• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just some guy that likes to read and game.


It is 2030 AD, according to the old calendar anyway. The twins Aurora Sky and Violet Spark are worshiped, they have incredible powers, and live at the crossroads between worlds. They're also teen aged girls whose biggest problems concern boys and getting out of being grounded. These are some of the things that happen in their lives and their family's.

Possible future for CToH, which can be found here.
Thanks go to Law Abiding Pony and ABitterPill for prereading, consulting and editing. And now Gambit Prawn has joined my editing cabal!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 51 )

May wanna link to the actual CToH :P

This is hilarious. Definitely favouriting this. Poor, Poor Alicorn princesses. Nice to see that the royal herd's parenting has kept the whole alicorn/princess things from getting to their heads. At least Aurora's head.

Their cutie marks do beg the question; is their a sibling for spirit, or does that fall under Alex's cutie mark?

5303221 Spirit in this case does fall under alexia's mark. Oh and just in case it needs clarifying(cause sometimes I forget to explain) Aurora is the alicorn of Mind, and Violet is the alicorn of the Body.

5303401 what do you mean by that? also could you clarify on the world they are in. this second chapter confused me a bit.

5303916 They live on earth after the whole mion war

5303924 this story is a continuation of The Chaotic Touch of Harmony and its sequel The Chaotic Touch of Harmony 2: Bonded by Fire. These sisters live on a Earth where 4 million people turned into ponies because of Discord.
I recommend it.:pinkiehappy:

Told you, Boldish :P
It's a great fanfic, Shutter. I suggest that you read it, it's definitely my favorite ;)

This was a nice read. Good work.

So, what is Dusty's job?

5308102 that's the next chapter

5308115 :trixieshiftleft: Of course it is...
Very Well! You haven't heard the last of me Boldish!
*causes an explosion of smoke and gallops off while everyone is distracted*

I'm not sure how I missed this story in my favorite series, but I'm following it now. Especially since there might not be any more of the canon stories :fluttercry:

I liked all three chapters thus far, very creative use of summoning your parents by mistake. And anthropomorphic spells that work on both Alicorns and humans simultaneously. And JOBS, yessss...

I guess this story will take a bit of a twist with the reveal in the main story that they were going to have even more kids.

5714463 Actually I had already figured they'd have more kids, that and talking/editing with LAP. The next chapter, the one I've half finished and then took a break from, begins showing off the other kids. Takes a bit of a break from the main sisters though.

Thank you by the way, for both the favorite and especially for the comment. Comments are... they're just so rare:fluttercry: I'm okay, no really I am. Just got something in my eye.


Thank you by the way, for both the favorite and especially for the comment. Comments are... they're just so rare:fluttercry: I'm okay, no really I am. Just got something in my eye.

Hey, if it keeps this 'verse alive, I'll comment all day long on any story that keeps the torch burning. Not that your story isn't worth it on its own; it has the kind of humor that exists too sparing in the original works but gave it that happy flavor previous to the Mion conflicts starting.

I didnt understand completely that Contract relationship they have in their herd, but otherwise i like the story. Alexia and her girls are well done. And you are giving them more character. In this story i see how Alexia teaches her foals of how to be politicians and responsible persons, without violatinon of their foalhood. Such a smart woman. Its pity that author of main story didnt plan to continue main story line, and if he will, than it will be about some space-aliens-pew-pew stuff.
Faves! :pinkiehappy:

Knowing that half of females in Alexia`s herd were males before...its creepy. I hope times, when such transformation might be available never come.

That family tree makes my head spin. So many sisters... so many sisters... I pity you Dusty.

Heh, I really, really enjoyed this chapter. It's inspiring me to start compiling some notes to write my entry into this universe. I'd have to run some things past LAP before I actually sat down to write it because it relies on some huge ideas that this story nor the originals hint at. Big enough that I'd need the go ahead before including them if I wanted to be canon compliant with anything in the future. I assume this story is fully compliant? LAP is one of your editors after all.

A few thoughts that jumped out at me:

I was totally expecting Frieda to be in an anthro form as well. It's not commented upon so I assume only Aurora was, but it just seems to me she'd do it to support her friend. Or have Aurora to guilt her into it for the same reason. It would have gotten an interesting reaction from Alexia, I'm sure. And from Dusty I imagine.

