• Member Since 27th May, 2013
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https://discord.gg/HDp8sqW - I apologize if I haven't been the friend that you deserve. But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all. - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

Comments ( 348 )


~Skeeter The Lurker

Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :rainbowkiss:

Love this story can't wait for the next chapter! :rainbowwild:

“Hmm, what a pleasing thought, but I think you would do better outside where I can allow kids to be kids and stick their butts up at you,”


So this story is Luna basically fucking herself...
So the phrase "Go fuck yourself." can end up quite interestingly in Equestria?
Well then!



I have a new fetish now. An almost nonexistant one at that!

Tittysparkles, TittySparkles, TittySparkles:facehoof:

...what the hell is wrong with you:pinkiesick:

Well... That was something.
A very erotic something~
A very weird something...

I am not a clop fan, but I am faving just so I can see how the other guards react to Nightshade rutting Luna... or is it Luna rutting Nightshade?

It annoys me a bit that the story is a little... sexist. Both the princess and the guard seem to prefer being males and express that multiple times. A mare referring to her marehood as a "simple hole"? Really?

I would have loved so much to see Nightshade change his opinion in the end and to ask Luna to rut him more later... :raritywink:

Please continue this! It's an amazing story and I want to see how it plays out.

It also sort of blows my mind TittySparkles how fast you can pump this stuff out. Maybe that was the wrong choice of words. :unsuresweetie:


No it isn't... Your in a coma... Time to wake up now...

Skeets, I've noticed how your comments are more "yaaaay" and less "helpfully criticizing"

But then again, you proofread like everything, so I guess you'd have complained there.


Many things, and they're all good.

nothing, the man likes his porn more than most people.

4068457 I don't mind it, honestly. It sorta reminds me of penis envy, something a LOT of girls go through. Basically, what's it like to be in a man's shoes - or, in this case, hooves - for a day. I find it fascinating.

....Titty Motherfucking Sparkles...

You've done it once again.


Thought TS was a girl? :derpyderp2:

Solid fic and a nice clop scene. Though I feel it's fairly obvious that in the next chapter the stone won't change them back (it was a "one time use" or whatever have you). In any case, this is a great set up, I'm looking forward to where you take it from here. There are some great foreshadowing bits planted here that could make for a great series of chapters.

You need to get out more. Body swaps with the opposite gender are commonplace if you know what you like :pinkiecrazy:

... and the stone won't work, so Luna can go have more fun while Nightshade will experience awkwardness :rainbowlaugh:

A clop just how i like them, with a somewhat unwilling partner ( a genderbended one which is even better) though not to the point where one might see it as rape.

I'm always down for a good Gender bender story, and this setup has a fun freaky friday feel to it. The character dynamics are what really did it for me. You characterized the princess and guard power dynamics really well, nice job!

I ran into a few sentence errors with words missing or just plain awkward text that kept jarring me so I went back through to find them after the 4th one or so. I ended up nitpicking a bit since I went into "editor mode" though, so don't mind the comma splice stuff too much. They're really common and a pretty minor deal.

"to spent time with each other…" spend*

Discord’s hand got enveloped in a golden aura and before Celestia’s eyes, the draconequus held a small replica statue of himself trapped in stone.
Discord’s hand became enveloped in a golden aura and before Celestia’s eyes the draconequus held a small replica statue of himself trapped in stone. (the "got" feels off for the sentence and the comma wasn't needed)

"with a pompous nephew that begs you for bits everyday to support his drinking problem" & "you lost me at cousin with a drinking problem"
Switched from Nephew to Cousin

Resuming her walking, she made her way to her bed chambers thanks to Luna raising the moon not very long ago
Not sure what the original sentence was trying to say really. Unless you meant something like she was giving thanks to Luna raising the moon so she could head to bed at this point. Needs to be redone.

The only real spell(s) he could do was levitation, teleportation, and the occasional shielding spell.
Missing an 's' on spell

Of course, just because he was as sturdy as an earth pony, it didn’t mean he still acted like one.
"Of course, just because he was as sturdy as an earth pony it didn’t mean he acted like one." Don't need the second comma and the word still means he acted like it at one time but the story never mentions this leading up to that so it makes no sense.

However, he knew better, considering that the hallway he was in was walled in and no windows were in visible view.
the second comma is a comma splice

Of course he knew if he didn’t pick it up, one of the night time cleaners would find it and possibly have something happen to them.
Of course, he knew if he didn’t pick it up one of the night time cleaners would find it and possibly have something happen to them.* Comma is in the wrong spot.

