• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
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This story is a sequel to Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

Life wasn't easy for Thunderlane. Since losing his parents, his life was reduced to work, caring for his little brother, work, dealing with Rainbow Dash, work, his questionable relationship with Blossomforth, work and even more Rainbow Dash. Not even Nightmare Moon's Everlasting Night changed that.

Just when it seemed like it won't end, his life was hit by a certain Lightning...

Other tag stands for Blossomforth (who has no tag), Cloud Kicker and Raindrops (who both have, but there's a limit).

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 207 )

Yes! Yes! Thunderlane story! You know, you always claim you don't do a good job writing Thunderlane and make him an ass, but I think you're doing a great job of writing my favorite pegasus. Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, is coming off as a bitch - which I love, because Rainbow Dash is both my favorite and least favorite member of the Mane Six. She and I have a complicated relationship.

Yay, new story!

Lol, at Rainbow's Tsundere streak striking again. Poor Shining.

And poor Thunderlane. Part of me hopes he works things out with Blossom, another hopes that he finally dumps her for good. Seriously, he does/says one stupid thing (admittedly, it's usually his fault for saying/doing it), and she's all over his ass. And his boss is Rainbow Somehow-Bitchier-Than-Season-1-Incarnation Dash. I think if it wasn't for the guys and Rumble, he'd have done something drastic by now.

On a liter note, Rarity is a closet otaku in this universe. All of my yes.

Rainbow "Every Possible Middle Name" Dash has some issues.

And poor Thunderlane, but hey, it's his fault.

You know, I thought Rainbow Dash would be worse, when you said she was mean. I guess too many bitch Rainbow Dash stories where she's much worse have raised (lowered?) my expectations. And often the story seems to take her side, so maybe that's why she seems so tame here.

Also, why is Rainbow Dash the manager when she has an allergic reaction to actually managing?

I feel sorry for thunderlane. Rainbow Dash. If it wasn't for him you would be so fired right now. Great job with this chapter. Instant Fave.

4595870 Oh, she's fine with managing. She just hates paperwork. Which come to think of it, is actually main part of management... she still has skills and connections :rainbowkiss:

I also like the idea of Rainbow Dash in glasses (which needs fan art yesterday). This is an amusing start, although I hope Dash does grow more into her canon persona in regard to Scootaloo.

One side note of a critique though: when using a nickname in the middle of someone's actual name, you only put the quotes around the nickname and not the whole name. So it would be like Rainbow "(random nickname)" Dash and not "Rainbow (nickname) Dash."

I love how you characterize Thunderlane. It seems like every fic I stumble across paints him as some cocky jerk who messes everything up, but you imagine him the same way I do: A tired, overworked employee who constantly has to play second fiddle to Rainbow Dash, a mare who's probably bested him at everything.

While Thunderlane may not show it often, I'm pretty sure he holds a lot of jealousy and resentment over all of his losses. It doesn't help that Rainbow is the type to constantly remind you of her superiority, even if she doesn't mean to be condescending.

I kind of wish Rainbow apologized to him at the end of Hurricane Fluttershy, because that kind of stereotyped him into a lazy bum who slacked off constantly, (Look who's calling kettle black Rainbow) so whenever I try to finds fics of him, he's geared more toward a villain role, which I hate.

However, if there is one thing Thunderlane can say he's better at, it's raising a child.

NOTE: I don't actually hate Rainbow Dash. I like her as a character, she just gets annoying at times.

Nice chapter. I was wondering what Lightning's personality would be like.To be honest Thunderlane's life just got bad. Good luck buddy.

Man, I'm loving this story. I love your characterization of Thunderlane, and I like the interactions between himself and Lighting Dust, although I really really really want to feed Rainbow Dash to a manticore. But that's a normal emotion I guess. Can't wait for Chapter 3!

Man, poor Thunder. Really hoping Rainbow Dash gets a Royal Bitchslap from Cadance sooner than later (and not just for the obvious reason). Rainbow is just horrible, and I'm a bit annoyed with Soarin's insensitivity as well. Hope things turn out well for the poor guy.

