• Published 27th May 2014
  • 5,365 Views, 54 Comments

Disparity - BlazzingInferno

Twilight’s never attempted emotive magic before. What could go wrong? Everything about Rarity and Spike, for one.

  • ...

And Night

Twilight heard her name being called in the distance. She stretched out on her bed and reached for the covers.

“Can I have five more minutes, Mom, please?”

A leaf tickled her nose, and the resulting sneeze woke her up. Her childhood bed turned out to be a patch of sunflowers blooming on the living room floor. The only light came from faint beams of moonlight piercing through the vine covered windows. She wasn’t in her library anymore; she was in the world’s only indoor jungle.

She rubbed her eyes. “What happened?”

“Twilight! Can you hear me?” Spike’s voice was faint.


Green fire lit up the room, and burning sunflowers fell away from the staircase. Two purple claws reached through the foliage, and Spike pushed his way inside. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over.”

“I’m right where you left me one… two… how many hours has it been?”

“Six! I went out for quills and parchment like you asked, and I stopped to get groceries since we’re out of ketchup, and then I just had to go to the bookstore… never mind. By the time I came home, I couldn’t even get our front door open. The plant’s everywhere. I’ve been burning a path through the whole library ever since just trying to find you.”

She tried to stand, and found she couldn’t. Fresh greenery had her pinned to the floor. “This has to stop. I don’t care what it takes.”

“Weed killer, if you ask me.”

“The plant isn’t the real problem. It’s just a symptom of the spell getting even more out of control. You haven’t seen Rarity, have you?”

“Not since she ran off to go shopping this afternoon.”

A few bolts of magic freed her from her botanical prison. “I know you’re not going to like this, but we need her here again.”

“In here? You really want to try the spell again in the library jungle?”

“This time we’re doing it outside, in the moonlight.”

“What about making sure all the variables and states are right?”

“We’ll just have to risk it. If this goes on much longer, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”


By the time they stepped outside, the answer was rolling down the street. Rarity was trotting toward the library with her head held high and her horn aglow. She was magically towing a large wooden cart whose ten-foot-tall contents were hidden by a tarp.

Her eyes lit up when she saw them. “Spikey Wikey, I’m so glad you’re still awake. I did originally plan on saving this little… err… big surprise for tomorrow morning on Hearts and Hooves Day, but I just couldn’t wait to see the look on your face.”

Twilight ran to her. “Rarity, wait, before you show Spike your surprise, I have one last spell to try. It’ll only take a minute.”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed. “I have done nothing but wait, Twilight Sparkle, and I won’t do it for much longer. You have precisely one minute; I refuse to delay expressing my feelings a moment longer than that.”

“Perfect. Now come sit right here next to Spike in front of the library.”

“Gladly. I love what you’ve done with the place, by the way; all of those yellow blossoms complement the classic oak tree look beautifully.”

She wrestled Spike away from his book and squeezed him against her shoulder. “Fifty seconds, my Spikey, then you shall see the best Hearts and Hooves Day gift there has ever been.”

“Looks awfully big to be a book.”

“Oh it’s better than that, so much better.”

Twilight gave the exterior of her library a hard look. The vines were everywhere, and yet Rarity had a point. The flowers weren’t blooming randomly; they’d formed awnings over the doors and windows, spirals around the branches, and lace patterns on the walls.

“That’s it! That’s the missing piece!”

Her horn lit up as she turned to her friends. “This is it. Time to make things right.”

Her purple magic encircled Spike, Rarity, and the entire library. Instilling herself with the proper emotion was easy; she wanted nothing more than her normal friends and home back. She needed a vine-free bed to sleep in, and an infatuated Rarity was even worse than an infatuated Spike.

The magic aura faded away, and her smile soon followed. Vines and sunflowers still covered the library, Spike’s was still eyeing his book forlornly while Rarity cuddled him, and she could feel a fresh yawn coming on.

“What? Why didn’t that work? I had all the key variables!”

She stared at the sky at shouted. “I had all the key variables! I calculated everything! I even compensated for seconds until midnight and the phase of the moon! What kind of ‘exactness’ am I missing now?”

Rarity hugged Spike tighter and giggled. “Twenty seconds, Twilight, then he’s mine.”

Twilight stomped her hoof. “I am so close to saying something I’ll regret, Rar… Wait! What if I’ve been doing this all wrong?”

