• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th


The Tomorrow King.


There once was a little filly named Diamond Tiara. This is the story of how she died.

...No, that's not quite right. For there was in fact another filly by the same name. Another Diamond Tiara, who lived. She was the second one. It's confusing, I know, but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

It all started on a perfectly ordinary day in Ponyville, when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were trying to stop an insane magic-powered golem from destroying the entire town.

This is the story of two little fillies named Diamond Tiara. The one who died, and the one who lived.

Takes place during season 4, shortly after Twilight Time.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 137 )

Tragedy & Comedy tags... with Diamond Tiara... you make me very wary Fervidor.:rainbowderp:


It was really, really hard to tag this one, okay?

5715724 I think you can safely lose the comedy tag.

Now... for the story...
FRIGGIN BRILLIANT! This was exceptionally well done. Awesome job! :yay:


Well, I consider it a tragedy in structure but a comedy in spirit.

What an interesting looking fic, I think I'll-

Dear God, a Wakfu avatar. Thank you. Thank you so much.

YEES WAKFU!!!!! my favorite character is nausea

Dude. Seriously. We need a bigger version of that cover!



Gotta love Scoots, now that's how you let a filly know you're happy to have'em back. xD

Dang, I think you just created a possible U-Verse here. The Time Princess? Who knows. Great moral lessons here. Except that fezzes aren't cool, but she's extra cute so I'll let that one slide.

I'm blown. I love it, totally worth the wait! <3

Man, so cute. I got much to say but not willing to spoil it with my gushing over scenes. Good stuff. The death was a good death. But that second Diamond was just wonderful. Dat mane! <3

Thankfully, she's not ginger.

Was zecora the doctor?

It took me until the "my eyes!" comment to twig what was going on.

And then I skullpalmed because in hindsight, OF COURSE it was. And everything fell into place... But you did it with enough subtlety that it wasn't obvious until then. (As it woud have been if you'd gone the easy route of using Doctor Hooves.)

This is definitely sequel-worthy material, should you ever find the inspiration. (Though it stands on its own very well too.)


Aw, I wanted to hear you gush. :ajsmug:


She was something along those lines. I basically didn't want to make it a literal crossover so I kept the whole thing kinda vague.


I do have an idea for a sequel. Unfortunately, I have some other stuff I need to write first, so it will have to wait. Hopefully I'll get around to it eventually.

Did Zecora cause Diamond Tiara to regenerate?

Is there a second Silver Spoon?

Tch. MKDT1 FTW....


Nice trick with the tags. :)

It all started on a perfectly ordinary day in Ponyville, when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were trying to stop an insane magic-powered golem from destroying the entire town.

This is the story of two little fillies named Diamond Tiara. The one who died, and the one who lived.

Because this is a one-shot i already feel like i would not need to know more, to know the whole story, but i think i still read it, some one-shots can be still suprise, but i never change the fact, that it seems to be to less for me most of the time.


That was pretty much what I was going for, yeah.


No. She is the one and only. There's nopony she'd rather be.

Well, Zecora is a Time Lord .... Yeah .... I'm fine with that :yay:

"I can't believe we let you talk us into this," Scootaloo muttered. "And why do I have to wear the fez?"


"Oh, stop whining," Diamond said. "Fezzes are cool."


Well, I can fav it because of all that rhymed dialogue for Zecora – I always find coming up with it hard. Also, we now need a story about Diamond Tiara being a Time Lord :pinkiehappy:

Btw, it seems that Apple Bloom will be an Element of Honesty too...

I see some people calling Zecora a time lord in regards to this fic. That is not entirely true. Obviously she was conceived in the TARDIS. Therefore, Zecora is the pony equivalent of River Song.

Ooooh, so Doctor Hooves now either has new competition, or a new ally in the Time Lord business. Do hope there'll be a follow up to this!

Continuation please?

Diamond Tiara and Zecora are Time Lords. HECK YEAH!

5716854 Well, I should have done so anyways seeing how many spoilers there are in the comments now! xD


I can see Zecora having come into acquiring that stuff by getting really intune with the spirits and being deemed worthy of such a responsibility. Maybe they just knew stuff even Zecora didn't know, only that she'd eventually have a choice to make in a few hundred years. Maybe Zecora gave up the Perfect End for a more unpredictable future with multiple endings and a few that even had the possibility of a NG+. :p

Diamond as a cutie mark consultant has been one of my top wishlist endings for the series, dude. You have no idea how much I smiled and squee'd at that wonderful wishfulfilling ending you gave, it was made all the better with how Scootaloo remarked so perfectly on how she wasn't sure if Dia was serious or just messing with them. WE'LL NEVER KNOW! Only that Dia is having an incredible amount of fun with her pals.

