• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 2,824 Views, 52 Comments

Pathway to Oblivion - supersaiyanmikito

When a camping trip turns sour, Twilight is sent on a journey that will push her friendship to it's limits. Now in order to save her friends, she must take on the toughest challenge of her life, Castle Oblivion.

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/---Castle Oblivion (F5 Entrance Hall)---\

The four ponies trotted up the staircase leading into the 5th floor. As they stood in front of the door, Twilight took out the two remaining cards. “So, what next? We have a Sugar Cube Corner card and Fluttershy’s Cottage. Pretty obvious which is which.”

“Give me Fluttershy’s Cottage…”

The others all turned to Rainbow Dash. “Give you?” Twilight asked.

“This whole experience has been a bit hard on me and I need to speak to Fluttershy alone for a bit. Hope you don’t mind…”

“I understand Rainbow.” Twilight reached out and handed her the card. “Just hold it up at the door…”

Rainbow nodded and took the card. She stepped up the small stairs and held the card up the high. The door slowly opened with a bright light. Rainbow turned back to look at her friends. All three of them had simple smile, like they didn’t have a care in the world. ‘After everything they still forgive me?’ She sighed to herself and walking into the light. ‘Let’s hope Fluttershy is the same…’

/---Floor 5---\

Rainbow stepped forward into a small cottage clearing. Up ahead stood Fluttershy, calm as ever. Rainbow took flight up to the door and knocked a few times. “Hello? Fluttershy?” She called. She knocked a few more times. Her hopes rose as the door slowly opened only to fall when a groggy rabbit with a night cap appeared behind it. “Oh, sorry Angel…” The rabbit tapped its foot on the ground with a look of annoyance. “Say, you haven’t seen Flutters around have you?” Angel pointed at the ground behind Rainbow’s hooves. There was what appeared to be a small flier somewhat crumpled on the ground. Rainbow picked it up and inspected it.

‘The incredible Iron Will turns doormats into Dynamos. Assertiveness seminar today, hedge maze center.’

“Iron Will?” She thought. “Why does that name sound so familiar?” She continued to think for a moment. “Oh, I remember now! He is that Minotaur that goes around Equestria and teaches ponies to be tough. Gilda said she went to one of his Seminars in the past to see how tough he really was. She was quite impressed. His seminars may be expensive but they are effective… Oh no…” Rainbow shot off the ground like a rocket. “If he is as successful as Gilda says he is, I can’t let Fluttershy go to that. I want her to stand up for herself but turning into another Gilda is not worth it!”

/---Key to Beginnings---\

As she neared the hedge maze, she heard loud music blaring from the grassy structure. “Good, looks like the opening ceremony is still going.”

A large bull humanoid creature appeared from the smoke being created by the machines on-stage. He gave a few greetings to the audience. “Welcome, friends! My name is Iron Will, and today is the first of your new life! I wanna hear you stomp if you’re tired of being a pushover!”

The crowd started stomping the ground with their hooves as Rainbow flew in above. “Ok, now to find Fluttershy…”

“Stomp if you’re tired of being of being a doormat!” The crowd stomped again. Stomp if you wanna pay nothing for this seminar!” The crowd stomped again only to quite fade. The ponies all started to look at each other before laughing. Iron Will came to a stop and puffed his nose at the audience. “That’s no joke, friends. Iron Will is so confident that you will be one hundred percent satisfied with Iron Will’s assertiveness techniques, that if you are not one hundred percent satisfied you… Pay… NOTHING!” He lowered his head into the audience. “But I pity the fool who doubts Iron Will’s methods… You don’t doubt me do you?”


“Course not…”


“I DO!”

Rainbow’s ears shot up. “That voice…”

The crowd separated to reveal a butter yellow pegasus with a rather unhappy look on her face. She slowly walked towards the minotaur. “I’ve seen what your seminar does to ponies, it’s terrible!”

Rainbow continued to fly above watching the event unfold. “What is Fluttershy doing?”

“You claim to make ponies no longer doormats and make them assertive, well you’re wrong.” Iron Will puffed his nose with anger. “Your seminar turns nice innocent ponies into cruel heartless bullies. I nearly lost my friends because of you!”

Iron Will stepped back a bit. “I… Uh…”

“You need to learn that simply being tough is not the only thing that matters. You just need to know when to say no…” Fluttershy stood there, unmoving. It was like she was a completely different pony.