“Fifteen, fourteen…”

“I’ve been striving for physical exactness, but that’s not important at all! It doesn’t matter if the distance between the test subjects is perfect. This is an emotion spell; what matters is knowing exactly what emotions are in play, and I’ve been leaving out my own the whole time!”

“Five, four…”

She turned her horn into a spotlight. “Spike, look at me!”

“But I’m just getting to the good par–”

“Now! You too, Rarity.”

With their gazes fixed on her, Twilight concentrated on how much she wanted her old friends back. “This is either going to undo the spell or level Ponyville: Spike, you’ve had a crush on Rarity since the day you met her. You even told me once, and I Pinkie Promised to keep it a secret, but now it can’t be helped. You do so much trying to win her over in secret that sometimes it hurts me just to see you try. Rarity, Spike is only a friend in your eyes; you’ve never returned his affection, and personally I think you just like having somepony around to do your dirty work and stroke your ego. When you burst in on us this morning, my spell swapped us all around. Rarity got Spike’s crush, Spike got my love of reading, my houseplant got Rarity’s passion for beauty, and I…”

She stopped to yawn. “And I got my houseplant’s exhaustion.”

A white glow enveloped everything, followed by a small boom felt by the heart and not the ears. Suddenly Twilight was wide awake, and the vines covering the library were gone. Spike and Rarity were seated five feet apart, both blushing profusely.

She let out a cheer and clapped her hooves. “I did it! We’re back! Everything’s okay now.”

Spike kicked his book away. “Not really.”

The full weight of what she’d revealed came rushing back, and her face fell. “I’m so sorry… I’m sorry I broke my promise, and I’m sorry I said all those mean things. That’s just what it took to break the spell.”

Rarity gave a wide-eyed nod. “It’s… quite all right, Twilight. At least we’re ourselves again.”

Twilight reached a hoof out to Spike, who hadn’t lifted his gaze off the ground. “Spike… are you going to be okay? I’m so sorry I–”

“I just need a little time, Twilight, okay?”

She shrank back and frowned. “Can… can we talk more tomorrow?”

“Yeah… tomorrow.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Twilight, could you give us a moment?”

Twilight looked up at the crescent moon. “You can have the whole night if you want. I’ve got a stack of books that I need to send to the restricted section of the Canterlot Library.”

“Go ahead. We won’t be long.”


Rarity watched Twilight head to the library, take one last look at Spike, and close the door behind her. Next she turned her attention to the little dragon sulking nearby. What could she say to him after not only experiencing his feelings, but parading around with them like a stolen diary? Worst of all was the fresh ache in her heart, a pain that was very much hers, and very much deserved.

He glanced at her, opened his mouth, paused, and looked away. “I guess I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.”

She gasped. “Why would I ever want that, Spike? You’re my… No, I won’t use that word. You know that I care about you, don’t you?”

“And you know… You know how I feel.”

She moved some dirt around with a hoof. “Yes. Yes I do. How you feel isn’t what makes it hard to to have this conversation, not compared to everything else Twilight said.”

“She was right. I thought you were gorgeous back when we first met. I don’t think I really had a crush on you that far back, but–”

“Regardless, Twilight described my behavior quite accurately.” She shut her eyes. “I’ve known about your ‘crush’ for some time now, Spike, and I confess I’ve let myself take advantage of it. It’s a discredit to our friendship that’s entirely my fault.”

He sat down on top of his now-closed book and stared at the ground. “I’d still do it all over again.”

“Come again?”

“I knew you were just leading me on, Rarity, but it was okay. I guess I could just forget about that part once in a while and imagine that we were really getting closer. I was going to drag Twilight out this afternoon so I could buy you a present and everything. It all feels so dumb now.”

She glanced up at her gargantuan purchase. “I don’t suppose you’d like to see what I… well… what a very obsessed version of me bought you for Hearts and Hooves Day before I return it? I’m afraid I’d have to take out a mortgage on my shop if I actually let you keep it.”

“Sure, why not.”

An aura of light blue magic lifted the tarp away. Three huge statues, a red ruby mare and a blue sapphire dragon on either side of a rose quartz heart, caught Spike’s eyes and set his mouth watering. “Wow, Rarity, that looks delicious.”

“I knew you’d like it.”

