• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 5,255 Views, 69 Comments

Sonata Loan - RitsuD95

Lost her magic. Kicked out by Aria and Adagio. Going it alone. Not a good week for Sonata Dusk. Lucky for her, a certain someone decides to give her a second chance.

  • ...

CH2: The Mall

It was a pleasantly cool morning after an eventful night. The sun had risen several hours ago and the birds were alive with song. The sunlight gently crept into the room where Sonata had been able to get a restful night of sleep. Slowly, the door creaked open as Vinyl popped her head in. When seeing that her new responsibility was still sleeping soundly, she slowly closed the door a little more, leaving only a crack of space between it and the frame.

As she made her way to the kitchen, she again replayed the previous night's evens over in her head. As she reached up into the cupboard for a glass, she couldn't help but begin to think ahead. Today would be pivotal to Sonata and her well being. Vinyl knew that overthinking it wouldn't help, but she continued to think.

What would her friends, the Rainbooms, think of her accepting an enemy into her own home? Well, all things considered, that might not be so impossible. But how would the school itself react? The hive mind type of thinking was ever present.

Vinyl made an audible sigh as she turned the faucet of her sink and began to fill up the glass. Once it was filled, she quickly chugged it, releasing a slight cough when she was done. Despite valiant attempts, her mind continued to be filled with what-if scenarios. What if those punks from last night came back for Sonata? What if the school decided to collectively go after her? These thoughts that worked into her mind were slowly picking at the normally calm demeanor that had defined the girl known as Vinyl Scratch.

It didn't matter. She made her decision. Sonata's entire energy was leagues different from when they'd clashed just the other night.

Shaking her head, she strode into her music room, quietly closing the door. She slowly made her way to the desk located in the back corner, taking a seat. She lifted the lid of her laptop and pressed the power button. She then opened the drawer in the middle of the desk, taking out a notepad. Reaching a hand up to her neck, the realization that her headphones where still in her room arrived.

With a sigh, Vinyl quietly made her way back to the room she occupied. It took a matter of seconds for her to locate them sitting on her night stand. She whirled around and began making her way back the to studio, glancing into the guest bedroom. Sonata was still sleeping soundly, hugging the second pillow like a teddy bear. Vinyl was about to head back, until she heard mumbling from her dozing house guest.

"No..." Sonata cried quietly in her sleep, "Please... I'm sorry..."

Without much thought, Vinyl quietly made her way to the siren's bedside, gently gliding her hand over the distressed one's cheek. Then, gently rubbing one hand on her back. Slowly, Sonata calmed down, returning to a peaceful sleep. The DJ gave one more thoughtful look, before quietly exiting the room.

It continued to irritate her that not only the two punks, but people who were supposedly Sonata's friends had been to horrible to her. Not cool. She did something pretty messed up, but not deserving of that. Far as she was concerned, anyway.

As she made her way back to the desk she was sitting at, she plugged the headphones into her laptop and took a seat.

"I need to get this done..." Vinyl murmured to herself.

With a flick of the wrist, she had opened up a number of programs on her screen.

The girl known as DJ Pon-3 had been best known for being a party master, and the best DJ in the area. She often spun various tracks done by other artists at parties, but also produced her own songs. With any luck, she could perform her next set on stage at the Canterlot music festival with great success. She had already reserved a slot. But that was a mere three months away. She needed to finally figure out what she wanted to do.

This was going to be her defining moment as a musician, or so she decided.

Vinyl began to scribble in her notebook, while almost simultaneously typing on her laptop.

With a sigh, Vinyl remove the headphones from her ears and glanced up at the clock hanging over the door.

11 AM.

She shook her head, glancing back at the work she'd done. After a minute, she shut her laptop and notebook.

"Well, lots of great artists get creative blocks..." She said to herself.

Finally getting out of the chair, she decided it best to awaken Sonata. Without much thought, Vinyl decided they would go out for lunch. She was absolutely starving, and was more than willing to bet her shades that the snoozing siren would be as well. They didn't have breakfast, after all.

She strode back into the room and made her way to peacefully sleeping house guest. Vinyl resisted the urge to wake her up like she did everyone else. Ripping away the blanket or literally tossing her out of the bed didn't seem right. Instead she decided to kneel next to the bed and began to gently shake her shoulder.

"Sonata." Vinyl called quietly, "Wakey wakey."

Sonata stirred, but let out a quiet little groan and rolled to the other side of the bed. Vinyl had to admit, it was pretty adorable. She was just like a little kid, fighting the wake up call whilst still half asleep. It was almost inconceivable that the girl had tried to aid in world domination not so long ago.