Upon hearing of the family, it says something bad about me that I was trying to see how the gender ratio came out as one of my first thoughts and being slightly disappointed it wasn't 3:1 fillies:colts like it was stated. My next thought was that Alexia only had fillies, and Loki only had colts, and Crimson has 2 colts and 1 filly. Those statistics are pretty interesting.

You know what else is interesting? Grani's name. It's the only born pony name we've seen that isn't a straightforward idea. That it is Norse related like Loki is is telling, but Loki gave herself her name.

I know Joey is said to be new to ponies, but I'm surprised the translation spell to learn Equuish wasn't more widespread. It only took around 1-2 years for it to become the defacto Mion language after all.

Overall, very very good. Thank you for this peak into their family life. It may be the only peak we get :fluttercry:

I almost missed it, but what's with the comment of 'fake meat'?

“I was out with my parents the other day and we got swept up in a song with, like twenty other ponies, and after they were saying how that would never ‘just happen’ before ponies came along. I just kept thinking how weird that’d be, to live in a world with no sudden musical numbers.”

yesssss.... :pinkiecrazy:


It's inspiring me to start compiling some notes to write my entry into this universe

It'd be perfect to round it out. You seem interested in the hard sci-fi side, which our current entries lack.

Upon hearing of the family, it says something bad about me that I was trying to see how the gender ratio came out as one of my first thoughts and being slightly disappointed it wasn't 3:1 fillies:colts like it was stated. My next thought was that Alexia only had fillies, and Loki only had colts, and Crimson has 2 colts and 1 filly. Those statistics are pretty interesting.

I actually did the math today. The combination of all fillies for Alexia AND exactly 3 unicorns (20% each) comes out to around 1.5% odds. The probability of 0 Earth fillies being born between Alexia and Crimson is also around 1% but all of that pales in comparison to Loki's 4 straight colts at 0.4% odds. Then again, she's Loki.

I assume this story is fully compliant?

I told you they'd ask, Boldish.


It'd be perfect to round it out. You seem interested in the hard sci-fi side, which our current entries lack.

It'd be my first pony story, but there are just so many ideas I have buzzing around and the thought that this universe would never continue means they have to get out somehow.

Don't knock the soft sci-fi side that focus on characters over hard details; that's what made the original work so interesting after all. I would consider myself lucky if I could have my characters with even 75% of the charisma displayed in this chapter.

I'm currently compiling some notes and ideas for how I'd want things to go.

[I decided to edit these out. This really isn't the place for it; this is the place to talk about this story]

The probability of 0 Earth fillies being born between Alexia and Crimson

I think you are not taking something into consideration. Consider the way Twilight originally described it:

Sparkle couldn’t stop a light titter from escaping at what she thought was a silly concern. She spoke from behind the hoof covering her grin. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh at your concern, but there’s nothing to worry about. A pony’s parentage will affect what tribe they will be, but half breeds don’t exist between the tribes. Alicorns like myself are not born as we are.”

Alexia instantly forgot about her laughter and focused on the hopeful answer. “You mean, nothing else withstanding, that they’ll be perfectly healthy unicorns or pegasi?”

Twilight nodded. “Absolutely.”

In which case, there is the possibility that Alexis is considered only a Unicorn for purposes of predicting foals.

Alexis + Conrad: Unicorns and Pegasus. Remember that Aurora was originally a Pegasus and Violet a Unicorn
Loki + Conrad: Earth Ponies and Pegasus
Crimson + Conrad: Earth Ponies and Pegasus

That would also explain why there are more Pegasus than any other among the children.


I would consider myself lucky if I could have my characters with even 75% of the charisma displayed in this chapter

I'd be lucky if I can obtain 50%, especially since I'm starting with mine at their lowest points.

