• Published 26th May 2014
  • 74,952 Views, 2,904 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Morning ritual

Celestia feels that same old internal clock of hers start going off. Seems the time to raise the sun has come again. She lets out a sad sigh. This routine is going to be the death of her. As her eyes slowly flutter open, she feels a catch in her breath. What is this scent that’s in the air? She lifts her head from her pillow and looks down to whatever is causing this scent that fills her muzzle.

She finds none other than Anonymous. Her mind slowly turns the details around in her head as she tries to remember why he is here. She then feels her thoughts settle as that swell in her heart returns. She smiles a little to herself. Now she remembers. How Anon listened to her tale, how he introduced himself to her. She feels as if she is a new mare today. She would jump for joy if she were not in bed.

She leans in and nuzzles him gently while he sleeps. She knows he isn't even aware of what she is doing, but she is truly grateful she found a friend like him. That smile of hers never leaves as she carefully climbs out of bed, making sure Anon does not wake. She walks over to the balcony and looks over the darkened horizon. She watches as her sister's moon gently makes its final descent.

Once the moon has cleared the sky, Celestia uses her magic to bring the light of another day. The sun seems to shine especially bright this morning, as if reflecting her mood. She looks over her shoulder and back to Anon as he continues to rests peacefully. She walks over to the side of the bed, never removing her eyes from him.

“So peaceful,” she whispers. “Well, enough of that.”

She leaps into the air and comes landing onto the empty side of the bed. Anon is launched into the sky with a yelp of surprise. She catches him with her magic and gently rests him back where he laid before.

“Sleep well?” she asks him with a mischievous grin.

“Could’ve been better,” Anon says with a slightly irritated tone..

Celestia giggles at him. “Don’t be such a grouch. It’s time to wake up.”

He sits up and rubs his eyes a bit. “What time is it?”

“Exactly five in the morning.”

He looks at her with a deadpan expression. He falls onto his back again, eyes firmly shut.

“Goodnight,” he states.

“Come now, this is no time for sleep.”

She picks him up with her magic and gradually gets out of bed. Anon is currently unsure what she is doing as she trots towards the bathroom.

“Um, Celestia?”

She looks to him. “Hmm?”

“Where are you taking me?”

“To the restroom, of course,” she states matter of factly.

“Why?” Things are getting weird.

“Well, you need to bathe. To be honest, you stink.”

“What?” He smells himself. Hmm, how long has it been? “Alright, I agree. However, why are you taking me to the bathroom?”

“To help you bathe.”

Alright, that’s enough weirdness Anon can handle this early in the morning.

“Tia.” Anon sounds serious.


“Put me down.”

She stops her trot as she floats him in front of her.

“What’s the matter?” she asks.

He looks at her as if she is crazy. “What’s the matter? You’re trying to bathe me!”

She raises a brow confused. “No, I was going to bathe with you.”

Anon feels his face slowly becoming red. What is going on here?

“Um, alright..” He takes in a long breath. “How do I put this. Are you insane?!”

He starts to struggle in her magic, but she holds him firmly. She doesn't want to drop him and possibly cause him injury.

“What’s the matter?!” she asks as she concentrates her magic to hold him still.

“We can't bathe together!”


He sputters unsure how to respond. “W-Why?! That’s like, not something people do!”

Now Celestia is confused. Ponies often like to bathe with close friends. Not to mention help with those hard to reach places. For unicorns, it is rather easy, but for most of the other races, having somepony else there really helps the process. Anon can see how confused she is, so he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. The chances are that she has no idea what is going on.

“Alright, alright. Let me try to explain.” He thinks for some time. “So, I can assume ponies bathe with each other or something?” Celestia nods. “Ok, now that I think about it, that makes sense. Must suck to try and wash your back.” He rubs his face some in thought. “Humans, aren't like that. When we bathe, we do it alone.”

Something new about his culture. Celestia always finds it fascinating to hear about his people. However, this comes as news to her. She wasn't aware that they bathed alone. It seems so foreign, like how minotaurs bathe.

“Is the idea of bathing with me uncomfortable for you?” She asks.