He stopped salivating and turned away. “You’d better cover that, I don’t want you to lose your shop just because I can’t help myself.”

She replaced the tarp and sat down next to him. “Shall we discuss tomorrow, then?”

He sighed. “Don’t worry, I won’t bother you. Just go have a nice day with whoever the lucky stallion is.”

She paused. She couldn’t just say goodnight and walk away, not again. How many times had he held a door open for her, or fetched her mail, or served as her pincushion? More importantly, how often had she judged his looks of adoration as simplistic and shallow? The feelings she’d temporarily borrowed from him were just the opposite; they were the sort of feelings that she’d locked out of her own heart, the sort of feelings that she’d long ago dismissed as wishful thinking.

“Spike… I have another idea.”


“I’ve always known you’ve been attracted to me, but I never genuinely considered your feelings… their sincerity, their depth… even if they were getting a little exaggerated as today wore on. In all honesty, the feelings I experienced today weren’t at all what I expected to find within your heart. If… If you’d be willing to look past the near-callous abuse I’ve put you through for all these years… Would you be willing to give me one little chance to make it up to you? Perhaps tomorrow?”

He stared at her with his mouth hanging open. “You mean…”

She nodded. “Tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves Day, after all. Would you like to–”

He jumped up, bowed, and held out a claw. “Where are my manners? I read three books on chivalry today. My fair lady Rarity, would you do me the honor of being my special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day?”

She blushed and gave him her hoof. “Gladly, my dear Spike.”

Comments ( 38 )

Aww....Bravo Inferno! Good job!

A nie little resolution, and good on Twilight for calling Rarity out

AL #3 · May 29th, 2014 · · ·

Owww nice end !!!!

(high-pitched) Spiked it!!!!!!

Pinkie Pie: Nailed it!!!

Quite a way to wrap up such an interesting story. Most excellent, i highly enjoyed this tale!

I :heart: this story, especially the end. Giving Spike a chance is all I need to see, and I'm happy, even though I'm a big Sparity fan as you can tell by my username. Great story, have a like :twilightsmile:

A cute little story, I enjoyed it :pinkiesmile:

D'aaaw, this is a nice resolution and a cute compromise. It's out in the open and now they'll see if it works or not. Good idea and this is probably the fic I've read that fits best with the current way Spike and Rarity are being handled in the show. Well done.

This actually sounds like a really good episode if it were made possible. Nice job.

Love this story. But you already gussed that.

On a completly unrelated note, you guys remember that Spike based Anime, right?
Yeah, that is oming out once we have... Say, 230 more people to sign the petition.

Still, love the story.

I couldn't ask for a bigger compliment than likening this story to the show :pinkiehappy:

Good story, I give it a good 7.8/10 :twilightsmile:

Eh...I liked the story and it was an enjoyable read but personally I didn't like the rarity and spike pair that was setup in the end, plus it seemed a little fast pace. All in all it was a good story I would give it 7 out of 10 mustache :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:
P.S. I'm not a fan of that shipping

Thanks for your review, I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:


Thanks for your review :pinkiehappy:. I suppose the Spike/Rarity thing leans pretty heavily on Spike's canon crush. I didn't write the story specifically to put them together, but I did eventually get the feeling that their relationship would be changed in some way by these events. That, and I'm a sucker for a happy ending. :scootangel:

i giv it an A out of 5

That made my night, mate

That was funny. I loved how Rarity was going nuts about Spike. Great job. I can't wait to read the sequel.

Quite a satisfying end, nicely done.

Good story I'm not a big SpikeXRarity fan but I find it cute.
And its one of the only half cannon ships...

Now if Rarity liking Spike was cannon...

Dawwwww. Short, sweet, and all around well played. Have a like and a ribbon:

You are very welcome. Enjoy your ribbon :twilightsmile:

To the sequel!:coolphoto:

I like how Rarity and Spike calmly, maturely talk things over.

Although I was expecting to see Pinkie Pie somewhere since she broke a Pinkie Promise.

Both stories say there the sequal to each other..... where do I start??

Oops, I guess that note in the description is a tad unclear. I'll fix that.. This is the first story.

What a lovely story. This could be an episode, if only Sparity were true in the show. I was thinking that the reason for the flower blooming was hinting at Rarity's blooming feelings for Spike, yet alas. Even so, I cannot wait to read the sequel.

Featured story in August for Twilight's Library

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