Another blatant example of what an irresponsible jerk Rainbow Dash can be, as well as a clear example of how she doesn't deserve to be head of the Ponyville Weather Team


Sadly, stuff like that is all too common in real life. Thunderlane is clearly the more suited candidate, but since Rainbow's the better flyer, she gets the job.

I honestly do wonder if Rainbow and Thunderlane have something more going on between them. Or, more accurately, whether perhaps they should.

Can't be worse than what he has now, right?

Rainbow Dash: The Tyrant of the Ponyville Weather Team.

Wait. This one's seriously playing up the tension between Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash as something serious, and Lightning Dust is involved? Why wasn't I more excited about this?! And RD is played as uh... actually she seems nepotismed into this job. If her parents are bigwigs at the HQ, and she's clearly not suited for management... that sorta connects the dots right there.

That was sweet. Great job. I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope Rainbow straightens out a bit. That would help Thunder.

Awwwww SIlver Spoon :pinkiehappy:

I love Thunderlane and Rumble interactions so much :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

Some more foal cast info established! I wondered when that was going to happen. This chapter was cute for a number of reasons.
Also, if you're still the least bit worried about making Thunderlane likable, mission accomplished! :pinkiehappy:

We order a tall one and remember the fall and swallow it down with our tears.
Quote; Unknown sours

There are people that do that, I loved how you used the funeral to show the interaction with Thunderlane and Rumble, it as touching. Berrying the physical connection to strength the non-physical, nice.
The foal cast is diffidently cute.

And with that Thunderlane has eclipsed Soarin and Shining for my favorite member of the gang.

And Silver/Rumble is a nice touch.

Short chapter, but glad to see you're still alive.

Nice to see someone stand up to Rainbow Dash, even if she too is an egomaniacal jerk.

Nice chapter. I loved how Lightning and Rainbow fought in front of foals. I wonder what happens with Thunderlane in this story. Good luck with the next chapter.

Dissenting opinion, I guess, Dash's portrayal is starting to get a tad annoying. (And I realize her actions this chapter could be straight out of the MDW episode, but I can't say I'm a fan of that one either).

Yeah, Dash has a pretty variable in attitude in the show, and even moreso in fanfiction (although I'd say it errs on the bitch side a bit too often). She has both this insecure attitude that makes her need to prove she's better, but also this element of enthusiastic admiration for anyone else who does amazing things, and it's largely context related. Clearly the context of an already-frustrating mare making RD's own fans excited for her instead of Rainbow Dash is the confrontational kind.

Really, I'd say the big difference between this Dash and canon Dash is how she treats her friends. It doesn't seem like she accidentally forgets others when she's being callous, only to be reminded and get apologetic later, and a bit more like she simply doesn't care about anyone else. Could be a side-effect of not getting the character development of being told she's a paragon of loyalty and finding a group of friends she seriously cares about, though. I guess it could be that canon Dash doesn't care about anyone who's not the Mane 6, so her weather team (or at least Thunderlane) doesn't count. Or that we're just seeing her at her worst.

"What? Sonic Rainboom?" Snips snorted loudly. "That's all just a story!"

"No it's not! It's true! Rainbow Dash told me, herself!"

"Then she was lying!"

"No she wasn't! You are lying!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Get a room, you two!
What? You were all thinking it!
Don't judge me!

4714885 I make a lot of ship-teases, but this isn't one of them. Still, as long as you like it...

Yeah, I suspected^^ Still a great opportunity for some funny!

Please don't just make Lightning Dust another orphan. With how sensitive she is about her parents I'm starting to suspect it but it would be a really bad move. Anyway she did have a point about Thunderlane being a doormat so I don't think she's so unsympathetic that she can't just apologise.

"Did I went too far?"

If you're trying to redeem Lightning Dust, starting off with a thought like that doesn't earn any points in my book... Just sayin'.

Wow, man. Some powerful stuff. Poor Thunder is reaching his breaking point. Rumble, please convince him to not kill himself!

