• Published 25th Apr 2012
  • 43,583 Views, 1,572 Comments

Flitter - Nyerguds

One changeling was already inside Canterlot... and he was as surprised as the ponies were.

  • ...

Epilogue 1 - Helping Hooves


Epilogue 1
Helping Hooves

The earth pony mare nervously stared at her hooves as she stood in front of the big door. She glanced up at the name plate. The name on it was known throughout Equestria. It was the name of the one that had started it all; the one that was coordinating all of it now. She smiled nervously at the prospect of actually meeting the person behind the famous name.

Finally, she mustered the courage to knock on the door.

"Yes, come in," a voice said. It was hard to hear whether it was male or female, but she knew that wasn't unusual. Everyone knew he was male, anyway.

She opened the door, and walked in. "Uh... hello. My name is—"

"Fog Lantern," Flitter said. The changeling was sitting behind a big wooden desk filled with papers and folders. "I've been waiting for you."

"...y-you have?" the yellow mare said, an uncomfortable look on her face. "I-I'm not late, am I?"

Flitter gave her a gentle smile. "I mean, I've been waiting for you to finally knock on the door. You were out there for, what, five minutes?"

Fog Lantern blinked. "Oh. You can... sense that. Right."

"There's no need to be nervous," Flitter said, "I heard you've done great work with the Health Care Volunteering Project. You're even a Form Sharing volunteer, right?"

Fog Lantern nodded. "Yes, Mr. Flitter."

"Just Flitter will do," Flitter replied. "How many?"

"Fourteen," she said.

"Well, thank you for that. There aren't many ponies who are comfortable sharing their form with changelings, and it's not like our employees are in any way expected to volunteer. So, how is the Health Care Project working out? I've heard some really positive things."

Fog Lantern pulled a folder out of her saddlebags with her mouth, put it on his desk and opened it. "It's an amazing success!" she said, forgetting her initial shyness. "There are over four hundred changelings working as volunteers in hospitals and homes for the elderly. Most in pony forms, though all of them wear name tags with their own names, just like the medical staff. Most ponies quickly get over the fact they're changelings."

"How's their training going?" Flitter asked.

Fog Lantern sifted through the pages and picked out one at the back. "The emotional development sessions aren't quite enough to prepare them, but a few weeks in the field seems to do the job. They still get taught the Old Ways, mostly as historical perspective, though I heard it contains quite some useful information."

"You don't know the Old Ways?"

Fog Lantern gave him an unsure look. "Ah, well, just the basics, really. They mostly get taught in chittertalk, for the young ones. I picked up some of the language over the last weeks, but hardly enough to follow the lessons."

Flitter nodded. "I should really get those translated and written down. They would make it a load easier for our ponies to get into their mindset." He sighed, and looked at the papers the mare had put in front of him. "So much work, so little time."

He looked up at her. "Still, I'm glad it's working out. Rainy will be thrilled; it was her idea, after all."

"Rainy? Oh. Morning Rain. Your wife."

"Heh. Everypony really knows all about us, don't they..." Flitter muttered, still smiling.

"Is she really... pregnant?" Fog Lantern asked. She wasn't usually into this kind of gossip, but this rumour was a really tenacious one, both amongst ponies and changelings.

Flitter raised an eyebrow. "Ahh, that would be telling," he said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but that's private."

"There are a few more out there in your situation, you know," Fog Lantern remarked.

"Yeah, I know," Flitter said, smirking.

"If it really is possible, as Counsellor Morphosai says, it would really help them out to know."

"As I said, I know," Flitter said. "As in, I know them, I've met them, and they will be, or were, the first to know. And just like me, they won't say a thing. Mind you, some of those are still holding on to their pony forms, which, as Counsellor Morphosai also said, prevents conception."

Fog Lantern blinked. "Oh. Right. Well, uh, good luck with that, then, however it goes."

Flitter gave her a curt smile. "Thank you. Did you have anything more in that report?"

