• Published 6th Nov 2014
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Regarding Falling Villains - naturalbornderpy

Given the successful befriending of Discord, Princess Celestia deems that no longer will villains be defeated but instead reformed. Brought back from the dead and stripped of his powers, Sombra only wishes he could have stayed dead all along.

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Chapter 18: Regarding Lies, Eyes, and Banishment


Ewwwww!” was the first thing I said in my new living space, after realizing nearly every inch of me had become sticky and gross once the dragon shut its mouth around me.

I balanced myself on its wriggling tongue and lit the tip of my horn. At the entrance I saw hundreds of sharp teeth and going the other way, a blackened hole large enough for three of me to pass through. Before I had much time to ponder a solution, I discovered being swallowed by a dragon was not the worst thing that could happen to me that night.

“These humid conditions are going to do horrible things to that mane of yours.”

Clad in a yellow rain slicker that ate up most of his torso, Discord stood at the other end of the mouth, a matching umbrella protecting him from any wayward bits of falling saliva.

I lowered to the tongue to growl at him, “You need to end this, Discord! You need to snap this thing away before it kills someone. There have been too many close calls already. It’s only be a matter of time before it tears someone apart.”

He put a finger to his chin. “Or until it tears you apart. Or perhaps until you kill it?”

When I said nothing in return, he smirked and strolled closer—amazingly balanced considering he was stepping on nothing at all.

“You are going to kill it, aren’t you?” he said casually. “That’s the only way this ends, Sombra. Your death… or its. You better make sure it dies before it affects those around you—Twilight or Luna perhaps? I don’t want to pick sides, but I can’t understand why you wouldn’t just be smitten by ol’ Moonie! Imagine you pair of idiots circling the globe, showing everyone just how moronic those living in the past truly are!”

I barred my teeth at him. “I have my reasons for who I choose to be with, but that part of my life is none of your concern.”

He giggled. “Oh, but you are so wrong about that.”

I had grown tired of his banter. “Give back what you’ve taken from this dragon! Stop this insanity!”

He feigned shock as he placed both hands to his chest. “Me? You think I stole something from that dragon? I may be a tad off-balance from time to time, but I’m not that crazy! But yes, you might be on to something. That dragon is here for someone… a unicorn, if I’m not mistaken.” He waved a hand at me. “Tootles!”

“Discord!” I screamed, although he was already gone.

The dragon lurched to the side and I was slammed against its soaking gums. I internally grimaced in pure disgust, before wondering if a six-hour shower would run Fluttershy out of hot water.

“Fine, then!” I screamed at my surroundings. “I might not be able to kill you right now, but I can damn well cut you to pieces! No one tries to eat a King and gets away with it!”

Using my last reserves of energy, I created a smaller blade of light and slashed down at its tongue, carving it up and then spreading it out. Instantly, the dragon shifted from its flight pattern, and I was forced to hold onto the handle of the blade with my teeth. Once resettled, I slashed down again and the dragon forcefully shook its head from side to side, before opening its mouth and spitting me out.

Like a pony-sized spit-wad, I careened through the air, a few fresh bits of saliva wrapping around my face and causing me to shut my eyes. I had little idea where I was going, although I knew I must have been somewhere close to the ground, as I saw the first few juts of roofs in the corners of my eyes.


My back collided with something horrifically solid and I pressed through, the pain in my spine obliterating my senses while I fell away into darkness, the shattered remains of roofing and shingles following close behind.


I remained motionless for a time as my senses came back to me. As the pain faded, I rubbed away any excess residue and felt the need to vomit when some thick gobs got too close to my snout. Since I was fairly certain I wasn’t completely paralyzed, I tried to stand, only for all four legs to start sinking into the sizeable mound of objects I had landed in.

Even though my head was pounding, I lit my horn anyways. What surrounded me on all sides wasn’t so much a surprise, but more a depressing understanding. Trying my best not to slip on the stacks of coins, I slid down the small hill and to a narrow section of unburied floor. Once settled, I brightened my horn’s light and stared at the large golden horde.