Thankfully, as his hoof touched the stone, nothing happened to him except for feeling a rather warm sensation coming from it.
The second comma is a comma splice

"I lost my manhood!”
Manhood seems an off word to choose since he's not a man

“H-how do mean?” he asked as Luna moved right in front of him.
“H-how do you mean?” he asked as Luna moved right in front of him.* missing the 'you'

“Do you accept my deal?” Luna asked as she moved her mouth into his neck and kissed it.
'into' makes it seem like she's kissing the inside of his neck. maybe 'up to' or 'onto' instead?

If not, then… well, no doubt you’ll regret (letting) the only chance you had to bed a princess slip away.”
missing the word 'letting'

As he got closer to it, the scent of exotic fragrances emanated from it, causing his mind to relax slightly and put him more at ease.
As he got closer to it, the scent of exotic fragrances emanating from it caused his mind to relax slightly and put him more at ease.*

idk i would think that luna would be the concerned one since it's her reputation on the line with this.....

but interesting premise so i'll et this aside...

either way, nothing gets between a human and their porn

I see this story is labeled incomplete, oh boy, I can see this going in many directions. :pinkiehappy:


4068135 ... 4069094 's right, you need to get out more. Body swap is one of the most common genres among the gender bender archives. It's like cross-dressing in that it's not 'true gender bender' but merely a more common subsidiary. Transformation is a much better option. R63 doesn't even apply.

Yesss there are so many things that can happen since this is incomplete.

oh yay i can't waite to read the rest so good so far. :twilightsmile:

I guess somepony wasn't thinking straight when they told Luna to go fuck herself, now were they?

Ha ha. Ha.

You know, because this joke hasn't been made 50 times already somewhere in the comments... :applejackunsure:

I love this story so much please make more.:pinkiehappy:

Yes, when a woman has the powers of a penis, crazy things happen. Titty . . . I am watching you.

This is pretty good, but could still benefit from an extra editing pass. There's some weird phrasing in a few places like

feeling it swell inside of her, she refused for it to leave.

You’ll be one of the lucky mortal souls in this castle that got to bed with me.
all the male folk of Equestria had at one point most likely dreamt of bedding with them.

You don't bed with someone, you bed someone or are bedding someone.

more then you already do
in less then a second
He wanted it more then anything

Any time you're making a comparison, use 'than'

There were a few others that escape me at the moment, but those were the ones that irked me enough that I still remembered them by the end.:twilightsheepish:

Anyways, sorry for going all english teacher in your comments section, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this.:twilightsmile:

THIS is my fettish. Can't wait to see more and I really hope there is MOOOOOORE!!! O3O

This story made my Bone Wheel™ spin out of control causing it to careen off of a cliff into a bottomless pit of pleasure. Thank you Titty, thank you.

That's NOT my fetish. Every MtF fic i read always makes me uncomfortable. Which i guess speaks to this fics greatness, as it was still cloppable and i'm also very interested in where you'll be taking it.


I don't think it's sexist. I completely understand and sympathize with the guards apprehension. Were I magically whiffed into a female, the very last thing on my mind would be getting a guy to fuck me. If that makes me sexist, then, shit, i guess thought sexist meant something else.

Luna is more sexist here.

If I were transformed into a female, I would test all new features in all ways possible rather than run away and scream, "Transform me back!" Well, I'm bi, so I don't really mind guys. And even if I were strictly straight, I think curiosity would win. For science! :twilightsheepish:

4072009 Well if I read this correctly Luna has been shapeshifting a bit over the years, and has been curious about being a guy for a while now. Now that that has finally happened she decided not to waste any time. For Nightshade he is completely freaked out by the situation and didn't really want any part in this. He just wants his old body back.
This is just how I see the situation, every sentient being is entitled to there own opinion, and observation.

Why is this my fetish. :raritydespair:

Thanks for that list of errors you two provided. I made sure that they were all taken care off and I'll make sure that the next chapters get a extra editing pass as well. :twilightsmile:

i want to bee a royal guard *sing*

you should make the two get a relationship of sorts and start shipping the stones to married couples ;)

Luna's body is pregnant, isn't it? That spell was a fast acting gender-swap marriage booster. Quite interesting.

Love this chapter. Can´t wait for the next chapters. :rainbowwild:


I hope this last much longer, I also hope that Nightshade eventually likes being rutted senseless.
Part of me hopes this stays permanent, another part wants Celestia to get in on this shit.
And I guess I would also like to see Nightshade with Luna as themselves.

So many choices! Looking forward to more chapters!

Y'know, Nightshade sure is being a little bitch about this :P I'm fairly certain Luna will be making him eat those words, and I'm looking forward to it. Heck if she can sweeten the deal enough Nightshade just might have to make this switch a normal occurrence.:rainbowwild:

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