• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 22,300 Views, 174 Comments

Letters He Will Never Read - Flutterpriest

Anon made a major impact on the lives of every friend he made in his time in Equestria, but he had to return home sometime. However, his friends weren't ready for him to leave just yet. Writing letters is supposed to be therapeutic...

  • ...

The Mane Six

Author's Note:

The Following is a collection of One post Snippets from 4chan. If you would like something with more depth, please skip to the next stories.


Dear Anon... It's lonely around here ever since you left. I miss your beautiful stories. The world doesn't seem as vibrant since Twilight helped you return to your own world. I know you didn't really like me... but I don't know how I could have put my feelings for you into words. Then when I tried... I used the worst ones possible. I would do anything to take back the words I said... I miss you so much, it hurts sometimes...

Please come back,


Fluttershy folds the note and places it in a little envelope and looks down at the page, as another tear rolls down onto the desk. With a sigh, she opens the desk drawer and places it on top of a large stack of signed envelopes. Just another note that he will never read...


Applejack sits at her kitchen table by candlelight. Applebloom was tucked into bed and Granny fell asleep in her rocker again. Big Mac finally went to bed, and the two apple have to get up extra early tomorrow. She sighs and looks at the blank page before her.

Picking up the rarely used quill and old ink, she begins to scribble onto the paper.

Things have been hard around the farm lately, Anon. Without someone else helping Big Mac and I...

She stops and scribbles out the above message.

Dear Anon,

Another scratch out. She balls up the paper and tosses it across the room.

Howdy, Anon. Great news! The farm is better than ever since you left. We have such high demand that Big Mac and I can't keep up with it all. We can't thank you enough for what you've done to help our family while you were here in Equestria...

She stops and looks over her message that will never be sent.

Although... it is quiet around without you here... I miss when we would work so late that you would stay for dinner. I always offered that you could stay the night... but you would always head home. I suppose if we didn't waste so much time talking in the fields, it wouldn't have happened.

Applejack remains transfixed on the paper in front of her.

I hate how quiet it is here. Things aren't the same... sure, business is booming. I can't complain... but you would always know how to make me laugh... make me smile...

Applejack sighs and sits back up, looking over her message.

It's too quiet. I …

She leans back up as she wonders what the next word she would put is. Thoughts of him flood her mind. She closes her eyes and a single tear leaks out.

"Ah knew this was a dumb idea," she whispers to herself.

She balls up the note and tosses it in the trash. She has to be up early tomorrow. No time for dwelling on the past. The farm comes first.

Rainbow Dash

"Twenty-Five... Twenty-Six..." Rainbow Dash gasps for breath as she performs her routine wing pushups. "Twenty-Eight... Twenty-Nine..."

She promised herself she would write the letter first thing this morning. "Thirty-One... Thirty.. Two..." She gasps for breath. First thing this morning used to be right after dinner last night. Then before work the day before that.

"Thirty..... Three..." Now it's right after this work out. The third workout. She collapses to the ground, groaning. "What am I even going to say?" she moans to herself. Rising to her hooves, she moves to her desk which holds a simple piece of paper, a quill, and ink. 'No more avoiding it now,' She thought to herself.

"Hey Anon! How's it going over on Earth? Things are boring as ever over here. Except for me! I'm still as awesome as ever!"

'Yeah.. Yeah. That's good. He'd like that,' she thought to herself.

"I've been working out even more now, trying to increase my times and be better than ever. I even managed to break my old record last week!"

A smile curls on Rainbow's face as a small pain raises in her chest.

"I wish you were there to see it..."

Her posture slowly diminishes.

"I know exactly what you would have said. You would have said 'Great. Now do it better.' So.. That's what I'm trying to do..."

Rainbow's eyes grow sullen and she sighs to herself.

"It's just harder without my best workout buddy around. I miss you. I missed when we would hang out and play games together. You would even promise not to tell anypony when I lost."

Rainbow closes her eyes as her thoughts spill onto the page and her handwriting becomes sloppy.

"Of all the things I could have lost... I wish it wasn't you."

Rainbow looks down at her parchment and tears form in her eyes. Walking away from her desk, she slides into bed and grabs one of her extra pillows. Holding it tightly, she closes her eyes... hoping nopony will hear her.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie stands at the cash register, idly pushing buttons in a pattern that sounds like some happy song. She had to do everything she could not to be bored out of her mind when tending to the bakery when it was slow. Once she was completed with her best rendition of 'Happy Birthday' for the 37th time, complete with Enter key Solo, she face planted into the glass case.


She just remembered that Twilight said she should do those letters to Nonny. That would be a great way to pass the time. Grabbing an order form from behind the counter, she flips it to the blank side and grabs a pencil. Setting pencil to paper, a great idea pops into her head.