Anon nods his head. “Yes.”

“Do humans always bathe alone?”

“Well..” He pauses. “Some humans don't. Babies obviously need the help of their parents until they’re old enough. Others? They will bathe with, well, lovers.”

Lovers? Celestia feels her face light up a little. To think humans find such a simple act so intimate astounds her on some level. Now that she thinks about it....

“Anon.” She sets him down.

He looks at her as she looks away in embarrassment. “Yeah?”

“The other night, when we disrobed you. Was that wrong?”

Anon did not forget that little memory. He clears his throat some.

“Well, wrong isn't really the word I’d use. Just, something very personal and intimate.”

Celestia thinks she is getting the idea now.

“Is being nude something done amongst lovers for your people?”

Anon nods. “Yeah.”

Geez, he did not expect his morning to turn out like this. Celestia, on the other hoof, now understands why he was a touch shy that morning. To think she may have been sending messages to him that she wasn't even aware of.

“Forgive me, Anon. I was unaware of this. I would like to request that you tell me if I am doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

He gets it. Boy, does he get it. His starting months in Equestria taught him how ponies have no concept of personal space. Sure, they kept their distance from him, but he saw a few of them hug total strangers as if it were natural. Pinkie being the pony that comes to mind more times than not.

“No need to apologize. I thought I told Luna about it before. Guess I forgot to do that…” he admits.

Celestia looks to the restroom then back to Anon.

“May I make a request?”

“I guess,” Anon says hesitantly.

Celestia stretches her wings some. “My wings are rather tough to clean on my own, even with magic. Can you help me?” She looks back to him. “I will understand if you do not wish to help. I will not ask further if that is not something you want to do.”

Anon rubs the back of his neck unsure. Well, he isn't really on Earth anymore. It’s not like he is going to bathe with her. He’s just going to help her with her wings. What’s so wrong with that? He can think of it like washing a dog. Who hasn't done that before?

“Sure,” he agrees.

“Thank you.” She waves her wing for him to follow.

Anon follows behind her as she enters into her bathroom. As they clear the door, Anon feels something odd happen. He quickly looks around in shock. This is no bathroom. He looks back to see the door to Celestia’s room is now closed. He then looks back to her as she smiles at him.

“Teleportation rune on the door.” She waves a hoof further into the room. “Welcome to the royal bathhouse.”

She isn’t lying either. This entire room is probably half the size of her throne room! In the center is a bath that would put an Olympic sized pool to shame. Celestia walks up to the side of the bath and runs her hoof inside of it. She looks over to Anon and beckons him forward.

“Touch it.” She leans her head towards the water.

He walks over to her and gives a brief pause. He looks down to the water as he takes a knee to get closer. Gingerly does he lower his hand into the steaming water below. To his surprise, he finds it’s not that hot. Perfect for bathing in fact.

“It’s fed directly from a hot spring,” she informs him.

“I gotta say, Tia. You’ve got some class,” he says in awe of this place.

She giggles as she takes a step into the large pool.

“I do afford myself some luxury.”

Anon finds his mind coming back to what is happening again. He can’t stop the emotions that are welling up inside of him. All his life, he was taught that a time like this should be personal for a human. Yet, here is Celestia, his best friend, entering into a body of water. He looks around again. Can this even be considered a bathroom? To be honest, he was expecting a traditional tub and shower. He has no idea why.

Celestia looks over at Anon and finds him stock still where he stands. She feels her enthusiasm fall at how nervous he is.

“I’m making you uncomfortable, aren't I?”

Anon shakes his head some.

“No, just taking in the whole picture here.”

She can tell he is lying as clear as day.

“Really, you don't need to do this for me.” She doesn't want to force him to do anything he wouldn't want to.

Anon sucks up his feelings and decides to man up. This isn't weird at all. At least here in Equestria.

“I’m fine, honestly.”

Celestia gives him a nod as she submerges her body some. Anon has no idea what to do right now. Should he sit by the edge? Is she going to wash and then he helps her after?

