• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


A collection of unconnected scenes and short stories I've written that I didn't want to publish on their own for various reasons. Genre and character tags are listed at the top of each chapter.

They smell strongly of apples, but there's some other stuff in there too.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 54 )

Oh my... It's SO GOOD to see something new from you, my dear <3

This is pretty much what religion feels like to me

I'm really enjoying these! I usually read up till the unfinished end before I fave though, so lets see how it goes.

This was the cutest thing ever. EVER. (Well, my dogs are pretty cute too :raritywink:)

Intersting keep up the work

Whoa, this was really good! Like, I'd never have expected to enjoy a story from Discord's perspective, period, but the way you wrote him, he's actually interesting.

>season four
Sorry, AJ.

This is the next entry on the long list of reminders that I need to read more TwiJack.
Perhaps I hear The Homesteading calling my name...

Augh. I can sympathize with AJ, having felt similarly more often than I'd like. :ajsleepy:

Anything that smells strongly of Apples OR apples must be good.

Unless it's applesauce.

Very well told, and very appropriate for Applejack, or any farmer not steeped in religion.

It harkened me to one of my favorite Terry Pratchett books, Hogfather. I hesitate to reveal the connection in case anypony out there hasn't read it and wishes to, as it is (or at least was for me) a powerfully thoughtful moment that was built up in the whole book, let alone through the rest Pratchett's fascinating creation, the Discworld. If anypony out there reads this and cares enough to ask I'll gladly reveal it via PM.

Suffice it to say that recalling it added to this story by positive association :yay:

Light and laughter,

This was so poignant... and so in character for Discord. I can certainly see him doing this, and thinking those thoughts, and then...


Poor creature. I hope he finds what he really needs, whatever that may be. He really is a likeable (ex-)villain.

Light and laughter,

You know, despite the fact that The Hogfather is one of my favorite books, which I reread every Christmas, and I know exactly what you're talking about and practically have that part memorized...

Despite all of that, the connection never occurred to me! Thank you!

Ahaha, yeah, season 4 pretty much messed up a lot of these stories. But stuff like this and Trust are still great.

Man, short story collections get no love. :ajsleepy:

There is no chapter of this that I didn't love.

I need to go dig up some Twijack, it's a ship that needs more love.

A very solid and intriguing idea. I love the presentation too.

This is really fascinating to me. He brings up very valid points about Celestia's machinations and how ponies don't cope well with him, but at the same time, doesn't seem to feel any malice or heat about it. Simply stating it.


Only because it is far too polite to batter your door down and throw itself across your lap in a lacy negligee and croon "Read me":raritywink:

Another sweet piece and very well done. I really love the touch of Spike figuring things out too.

Very interesting, though I get the feeling Twi and AJ have been together for a long while now and the casual way Velvet tells AJ to call her mom jarred a bit. It felt like she didn't know the story there. Yet the relationship felt like it was a decent ways along that it might've been mentioned at some point.

Just overthinking something that made me feel warm inside and want to torment my aussie partner with a snowball fight. This really is a lovely touching piece that shows your amazing skills off beautifully.

Comment posted by SwaggyPie deleted Dec 27th, 2014

I'm pretty sure that's not allowed. Plus, it's rude to post it on people's stories.

5430732 Oh geez sorry i didn't know :unsuresweetie:

Very cute, I think I do prefer the way the story played out. Though this is still insanely adorable.

So fluffy:twilightsmile: ...and then I remembered that old run-down love boat ordeal. I suppose you could call it a case of... Tunnel Vision:ajsmug:

The chapter before this one is beutiful, one of the best chapters of any story that I have read.
that being said this chapter in comparison is depressing...
I hope for more soon!

A frenetic, kinetic, and unapologetic look through Pinkie's eyes. For all that I harp about lyrical meter, this measured out perfectly. Thank you for it.

This is awesome. I love it so much! It's really well done!


I have complicated feelings about poetry – mostly, I guess that I feel that people like to choose really rigid structures and then either kill their creativity to fit them or break the structures in ways that just feel sloppy. But I really like this. The playful twisting of language works excellently and suits your subject and point-of-view character.

