." Rainbow gulped, sweating slightly. "About that... uhm..."

Woosh! Jagold flew up and beamed in Rainbow's face. "I know just what you're thinking! And don't worry!" She threw a hoof around Rainbow's shoulder and nuzzled her tightly. "Heeheehee! We'll teach you all about the Valkyrie! Ohhhhhhh... what tale to share first? The one where she defeats the wind ghosts? The one where she stabs and bleeds the sky?"

"Oh!" Smythe spoke up. "How about the one where she defeated the goat demon?"

"Defeating a goat demon..." Rainbow gulped, feeling the weight of the pendant around her throat. "Sounds... pr-pretty awesome..."

"Jagold..." Kitsune spoke through a wry smirk. "Sivrem said no smothering."

"Eeep!" Jagold parted ways with Rainbow, hugging herself and blushing. "My b-bad, First Born."

"Heheh... no problem..."

"Sivrem, I think we should go about bringing Rainbow Dash to Central," Jerrio said. "The Gray Feathers would love to see her, and perhaps they'd be the best ones to explain to her the ways of the Valkyrie—"

"Jerrio, you silly gull!" Sivrem slapped the stallion's back and chuckled merrily. "Why the hurry? It's only First Light of a new day! And if Rainbow and her friends are truly outsiders, then it's our place to give them the finest feathered welcome Durandana can afford!" Sivrem turned and shrieked towards the skies. Everypony hovering tightly around the Noble Jury turned down to glance at him. "Brothers! Sisters! Fetch milk from the leatherback stables and fruit and meat from the storehouses! We shall have a feast like there hasn't been held since the days the Valkyrie sliced her feathers across the Dawnlight!"

Everypony cheered, immediately flying every which way.

"Sivrem... but... that..." Jerrio face-hoofed, sighing.

Rainbow Dash leaned in, smiling. "If it's any consolation, I feel ya." She whispered, "I'm actually not all that hungry..."

"Heh..." Jeerio smirked tiredly at her. "For what it's worth, thanks."

"For what it's worth, you're welcome," she winked. Jagold flew down and nuzzled her again. "Duahhhhhhh!"

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