"Oh!" Fog Lantern said, nodding. "Yes, we have documented the overall interaction between the cared people and their changeling caretakers. There were a few incidents of old ponies screaming and yelling at the few brave ones that didn't go in pony form, but most of the meetings were quite peaceful. The changelings said they usually got enough positive emotions to feed themselves and their near relatives."

Flitter nodded. "They make themselves useful, and can feed their families with it. That's what it's all about, after all; working better than the Teamwork Project."

"Oh, Teamwork wasn't that bad," Fog Lantern said. "It got changelings a reputation of being hard-working people. It did wonders for the public view!"

"Yeah well... colleagues aren't appreciated on a personal enough level, it seems," Flitter said, remembering the failed project. "The involved changelings still rely heavily on the Counsellor's reserves, and we all know those won't last much longer."

"Still," Fog Lantern said, "I doubt we'd have been able to pull off Health Care Volunteering without it. Oh, and Teamwork may not have to rely on the reserves for too long. We've noticed some kind of, well, economy springing up between the two groups."

"Wait, you mean a trade in emotion energy?"

Fog Lantern nodded. "Health Care Volunteering is, after all, volunteering. Project Teamwork gave some changelings a taste of Equestrian lifestyle, and they're quite liking it, but the volunteers aren't earning any bits. A few of them seem to have figured out they can sell their surplus to Project Teamwork changelings that want some extra, usually so they don't have to wait for the reserve requests in order to start a family."

"That's good news," Flitter said. "It could make my job a load easier in the long run." He briefly looked over the other pages detailing the overall progress of the project, and spotted a peculiar detail on one of them.

"Unconfirmed identities?" He looked up at Fog Lantern. "What's that all about?"

Fog Lantern gave him an uncomfortable look. "Well, I'm still looking into that, actually... but apparently, there were more changelings in the Program than we could identify."

"How so?"

"We honestly don't know," Fog Lantern said. "It just seemed like a clerical error at first, but when we investigated the hospital, the changeling caretakers from the program described a pony-form changeling we couldn't match to the Form Sharing data."

Flitter frowned. "Where was this? Close to the Badlands?"

"Yes. Dodge City Hospital. You don't think it could be the attackers?"

Flitter shook his head. "I don't know. But I had expected to hear more of them after the invasion. For all we know, they've fallen apart after that, and they're all starving. It's my job to see things from both sides, you know."

Fog Lantern rolled her eyes. "There's just as much chance they're perfectly all right, and are simply abusing our own system."

"I know," Flitter said. "Still, as long as they're blending in, they should be relatively harmless. They'll have to be, if they want to keep using our system." He smiled. "Either way, it should be interesting to meet some of them. If you manage to make contact, please let me know right away." His head suddenly shot up. "Oh! And if you do, ask them if they know the Ways of the Royals."

Fog Lantern raised an eyebrow. "Of the Royals?" she asked.

Flitter nodded. "I've been talking about our history with Counsellor Morphosai. We call them the Old Ways, but traditionally, they were apparently meant as guidelines for new queens to survive outside a colony. Other hives might not recognize our term for it."

He looked at some of his own notes lying on the desk. "I'm just wondering if we'll have any common ground, really. The subject of contact with other hives has been keeping me busy for a while now. The Princesses are somewhat worried about the fact they found no traces of the invaders' hive in the Badlands."

"I see," Fog Lantern said. "Well, at this point, we're not sure if they'll even return. But if they do, I'll alert you right away."

"Thanks." Flitter floated up the papers with his magic, and put them all back into the folder. "Well, that'll be all for now. I'm glad I got to meet you, Fog Lantern; this has been incredibly useful. I'll go over the finer details later, and I'll take care of bringing it to the Board and the Princesses."

"The Princesses will be reading my report? Oh my gosh!" She suddenly looked back to Flitter, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "Oh. Uh. Pardon my enthusiasm."

Flitter smiled. "I like your enthusiasm. We can definitely use more enthusiastic people here. Not that I personally need it; I'm quite well-fed."

Fog Lantern snickered; she was well accustomed with changeling humour by now. "Well," she said, walking towards the door, "consider it a gift for the baby, then." She gave him a friendly nod, walked out of the office, and closed the door behind her.