“Forty-six thousand five-hundred and seven,” I mumbled, as cold reality took hold.

What surrounded me to all sides were piles and piles of bits, jewels, and golden artifacts. Since I wasn’t about to go ahead and count out each and every piece, I would trust in the number Discord had mentioned the previous evening.

Walking closer to a corner, I noted the wooden planks concealing most of the windows, meaning I had been flung through the roof of the Ponyville town hall. Now I understood why I had been tasked with boarding it up—as well as why someone had been lurking around in there earlier in the day.

“You miserable bastard,” I growled, as I walked around the circular hall.

Near the other end sat a small school desk with resting quill. Next to that was a lone burning candle, barely illuminating the small book propped open next to it. Sullenly, I went to it, well aware of what I’d find inside.

The title on the journal read: SOMBRA’S—DON’T OPEN!

And yes, that is actually what’s on the front of this book.

I took a slow breath before flipping to the last written page. It read:


“I have secured the remainder of the dragon’s gold in the center of town. By my last count, I was at 46,507 bits and pieces. I’ll count it all a second time when Fluttershy’s asleep and I’m able to sneak away for the night.

“A few days ago, I added my own tasks to Twilight’s insufferable “helping” list and sealed off the town hall to store all my treasures. If someone should stumble upon it before I am ready, they will be taken care of without hesitation. I do not need to keep it here long—only until I find the right moment to leave this place and buy myself what I need to take back the Empire.

“As much fun as it’s been pretending to be good and simple-minded and yet oddly infectious, I find the droll act a little too much to bear. I’m only thankful I won’t need to do it much longer.

“I went to that dragon’s cave three times before, and each portion of its riches I stole, I then cloaked in a spell that made it seem as if nothing at all had been removed. I had never been more nervous in my life than during those treks, but I would do anything to get back my old kingdom.

“If the dragon comes looking for its stolen riches, I will not hesitate to slay it. If it scorches all of Ponyville with its flames and devours each of its citizens, I will sit and applaud its efforts before delivering one final blow to its heart. In that case, who would be left to know what had happened at all?

“I had thought I could change, but I had been wrong. Discord was right about me this whole time, and for this I tried to silence him for good.

“I am a friendless monster and the face I show to the world is nothing more than a hardened mask with a painted-on smile. Once I find my kingdom again, I will devour Equestria one city at a time—one pony at a time, if need be. (Yes, even kind-hearted Fluttershy—I’m really that evil.)

“Before I leave this town, I will collect both my gold and this journal. And if I trample on nothing but ashes by that time, so be it.”

I closed the book with a snap as someone dropped from the hole I had created in the ceiling. I heard the shower of displaced coins and shined my light on them, relieved by what I saw.

Twilight took a moment to take in all the piles of bits. “Well, I guess I can stop searching now.”

I came towards her, levitating my journal to her head. “Discord’s trying to frame me. He stole this gold along with my journal and forged a new entry. He’s trying to make it seem as if I plan on taking back my Empire with a pile of coins. I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work, but then again I don’t believe Discord’s thinking all that clearly these days.”

Twilight hurriedly scanned the false entry and turned back to me. “You have a journal?”

With my horn I slammed the book shut and scooped it back up. “Yes. What of it?”

“Nothing.” She lowered her eyes. “I have a journal too, you know. I’m only surprised. What do you write about?”

“Just… things happening in my life—nothing all that important.”

“So… like a diary?”

Suddenly I had been turned into a piñata and the world was made of sticks.

“No!” I blurted. “It’s a journal! Adventurers write in journals, so that’s what I’m doing!”

Twilight hid a smile. “How much adventuring do you do from Fluttershy’s couch?”

I growled and chose to ignore that last question. “We need to find a way out of here, and then find a way to bring that dragon to the ground.”

She thought for a moment. “Well, since you can’t fly, I could teleport us out of here.”

“Good. I’ve already spent a great deal of magic already.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “And what about the dragon? Should we tell it we found its gold?”