And the way you had Dia just go up to Apple Bloom and ask her that oh so important question, my heart just got all fluttery and d'awwed. Then the unicorn comment that made Sweetie Belle react, bucking priceless!

But that death scene. The way the ponies react. Even after stuff gets less sad, they still feel the trauma of losing someone so young. Must have been a first in forever any in Ponyville could remember that such a tragedy happened. Twilight having it the worst along with Flutters was very touching. At that point in any other fiction they would have just been relieved and back to smiles. I like that they weren't just forgotten and swept under the feels train to focus only on Filthy, Zecora, and Twilight.

But damn if I didn't love Silver's spying and then the culminating dread that led to the eventual reaction of all four fillies as they saw the still and lifeless form of one who was her best friend forever, and the other three who saw her as a royal pain that Ponyville could have probably lived without, one in agony and others in disbelief or just not knowing how to react really did it for me.

I'd gush all day if it meant you'd write more wonderful stories like this. This is like two for two on the DT list. You really do kick ass with writing Diamond Tiara stories, like, you take the writing for her AND the world she lives in, one with OTHER ponies besides DT that have and go about their own lives, into deep consideration. Enough so to make the stories feel really episode worthy. Like, this would have been my pick for a true near Season Finale for S4. We'd still get Tirek who burns down the whole thing anyways just after it finished healing no less, so yeah this could still could have fit into canon easily.

I really like her mane!

"Silver never changes. She just adapts to her surroundings." I love how you added how she's not tied to the hip and she's a strong independent pony with a will of her own. Or something along those lines, it was such an adorable insert. xD

God, I really hope I get to see your next story. This was deliciously over 11k words and as the story continued I could only find myself praying the end wasn't an end and was pleasantly treated to what felt like a great epilogue after such events. Dia and Zecora had such a great moment. Short but memorable.

Whelp. This is one series that has loads of powerful potential. Especially if shows like the one that inspired this one has proven all too well can have with a bigger cast. So there is totally sequel material here for down the road. But wow, I think I'll just sit back and let this one sink in for a bit longer. Ended up passing out last night without faving the story as I was totally exhausted, stupid timezones, but this story was worth staying up for.

Well, I ranted and gushed enough. I kid, I can gush longer. This is so EQD feature worthy it hurts just thinking it's gone another second without being on multiple sites' front pages!

I want this as a dramatic reading SO bad! With actors that can act. HIGH BUDGET PRODUCTION! I'd kickstarter for that. :ajsmug::raritystarry:

This story was just SO awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Season 47 trailer

"I'm The Doctor. And I really like your mane."
"But that's not the point. You have to wake up! Diamond Tiara, you're not really a human."
"You are pony_"

"Did you really think it would be so easy to break my hold, Doctor? This specimen is mine. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've much work to do!"

And Diamond Tiara became a more talkative Chel who has to somehow break away from a machine's virtual reality system that's all too real who sucks in various high profile test subjects from her Dimensional Gate.

5717523 You get a cookie. :pinkiehappy:


I can see Zecora having come into acquiring that stuff by getting really intune with the spirits and being deemed worthy of such a responsibility. Maybe they just knew stuff even Zecora didn't know, only that she'd eventually have a choice to make in a few hundred years. Maybe Zecora gave up the Perfect End for a more unpredictable future with multiple endings and a few that even had the possibility of a NG+. :p

Frankly, I don't really worldbuild that much so I'm not actually sure what the deal is with Zecora. I just picked her for the role since she is easily the most mysterious character who hangs out around Ponyville - we don't really know who she is or what she did before she moved in, except that she apparently knows a ton of esoteric magic stuff even Twilight doesn't. So, in that sense, you are probably on to something.

But that death scene. The way the ponies react. Even after stuff gets less sad, they still feel the trauma of losing someone so young. Must have been a first in forever any in Ponyville could remember that such a tragedy happened. Twilight having it the worst along with Flutters was very touching. At that point in any other fiction they would have just been relieved and back to smiles. I like that they weren't just forgotten and swept under the feels train to focus only on Filthy, Zecora, and Twilight.

But damn if I didn't love Silver's spying and then the culminating dread that led to the eventual reaction of all four fillies as they saw the still and lifeless form of one who was her best friend forever, and the other three who saw her as a royal pain that Ponyville could have probably lived without, one in agony and others in disbelief or just not knowing how to react really did it for me.