With a sigh, Vinyl carefully climbed into the bed, rubbing Sonata's back gently.

"Come on, it's time to wake up."

"Mmm..." Sonata stirred, before speaking, "Five more minutes..."

Vinyl shook her head before climbing out of the bed, "Fine, guess you don't want lunch."

In an instant, Sonata shot to a sitting position in her bed, eyes wide. Vinyl let out a little chuckle as she made for the doorway.

"Let me hop in the shower." Vinyl said with a smile.

The disk jockey had decided it best to try and hurry. In a matter of fifteen minutes, she had completed her shower and gotten dressed. She had left everything re-prepared and led Sonata to the bathroom.

"Your turn." Vinyl smirked, "And you need it."

Rather than catch on with the joke, Sonata instead returned a slightly hurt look. The look was a combination of pure innocence and the most guilt-causing face she'd ever seen.

"Uh..." Vinyl withered, "I was kidding. Welp, all yours."

As she turned to leave, Sonata gently grasped onto her wrist.

"Uhm... I don't have anything to change into..."

The DJ simply patted her on the head, "I'll find ya something."

Vinyl strode into her room and popped open her closet. Within where a vast array of clothes. Many where just copies of her standard outfit, paired and ready to be put on. There were also a pair of dressy white suits with matching pants. There was even a simple dress of her trademark white with an electric blue trim.

She continued to look through her surprisingly thick closet space.

Her intention was to find a simple replacement outfit for her innocent little guest. However, she decided it would be a bit awkward if both the girls went out into public wearing the exact same outfit. Now that would be a hot gossip topic. Good thing she already knew exactly which outfit to let Sonata wear. The two girls had very identical builds, which made her job easy.

As she neared the back, she found what she was looking for. It was an outfit identical to her own, with the simple changes. Those being the main color of white replaced with a dark blue, but the ever-present electric blue remaining the trim.

She picked up the outfit and strode back to the bathroom door, giving it a knock.

"Sonata, I've got your clothes." Vinyl called.

"Okay!" Sonata responded before opening the door.

Since she had such a slight build, she had the towel wrapped entirely around her and then some.

Vinyl looked her over for a moment, before deciding to capitalize on the opportunity.

"My my, aren't you bold?" She smirked, purposely being obvious while looking the siren up and down.

Sonata tilted her head to the side, confused. After a few moments, an expression of realization combined with a crimson blush.

She quickly began spitting our rapid words before Vinyl placed her finger over the flustered girl's lips.

"I'm kidding! Take it easy." With a smile, she placed the clothes on the top of Sonata's head before walking away.

That blush upon her face remained.

After the fun that was this morning, the two girls where walking down the street, headed towards the mall.

Vinyl liked to go to the mall pretty often. As stereotypical as it sounded, she actually enjoyed walking around, looking at things, and chatting to acquaintances she always happened to meet up with at the mall. She glanced up at the sky. The sun was creeping it's way to the top of the blue expanse.

It was pleasantly warm with a gentle breeze as they made their way towards their destination.

"Vinyl..." Sonata groaned.

"What?" She responded.

"I'm hungry..."

"Hi hungry. I'm Scratch." The DJ replied with a smirk.

For the first time Vinyl got a good look at an annoyed face coming from Sonata. Somehow, it was still cute.

"In my defense, it was way to easy." Vinyl smirked.


"Oh, don't be like that. We're here!"

Vinyl pointed to the rather large building, several intricate signs, likely stores inside, littering the face of it. There were also several businesses attached to mall itself, mostly next to the entrances. Vinyl took ahold of Sonata's shoulder furthest from her and pointed to one of them.

"See that? That's where we're gonna have lunch." As Vinyl explained, Sonata raised her eyebrows.

"The Bison All-You-Can-Eat Buffet?"

"Ugh.... Viiiiiiiiiiiinyyyylll." Sonata moaned.


"I think I ate too much..."

"When I say stop at thirds, you better listen to me." Vinyl answered with a triumphant smirk.


Sonata continued to walk slowly behind her somehow still energetic DJ friend. She just couldn't figure it out. Vinyl had about the same amount of food as her, how was she so energetic? Despite the continued gripes, Vinyl happily marched, leading Sonata into the mall.

The Canterlot Mall was a great one for a town of their size. The town wasn't small by any meaning of the word, but it certainly wasn't a big city. Despite this, the mall contained every type of store imaginable and even a movie theatre. Escalators took people to different levels of the mall; ground level, underground, and the second floor.