“I don’t think it’s in the mood to listen to reason. We need to bring it down.”

“How do you plan on doing that?”

I told her openly, “I’m going to drop a rock on its head.”

She laughed.

I didn’t.

She stopped. “Really?”

“Yes. With your help and the others.”

“I thought you’d be better at planning strategies, being a King and all.”

I sighed. “I’m rusty.”

She shook her head. “I can’t let you kill it, Sombra. I know it’s hurt you, but everyone here is only here because of Discord. It’s not its fault it’s been wronged.”

I barred my teeth as a fresh wave of anger passed through me. “I know that, Twilight! So for you, I will not kill that dragon tonight, unless it forces me to. And not for a second do I believe a rock will be enough to silence it for good. I only want to stun it so I can talk to it. Then, perhaps, we may get to the end of all this.”

Twilight looked around, hesitating. I could tell she had another ten questions on the mind, but I silenced them by placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“You need to trust me, Twilight. I know I can end this. I may not be smart, but…”

She stared at me gently. “But what?”

Looking back, I should have thought further ahead. I said slowly, “I don’t know how I was going to end that.”

She smiled at me. “Brave?”

At that, I felt a heat in my chest unlike any other. I don’t believe such a term had ever been used on the likes of me.

As afraid as I was, I tried to smile back. “Sure, let’s try that.”


I informed Twilight of the rest of my simplistic plan and, with her holding me close, we exited the town hall to the empty street outside. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, as I heard a swift inhale behind me. I hardly had the chance to turn around before another wall of flames came to greet us both.

“Get down!” I yelled, pinning Twilight to the road as I cocooned us in a shield.

The flames passed above us and the overwhelming heat was already stifling. I watched the fire spread four houses down, eagerly licking and blackening everything it touched. I held onto Twilight as I felt the outside of my shield begin to bend inward and thin, just as it had before. Last time I barely had enough strength to protect myself—now my shield was larger, and I had started off the spell tired and worn. Watching Twilight’s tightly shut eyes, I knew what I would have to do.

As part of the barrier around Twilight’s head narrowed and cracked, I moved what magic protected my back towards her portion of the shield. The heat on my fur first doubled and then tripled, and soon I was grimacing against the pain as my flesh burned and then boiled. As hard as it was, I did not scream.

Seconds later the fire came to a halt and the dragon took off again. I fell backwards to extinguish the fire still eating my fur. “Augh!” I yelled, as the ground pressed against my elongated wounds, the fresh pain not subsiding in the least.

“Sombra! Oh, Celestia!” Twilight came around me with a shocked expression, the corners of her eyes already brimming with tears. “Don’t move! I’ll get help!”

I grimaced and rose to my hooves, every part of my body against the idea.

“I’m fine,” I growled. “We end this. Before this goes any further.”

She glimpsed my ruined flesh. “Sombra, please… let me get—”

“No!” I shouted. “I’ve lived through worse, I’ll be fine. Get the others and explain what we need to do.”

Hesitantly, she trotted off and flew into the air, every few seconds turning her head to look back. I wavered in place until she was out of sight, and then collapsed to my side. I would give myself thirty seconds to rest, and then we would quiet the dragon for good.


Less than three minutes later, I knew my subpar plan wasn’t going over as well as I’d hoped. I could tell everyone wanted to say something to me about how idiotic it all sounded, but I had a feeling Twilight might have quieted them down before returning to me.

I think the condition of my back helped shush them up, as well.

As Rainbow Dash soared back into the air, Luna, Twilight and I galloped as fast as we could into the Everfree Forest, searching for that boulder I had noted on the night Luna and I had sparred. On the way, Luna cast a cooling spell on my charred skin, causing me to shudder with relief. As much as it helped, it couldn’t mask every inch of throbbing pain.

I slowly climbed atop the massive boulder. “All right. Everyone ready?”

Luna held out a hoof. “You may wish to rethink this plan, Sombra. It seems unorthodox and mildly insane.”

