• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,594 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch21 - Frenzy at Fancy's - Part 1

My Little Medic


Chapter 21

Frenzy at Fancy's - Part 1

“Listen up, team!” Spitfire shouted as she walked back and forth while looking at her subordinates standing in line, each wearing their uniform while Twilight was perched between the feathers on Soarin’s spread wing. “We are about to face one, if not the biggest challenge of our lives. I want every single one of you to do your very best.”

“Yes ma’am,” the group responded with a salute, all with the exception of Soarin' and Twilight, who stared at Spitfire in growing confusion.

“It may be tough. Many of you may not last long, but I expect that each of you will keep your cool, no matter how stressful and unpleasant it may be,” Spitfire continued with authoritative tone before stopping and pointing at the residence.

The group stared at the outstanding building, which was far smaller than surrounding ones, but much more elegant. The residence was surrounded by a wall with an enormous pair of twin gates serving as an entrance. Behind the gate’s bars, they could see a fountain in front of the door, and grass with few trees and bushes on left and right sides of the road.

“Stay focused, calm and collected; speak only when spoken to and — yes, Twilight?” Spitfire stopped at the sight of a tiny, raised foreleg.

“With all due respect–” Twilight said as she stood on her rear hooves which sank between the blue feathers, “–you do realize we are going to participate in a party, not in some sort of suicide mission?”

“No difference to me,” Spitfire said with dismissive tone.

“What?” Twilight took a step back and gasped while still maintaining her balance. She immediately pointed a forehoof at Spitfire and shouted, “In past the two weeks, you and your team has faced an army of enraged giant worms and next members of a mafia and I bet it wasn’t the only situation your services were called for! How can a party be your biggest challenge?”

Spitfire shook her head and said in depressed tone, “I will be honest with you. While training, shows and missions may be somewhat challenging and dangerous for us, it is a routine we are used to.” She sighed. “But participating in a party where we will need to be nice to Blueblood, much less talk and befriend him. This is going to be the hardest day of our lives.”

As the pegasi murmured to each other, Twilight looked between them and noticed few nods of agreement. She sat and rubbed top of her head. “I don’t get it.”

“Me neither, Twilight, me neither,” Soarin’ responded before following his captain, who walked towards the opening gate.

Once the team stopped in front of the entrance while Soarin’ caught up with Spitfire and sat by her side. Twilight smiled widely and cheered, “Fancy Pants! It is so nice to see you!”

“Lady Sparkle?” Fancy said as he fixed his monocle, now looking at the tiny mare who stood on pegasus’s wing. “My my, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you.”

Twilight sat and turned to the side while covering her blush with a blue feather, “Y-you're just saying that...”

Fancy Pants chuckled before looking up, now staring at the officers while maintaining his passive expression. He took a few slow steps forward and gently raised Spitfire’s forehoof, who nearly flinched in response. “You must be the Captain Spitfire whom I have heard so much about.”

Spitfire looked at Soarin’ who quickly noticed blush on her face and shrugged.

After gently kissing Spitfire’s foreleg, he placed it on the ground and raised himself to his full height. “My name is Fancy Pants,” he said while pressing his forehoof against his chest. “It is an honour to welcome such brave heroes into our humble residence.”

“R-right…” Spitfire said, somewhat speechless. “H-humble?”

Fancy turned to the pegasus stallion who shook his foreleg and said, “My name is Soarin’, I hope you remember me from from your visit in Cloudsdale. Nice to see you again.”

“Likewise,” the unicorn responded before looking at the smiling mare. “I see Lady Sparkle must really like spending time with you, or at least riding on your wing,” he added with a chuckle.

Soarin’ nodded. “Well, she likes to read with me, and we play chess, monopony and other board or logical games, though Steel Blade doesn’t approve of it.”

“He will get used to you eventually, give him time,” Twilight said before jumping the onto knee of Fancy’s foreleg who raised it up to his face. “Steel Blade and Spike are visiting a museum that was on the way here, they should arrive in half an hour. They said something about checking bones of a grown up dragon.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “I see, and what about Miss Overwatch?”