Vinyl had decided that they would explore the entire mall, but picking up clothes for her companion came first.

Finally, Vinyl stopped and pointed to a store.

"AberCanary and Finch?" Sonata asked.

"Yup. Now come on. Let's get you five outfits. My treat, no arguments!" Vinyl wheeled around, cutting off her friend.


"No buts, we're in public. Anyway, come on. Let's get you come clothes and stuff."

However, before Vinyl could finish what she was trying to say, a voice she recognized cut her off.


The disk jockey turned to see someone she wasn't really prepared to run into.

"Hey, Rarity." Vinyl responded, "I didn't think you shopped in here."

"Oh I don't." Rarity smiled, "But this is good if you want to see how over-industrialization of fabric and clothe-making can ruin creativity, then this is the perfect place. Plus, Sunset does seem to like this place. It's where she got her jacket, apparently. Although, I think she's the only one in our school who can actually pull of the leather jacket look."

"No argument. Wait, she's here too?"

"Somewhere in here. I don't know, she surprisingly gets very into it when looking for clothes." Rarity shrugged.

"Is anyone else here today?" Vinyl asked, taking a glance around.

"I'm afraid not." Rarity responded, "AJ was needed on the farm, Rainbow had practice, Fluttershy is at the shelter, and Pinkie got run of the bakery today while the cakes are out for vacation. I'm a little afraid to order anything over there at the moment though. Apparently, Pinkie thinks she's discovered something she's calling super-sugar."

"Yikes." Vinyl answered. If there was one thing the world didn't need, it was Pinkie creating new sugars.

"Rarity!" The fashionista and DJ turned to see Sunset walking over, bag in hand, "Oh, hi Vinyl."

Sunset and Vinyl simultaneously raised their fists, hitting them together.

"What up, Sunny?"

"Not much. What're you doing here?" Sunset responded.

"Well..." Vinyl began, before being interrupted again.

"Vinyl, I think I need help with...." Sonata's words trailed off as she walked up to her friend.

Awkwardly, she looked to Rarity and Sunset.

"Uhh... Hi?"

Sunset didn't say anything, or even show any emotion.

Slowly, Rarity turned to Vinyl, "Darling, I certainly hope there is a good reason SHE is with you."

Reluctantly, Vinyl had been able to have her awkward group make their way to the food court, taking a seat in a central table. Most people passing by didn't pay them any mind, but anyone who knew them would know that the air could be cut with a knife.

Vinyl nervously looked between Sonata and Sunset as the latter seemed to be conducting a medical examination with her eyes.

Breaking the silence, Rarity returned with a tray of fries and apple slices.

"They didn't have much in the way of group food, so I went with theses."

The other three quietly murmured thanks as Rarity took her seat.

Someone needed to speak, but for what felt like an eternity, no one said a word. It felt as though peace negotiations between two nations that had been at war for centuries was occurring. Finally, Sunset broke the silence.

"So... Why don't you tell us why you're together?"

Vinyl nodded, before proceeding to tell Sunset an Rarity about the previous night, as well as this morning. The two girls had stopped holding back their facial expressions of disgust and relief. When Vinyl was gone, she took several glances around the table. Sunset and Rarity were completely quiet. Sonata had reverted to a daydream state has the recent events were retold.

"Well..." Sunset finally spoke, "That sounds horrible."

Carefully, Sunset rested her hand on Sonata's with a smile, "I'm glad you're okay now."

Sonata looked at her former enemy's face, before allowing herself a small smile.

"Indeed." Rarity added, "Those ruffians need to learn manors. I'm sorry you had to go through all that."

With a small smile remaining, she shook her head, "Thanks. So uh... I'm sorry for... Trying to take over your world and stuff..."

Rarity waved her hand, "Think nothing of it. You seem sorry about it, and you also seem like a kind enough person. Plus, Sunset here actually tried to vaporize us. ... No offense." She hastily added.

Sunset chuckled, "No worries. Talk about a recurring line though."

"Indeed," The fashionista agreed, "However, I think that Rainbow and Applejack might require... A little more convincing."

Sonata didn't say anything, but returned a nod. Vinyl decided to cut in.

"They just need to get to know her a bit."

"Not a bad idea. She has a completely different feel from the other night, actually." Sunset nodded, "Well, why don't Rarity and I get to know you a bit today? Feel like hanging out?"

Sonata glanced to Vinyl, who was happily smiling and giving an automatic nod.

"I think I'd like that."