“I’m going to level with you here, Tia.” Celestia looks at him. “I have no ide-”

That is all that leaves him as he feels something tackle him from behind. He goes flying forward and straight into the drink. He struggles some, but feels something wrapped firmly around his chest. He is lifted to the surface as he gasps for air. He clears the water from his eyes as he feels his back press firmly against fur.

“One should not bathe in such things.” He knows that voice. Luna.

He can hear the twinkle of her horn as a bright flash blinds him briefly.


Celestia looks to her sister in shock. She has Anon pressed firmly against her barrel. Not only that, but now he is naked. The waterline keeps her from seeing anything, but she knows that this isn't what she intended. Luna looks to her sister with a large grin, as if nothing is wrong.

“A fine morning to bathe, is it not?” she asks.

“Luna, do you have any idea what you are doing!” Celestia scolds her some.

Luna raises a brow at her. “We are simply enjoying the bath with our friend. Is that not what you intended to do?”

Celestia is about to say something but Anon raises his hand to stop her. She looks at him, he has a small grin on his lips. She honestly wasn't expecting him to look so calm.

“She doesn't know, Tia,” he says. “I can forgive her this time.”

“Forgive me for what?” Luna angles her head to the side some so she could face Anon.

“Humans view being naked and taking baths with people differently than ponies, Luna.”

The fact Anon is speaking so steadily definitely is surprising Celestia.

“Pray, what are these differences?” Luna asks.

“We only bathe with lovers. The same thing can be said about being naked,” he says.

Luna’s brow rises gradually as she tries to process what she just heard. So, what she is doing right now? Her face slowly becomes red as she understands what is happening. However, she can't find herself letting him go. As if it would only make things more awkward if she did.

“W-Well. We find no harm in enjoying your company while we bathe,” Luna stutters out. “What say you?”

Anon looks down into the water. It is rather murky, due to all the fine bubbles that are rising. Despite the fact he can feel Luna pressed firmly against himself, he can't really say he is against this idea. Sure he is naked, and that is honestly making him feel really uncomfortable, however, this is more like a pool than a bathtub. Plus they can't see anything anyways. So, why not try and join in something they find culturally acceptable? It can be like those weird bathhouse things from Japan. Those are legit, right?

“I’m fine with it.”

Celestia looks to her sister and then Anon. How did she get him to accept? Just a few moments ago,he was practically fighting Celestia the entire way to the bathroom. It doesn't really matter, does it? She can feel that Anon isn't in much distress. In fact, his heart rate is starting to come to a more steady rhythm. Anon looks back over to Celestia.

“So how does something like this work for your people?” he asks.

“Well, we just wash while we chat. Nothing too complicated,” Celestia says.

Anon gives her a nod. “So what should we chat about?”

“I have a suggestion!” Luna says out loud.

“What would that be, sister?” Celestia asks.

“What are our plans for this day?” Luna questions.

Celestia brings a hoof to her chin. “You know, I haven’t really thought about that.” She looks to Anon. “Any ideas?”

Anon takes a few moments to think. It just ends in a shrug.

“I’ve got nothing.”

Celestia goes back to thinking. There has to be something they can do today.

“We could go to the library?” Celestia offers. “We have many books.”

“Really?” Anon says. “Seems kinda boring.”

“Come now, sister.” Luna shakes her head in mock sadness. “Surely we can think of something far more enjoyable to do?”

Celestia looks over her internal calendar. She’s sure she remembers something happening today. What was it? Oh!

“Anon, have you ever seen a Wonderbolts show?” Celestia asks.

He shakes his head. “I’ve heard of them. Never seen them, though.”

Celestia smiles at this. “How would you like to accompany Luna and I to a showing this evening?”

Not much else to do it seems.

“Sure,” he agrees.

“A fine idea, sister,” Luna adds on.

“Thank you. Now.” Celestia magics a good amount of bottles. “Let’s get this over with so we can have breakfast.”

Anon can feel his nerves start to set in. Sure, the idea was sound. Now that it’s actually happening, well, yeah. Who wouldn't be nervous?

“Worry not, Sir Anonymous,” Luna whispers into his ear. “We will be gentle.”