“She can’t come,” Twilight said as she crossed her forelegs and shoot Spitfire a disapproving glare, “because somepony put her on a cleaning duty for an entire day.”

Spitfire frowned. “I don’t want this trickster anywhere near us during this party, especially after what she contributed during the last one.”

Fancy Pants looked between Twilight and Spitfire before tilting his head to the side.

“Long story,” Twilight commented. “What about other guests? Who else will participate besides us and Blueblood?”

Fancy Pants placed Twilight back on Soarin’s wing before pointing at the sky. “Princess Celestia should arrive in around one hour. She said in her response letter that she is looking forward to spending time with you, even if only for few hours. I also sent an invitation to your family and your foalsitter. Though they politely refused.”

Twilight took a step back and placed forehooves on her face while her ears dropped. “What? Why? Was is something I said?” Her breathing increased in speed, but calmed down the moment she felt tip of Soarin’s forehoof on her shoulder as she looked into his large eyes.

“Calm down Twilight, I’m sure they had a very important reason,” Soarin’ said before looking at Fancy Pants. “Right?”

The noble rubbed his chin. “If I recall correctly, your family wrote in response something about… not ruining fun for your friends you work with.”

“Aww…” group of rookies said in unison as they lowered their heads.

“As for your foalsitter. She responded in a letter that she may participate, but is still unsure,” Fancy continued.

Spitfire raised her forehoof and said, “She must still feel guilty of the incident in the after match party. Can’t blame her though.”

"Hot Tea!” Fancy called, as an newly-poured bronze unicorn stallion in a jacket and a tie approached from behind the gate. He had a monocle on his face and pristine kerchief slightly exposed from his pocket.

“Yes, Master Fancy?”

“There is still one hour left before all the guests will arrive. Would you be so kind and ensure that Lady Sparkle, Captain Spitfire and her team are escorted to the guest rooms and ensure that they are comfortable?”

“Yes, Master Fancy,” Hot Tea responded with firm nod.

Fancy Pants turned to Spitfire and said, “Would you or any of your subordinates be interested in a tour, Hot Tea will provide it.” He half bowed. “I wish we could continue our talk a bit longer, but I must oversee the preparations. I hope that an outdoor party in the garden will be to your liking.”

“Of… of course,” Spitfire responded hesitantly before returning the gesture.

“Follow me, please,” Hot Tea said as he lead the way while Fancy Pants walked towards the garden. One could notice several long tables decorated by tablecloth, candles and filled with food.

Princess Celestia was used to ponies bowing to her, but as she flew through the sky with two guards flying by her side, she could do nothing but chuckle at the sight of a pegasus bowing on a white cloud. His forehooves slightly sinking and head pressed against the cloudy surface.

Ignoring the growing attention, she waved to her subjects with a cheerful smile and next descended, slowly passing by several clouds as a large city came in full view.

“Auntie Celestia,” Blueblood said from his spot in a royal chariot as the pulling pegasi flew with the speed of the princess. “While I understand the importance of keeping one’s body in shape, flying without a chariot is inappropriate for ponies of our position.”

“Should I pass your words on to Wonderbolts lieutenant or my precious student?” Celestia asked. Blueblood turn his gaze away from the princess. “While I already knew that with great power comes great responsibility, a few centuries ago I forgot that it involves more than just political influence. If I stayed in Canterlot and sat on my throne or focused on paperwork while my subjects are in grave danger, many more lives would have been lost.”

“I see…” Blueblood responded while rubbing his chin. “Still, I can’t shake the impression that you have changed in these past few years.”

Celestia scanned the town before finally noticing a small residence clearly visibly among large building. Surrounded by grass and a wall. With her destination set, she looked at her nephew curiously and asked, “In what sense?”

Blueblood raised his foreleg as he explained, “First and foremost, yours always regal and calm steps became more energetic. Instead of being mighty and above everypony as every ruler should, you are becoming slightly more approachable.” He cleared his throat and continued, “Also, I noticed a small cracks in your regal mask you always wear. Your smile is less forced and slightly more natural and wider, and you fail to hide your worry and concern...“

Smile across Celestia’s lips grew as she felt a warm feeling in her chest. The way he describes me reminds me of how I was like this in the past... her smile vanished as quickly as it appeared, ...back before the weight of ruling and responsibilities changed me, blinding me to the loneliness of my sister...

