• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 24th

The Forgotten Siren

Hello and welcome, I am The Forgotten Siren and I enjoy MLP and want to write good fanfiction for you all. I wish to keep this clean and start a new...hopefully



After their defeat at Battle of the Bands. Sonata goes back to school to learn and make friends. The only trouble is not the fact she was a Siren bent on global domination but the fact that she might not be cut out for school period.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 65 )

Sonata is so adorable. Fo' realzies

I like your picture cute sonata I agree with you:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

If you have trouble pining the personality of the sirens, think of "Avatar the last airbender" if you have seen it. Zuko's sister and her friends are a lot like the sirens.
Ok so let's see what i like about this chapter.
Sonata is adorable and you got her pretty much down, the same goes for Sunset, AJ, and Rarity. Rainbow and Fluttershy could use some work.
I usually have trouble with the phasing but you got it down having a short description on each period.
All in all this chapter was good but not perfect i will be waiting patently for the next chapter.

Wait I didn't get Fluttershy right? Also what about Pinkie and thanks

Yes and as I recall you became a Succubus bent on mind controlling the entire school.

Damn Celestia! Harsh much?

Oh and Sunset do you need me to take you to a burn ward? Cause your gonna need some ice!!

"Well come on Shining Armor time to put you up." I wonder how Aria would react if she met Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. :rainbowlaugh:

Silver cucumber haha

Sonatas too innocent to notice Aria was using a dildo.

Just a few things I find wrong with the story. First, you might want to proofread a few more times. Nothing serious, just sone things here and there. Second, you kinda just throw the story at us. You need to elaborate, show not tell, make it flow. Third, yes, she is stupid, but she is NOT that stupid. I should know my own daughter's IQ. But otherwise a great story. If it seems like nitpicking, sorry it's genetics:twilightblush:

Also one last thing. I want to thank ALL those who fav and commented. It means a lot to see others like my work. I always feel like it won't be good enough. And I know my work isn't the greatest out there and I have a long way to go before I can truly be good at it. But still though thank you. Seeing those who like my work makes me smile and want to write more before I start college in January.

To: Lulucalliope
Don't you mean coach armor and Mrs. Cadence, the guidance councilor?:pinkiegasp:

Umm Sunset Shimmer seem a bit OOC 9at let to me that is) and I think she wouldn't mind helping Sonata.

‘’Sonata...What happened to your eye?’‘ Adagio asked.
‘’Oh well a bully hit me in the eye with a football. But don’t worry my friends help me.’‘ Sonata said going to her room.
‘’You thinking what I’m thinking?’‘ Adagio asked looking at Aria with a cold look.
‘’yeah.’‘ Aria said with the same cold look.

Hoop, Score, and Dumb-Bell are so screwed. :ajsmug:


YOUR LEAVING TACO TUESDAY! HOW COULD YOU MS. FRIZZLE! AND Uh.... OSCAR THE GROUCH.... Ok that one sucked but meh, I work with what I have.

Did they honestly call Sunset "Bacon Head"? :rainbowlaugh: Awesome!

Disappointing to hear the next chapter is the last one:ajsleepy:; but it was a enjoyable story:twilightsmile:. I wish Sonata well for finding new friends. Don't know what to say about Adagio and Aria:unsuresweetie:

PS: Aria sure seems to be the very horny one of the trio. Guess that explains why she seems to be the grumpiest:rainbowwild::raritywink:

Well thanks you all for liking it. And I promise the next chapter will be very heart warming. That is all I will say.

How dare you:flutterrage:! You are not allowed to leave this off that short! You're getting better, SLIGHTLY, at portraying sonata.

This story is really good hope the next chapter comes out soon.

‘’Fur the last time Trixie. I told you me and Big Macintosh get ours from Vinyl Sctrach’‘ Applejack said annoyed.

Wut?:rainbowhuh: Wat?:rainbowderp: WHAT?!?! THEY SMOKE POT! WHAT IS THIS?