You'd definitely need to really talk specifics over with LAP, especially since your ides are future-set. I'm actually weak on hard sci-fi myself, so that's why I brought it up. For spin-offs, we have Alyarin's on the lore, Boldish's on the slice of life and mine emphasizing the transformation side of it. We just need the sci-fi focus and someone to write clop and we'll have all our bases covered :trollestia:

You're spinning so many original ideas —which is good — that I can't say too much as a lowly peon. As long as we can maintain the mixture of terran and pony ideals, we'll stay clear of resembling The Conversion Bureau and other similar settings.

On the foal types, I have word of god from our Q & A thread, which might interest those here:

actually, a foal's tribe is based on the parent's genetics. While we have no idea what the Cakes' genealogy is, we DO know that any Earth ponies only possess the DNA of the tribe they turned into. alicorns on the other hand can produce any one of the 3 tribes, and can only produce another alicorn if both parents are alicorns. In addition, the tribe of which the alicorn was before awakening (unicorn for Alexia and Violet, pegasus with Aurora, has a greater chance of showing dominance. AKA for Alexia it would be 40% unicorn, 30% for pegasus and EP. The father would tip the scales in one direction. Or in later generations, in multiple directions


You'd definitely need to really talk specifics over with LAP, especially since your ides are future-set.

Actually the time-frame I had in mind was before this story. Around 5-10 years after the last chapter of Bonded By Fire. A lot can happen in that time-frame. This story is such a small glimpse of the bigger picture; there could have been no small amount of stuff that happened between then and now.

Anything beyond this story is LAP's territory as far as I'm concerned, because assuming this story is canonical the Koridost could show up immediately after this. But not before, and that's what I'm counting on.

[edit] Considering LAP just posted his story which takes place 100 years after the previous one, I guess there is a lot of room for stuff now.


It's inspiring me to start compiling some notes to write my entry into this universe.

That is Awesome. I wish you the best. My tip: Once you start to write don't stop or you'll have the hardest time starting again. If you have trouble with one thing, write some notes about what you were doing and move to another project for a bit.
Now if I can take my own advice...

I was totally expecting Frieda to be in an anthro form as well.

Didn't really think anyone would care, I'm glad you do. Sadly in books and real life, good ideas sometimes come to late. Not a bad idea for later use though, thank you I'll see if I can work it in.

As for the family. So the herd already had 3 kids, I figured they would probably have more and then LAP confirmed it with me before we started work on the garden party. I created 17 kids originally not 13. Population growth would be important, being ponies they may have a leaning toward large numbers of children both psychologically and physically. But after my break, I came back and decided there were just too many, so I cut back some of the less interesting designs I had. I had done some 'soft' math on the ratios, but that all pretty much was destroyed when I started making cuts, and in the end I decided to settle for 'Improbable but not Impossible'.

Glad you like Grani, Sleipnir (and names thusly based) was something I was working with, but I could never get it to appeal to LAP. Oh well I kinda like Grani better at this point though, more obscure (at least to me).

I almost missed it, but what's with the comment of 'fake meat'?

Joey had suspicions regarding the ribs authenticity, nuff said. Ooooh! It's a thing now! Fake meat products gained much popularity with ponies, especially Earth ponies who may be curious for the flavor or texture, but don't want the upset stomach.

As for my story's canonicity, it is to my knowledge fully compliant. However! I began this to be a light-hearted bit of fun, not to lay law down for stuff to come, so my view of this story has always been 'Canon until Contradicted' specifically by LAP. Him editing this last chapter was really just kind of a bonus, both to keeping things in line and for quality overall. Another pair of eyes is pretty invaluable. Should LAP care to use these characters, I've told him he's welcome to them, but at the same time I just went to create a full house to mess with Dusty. I hope to do them some justice in the next chapter too.

Canary you've got some good ideas there, a few are along lines I've had for a one-shot or two myself. Most of those would probably work, but I'd guess #1 wouldn't happen in canon. #5 seems unlikely, but not impossible to spin, actually with the right take on it I can see it work, but really only on a limited number under certain circumstances.

Thank you guys for all the comments, they do mean a lot. Damn I wrote an essay again...

Fun Fact! I got the idea for the Cultural Preservation Movement by watching way to much Bizarre Foods!