“...and if we want to prevent the nobility from noticing your weaknesses… auntie Celestia, are you listening?”

“I am sorry,” she responded, now once again looking at her nephew. “I was deep in thought.”

Blueblood crossed his forelegs. “I am just trying to help, but if my opinion matters so little, it would be nice of you to inform me.”

Celestia shook her head. “I value your opinion, but you need to learn that not everything revolves around politics.” She gestured over the sky. “There are wonders, joys and challenges in life you will not experience behind the four walls of our castle. You should try to have a small talk with another pony without any hidden motives behind your every word.”

“Duly noted.”

With a few more flaps of her wings, she approached the chariot and sat inside it, now facing the prince face to face. “I am expecting that you will behave.”

Blueblood placed forehoof on Celestia’s shoulder and said, “My dear aunt, of course I will behave myself.” Noticing a raised eyebrow, he continued, “Besides Fancy Pants’ family, there won’t be any nobles attending this party, and he would be very displeased if I kept my usual stage mask on.”

With a warm smile, Celestia embraced the prince with her large wing. “I am glad. This is one of the very rare opportunities when I can spend time with my subjects without hiding my true self behind a mask of authority.”

Blueblood considered asking the princess to release him while looking around, making sure no pony would witness his proud self in such position. After a moment of hesitation, he closed his eyes and pressed his head against alicorn’s chest. His cheeks blushed as he felt the pleasant, motherly warmth of the princess. “If somepony asks, I was flightsick and lost balance.”

Celestia pressed her soft feathers against the unicorn and nuzzled his forehead. “Of course.”

As several seconds passed, and the princess slowly retreated her wing. Blueblood fixed his formal dress and said, “I just hope that those Wonderbolts’ won’t turn out to be fame and fortune diggers.”

“Fortune diggers?” Celestia asked.

“Correct. I sometimes observed the Wonderbolts during parties, especially during the Grand Galloping Gala, and they always had those fake smiles. Their words and compliments were forced.” He frowned. “It is as clear as the sky in Cloudsdale that they are acting nice only to earn more fame.”

Celestia nodded before spreading her wings. “This is true, I admit, but what they are doing is necessary.” With one strong flap, she flew upward and hovered over the chariot while Blueblood covered his face to protect himself from the wind. “However, I can assure you. During today’s party, you will see none of that.”

Blueblood shook his head. “And what if the Wonderbolts are nice to Twilight only to get on your good side? What if they are using her for their own gain?”

The princess shook her head. “They respect Twilight for her skills, not because of her influence and connections with me.”

“Fine, I will give them the benefit of the doubt,” Blueblood responded before raising her head proudly. “However, should they act nicely towards me against their will, as if putting on some sort of act to get on my good side. I will perform my, ‘jerk for bit digging mares’ act.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. It wasn’t the first time a mare tried to score herself a rich and influential prince… not that he was as influential as they imagined him to be. Her nephew already developed a counter tactic, a special act to sour himself in those mare’s eyes. There is no need to worry. Spitfire and her team will act naturally during today’s party. Everything will turn out alright.

“We are almost there, Your Highness,” one of pulling guards spoke as he slowed down and prepared for a careful landing procedure.

Not wasting a moment, Celestia flew ahead of her guards and descended. She slowed down her fall with few firm flaps of her wings, and gracefully touched the grass with tips of her golden horseshoes. Her wings slowly closed as her full weight finally pressed against the ground. Her attention now fully focused on approaching unicorns.

“Greetings in our humble residence, Your Highness,” Fancy Pants said as he performed a full bow. His wife following in suit. “You honour us.”

Celestia gestured for him to stand and said warmly, “The pleasure is all mine.”