Anon can feel himself gulp heavily at that.

“Now’s not the time for games, Luna,” Celestia says, breaking her sister out of her little pranking mood. She then looks down to Anon with a small grin. “That comes later.”

Celestia magics over a small bottle toward Anon. He shakes his head with a scoff as he takes hold of it. He looks at the label. He feels a grin spread over his lips.

“M-Mane ‘n Tail?” he snorts out.

“What is so amusing?” Luna asks.


He’s trying his best to hold back the slowly building laugh.

“Are you sure?” Celestia asks.

Anon shakes his head. “J-Just another thing from my world.” He looks at the bottle again. “It doesn't really matter.” He takes a few breaths to steady himself. He pops the top off and pours a good amount onto his hand. He turns slightly around so he can face Luna. “Need any help?”

She feels herself smile brightly at that.

“Thank you for the offer. I would appreciate that.”

She slowly lets him go as he floats away from her. She shifts herself back onto all fours so she is properly standing. About half of her body still submerged. Anon looks to Luna, a blush starting to grow on his face. He can't fight the feeling of how wrong this is. The human condition is practically shouting in his head that he shouldn’t be here or doing this.

Yet, the innocent and happy look on Luna’s face makes him think otherwise. He gives a brief glance over his shoulder to see that Celestia has no look of disgust or anger. In fact, she looks rather neutral. He’s being silly about this. He knows they wouldn't lie to him. He knows that ponies generally don't have a taboo over nudity. Alright, pep talk done. Just do it.

He works his way over to Luna, making sure he doesn't stand, so the water keeps what little modesty he has still intact. He’s alright with washing them. Him being seen fully naked? Yeah, he’ll probably never outgrow that.

“Where should I start?” he asks Luna.

“It would be best to work my flank first,” she says without hesitation.

Anon cringes at that. Luna, however, turns away from him, presenting to him her backside. Anon is practically face to face with two moons, and he isn't referring to her cutie marks. He thanks whatever god that has forsaken him for at least having Luna’s tail covering whatever may be lurking behind it. Who is he kidding? When you live in Equestria, you know exactly what is lurking there.

He takes a deep breath to try and steady his emotions, repeating a little mantra in his head.

This isn't weird, This isn't weird, This isn't weird.

He spreads the shampoo onto his hands evenly. He moves a little closer to her, as well as slightly higher so he isn't face to face with her ass. He hesitantly places each hand on both sides of her flank. Luna doesn't flinch or show any outward sign of stress. He takes this as a confirmation that this isn't weird. He slowly kneads her flank to work the soap in. He doesn't linger long; the last thing he needs is to get labeled as a weirdo or something. With the flank done, he moves to her left side and starts to work her side and back.

He stops when he gets to her wing.

“Do I just add this soap?”

Luna shakes her head and lights her horn.

“Use this.”

He takes hold of the other bottle. He gives it a once over and sees that it’s some kind of wing shampoo for feathers. Makes sense. He pops the cap and applies more onto his hands. Luna extends her wing for him as he works the lather in. He starts at the tip of her wing and works his way to the base. Once he reaches the joint that attaches to her back does he feel he did a decent job.

He repeats the same thing with her other wing. Once done, he takes the Mane ‘n Tail and works the rest of her body. He stops when he reaches her neck.

“Are you good?” He asks.

She looks to him with a big smile.

“Yes. Thank you again. I can do the rest.”

He gives her a nod as he looks over to Celestia. She, for the most part, has most of her body soaped up.

“Need any help?” he asks her.

She looks at him with a smile as she gives a nod.

“You can help me with my wings.”

Anon moves to Celestia and repeats as he did with Luna, making sure to get the soap into her wings, proper. Since she has a more impressive wingspan, it takes a few extra minutes than with Luna. He has to admit that his nerves seemed to have died out completely. That voice in the back of his head is nothing more than a whisper right now.

“Thank you for bearing with us, Anon,” Celestia says with a smile.

Anon shrugs. “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, all things considered.”

Celestia magics over the Mane ‘n Tail shampoo.

“Would you help me with my mane?” Celestia asks.