What would be better than a picture?! Pinkie leans over the picture and thinks to herself what the picture should be. Well, Nonny's 'Welcome to Ponyville' party would be great! There were lots of memorable events! There was when Nonny cut the cake... When Nonny was wondering if Pin the Tail on the Pony was some sort of weird joke.

Silly Anon.

Pinkie smiles to herself and places her head in her hooves. Or what about his birthday? He was so weird. He didn't want a big party like the other ponies. He was so surprised when Pinkie knew his birthday... since he hadn't told anypony. Nonny simply underestimated the power of the Pinkie sense.

Then... when she was busy with the shop during the cake competition... he brought her a cupcake that he made himself. How could she have forgotten her -own- birthday?

For a second time?!

She can still remember the way that cupcake tasted. A smile remained firmly planted on Pinkie's face.

But he's gone. Forever. With a sigh, Pinkie places the pencil to paper.

Dear Nonny. It's not fair. I can make everypony in town smile so easily... but the only one who could make me smile just as wide... was you. If you come back... please bring my smile back too...


Twilight Sparkle

It's been two weeks. She'd re-read the spell more times than she could count. That shouldn't have happened. This was going to be so simple. Everypony could go and see Anon's world after he came back from the other side of the portal. So she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Her horn grew tired, but she waited. The concentration was failing, but she waited.

The very bones she stood on felt as if they were contorting and cracking while she attempted to utilize every ounce of magic in her body... but she never anticipated waiting for four hours.

If Twilight knew that would have been the last she would have seen Anon... she would have never done it. Her new routine was miserable. Wake up, read the spell, open the portal. Then after lunch, re-read the spell, open the portal. Then before bed, re-read the spell three times, then double check, then open the portal.

He can't be gone.

Twilight told the others that it was just a one-way portal. It was going to be a surprise that we could all see him. Once he didn't come back... Twilight paced in her room as she tried to keep her cool. When was she going to tell everyone the full truth? That she didn't know if Anon is okay?

He has to be okay. He just... couldn't come back. Maybe the portal wasn't on the other side? Maybe the coordinates are random... or are too hard to-

Twilight shakes her head. She had recasted it the same way a million times.

She looks at a piece of parchment sitting on the her study table. It's working for everypony else. Maybe it would be good for her as well. Taking a deep breath, she raises the quill with her magic and places it to the paper.

Dear Anon,

She freezes.

I practiced this spell a million times... Celestia said if you love something, you should let it go...

Twilight shakes her head and takes a deep breath, starting a new sheet of paper.

Dear Anon, Please come back soon.

She pauses.

I'm so sorry.

Twilight sighs and closes here eyes, tearing herself away from her letter. 'Better try the portal again,' she thought to herself.


"Goodbye, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity calls after her sister as the little one scampers off to school.

It's about that time. Time to make the dresses. The white unicorn sighed to herself as the door closed and the bell jingled loudly. She had to make one today. The last few weeks of artist's block took their toll. Nothing has came out right. She could only live on selling her surplus dresses for so long...

Rarity walked upstairs to her work room, where materials were overlaying other swatches, in some attempt to spark inspiration. Making the dresses was never the problem. She could make dozens of dresses a day if she wanted, but each needed their own specific personality. They needed to speak to their wearer.

There never used to be a problem with it... until he came in.

Anon took one look at a dress she spent all day on and simply said 'Try green.' It was genius. So, she asked... well, insisted, that he come to the shop after to work and help her figure out what each of the dresses needed to really shine.

Then... he just left.

He didn't even get to see what she made for him as a good bye present. A thank you for the long nights helping her. A thanks for when he would tuck her in when she fell asleep working. And...

Rarity sighs as she approaches the suit hanging in the center of the room. A simple black suit, with a vibrant red tie that radiated like dragon's fire. He never get to see it.

Rarity moves to her workbench and sits in front of her sketch pad. The others said that writing the letters helped. Maybe it was finally her time to try it.

Dear Anon,

How are things on Earth? What's the fashion like over there, Darling? If you have any ideas you simply must send them to me, posthaste...

A smile curls on her lips as she writes more.

If you are wearing purple, I swear I will burn all the clothes you have over there... besides... I think you would look stunning in...

She pauses, and looks at her creation in the center of the room. To her, the room suddenly feels much colder. Rarity's muscles relax as if they have simply given up.

I miss our late night work sessions. If I knew that you wouldn't come back... I would have pretended to fall asleep one last time...

Maybe I would have worked up the courage to have taken that kiss from you...

Tears drip from her eyes, smearing the ink and mixing it with fresh mascara.

You made the world feel beautiful.

It looks like it will be another unproductive day.