• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


I'm eighteen, I'm in OPP, I live the thug life, I smoke weed every day, I don't take shit from nobody, and I write fanfiction for a show about magical ponies.


Princess Celestia goes off on a diplomatic trip to the Griffin kingdom for the day, leaving Luna in charge. Meanwhile, Shadow Shell is sick of the usual shit. Find pony, knock them out, disguise as them, aimlessly roam around Canterlot looking for food, rinse and repeat.

Today, though, Princess Celestia is off to stop a war or something, the perfect opportunity for Shadow to finally have some fun in this boring-ass town. It's a fool proof, step by step plan:

1) Sneak into castle
2)Disguise as Celestia
3)Do absolutely nothing for an entire day
4) Leg it

I mean, what could go wrong?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 34 )

4094266 You know, I've been told by a lot of people that I act high, and when people tell me their experiences while high, I'm just like, "Yeah, I do and think that kind of stuff daily." I don't know, maybe my blood stream is 100% marijuana.

4094329 Brings a whole new meaning to the term smoking someone, huh?

Obligatory feedback from someone who is not your target audience: the constant fucking swearing for the sake of swearing because we're fucking big kids and big kids fucking swear god damn it really adds nothing to the story.

She reached into the satanic hell pocket that all ponies possesses,

finally someone acknowledged it. and also shop vac should meet Maud, instant best friends:pinkiehappy:

This fic idea is out-fucking-standing :D

4095095 That's because it's his character, and it shows that it isn't being told by a common narrator. It does add something to the story, because it's being told from third person view following Shadow Shell. This is his view of the world.

4095433 Thanks. Originally it was going to be Luna and Celestia were actually controlled by evil brain controlling aliens, but over time they developed empathy, and they've been ruling for the past 1,000 years.

4095389 Everyone always describes it as a "magical pocket." This is my take.

4096680 That would actually be a really good story :rainbowlaugh:

I love it so much already. That first conversation with the janitor and Shadow was just amazing. You have my fave (And my bow! NO ONE LOVES YOU, FUCK OFF!), do with it what you will. May God and Her Majesty be with you, amen.

On the subject of Shadow Shell, he was currently crawling through the halls of the castle under a cardboard box.

Loved the Solid Metal reference.

Shadow just sat there staring at her reflection in the chrome plated table as Luna charged down the isle and slammed into the equally chrome plated table, impaling it with her horn and knocking her out.

:facehoof: Luna....

Then he tripped over the sobbing guard from earlier. The cake hit a window, which shattered, then soared off into the night sky. Shadow stared at the window for a moment as he lay on the floor next to the guard who was beginning to recover from his ordeal. "P-Princess Cel-Celestia?" He asked in awe, his voice quivering from all the crying. "I fucking hate you," Shadow said to him, his voice seething. Shadow slowly, lest he lose control and fling the guard out the window, started back to Celestia's room.The shit I let other people get away with. He thought as the guard let out an anguished wail and began to sob again in the puddle of his own urine.

OH GOD, MY SIDES!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

OMG! YES!!! Cant stop laughing.... Sides Hurt!!! :rainbowlaugh:

It's fairly alright.

He thought as the guard let out an anguished wail and began to sob again in the puddle of his own urine.

the same urine puddle as earlier or does this guard just do that alot?

4190931 4190017 4189990 Glad you all liked it!
4191407 u wanna fukin go m8?
4191426 Being insulted by gods'll do that.


This just keeps getting better.

4211892 Glad you like it, man!

hilarious concept, ok execution in general, mediocre syntax (grammar), lousy quote mark placement.

4772817 Yeah, I'm really bad at knowing when to place quotes and when not to. As for grammar, I'm trying to keep it casual, throw in some incomplete sentences here and there for effect, like the narrator itself is incompetent. Because, you know, it's totally not me that's incompetent.

Bad syntax makes a passage harder to comprehend, not more casual.

You could try the southern accent: it's one of those rare things with horrible grammar yet excellent syntax.

Also, If you are deliberately degrading the narrator's grammar and syntax, your OWN grammar/syntax needs to be impeccable, ESPECIALLY those quote marks.

p.s. if you fix the quote marks or put up a new chapter, I'll give your story a thumbs up.

4772975 New chapter's about half way done. Been picking at it for a while, and reading Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been getting me back into the swing of things.

Oh god xd heroin addict what the actual fuck

Luna the junkie is best Luna

“You know...” She started, eyeing him up and down and leaning in close to the quivering guard, “I just love a stallion in armor. I'm getting in there, Shadow thought, shooting a glance up at the castle.
I'm getting in there, the guard thought, shooting a glance down at her flank. “How about you and I take a little stroll, and have some fun.” The guard's eyes widened as she started to saunter into the bushes by the gate. The guard nearly pranced to them, this was the first time he'd ever had sex!
Once in the bushes, she proceeded to beat him unconscious with a sock full of bits. On the bright side, she didn't rob him blind... although he might be blind now.

Oh my god. I died laughing reading this part. I haven't ever actually been that desperate but that sucks. But it's for cake. Justice.:trollestia:


10/10 would inject again.

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