She looked around while examining her surroundings. Behind the noble family she could see the right wing of the residence with several windows. Above each window was a small magical rune, no doubt a safety measure against thieves. Outside of the residence was covered by grass and randomly located bushes and trees, with only exception being two lines of trees that went from the main gate towards the door of the residence. Behind and on her left side, the princess could see a tall wall separating the mansion from the surrounding buildings.

The garden itself had one small fountain surrounded by a circle of multicolored flowers, two small birds already taking a bath and playing in it while singing a quiet song. And finally, Celestia could see several tables filled with food and cushions and one large carpet for ponies to sit on between them. “Your garden looks very lonely,” she said, “though I cannot shake the impression that what you have organized is more of a picnic rather than a garden party.”

“It does indeed seem that way,” Fancy said as he fixed his monocle. “I am certain that Miss Spitfire, Mister Soarin’ and their team would not feel comfortable participating in a more formal party, so I did my best to make it as casual as possible.”

Fleur, who was currently supporting herself against Fancy’s back, nodded and said, “An outdoor party with enough space for everypony to spread their wings have a special charm to it.” She slowly regain her composure and rubbed the grass with her forehoof. “I moved my modeling session to a later date. Outdoor activity in such lovely atmosphere without the need to worry that grass and dirt may ruin my appearance is very relaxing. I hope you will enjoy this evening just as much, Your Highness.”

“Just Celestia will do,” the princess responded as she took off her horseshoes, crown and peytral. Her earth pony side quickly connecting with the earth through her hooves. With the help of her magic, she levitated her royal accessory over to a guard, who immediately saluted and safeguarded it in his saddlebag.

Fancy looked at his wife and asked, “Dear Fleur, would you be so kind and inform everypony that our guest of honour has arrived?”

She nuzzled Fancy Pant’s cheek and responded, “Right away.” She turned around and trotted cheerfully towards the residence.

Celestia observed the leaving unicorn, when suddenly she noticed a movement in corner of her eye. She looked towards the bush, and saw a young unicorn peeking from behind it. She turned to Fancy Pants and pointed at the hidden pony. “Who is this little pony and why is she or he hiding from me?”

Fancy Pants didn’t bother to look back as he answered. “His name is White Path and he is my son. No longer so little if I may add, Your Highness.”

Celestia sat and nodded. “I see.” She rubbed her chin. “From what I remember, you have mentioned your son many times, but you never introduced him. Is he shy or afraid of me?” she asked with saddened tone.

Fancy Pants laughed, much to the princess’s confusion. “Shy, oh no no no, he is anything but shy.” Seeing that the princess looked at him curiously, he continued, “You see, Princess Celestia. My son is, how should I put it… quite energetic, and often speaks his mind.” He pointed at the alicorn. “You have been very busy with your important duties, not to mention taking care of a student, so I did not dare to bother you.”

“What about the formal parties I participated in?”

“I was afraid that introducing you to my son during a formal party would embarrass you in front of the nobility.”

Celestia’s ears dropped as she looked to the side. Fancy Pants was always so loyal and helpful. I tried to treat him as a close friend rather than subject, and yet he still hesitated to introduce me to his own son… Was the wall between me and my subjects really that tall? She pressed forehoof against her chest and spoke firmly, “I must say, my dear friend, that I am disappointed in you. My duties and appearance are not important enough to prevent me from meeting your son.”

Fancy Pants held his head high as he considered princess’s words. “My apologies, but I have been waiting for the right moment when I could introduce him, away from the public eye. However, I must warn you, White Path may be fifteen years old, but he can act very immature whenever he is excited.”

The princess shook her forehoof. “This is not a problem at all. My dear student is also acting foalish whenever she is excited or determined to face a new challenge. Your son cannot possibly surpass her.”

The stallion chuckled before turning towards the bush. “You can come out, White Path. Princess Celestia is looking forward to meeting you.”

“Really?” In an instant, the grown up colt walked outside from his hiding spot and shook few leaves and branches from his fur. He trotted towards the princess and sat.

Fancy Pants pointed at the colt and said, “This is my son, White Path. White Path, this is our wise and beloved ruler, Princess Celestia.” The moment his son bowed, nearly pressing his face against the grass, Fancy Pants turned around and said, “I am sure you both would like to have some privacy. I will be near the fountain if anypony require my company.”

