• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



When Arceus decided to migrate all Pokemon and good humans to Equestria, even the other legendaries had some concerns as to whether this was wholly thought out. Nevertheless, the Pokemon are here in Equestria, and now all must deal with this. The sleepy town of Hollow Shades is about to get a wake up call as powerful, varied, and mysterious creatures suddenly appear overnight.

Join a young Riolu now separated from his family in a world he knows nothing about, a former human and now Froakie who has gone from a young adult with only a single trusted partner Pokemon to a one foot tall frog, and finally another human turned into Honedge whose new lack of limbs or face make it all the easier to keep his past to himself.

Together they must come to terms with the hand they were dealt by the Pokemon god, trying to find their way in a place far from home.

A side story to zeusdemigod131's A New World, A New Way

A collaboration between myself, EnigmaMystere, and RLYoshi. Props to you if you guess who plays who.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 27 )

Interesting story so far... To tired to think of anything else to say.

Hate to break it to you guys, but Hollow Shades has already been done by a canon "New World, New Way" side-story (this one, to be specific). You're treading on dangerous ground here, mentlegens, very liable to canon conflicts if you aren't careful.

5046985 I am aware of this as it was pointed out by the creator of New World New Way, and have already read the mentioned story to ensure there will be no conflicts. It's fairly simple to do.

Pokémon, Hoomans, and Ponies oh my! :moustache:

5047146 Alrighty, just had to make sure.

Oh boy, the author of something i liked decided to write a fadfic.


5050217 I thought it looked interesting and fun while being a bit different. Seems like writing in general to me.

5050258 Thing is, fadfics are not viewed too well by the people on this site who look for quality reading.

For you, we would say your fics were quality reading, with original ideas and getting along on their own merit. Writing a fadfic is a big step down.

Fadfics get popular because they get upvotes and views just for existing. They get carried into the Featured Box regardless of the amount of effort put into them. People just see them and utomatically upvote and favorite them. Thus, 99% of fadfics are of terrible quality yet still get featured. Even the good ones are just riding someone else's coattails into popularity.

People liked and followed you because you were an author who wrote fics with original concepts and characters. Now, you're going to get people who follow you just because you catered to the current trending fad, not because your writing was good or ideas unique.


5050308 I can see where you are coming form with that, but for me personally, this is an expression of my fascination with the created universe of someone else and the application of my usual quality to it. I still prefer my own universes, but this is something different to try and learn from.

Alright, I've had the chance to actually read this one now, and I have to saw it's actually looking pretty good. Have a fave.

5050533 much appreciated, glad you like it!

He shakes his body. "Look, you take your sweet time, but I don't have to work with you. I don't have to help you, or listen to you, or follow you, or anything. I already learned not to trust teams aside from my own Pokemon, and if upholding that lesson means ditching you two for a while, I'll gladly take the chance."
Growling, an uncommon sound from a frog, Ryan swipes the air with a hand. "And what happens when you get yourself lost or killed?! I'm not saying we wait, I'm saying we don't completely abandon the one person... Ponyta... thing, that we have decidedly on our side! Just you against the world is no way to live!"
"I'm a ghost, dumbass. I'm already dead." His eye narrows. "As for me against the world, it was working pretty well after I quit-" He cuts himself off, eye shutting in a wince. "...never mind."
Liu looks up to him, curious. "...quit what, Mister Casey?"
"Nothing. Forget I said anything."

PLATES OF ARCEUS... Casey used to be a grunt for one of the criminal teams, didn't he?

5302350 ~You'll just have to find out~!

A talking tree named Harold. Now where have I heard of that?:trollestia:

5350212 I have no idea where you may have gotten the idea that I named a Trevenant after a somewhat similar-looking character from my favourite game of all time. Preposterous.

berry plants take a week to grow. you can even ask zeus.
or go to the discussion

why it has to be always beedrills

5418780 Because I rolled an RNG and that's what we got.

Yes, that's how we determine hostile Pokemon encounters. :twilightsheepish:

I almost misread 'Mindy' as 'Misty'.

dont Honedge and Litwick have the ability to eat souls?
well... life force (which replenishes itself over time) as well?
if so, couldnt they just take a tiny bit of life force, not enough to make the donor woozy, but enough to last for a few minutes, then save it up for when they are really hungry?

poor Mindy...
hopefully she turns out alright...

5418780 no no your quoting it wrong its

Ekans why does it always have to be Ekans

Haha liu stop poking those pokemon XD

Kinda miss this story. It was interesting.

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