Anon looks at her with a raised brow, then looks to her mane. Isn't that stuff non-physical? His brow seems to go higher as he actually takes a closer look at her. I-Is her mane pink? Celestia soon understands why Anon is looking at her mane. She giggles some as she looks at his confusion.

“This is my natural mane color, Anon.”

“Wha?” He returns to facing her.

She giggles a bit to herself as she points a hoof toward Luna. Anon looks back and notices that Luna’s mane looks like a slightly darker cyan color. No longer did it hold the night sky as before, but honestly looks like a real mane. How did he just notice this?

“How?” he asks, facing Celestia.

“Magic.” She gives him a wink.

He shakes his head at that. Guess it’ll just be another thing to add to the mystery of this place. He takes in a deep, controlled breath and calmly lets it out. No reason to let his mind fester on that subject. He picks up the bottle of shampoo and puts a large amount onto his hands. Celestia lowers her head some so he can get better access.

Gently, he runs his hands through her mane, making sure it applies evenly. Not only that, but he makes double sure that none of it gets near her eyes. He counts his blessings that she isn't a regular pony. Seeing as they have giant eyes in comparison to her. Celestia gives a few sighs of content as he massages her scalp. He can slowly feel the weirdness growing in his stomach. Horses from his world don't react the same way as her, so it’s harder for him to imagine that he is washing a horse.

Once he is done, he removes his hands from her. She turns to face him again.

“Thank you.”

He gives a hesitant nod. “Yeah, no problem.”

He moves away from her as she goes about rinsing out her wings and mane. He takes this time to quickly wash as well. However, he feels something settle on his back.

“Do you require assistance?” Luna asks.

He gulps a bit. “No, none at all.”

“Are you sure? You seem to have missed a spot.”

Luna traces a hoof on his back.

“Nope, perfectly fine,” Anon adds quickly.

“Don’t be silly, Anon. I will help you.”

The bottle he was holding onto floats out of his hand and back toward Luna. She applies a small amount onto her hoof. She knows that Anon is rather nervous, but she wants to show him that he has nothing to fear. She gently sets her hoof onto his back and tries to copy the same movements she felt when he helped her. Anon feels his face heat up more as Luna washes him.

Celestia on the other hoof can't help but giggle slightly at Anon. She knows that if Luna was pushing too hard, she would step in to help him. Despite Anon’s embarrassment, his emotions seem to be rather settled. Luna feels a smile grow onto her lips as she lathers up her friend. She leans in slightly so she could whisper to him.

“Relax, friend. We will take care of you.”

He needs to calm down. His mind is playing tricks on him. He takes in some more steady breaths to try and calm himself. This is normal, they do this all the time in Equestria.

“All done!” Luna cheers slightly.

“Thank you, Luna,” he says shyly.

“I’m happy to help,” Luna says as she moves away from him.

“Are we all done here?” Celestia asks. Luna and Anon both give her a nod. “Very well, then let us go to the dining hall.”

The two princesses get out of the water. They soon take notice a certain lack of a human. Celestia looks over and notices Anon still in the water.


He looks to her, then the water.

“I need my clothes.”

She instantly understands as she gives him a nod. She walks over to his soaking wet clothes. With a bit of magic, they are instantly clean and dry for him. She folds and sets them on a nearby counter along with a towel. Celestia then looks to her sister.

“Come along, Luna. Let’s give Anon some privacy.” Luna gives her a nod. “See you in the dining hall, Anon.”

Celestia calls to him as they both take their leave.

“Yeah,” Anon answers as they leave. As soon as the two sisters are gone, Anon lets out a long sigh. “Welcome to Equestria,” he whispers to himself.

Author's Note:

Some of my stories may take longer to make chapters for. My wrists have been killing me lately. May be something, may be nothing. Won't know till I head to the doctor to find out. Which is a shame, because I actually have latrophobia. Which means im afraid of doctors. Have no idea why, but I am. So, it'll be a interesting day to say the least.

Besides that, hope you guys liked this chapter! Gotta say, this may be the longest chapter about bathing I will ever write!