As the stallion walked away and grown colt stood back to his full height, the princess said politely, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“A pleasure on my side as well. I mean, meeting the princess herself in person, the ruler of an entire world, nearly immortal being with power to cut mountains in half. This is so coooool.” He hopped, and next started trotting in place.

Nearly immortal ruler of the world that can cut mountains in half… I was called by many names, but this one is new to me, Celestia thought before responding in more hesitant tone, “Actually, Equestria is just a large country on a continent, and there are many lands out there across the ocean, so I am just rulling a small part of the world.”

“But you can still cut mountains in half, can you, can you?”

Celestia retreated her head slightly and looked up at the sky. “To be honest… I never considered this before… but I suppose that if I focused all my might into it and spent few days or weeks, I would cut a mountain in half sooner or later. Depends on the size of said mountain.”

“Days… or weeks?”

Celestia nodded as she looked down at the unicorn in her shadow. “Actually, charging and casting my most powerful spells would take few hours at best, but recovering from such huge use of magic would drain me to a point where it would take days or even weeks for my magic to recover.” She poked her own horn and added, “I may be a powerful alicorn, but I have my weaknesses. Even with my connection to the sun, it would take a week or more to fully restore my magic, should I spend all of it at once. This is why I need to conserve my power only for emergencies.”

White Path nodded and spread his forelegs in excitement before saying energetically, “Oh... so it is like being able finish all the work on several farms at once in a mere hour, and next rest for entire week, while earth ponies would need hours, but one night of sleep and they are back in business.” He took a quick breath. “Or like being a powerful cannon with only few shells to shoot, or a powerful machine with a huge power storage but very weak power source.” He rubbed his chin and continued, “Maybe more like a destructive one time use assault gem, the kind that Wonderbolts can fire only once?”

Celestia took a step back, dumbfounded. “Interesting comparisons...” she said. What are they teaching colts and fillies in school those days?

“It must be similar with my magic. I can levitate far greater weights than I can carry on my back, but my mind gets tired way faster than my muscles,” White Path responded before looking at the towering princess as if she was a statue in a museum.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia asked as she looked at her side and chest. “Do I have dirt on my fur?”

“You’re huuuge!”

Celestia blinked before coughing nervously. “Yes, I suppose I am…”

“Do you often call your subjects your little ponies?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Have you ever called Twilight your littlest or tiniest pony?”

“My littlest… no, I don’t remember ever calling her that.”

“Does Twilight like you because you are huge?”

“W-what?” the princess responded as her mind could barely keep up with the avalanche of questions.

White Path pointed at several points of her body. “Well, you have huge wings, long legs, large neck. And from what I learned from Twilight, she likes when everything is larger than her. Does that mean that she likes you because you are so big?”

“I… don’t know…”

“Do you secretly train Twilight to become a superpony so she can fight crime and protect Equestria from dangerous villains?”


“Are you single?”

Celestia blushed as she looked for any sort of distraction, and quickly pointed at approaching group. “White Path, are you a fan of the Wonderbolts?”

“You mean the sports team that from time to time is called upon dangerous missions, the heroes who fought against entire army of giant worms in Fillydelphia?” He hopped. “Of course I am!”

“In that case, you do better ask for their autographs, because here they come.”

White Path turned towards the approaching group and ran towards them with glee.

Celestia sighed in relief and looked to the side at Fancy Pants standing next to a fountain, who stared back with smirk on his face.


“No problem,” Soarin’ said as he signed a picture with a pen he held in his left wing. “Here you go.”

Spitfire observed the energetic unicorn, who levitated Soarin’s picture back into his saddlebag, adding it to his collection before levitating out a picture of Blaze. His endless amount of questions kept at least seven Wonderbolts at bay. So the son of Fancy Pants, the very pony who keep majority of the nobility at one gesture of his hoof, is an energetic fan of the Wonderbolts who doesn’t care about manners and etiquette. What are the odds? Suddenly, her sharp eye caught Twilight, who ran from one pegasus’s foreleg to another, before making a full gallop towards the princess Okay, so Soarin’ and the team are busy with Fancy’s Family, and Twilight wants to have a chat with her mentor. It leaves me with… She looked towards the landing chariot, or rather at the prince, and scowl immediately appeared on her face. Him.