Iron Will’s face showed just how frustrated he was becoming having his seminar interrupted. He charged towards Fluttershy screaming a battle cry. Rainbow reared up preparing to stop him. Then something happened. Iron Will stopped, he just stopped. He was eye to eye with Fluttershy. The crowd was talking was talking among themselves. Then Iron Will stood back up. “Well now… I’m impressed…” Rainbow was surprised. “That whole time and you haven’t even flinched… So you say you have seen my seminar before?”

“In a way, yes… I was impressed at first but I soon things started happening. I become a monster. I pushed everyone out of my way no matter who they were. I even yelled at my closest friends. It’s the only time I have ever made someone cry…”

“Oh…” Iron Will started to think. “Well… This puts a damper on things… Give me a moment…” Iron Will went over to his crew of goats and whisper with them for a few moments. “Pony… What is your name?”

“Flu… Fluttershy…” The crowd talking among themselves again. ‘Fluttershy?’ ‘That can’t be Fluttershy.’ ‘Fluttershy is too scared to talk like that.’

“Hmm… Well, let me tell you something. I’m sorry if my speech hurt you in anyway. This seminar is only meant to teach you how to not be a doormat. I never intended for this to happen to you.”

“It’s ok…” Fluttershy gave a nice smile.

“What?” Iron Will was confused.

“You were never a monster like my friends said. It wasn’t really your fault I became like that. It was mine. I took your advice too literal and it made me into something horrible.”

“If it’s not my fault, why did you say so earlier?”

“I just wanted to see how you reacted. If you really were a monster, you would have attacked me like any other heartless monster but you didn’t. That shows that you truly are a nice guy on the inside. I know it was never your intention. I just took it too far.” Fluttershy flew up to Iron Will’s face and grabbed the microphone near his mouth. “You hear that Ponyville. Just because somepony stands in your way, doesn’t mean you have to use force. Try to be assertive without force. You can do it. Don’t make the same mistake I did. I also suggest not being such jerks to ponies just asking to get by you. That’s what causes situations like this to happen… Thank you…” She let go and flew off. The crowd started cheering louder than before.

As Fluttershy started flying away, Rainbow flew in front of her cutting her off. “Wow Fluttershy, that was amazing!”

“Well, I just didn’t want anypony losing their friends like I almost did.”

“Heh, I thought you would be scared being forced to relive an old memory again but I can see I was wrong…”

“What? What did you just say?”

“Come on Fluttershy, I know that is the real you. Remember the camping trip?”

Fluttershy’s eye widened. She quickly ran in and hugged Rainbow. “Oh Rainbow, it really is you!”

“It’s ok Fluttershy, I’m here to get you out of here…”

“When I first appeared here, I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know if I was sent back in time or if I was dreaming. When I saw the flier for Iron Will’s seminar, something in me just told me I had to go.”

“It was your kind heart. It’s like you said. You didn’t want anyone to suffer like you had to. I understand…”

“Rainbow Dash, you sound different.”

“Let’s talk about it back at the cottage.”


/---Key to Guidance---\

Rainbow was seated down on the couch in Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy come out from the kitchen with 2 cups of tea and placed them down on the table in front of Rainbow. “Thanks Flutters…”

Fluttershy sat down on a chair beside Dash. “So what is it you wanted to talk about?”

Rainbow stared down at her tea. “I did something awful…”

“What happened?”

“I… I attacked our friends… I attacked them in pure anger…” Fluttershy gasped. Rainbow closed her eyes as a couple tears leaked into her tea. “They just make me so angry. They don’t realize how painful it all is. Not just their actions like the Mare-do-Well incident, but their words. Whenever I crash and they make a small joke, it may all be for fun and laughs but it hurts. I don’t show it but every word, every pointing hoof, they hurt…”

“I’m sorry that you feel that way…”

“Don’t be, you’re the only one who understands. You never laugh. You never joke. That’s why you’re the only one I trust fully… That, and I know I you’ll never leave me… They all make me so angry but I am afraid to do anything about them. I run the risk of losing them forever.”

“Dash, I’ve known you longer then anypony in Ponyville. I know you’re not as brave as you put on but I know that deep down you really are that brave, you just need to find it.”

“But how can I do it? The others know just how pathetic I am. They will never think of me the same again…”

“No, they think you need help. Being scared doesn’t make you weak, it just means you can improve and that’s what friends are for, to help you.”