I glared at her. “It’s still a step above riding a dragon. And if no better arguments come in the next four seconds, we will go ahead with this.”

I counted to four in my head, my eyes drooping with every tick.

I asked, “Will Rainbow Dash be in place by now?”

Twilight nodded. “Knowing her, she’s already been there for a while.”

“Good. Then let’s give this terrible idea a try and see what happens.”

Twilight and Luna came to either sides of the rock, pressing both forelegs into it. Meanwhile, I tried to find the largest grooves on top to help steady myself—even if the idea of actually being balanced during the next few moments seemed next to impossible.

When they both appeared in place, I yelled, “One! Two! Three!” and a moment later I found myself thousands of feet in the air, falling to the earth. I know I had mentioned I would never again agree to fall from the sky once the dragon dumped me overboard, but sometimes, for the good of everyone, it’s necessary to go back on our words.

As the momentum of the fall tried to pluck me from the falling rock, I lowered and dug my hooves into what small holes I could find. To both sides of the rock, Luna and Twilight continued to hold on, casually flapping their wings every few moments.

Carefully, I stretched out my neck to look down. Rainbow Dash was indeed where she was supposed to be, busily flying around the dragon’s head near the clear center of town. Every few seconds she glanced up, and the last time she did, she wavered in place before shooting in our direction.

The dragon followed the pegasus and seemed to pay no mind to what might be directly above it.

“A little to the left!” I shouted against the harsh wind, before Luna and Twilight shoved the boulder in that direction.

Rainbow Dash stopped circling the beast and hovered near its jaws, anxiously waiting for its next move. It lunged at her once and she dodged it easily. Then it craned its head around and nearly threw her from the sky.

Only a little longer now. We were close. We were so close.

“Now to the right!”

The rock shifted and now the time for anymore calculations had come to an end. Either we’d come crashing atop its head, or we’d sail past and find some new ways of dealing with it. I couldn’t fathom the dragon giving us a second throw.

The dragon lashed out at Rainbow Dash one last time and when it returned to its spot, I jumped away from the boulder, caught by both Luna and Twilight. Suspended and safe in the air, I gleefully waited and watched the falling weight.


The rock collided above its eyes and bits of blood and scale showered out. Before leaving its body, the boulder then scrapped along its snout, causing the immense creature to start head first towards the earth. It roared a single time in surprise and pain before going silent.


I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched its still body crumple to the street below.


Twilight shook my leg roughly. “This isn’t the time to laugh, Sombra! You said you could end this, so let’s do it! I feel bad enough for hurting it as much as we have.”

My laughter died as I thought of what I’d need to do next. I knew it would be difficult.


The spread out torso of the dragon ate up most of the market square, its tail snaking up another street while both immense wings draped over the roofs of a half-dozen houses. As far as I could tell, it had missed most everything of worth. But of course, if someone had been crushed under its humongous bulk, I didn’t think they were about to complain about it any time soon.

I made Twilight and Luna stay near the edge of the market, should the fallen creature suddenly lash out with another blast of devouring fire. As I neared, the idea of such a miraculous attack seemed less and less a possibility.

“How’s your head?” I asked bluntly, as I stepped along the thin trickle of blood oozing from its torn scalp.

Its back rose in shallow breaths and its nostrils twitched in spastic intervals. Perhaps it was dreaming. Soon enough, I’d know for sure.


I painfully scrambled over its mouth and stepped onto its snout. Steeling myself, I placed a hoof on one of its eyelids and lifted. An unseeing red and yellow eye stared at me—through me. It was clear the dragon had been hit hard enough to keep it still for some time.

“The window into the soul,” I whispered. “So soft… so very soft.”

I glanced back to Twilight, who held a hoof to her mouth in worry. I nodded to her, explaining that everything was fine.

All it would take is one quick burst of magic through its eye to finish its days for good. I had spent more energy than I had in reserve that night, but I was sure I could find enough. I could melt its eye and scramble its brain in less than a second, and if anyone asked, I could tell them it had come to and I had no other choice. It would have been easy, too. Really, it would. And I knew I would have enjoyed it, regardless. It had caused me so much pain that night. But, still, I had made a promise. And this one I would keep.