One after another, Spitfire took slow calming breaths and fixed her uniform. A bet is a bet. Just do what you usually do and it will be fine.

With slow relaxed steps, she approached the prince whose attention was focused on somepony else. Spitfire could see an alicorn from the corner of her eye, escorting Twilight towards the carpet on the grass before they both perched themselves comfortably against it. Seeing that Blueblood started walking towards them, Spitfire intercepted him and half bowed. “Greetings, Prince Blueblood.” She returned to her full height and pointed at herself, “My name is Spitfire. It is honor to meet you.”

Blueblood lowered himself and grabbed Spitfire’s foreleg before kissing it. “Charmed.”

Spitfire blushed. What is up with ponies constantly kissing my leg? First Soarin’, next Fancy Pants, and now Blueblood. This is embarrassing. With a forced smile, she pointed at nearby table and asked, “Since we will spend this evening together, we may as well get to know each other. I’m looking forward to listen about your achievements.”

Blueblood nodded before escorting Spitfire towards the table. “My backstory, no doubt, pales in comparison to yours. I insist that you tell me about your amazing adventures first.”

Maybe Twilight is right. He doesn’t seems to be as bad as I remember him to be. Regardless, I need to be polite and leave a good impression. With a weak smile, Spitfire shook her head. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m sure that your life story is far more interesting than mine.”

“I must disagree,” Blueblood responded as his horn lit.

With quick steps, Spitfire approached the cushion next to the table and wiped the dust with her wing before fixing it as she looked at the prince.

“Your seat is ready, Your Highness.”

“Ladies first,” Blueblood said as he fixed cushion levitated in his aura before placing in next to the table. “Please, take a seat, milady.”

So this is what Twilight meant when she said that he is very strict when it comes to manners. I’d better play along. With another half bow, she gestured at cushion next to her. “A pony of your position deserve to sit first.”

“It is only polite when a mare sits before a stallion.”

“Princes before Captains.”

“Ladies before gentlecolts.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes. This is getting ridiculous. If it is possible for a pony to be too polite, Blueblood would surely accomplished it… I think it would prefer if he was jerk all along.


This is going too far, Blueblood thought as he just finished talking about how he renovated his room while pointing out details about chosen carpet and paint color. Much to his astonishment, Spitfire just kept listening with smile on her face and with occasional nod. There is no way anypony in Equestria, more or less an athlete, would be so interested in five minutes long lecture about blue paint. He noticed a bypassing Wonderbolt with White Path on his back, his wings spread as if ready to fly. Blueblood waved his forehoof at him, and the Wonderbolt returned it with a fake smile. They are kissing my flank to get on my good side, but enough is enough.

With a smirk, Blueblood raised his head proudly and said with the most arrogant tone he could muster, “It is getting hot in here, won’t you agree?”

“A bit,” Spitfire responded before pointing at drink on the table. “Luckily, Fancy Pants provided us with cold drinks. Those should do the trick.”

Blueblood pushed the glass away. “I am allergic to lemons.” He tilted the glass with help of his magic as yellow liquid streamed onto grass. “Would it be to much of a problem if I asked for a glass of fresh water.”

“Not a problem. I will be back in five seconds,” Spitfire said before flying towards the fountain. Much to her credit, she returned in the promised time, placing glass of water on the table.

Blueblood frowned before tilting the glass once again. “Drink water from a fountain where birds took a bath just moment ago? I find it insulting that you would offer it to me.”

“S-sorry,” Spitfire said before grabbing the glass and pointing at the mansion. “I will ask Fancy Pants if they have fresh one in the kitchen.”

“Please do,” the prince responded, waiting for Spitfire to leave the table. The moment she approached Fancy Pants, he smirked. Let’s see how long can you tolerate jerk Blueblood before you will drop your act, Spitfire. At the end of this day, Twilight, the Pants family and auntie Celestia will learn who you really are.