Oh you misspelled "Scratch"....... back to my freak out


Apple Family Rule 782: Smoke Weed Everyday

Good chapter though

‘’Fur the last time Trixie. I told you me and Big Macintosh get ours from Vinyl Sctrach’‘ Applejack said annoyed.

Makes sense, it explains the red eyes.

This was a nice story, the other chapters (as well as this one) have just a few errors but it didn't take away from the story. I do like your take on the Sirens, it makes sense that they would care for each other as much as you portrayed them to.

Well... That was something...:twilightoops:

This is a fantastic fanfic about Sonata becoming good. I wonder what would this fanfic look like if you done it in first person with Sonata.

thanks. I am planning on making a sequel after my scary story mlp.

It was really nice to see how big hearted Adagio is underneath her her mask

‘’ok Did you get it?’‘ Pinkie asked?

‘’ OH MY GOSH yes. I understand now. I have to change the denominator.’‘ Sonata said with a smile

‘’Seriously sugarcube? You got all that through a rap son?’‘ Applejack asked.

‘’I barely heard a word she said. Rap is so uncouth. I prefer classical. Rarity said.

‘’Yeah it al make sense now. Yeah I’m ot stupid’‘ Sonata said with a smile.

really good story but not to be mean but do you read what you write when youre done?

Could not get past the first paragraph. GET A PROOFREADER AND AN EDITOR. This is unreadable.

The idea is nice, already used by others but nice all the same, the realization on the other hand... You might want to reread it onece or twice more: typos and grammar errors make it hard to read, I'm sorry.

But don't let a negative comment dicourage yourself: keep trying :raritywink:

I'm sorry, but I can't keep on reading this. There are so many spelling errors, so much bad grammar and so much poor phrase construction that it is physically painful to try to read this. Get a beta reader.

Stop makin a mountain outta mole hill.

Can we enrole sonata in the 1st grade so she can work from the bottom up. It would be like that Adam Sandler movie "billy Madison".

I really like this story so far but please fix the grammatical errors. Do you need a proof reader?

This was a sad but truly awesome story. I'm so glad that Sonata was able to keep her new life as well as her sister sirens.

Glad you said what I was about to. The story idea's good, but...everything else is blinding me worse than science. :pinkiesick:

..... :facehoof: It's spelled "Fluttershy". It's one word, not two. I did notice some spelling errors, but it didn't seem that bad to me (I've seen much worse). You did have a lot of unnecessary "then"s in this chapter though.

The idea is interesting at least. It seems to be alright for a bandwagon fic. I hope you have at least seen the movie by now. You did get Sonata right at least so far.

Finished this story. It had a lot of spelling errors. Still content wise it was pretty good. You may not have gotten the Dazzlings "canonically correct", but you got close. Also your characterization of them played right into my head canon about what they are actually like. The whole caring for each other even if they don't always admit it or show it thing.

Bro. I like the story, but can you PLEASE go back and revise the chapters!!! These errors are driving me crazy. Grammar, spelling errors... You need to double check your work before you post.

Just saying..

Tbh. I think this ending killed the story in overall.
It had alot of potential for Aria and Adagio to leave Sonata behind and have this story be longer.

I expected more of you mate.
Ill stay neutral for rating.

You added a Rainbow/Scootaloo moment. That's all I needed

Sonata that is the stu..I mean sure go ahead to school. Me and Adagio will stay here asleep and try to come up with a plan to get out of this stupid realm.’‘

Ya done goofed at the beginning qoutes

Applejacks dialoge was written well except for th word i now i live in the southern asshole that is alabama and hory shit people say AH instead of i just something that caught my eye

‘’HI Aria why do you have a silver cucumber in the bathroom?’‘ Sonata asked confused.


Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill!

’Ok Sonata math is fun becuase thee are sooo many numbers and they make more number so it’s like a party where EVERYONE is invited even one and zero are invited some times. But they are kinda emo so they want to be by them...

Im dieing because of this:rainbowlaugh:


5496417 Your profile pic says it for you.

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