“But how do I know it will even help me? After what I did, how can they even trust me? I nearly killed both Applejack and Twilight. Even if they forgive me, how can I forgive myself? I’m a monster! I don’t deserve the Element of Loyalty!”

Out of nowhere, a hoof slapped Rainbow across the face. “NEVER SAY THAT!” Fluttershy was standing in front of her with a hoof to the side. “You are not a monster. I’ve been down that path before. It you keep beating yourself up you will only make it worse.”


“Listen, I understand what you’re going through but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. It’s not good for your health and if anything ever happened to you, I could never forgive myself either.” Fluttershy stood up as tall as she could, towering over Rainbow Dash looking down at her. “Listen, you have saved me more times than I can count now let me do this for you. Trust me, I want to help you.”

“’We’, want to help you.” The two of them turned to the door to see Twilight, AJ and Rarity all standing in the doorway.

“I thought I told you I wanted to be alone…”

“Sorry Rainbow, but if what we just saw is any indication, that’s just not going to happen.” Twilight replied.

“Don’t be like me Rainbow.” Applejack added. “Don’t be stubborn and refuse help. We are here for you.”

“Exactly…” Rarity continued. “You don’t have to be alone anymore. We are all here for you.”

“We would never want you to hate yourself.” Said Twilight. “That was one of the first lessons Celestia taught me. No matter how bad you messed up, attacking yourself does nothing but make it hurt more. I didn’t understand what it meant at the time but after Luna was freed, it finally made sense.”

Finally, Fluttershy spoke up. “You’re a nice pony Dash. You could never make us hate you and never think otherwise. You’re not a monster, you do deserve the Element of Loyalty, and most of all you DO deserve friends. Pony should ever feel that way, no matter how bad.”

Rainbow chuckled to herself. “Heh, you can make anypony feel better about themselves. Are you sure you’re not Pinkie in disguise?”

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my goodness, where is Pinkie Pie?”

“Calm down…” Twilight said as she pulled out a card. “She is right here.”

“A… Card?”

“We will explain on the way. I started with five initially and this is the only one remaining. Since Pinkie is the only one left, it’s safe to say she is there.”

“That’s a relief…”

“Well!?” Everypony turned to Rainbow Dash. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go and save her then we will be a full team again!”

“Yes… Let’s save Pinkie…”

Rainbow Dash reached her hoof in between the five of them. “Let’s make a promise, a Pinkie Promise… I promise I will never again undermine your trust and to never call myself a monster again…”

“And I promise to make sure to always be there for you…” Fluttershy added her hoof on top of it.

“And I promise to stop making unnecessary insults and consider your feelings more…” Applejack’s hoof came down.

“And I promise to think before I react.” Twilight’s hoof came down.

“And I promise to never think less of you…” Lastly, Rarity’s hoof came.

Rainbow looked around at her four friends. Pinkie may be absent but she most definitely will know. After all, nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise. “All for one…”

All at once, the five ponies rose their hooves up “AND ONE FOR ALL!” As if they been practicing for their entire life, the five ponies became perfectly synched up in their following hoof motions. Making a gesture they will never forget.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Not a single one poked their eye.

“Alright… Let’s go save Pinkie!”

/---Castle Oblivion (F5 Exit Hall)---\

The five ponies all stepped out of the door, your friendship appearing stronger than ever. They all marched forward before Twilight stopped moving. The rest all turned back to her. She appeared to be thinking. “Is something the matter?” Rarity asked.

“Kind of… It feels like something is missing…”

“Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow replied. “It’s pretty quiet without her.”

“No, not that… It feels like we are missing something…”

“Like what Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Well, it’s clear there is something bigger going on than we are seeing. Since entering this castle, we have had 3 run-ins with this strange group of ponies. First there was the time I entered the castle, again after the 1st floor and again on the 4th floor. Not only that but it’s been a different pony every time. At the entrance was a tall creature, not even sure it was a pony. Second was Xalun, she is the only one I have seen behind her hood. Something about her seemed odd but I couldn’t put my hoof on it. Finally, there was that mystery pony that attacked Rarity. For some reason, she scares me the most.”

“What did she do to you anyway?” Rainbow asked.

“Can’t say for sure… It felt like she was draining my energy but I don’t feel weak.”


“No, not a possibility…” Twilight replied. “Changlings feed on love energy. No changling would have been dumb enough to attack us at a time like that, not when our bond was so close to breaking. We would be much nicer targets as we are now.”