“Let us see what you fear, dragon.”

I lit up my horn and directed it to its propped-open eye. In an instant, I saw everything that lay within. What it was dreaming as I stood atop it, what it remembered of days past, what it feared, what it cared for, and who it would die for without a moment’s hesitation. Along with all that, I saw the image of a unicorn dressed in a worn robe, its head concealed besides the jut of its horn underneath its hood. Blurry beyond recognition, I wondered if this was an image the dragon actually saw or one it had made for itself. The “unicorn thief” it had been searching for.

I pulled back on my search as its other eye came open. Both pupils slowly swam in my direction as I fixed it with the coldest stare I had in me. It made me think of home.

I told it softly, “I know what it is you fear, dragon, and you are both foolish and selfish to abandon them in such a time. They are so young and so fragile, and you left them all alone, all to get back a portion of your stolen treasure. I have destroyed larger things than you in my time and I can do so again—all I need to do is find you one more time. And how many dragons’ lairs could truly be around these parts?”

I grinned at it, more awareness filling the space behind its eyes. “You caught me and my friends unawares tonight, and yet I still bested you. Yes, me, a twisted unicorn with no wings. Give me time to plan—give me time to think—and I will carve up the rest of you as I had your tongue. And I will not hesitate in doing the same to your offspring as you watch.” I motioned my head in the direction of Twilight and Luna. “I made them a promise not to kill you today and I will stand by it. But let me remind you that midnight approaches, and with it a new day. And the more you try and hurt those I care about, the harder I find it is to keep such frail promises.”

I licked my dry lips. “You’re a big creature, aren’t you? How long do you believe I could keep you alive? I’ve gone so long without meat, I don’t think I’d be picky in the slightest, as gamy as you might be.” I went closer to its eyes. “And if all that is not enough, dragon, I also know where your lost gold has gone. I am not the one who took it, but I will see it is returned to you in haste, and without retribution. But only on the condition you leave my town right this moment.”

I backed away to stare at the beast, trying to discern if anything I’d said before had found its mark. Its eyes blinked heavily once and I watched its back rise with an increase of air. It was clearly awake, but hardly in a fighting mood.

Or so I had thought.

“Good. Now, leave before—”

One of the dragon’s claws resting near the shattered windows of a store slapped into my side before wrapping tightly around me. Before it closed in, I had enough time to free my forelegs as they uselessly gripped the outside of its scaled flesh.

Exhaling angrily, the dragon lifted me towards its burning eyes, the stream of blood still trickling down its wounded head.

“Sombra!” Twilight screamed behind me.

Without turning, I held out a leg for her to stop, while keeping my unblinking eyes on the dragon.

It mumbled, “What makes you think your pretty words will make me leave?”

I told it sternly, “Because there is truth to them.”

It closed its grip around me, the air forced from my lungs. “I could crush you into mush and burn this whole town to ashes. You have not bested me, cursed unicorn.”

“Then why haven’t you already?”

The dragon contemplated my words.

I said, “This does not end with you winning, dragon, but it can end amicably for all. If you kill me, you will find yourself at the mercy of not merely one of the most powerful beings in the world, but three of them—one that controls the sun, too. You would be smart to take my offer.”

The dragon growled deep in its throat and tightened its claws. I heard my ribs crack as the pain of a dozen knives stabbed me at once. Soon I tasted copper in my mouth. I made no motion to the pain, simply continuing to stare at the beast.

“Return what you have taken, unicorn. Or I will return, and no words will stop me.”

It dropped me to the dirt and I choked in as much air as I could. Something in my chest had been wounded severely and each breath felt on the verge of strangling me. I coughed out droplets of blood onto the road.

I watched the dragon slowly rise to its legs, swaying as it did. Once up, it flapped its great wings and flew into the air, soon vanishing from sight. Only a minute later, when no other blast of fire careened into the night, did I lie down on the street and exhale a painful sigh of relief.