As for Lightning and Rainbow. Lightning hasn't done anything malicious aside from being a bit of an ass. Rainbow has given me no reason to give a fuck about her, especially since she lacks the redeeming qualities her canon self has. I do think you'll find a way to make it work, but you've got quite the uphill battle going for you.

Sidenote: Soarin has been redeemed for his jackassery in Chapter 2 (I think it was 2, anyway).

Great chapters. I admit that while Lightning seems harsh, we don't know why. Maybe in the next few chapters we can see why She is so harsh and maybe things can get better. Great job, I enjoy reading this story.

Once Blossomforth left, Thunderlane went towards the desk and sat across Rainbow.

For an office with a no smooching policy, that's a pretty awkward way to start a one-on-one meeting with your boss. :derpytongue2:

"Let me get this straight," Raindrops crossed her hooves "Rainbow sent you to talk to Lightning Dust, and after she said something, you had to spend hours with your buddy, instead of meeting up with you marefriend. Did I get this right?"

Oye, Thunderlane, don't sell it as "I just spent hours talking to my friend", sell it as "I just spent hours in emotional therapy".

Well, it's a bit comforting to know that you are aware of the need to redeem Dash at this point in the story (especially so once I remembered/realized at the beginning of this chapter that everything we'd seen of her has been from Thunder's perspective and explanation to Soarin). Lightning too, I suppose, though I couldn't really care less about her. Turning the mane six into flanderized antagonists is something that AU Element Bearer 'verses always seem to do, and it never really goes over well. Lightning on the other hand pretty much started as a flanderized version of Dash even in canon, so she feels pretty spot on.

Hmn, Pinkie and Cloud Kicker are on the job, that's either promising or scary. Probably both.

And here I am, still thinking that Thunderlane and Rainbow might have a better chemistry than Blossomforth and he.

Seriously, this I-LOVE-you/I-HATE-you business is reaching Gollum levels. Just let it go, dudes. Just let it go.

Hooray! Thunderlane's a crying mess.

Now time to get better 'Lane! Get that Honesty going!

Ooh, gosh'darnit, I'm sooo with Soarin on that one.

For real, I don't even really care about Rainbow Dash or Lightning Dust anymore, but Thunderlane... Seriously, comparing him to these two is like comparing noisy children to a responsible adult, and yet he lets himself being talked down by own of them! D: Dude, where did your fighting spirit go? Weren't you supposed to be the one telling others the harsh truth not the other way around? You smacked freaking Blueblood for self-pitying and yet you just let Lightning beat you with her 'please notice me' speech? Well, everyone has his bad days, but I sure hope he recovers soon.

If you want to redeem LD and RD.. well, I really hope that Thunderlane will get back on them with a 'Reason You Suck Speech' very hard. Otherwise I'll be just sad. :(

Thunderlane has a shitty life. FIX THIS.

Now we just need a pleasant Gilda encounter! *shot*

A very good read so far. Cannot wait for the next chapter. Also, POOR THUNDERLANE! He needs a hug.

Talk about shots fired. This poor bastard has been beaten down hard. He was like Apollo Creed before now he's just in terrible. Lighting Dust is nowhere as terrible as Rainbow Dash manly because has no awareness of how terrible she is. Anyway though this is some captivating stuff. Its like Thunderlane has no one in his corner but Rumble and Soarin probably the other guys too.

Man this is universe you created is like a swiss army knife of stories more cool stuff keeps coming out of it.

I anticipate Thunderlane taking some names and kicking some ass.

Comment posted by airbournesquid deleted Aug 21st, 2014

Sweet. I didn't expect Thunderlane to do that. Go thunderlane. Kick some pegasi butt.

Glad to see you updating, hope your feeling better.

So, what's on the agenda after this one, if anything?

"Quite honestly," now it was Blue's turn to speak up "I have a lot to do today: clean up the library, write a report and catch up on studying since I have to go to Canterlot for an exam tomorrow morning. So to answer your question... no, there is nothing more important in the world right now. What kind of a silly question is that?"

Why does that make so much sense for him?

4886168 Because past two months every problem he had has been solved by frienship?

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