• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


After the Battle of the Bands fiasco, Adagio has to live with the shame of losing all of the sirens' powers.

The problem is... she's not sure that she can.

Edited by Cerulean Voice!

Cover art by WX42, used with permission!

Added to Twilight's Library on 12/22/2014

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 117 )

I could see this happening.

Okay... I didn't see the 'shoot the gun in mouth' coming, but I think I should've. So, they're still immortal. And gonna try again. Very nice, here.

Majin Syeekoh

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, they still are. For better or worse.


I've never actually seen that movie, so that image wouldn't have come to mind. And thanks.

Damn. I want to snuggle with them now. :(

Majin Syeekoh

5305184 Me too, man. Me too.

Me three. Especially Aria. She needs hugs the most.

Sonata should've ordered tacos.

Majin Syeekoh

5305491 Nachos are a much better idea for serving multiple people.

Hm, that's what I call true immortality. I want to be immortal as well. Being dead just sucks. :trixieshiftright:

Majin Syeekoh

5305564 I could see how being dead would cramp your style.

Stories where the villain or group of villains are put in a situation that makes them seem pitiable, rather than evil, are very interesting. A well-written one, like this one, is a true gem. I've found that some people try to make us pity/side with the villain for really dumb, unrealistic reasons (I could rant for days about the fangirl interpretation of "Jeff the Killer" and why it's an insult to the whole female gender :ajbemused: ). You, on the other hand, have succeeded in presenting a realistic outcome that truly makes me feel sorry for the same characters the movie was telling me to hate. That's not easy to do. You should be proud of yourself.

In case you don't want to read all that, let me give the shorter version of my review: :pinkiehappy:

Wow, just... wow.

I can totally see that happening but you... made me want something like this to happen. You made the idea, brilliant. I hate suicide fics or fics with suicide in it, yet i'm gonna fav and upvote this because of the sheer brilliance that this is. Not only is it an interesting fic but it opens up a whole other avenue that the Dazzlings can be taken down. You, sir or madam have earned a follower.

Ohaidere, feature box :ajsmug:
My golden hand strikes again excellent story, and I look forward to this prophesied return of the Dazzlings. (Nice James Bond reference btw)

Majin Syeekoh


This is more a reaction to the 'Adagio and Aria ditch Sonata because she's stupid' trend that was going around a while back. I figure she's been stupid(ish) the entire time; why would they choose to ditch Sonata now? If anything, Adagio should be the one to blame. And if they won't blame her because they're so used to following her, she'd blame herself.

The firearm I alluded to(a Desert Eagle)is an uncommon, but realistic weapon to find in a gun shop in some parts of the country that I live in. It didn't seem unusual to me for Adagio to want a bombastic. flashy piece of equipment to match what we saw of her bombastic, flashy, personality.

And hanging would make this into a comedy. Could you just imagine Adagio hanging there going, "girls... girls... girls!"?


Thank you. Most people don't think about the other side of the coin when it comes to immortality.

Majin Syeekoh

5305994 Thanks.:twilightsmile:

It took me a bit to figure out how to center it, though.:derpytongue2:

What's this? An Adagio centered fic? That alone has grabbed my attention.

Most people are all over Sonata, but I personally like Adagio most. This is definitely going in my Read Later list.

Edit: actually, screw it. I'm reading it now and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

Majin Syeekoh

5306018 I am the biggest fan of Adagio as well.

dem HIPS!


OH MY GOD that is exactly what I thought when you first get a good look at her at the beginning.

Dammit, shut up and take my Favorite! Take them all and make our best siren proud with your writings!

I give this story an...

Seriously though, it was pretty good. Nice job.

Majin Syeekoh

5306221 I will ignore the HIDEOUS stain you have left in my comments section to accept your compliments.

Thank you very much.:twilightsmile:

Nice little one shot, now bring me

As a side note, where exactly did the Dazzlings get unlimited funds? Kind of a minor point, I guess, but the implication they have more money than Donald Trump is a bit out of left field simply to set the setting of using a Duke Nukem pistol as a plot device.

Majin Syeekoh

5306679 They're very old, and Adagio has been saving.

Fair enough. You probably can have fun with that, too, by having them constantly cite really old things that people keep pointing out they shouldn't know given they're "only" sixteen years old.

A bit dark for my tastes, but then again, it was on the tag, so I actually can't complain. It was well-written, though, and I did enjoy the moment at the end. All in all, a like and a good day to you, author! :twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

5306770 I'm glad that you were able to find pieces of my story that you could enjoy.:twilightsmile:

The Dazzlings are now my most favourite MLP characters ever! :3

Oh man, you don't even know...
I'll just leave this here:

The Dazzlings will return


Yeah. 'Too dark' was poor wording. It just hits a bit too close to home for me. :unsuresweetie:

Majin Syeekoh

I'm glad to hear that!

Ah. I see. The bit where Adagio was explaining her reasoning comes from something my father said once, so I understand completely.


Shhhhh! If you reveal any more a ghost will punch you!


Yeah. For me it's the attempted suicide thing. That and cancer in general make me sad/depressed. But oh well. Such is life.

Revealing what you've already revealed is hardly revealing... More... reiterating.

Majin Syeekoh

5306816 Ooooooooh!

Be prepared for the ghost punch!:flutterrage:

15000kms away, a man felt a soft breeze caress his face...

Majin Syeekoh



That typo was bugging me, sorry.

Oh, and sorry I forgot to say... Great story! It would be nice if you write a sequel to it!

Majin Syeekoh

Ah. Thank you for correcting me.

Thank you! I'm grateful that you enjoyed it!

5306878 In fact, I was disappointed that the Dazzlings were never shown again after their ran off the stage. I sure would love to see more of them, planning something new and figuring out to use something else instead of their amulets as the source for their power.

Great story; it is nice to see the Dazzlings shown in a sympathetic manner, plus Adagio is probably my favorite of the three and it is great for her to get some spotlight; in spite of what my profile pic implies.

Good story. Kind of a short little thing, but I like how it examines the interaction between the Dazzlings on a personal level with more depth than EqG really seemed to want to get into. I do like the idea that underneath the surface of sometimes being antagonistic among themselves there's actually some sort of interpersonal bond of friendship they have.
I want to see that aspect explored more and for them convinced to work towards redemption. Sunset Shimmer having been in their shoes not long before is a setup that's practically begging for this premise to be examined.

I honestly didn't expect to like this as much as I have, but it is refreshingly different from everything else I've read with the Dazzlings of late. Good story with a surprising twist.

Majin Syeekoh


Yeah, I would have liked to see more of them as well.

5307092 And I think that's one of the most amazing aspects of fanfiction: being able to give voice to the voiceless and posit that underneath the antagonism, there are still people waiting to be examined.

Adagio best pony, btw.


Glad to subvert your expectations!

Majin Syeekoh

5308303 I watched that and it still made no sense.

Adagio and Aria cursed at times during this fic, is what I think he's getting at.

Majin Syeekoh

5308537 I thought I was rather restrained in my use of foul language in this story as compared to my other works, but whatever.

They're free to voice what they choose.

5305583 Only if it makes you immobile. Being a corpse can only benefit you if you can still move around and think.

Majin Syeekoh

5308937 True, but I'd have to suppose that your body would still decompose. Because you'd still be dead.

5308940 They have preservatives for that. Decomposition is the oxidation of the materials, so soaking your body in something meant to prevent oxidation, like pure alcohol, sure you'd smell drunk all the time, but it wouldn't kill you, because you're already dead.

Majin Syeekoh

5309037 ...I hadn't thought of that.

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