I heard hurried hooves against the dirt and Twilight and Luna stopped near my side. By their expressions, you would have thought I had died or something.

“Sombra, what happened?” Luna asked. “Why would you let it do that do you?”

I wheezed out, “We talked. Then it left. That’s all that matters.”

Twilight knelt beside me. “We need to get you out of here and to a hospital right now.”

“I told you before, I’ll be fine.” I painfully got to my hooves, the task that much more difficult given the absence of air. “There’s only one thing left to do tonight. We need to talk to Discord and come to some agreement.”

Luna said, “What makes you think he will show up at a time such as this? He is more the type to watch and to laugh at the destruction caused by his own games.”

I could hardly keep my head up. “Just call him. He will come. I think he’s been waiting for something like this.”

Luna thought for a moment, then shouted for the entire town to hear, “Discord! Your game has come to an end and you have much to explain! Reveal yourself, and admit to your wrongdoings!

At the sound of her voice, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack trotted up the street to us, panting once they stopped.

Applejack said, “Where’d the dragon get to?”

Rarity grimaced. “And what happened to Sombra?”

Fresh blood dripped down my lip. “The dragon and I had a differing of opinions.”

You made the dragon go away?”

Trying to keep as much oxygen to myself, I ignored the question and waited for Discord’s arrival with the rest. I wasn’t sure what to expect when he came.

“Oh, Celestia! Oh, good heavens! What happened here?”

This wasn’t it.

I turned around and almost fell as Discord ran up the street, his sunken eyes taking in each and every ruined detail of town. He kept both hands close to his mouth in horror.

He entered our little group, breathless. “What in Equestria happened here? Is everyone all right? Where’s Fluttershy?”

I coughed out another splotch of blood. “There was a dragon.”

Discord narrowed his eyes at me. “I wasn’t talking to you, Sombra.” He said to the rest, “What did it want? And what could have brought it here? We’ll need to check every house in Ponyville to see who’s responsible—this type of thing can’t go unpunished.”

In a blue flash, Luna leapt atop the draconequus, pinning him to the ground. I had never witnessed the mare more unkempt as in that moment.

“No more lies, Discord!” she screamed. “We know it was you that brought the dragon here and that it was you that tried to place the blame on Sombra! Untold lives could have been lost here if we hadn’t stopped it as soon as we had! Your chaos has gone too far this time.”

The draconequus stared around confused, unable to give up the game so soon.

“What? No. What do you mean? I have done nothing at all—I have no idea what you’re talking—”

Twilight came over to them. “We found Sombra’s journal inside town hall, along with the gold. My community services list never asked Sombra to board up any building—you added it, along with the new entry, framing Sombra. He told me about the lake, Discord, along with everything else. He was honest with me, and now you need to do the same.”

Discord sputtered and went from one mare to the next, looking for some small bit of pity. Finding none, he eventually turned to me and yelled, “You tattled on me?

Close to fainting, I didn’t completely comprehend the outburst.

“He told me the truth, Discord,” Twilight said. “Something he should have done earlier, actually. But what you’ve done to him is both terrible and unnecessary. Sombra has done nothing to deserve it.”

Discord snapped himself from under Luna’s grasp and stormed towards the five of them.

He sobbed out, “But he’s trying to take you away from me! Can’t you see that? Once he gets himself under your skin, he’ll turn you all against me! I… can’t have that happen. We are all friends! We will always be friends!” He pointed a claw at me. “He is trouble! All he thinks about is blood and death and destruction! This little act right now? This is nothing but a phase!”

Twilight glared at him. “You’re only digging yourself deeper, Discord. Considering what you’ve just tried to do, and the damages to the town, we should be coming down a lot harder on you than we are. But right now, you need to stop lying.” She sighed. “We can forgive you for this—we all can—because I think I understand why you’re feeling the way you are. You’re afraid we’re not all as good of friends as you’d like, and I guess maybe that’s not completely wrong. But none of that has to do with Sombra. He’s not the reason for it.”