This pretty poem is Pinkie Pie perfection~! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Hmm. I don't know how to work with these anthological thingies, buuuuuuut this one chapter by itself is sufficient to thumb you up! :heart: :pinkiesmile:

now stop making me read wonderful things when I have wonderful things I need to read by 2pm EDT

Very, very nice:

I can see Pinkie done up in full Beat Poet garb, a black beret clinging tenaciously to the blackberry bramble of her mane as she recites this while accompanying herself on bongo drums that are actually cans full of custard.

Mmmm... Custard...



I want to make this vision reality.
At least on the Internet.

This poem has a really great beat to it.

Lovely! :twilightsmile:

I certainly agree. Pinkie would never write her poems in formal meter. Most days she can't be bothered to take the laws of physics seriously, let alone the laws of meter.

Oh and...

<Errant Pedantry>
Technically Howl does have a structure of sorts and even a kind of meter. If I remember correctly, the poem's lines are measured in 'breaths' which is something halfway between what you can say in one breath and one sort of... flight of inspiration?

That said, it's hardly a chant royal or something. :)
</Errant Pedantry>

Don't worry Discord, there's a certain pink pony who I'm sure would return your feelings if you gave her a chance.

Very Pinkie, Very nice, Very Enjoyable: Very Bookplayer. :twilightsmile:

I'm reading these snips out of order, brought here by the Pinkie poem, and glad of that fact.

Another lovely slice of pony life. Applejack feels just right. Honesty sniffing out a lie, but knowing in her heart that some lies are better than the truth. I enjoyed it much.

Not sure if this and the last chapter are supposed to be connected, but either way. You write a fine TwiJack. :twilightsmile:

It's a multipurpose tool. It's also very useful against changelings. (snerk)

My brain couldn't decide whether it should make me hear this in Pinkie's voice or Ginsberg's. The combination had an odd effect. Really well done.

It's been a long time since I've gotten a chance to analyze poetry, and checking this out was a pleasure!
This was definitely Pinkie, and with a surprising amount of depth to boot. There seemed to be a shift in what the cannon going off meant, which was unexpected but also very interesting.
Well done :twilightsmile:

Hah. Always a pleasure to see Filthy Rich written well.

Sorry, Flim and Flam. I believe that is what we in the biz call an "oh, snap". :trollestia:

Ha! This was lots of fun. It's always nice to see Filthy Rich getting treated as something other than Diamond Tiara's doormat.

I definitely prefer this version over what really happened

Loved your take on Filthy's accent! And Applejack's farm wisdom at the end... :rainbowlaugh: (though I think the Flim-Flam brothers have a very good case against Filthy for dumping...)

Dumping? Not sure what you mean by that.

5956310 Continuously selling a product far below cost in order to gain a monopoly on its trade and/or bankrupting a competitor (usually while recouping the losses through other business ventures). It's part of most antitrust regulations (it is in the USA, I believe most countries have similar regulations).

I don't think that applies to retail companies, or it's impossible to prove. Most retailers and grocery stores have certain products they sell at cost or take a loss on to lure people into their stores to buy products with a higher mark-up. Especially with cider being a seasonal product, there's actually a perfectly valid argument for Filthy to use it as a "doorbuster" (as they say.) That's not why he's doing it, but can they really show the difference?

(Not to mention this is their standard practice. If you listen to Filthy's droning to the school kids in Family Appreciation Day, he says, "And, by capturing the whole sale market, purchasing in bulk and slashing all prices, we undermine every other gift market in town, and that's how Rich's Barnyard Bargains became the cornerstone of retail in Ponyville.")

I don't think that applies to retail companies, or it's impossible to prove.

Normally it would, but Filthy Rich told them about his plans, with both Applejack and Mayor Mare as witnesses[1] (and probably most of Ponyville too...). And yeah, most antitrust cases are very difficult to prove (they're usually brought quite a bit after the fact).

And hey, who said anything about Equestria having antitrust laws? :trollestia:

[1]: In my country, witnesses can't refuse testimony and are under oath not to lie (unlike defendants).

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