“That’s not giving me a nice feeling.”

“That’s not all, when a Changling drains the energy from another creature, they feel it. Whether it’s just robbing their energy or absorbing it through love manipulation, you would feel it.”

“Well…” Applejack spoke up. “Do you think maybe they did something to Rarity we are not seeing?”

“Hmm… It’s possible… Perhaps the whole energy drain was just a mask for putting something else inside of her, like an energy transfer.”

“An energy transfer?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, much like how changlings can steal energy, some unicorns can also give it. It’s very possible when that thing drained you it put something else in its place.”

“Ew… EWWW! That thing put something inside me?”

“Can’t say for sure… I can run a scan of your body’s natural magic deposit. If you have been infused with Dark Magic, I will know.” Twilight kneeled down and pointed her horn at Rarity’s hooves. Her horn started to glow as she slowly worked her way up Rarity’s body. Rarity was starting to sweat, just the thought of having something unnatural in her body made her sick. When Twilight reached her head, she touched her horn to Rarity’s and left it there for a moment. Finally, she pulled back. “Not sensing any abnormalities. No signs of dark magic and your levels of magic are about what they should be for an average unicorn if not slightly higher.”

“So… Nothing?”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

Rarity started to rub for forehead slowly. “Girls… I think I need lie down for a moment. All this talk about something being inside of me is honestly giving me a migraine.”

“Sure thing Rarity.” Twilight removed her saddlebags and set them down next to Rarity. “If you need anything, we will be waiting for you upstairs.” Twilight and the rest left the hall area going up the steps to the 6th floor. They will resume their quest after a short rest.

/---Castle Oblivion (Unknown Room)---\

“GrrrrrrrRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” The cloaked pony screamed.

Xalun just watch in amusement. “Well? When are they going to break? I thought you said you could handle it?”

“SHUT UP!” The pony fired a blast of searing hot plasma from her horn. It missed Xalun but impacted on the back wall leaving a melted hole. “These foals are tougher to break then I anticipated…” She slow began to pace around the room. “It seems that ever since my interference with my dark magic, Rainbow Dash has brought them closer than I ever thought possible. I fear it may be impossible to break them at this point.”

“Ooh, that’s a shame. I was really looking forward to having a few new pets.”

“Don’t give up all hope just yet…” The two of them turned to the new voice. A portal opened up and a small pony walked out. She was smaller than the others, about the size of a regular mare.

“Well, well, well milady, isn’t this a pleasant surprise?”

“I came to lend you foals a hoof since it’s clear you cannot handle it yourself.” She stepped towards the pony other than Xalun. “Here, I have a feeling these will help…” She held up her hoof and with a plum of green fire, a number of scrolls appeared in front of her.

The larger pony grabbed the scrolls and opened them. Then, a devilish grin appeared on her face. “Oh yes… These will do just nicely…” She continued to inspect them and then a thought came to her. “How did you get a hold of these? They look so real…”

“Well let’s just say…” The pony pulled her hood off. Under the hood was a beautiful white unicorn with a long curly purple mane. “I got it from the source, darling…”

Author's Note:

No key to truth this floor, not really needed.

Hope you are ready, next chapter is going to be a doozy!

Comments ( 14 )

Where is Spike in all this?

Was that...Rarity?!

3585160 It might be a Replica, it may be a changeling, but we know the real Rarity is with them.


That's the only name I can make from nobody-is ing Rarity

When will this story continue? I'm itching to see more

Yeah sorry about that. I've been way too focused on trying to finish my Yugioh crossover and I'm having a bit of a writer's block with the next chapter. The next chapter is a pretty major one like I mentioned in the end and I'm just having trouble with it.

6528618 Okay, I follow ya, do you have anyone to help you with your story, or are you doing it on your own?

All my stories are done solo.

6528899 Oh, okay, just thought I'd ask

I can't wait for your next chapter! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

:ajbemused:... (Raised eyebrow) Um can anyone tell me what's keeping this story to a halt?!:applejackconfused:

7615317 Yeah sorry about that, I'm just really slow when it comes to bringing chapters out, plus my focus is mostly on my yugioh story. For the current chapter they are on the last world card meaning there is a pretty major event in the next exit hall and I honestly can't figure out how to write it out. I have the entire story planned, I just have no idea how to go about it.

I came up with Rytixra (pronounced Rye-tix-ra) myself.

Why was this cancelled?

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