Discord crossed his arms and shut his eyes. “Then I accept your apology, Twilight. A little late, but I will take it anyways. As well as the rest of yours.”

Rainbow Dash shot him a glare and mumbled, “You can shove my forgiveness…”

He pointed a finger in the air. “But that still doesn’t solve everything. I want Sombra gone. I want him out of town. Clearly he’s having a bad influence on me, and since I was here first, he needs to go. It’s only fair. Everyone say your goodbyes, and then I’ll snap him—”

“That’s not how this works, Discord!” Twilight shouted. “You are hanging by the narrowest of threads right now, and the one thing I need to make sure happens right now, is that the two of you forgive each other and get along.” She pointed a shaking hoof to the nearest scorched building. “Look at what the last little argument between the two of you did!”

Discord turned a few shades paler and said nothing. He turned to scowl at me.

Twilight said, “Sombra, say that you forgive him.”

I said bluntly, “He tried to kill me, Twilight. Twice.”

“Sombra… please?”

Since I had no fingers to cross, I only hoped a few of my shattered ribs had lapped over the others since being broken and shattered. I mumbled, “You are forgiven, Discord.”

It looked as though my words did little to sooth the draconequus.

Twilight said, “Your turn, Discord.”

“Well… I don’t…” Discord hesitated and ran a hand along his narrow head. “I don’t think…” He curled both hands into fists by his sides. “No! I won’t! He’s doing it all over again and you’re all too stupid to see it! He wants you all to himself and he won’t stop until I’m gone! And if you’re all that stupid then maybe I don’t want to be your friends anymore! Not with him here!

He wavered in place as his mouth trembled, as the knowledge of what he’d just said took hold. I should have pitied the poor creature at the time—not leaping for the rope that had been so graciously thrown to him, but strangling on it. Yet again, I’m reminded of an old saying of mine: I really don’t like Discord.

Twilight asked him, “Discord, what are you saying?”

He huffed out angrily. “I’m saying I don’t need any of you! I’ve lived thousands of years alone and I can do so again! If you refuse to get rid of him, then that’s the way it’ll be!” He snapped his fingers and a bright yellow shirt appeared over his chest. Around his back he held a burlap sack filled with some small moving object. “All I need is my extra shirt and my Fluttershy and then I’ll leave you all alone.”

Rarity screamed, “Get her out of there!”

Twilight illuminated her horn and the sack popped to the ground next to her. The wriggling bag asked, “I don’t mean to be a bother to anyone, but why am I in a sack?”

Discord looked on the verge of tears. “Fine! No one, then! Go ahead and enjoy life without me! See just how boring it all is!”

Rainbow whispered to Applejack, “Fat chance of that.”

Applejack turned to her. “Now, that’s not nice, Rainbow.”

Lightheaded and weary, I couldn’t understand how everything had come to this. The battle of blood was over and now the battle of words was coming to a close. It should have all ended in hugs and merriment. Instead, Discord was forcing himself from the group, all because I had remained their friend. He was so afraid of the slightest change to his thinly-held group of friends, he was unknowingly destroying it for himself.

I told him, “You’re making a mistake, Discord. Take their offer. Apologize and forgive.” I contemplated my next thought. “We don’t always need to be enemies. In time, we could be friends.”

He barred a fang at me. “I think that rowboat has sunk, Sombra. But I will leave you all with one last thing to contemplate about.” He turned to Twilight. “He tried to kill me, too, you know. Right after promising he would never murder again. Makes you wonder what other promises he’s willing to break just as easily.” He brought his fingers up. “Goodbye.”

Still in the sack, Fluttershy said, “Discord, wait!”

He was already gone.

Twilight faced me, her image blurry and faint. “Was what he said true, Sombra? Did you try and kill him after everything I’d said?”

“Twilight… you… you need to understand…” I didn’t have enough air to go on. My chest heaved one last time and I suffocated on saliva and blood. The pain was too much, and my legs had no more strength left to give. Twilight faded to white and I collapsed to the ground.

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