That's nice to know. I was a bit worried I might have dragged things out a bit too much, but I felt that it was important to show that the death of a child affects the whole community - especially the local heroes who are supposed to keep everyone safe, not to mention the other kids. Some parts were tricky to fit in, like Spike's reaction, but I realized there was no way he wouldn't blame himself.

For that matter, I don't normally write a lot of sad stuff, so it wasn't really familiar territory for me. :twilightsheepish:

Like, this would have been my pick for a true near Season Finale for S4. We'd still get Tirek who burns down the whole thing anyways just after it finished healing no less, so yeah this could still could have fit into canon easily.

Funny thing is, I started writing this before we found out Tirek blew the library up. Now I'm really kinda curious about how Season 5 is going to deal with it.

Especially since, if I do get around to writing the sequel - which I really hope I will - I was actually planning on having the library play a vital part. So unless it gets magically regrown or something, I may have to jam part 2 in right before Tirek shows up.

This story was just SO awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Thanks. Whenever I start writing on something it's always the Best Idea Ever, but... well, maybe it's just the sleep deprivation but I was starting to have some doubts about this project right at the end. It's a relief so many of you ended up liking it. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by MistyShineStar deleted Mar 9th, 2015

5717918 It makes sense. Besides as far as we've seen in the show, the only water in the forest is the River.

5718155 Oh, no. I wasn't being sarcastic or trying to be mean. I actually just loved how well you caught on to that whole Riversong thing. The whole one travels back while the other is traveling forward, was a great reveal when the whole marriage thing finally came up.

I miss Riversong. :pinkiesad2: She was a badflank who shoot a fez out the air from a hundred yards no problem.
And those adorable one-liners and her habit of just 'chilling' in prisons. Ha.

And I didn't mean to come off as though I thought you meant to come off as sarcastic. I meant only to point out another loose connection that I found humorous. I do quite enjoy all cookies given to me.

This is absolutely, completely, utterly...fantastic. Brilliant. Beautiful. Various other adjectives used by a certain time-traveling madman in a box. I love it! And I love the Second Diamond Tiara!

And amusingly, as I write this, I'm finally watching Series Eight. Perfect timing. :twilightsmile:

If there's a follow-up, I look forward to seeing it. If not, then I'm utterly satisfied.

Well, at least she hasn't turned into a Fashion disaster. :pinkiehappy:


It was a close call, indeed.

It's not dangerous to befall, just a harmless prank, that's all."

Leaving you doll sized sister alone in a monster infested forest is not harmless.


The original line was actually something like: "Usually not dangerous," but I ended up having to make a last minute change that messed with the rythm.

Zecora can be a bit tricky to write dialogue for. :ajbemused:

I was about to dislike, but there are two reasons why I didn't. One: it wasn't until half way through the story that I completely changed my mind on disliking cause I thought the ending was friggin awesome! And two: if I was to dislike a story that is some what related to the doctor, then that would make me the biggest hypocrite on this comment list.

So, she did the regeneration process from Doctor Who, or something like that, right? That's what I'm feeling from this.

This was... different, but I liked it. I liked it a lot.

5719807 Oh, and I forgot to mention, but the cover was just so cute. Like, right in the feels cute.

I want to see this design used more...
Maybe for Diamond Tornado or Diamond Illusion?

that was really REALLY well done.

Excellent work! And I detected a bit of Princess Bride thrown in there... :yay:

Zecora: Now all dead, then, all you could arrange / is to go through her pockets for bits and loose change! :facehoof:

Every time there is a fez, a Doctor Who reference follows. It was funny the first 1000 but now it's just annoying.


it wasn't until half way through the story that I completely changed my mind on disliking cause I thought the ending was friggin awesome!

I don't quite follow. You decided not to dislike "halfway through" because the "ending" was awesome? Is the ending located half way through or something? Is this one of those weird stories that does that? :rainbowhuh:
Are you a Time Lord?

So Zecora is either a retired Ponyverse version of a Time Lord OR she was able to tap into the same energies Time Lords use for regenerations and passed it to Diamond Tiara. I just wonder what Doctor Whooves will say about this event when he finds out.

So... Zecora and Diamond are like Time Lords now?

Color me impressed. Well done!

I think maybe "Crossover" tag will fit too. Doctor Who, right?
Also, Zecora is timelord or she was similarly "reborn" by Doctor Hooves? If second is correct - does that mean that he's not timelord anymore?
And about rhyming - it's the best explanation I've ever seen! Simple and logical! I'll adopt it as my new head-canon.

DT didn't drop any good loot, because she respawned instantly!

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