5772026 Think of it like the government OBVIOUSLY not every 1 agrees at the same time so they get together and finalize the bill/law same thing here 4 parents different views multiple kids all varying different abilities to "ground" accordingly . Does it make sense now?

Well this was a good read. I love to see more of this story and maybe a chart to show whose kids are who. They're just too many to remember all in one read. Also, I loved the little bit at the dinner table. It reminded me of the movie 'cheaper by the dozen'

5779072 there's a link to the family tree in the Author's notes on the bottom of the chapter, but I'll save you a few seconds by putting it here too.:pinkiesmile:

Lol, I love rushed spells you didn't spend time researching properly.
Keep going! ;)

Followed! More please?
Keep going! ;)

This fic is great, feels like I am watching modern family/MLP/sitcom all at once xD great work

“Partners? Please Aurora, I own them.”

- YYYYYessss!

Rule №1: Keep clear of that girl!

Rule №2 - pony ears look better on everуone. :ajsmug:

"Excuse me but I have some... organizing to do."
Easily the most chilling line in the entire chapter.


I agree completely.


Precise Order is 11 years old and everyone fears her wrath. Apparently two years previously, when she was only 9 years old, she not only terrorized the home when the Contract was temporarily cancelled, but...

However, it’s true significance manifested during an incident that had occurred a few years previously.

It may have been the source of the twin Alicorns tipping over to the Nightmare side even though they were both informed about it and had seen it beforehand for years.

We've only seen a glimpse what she does on the fly just by being slighted by an insulting nickname. I can't imagine her going all out. Really bad 'luck' for all? Just humoring her well seems to create 'good' luck for all.

Speaking of the Nightmare, I had assumed Nightmare Alexia would eventually make herself look good like Nightmare Moon did while like that.

“Oh you just watch, Frieda Duncan! I was a teen once too, and a parent to a teen so I know. Either you or Aurora is going to be clopping along out in the park or something, or go to school in your furry little half forms, and the next thing you know all the kids will want to show off their pony ears, or their fuzzy fingers or whatever! And with the world as strange as it is, I bet it won’t stop there! Oh no!” Bella said wagging a finger at the transmogrified teen. “Just you wait, this will lead to something bigger than you imagine.”

Heh, I'm really curious if it DID lead to some kind of trend for awhile, or perhaps may still be ongoing almost a century later (We know it does for Aurora at the very least, and as a (demi)goddess she'd have a lot of influence).

5827577 Sadly the summer of '28 and the girl's nightmare episode were not related. It's a funny thought I hadn't considered though.:pinkiegasp:

The twin's episode was a dark affair. I haven't written any of it, as notes or otherwise. It's just in my head, and I plan to keep it there. I have my head canon for it, but I'll leave it open for you guys to imagine it how you like, cause after all, you managed to find an angle that made it funny I hadn't considered before. My version very much wouldn't fit in the tone of this story.

So just like how it's a limited number that know of the Nightmare Form, so too only two others know even some of the details of my idea... Unless they told someone, which I now realize they might have cause I don't think I asked them to keep it private.:facehoof:

HA! That surprise with 'James Tune'.

In my day I had to walk to school both ways, all year, with only two legs!

I love you.

Prissy, the adolescent bureaucrat from hell

im very curious as to what happened that day...im gonna guess something terrifying happened and it involved Precise and the contracts...I think I should be worried right now.

XD she know catalan?! That is rich
I am surprised about you knowing the existence of that language

7059036 I'm glad you liked that bit.:pinkiehappy: I added it as a nod to Gambit Prawn's story since he helped with a bit of the editing. I wouldn't have known of it otherwise. Not without diving through a list of languages anyway.

7059453 I am mostly surprised that the language that is spokeb where i live and nowhere else ia known :p
Oh I dunno this fellow,is he catalan?

7059550 Not sure but it seems like they have some connection to it.:pinkiesmile:
Maybe you could ask them?:twilightsmile:

7059604 maybe, the future is uncertain xD
For now i am reading their fic

Why do those three triplets bring to mind another franchise? Specifically another set of triplets?

I dunno. It's been awhile. What triplets does it make you think of?

Pink and orange hair
Blue and blonde hair
Green and black hair
A friend of mine watched this triplets franchise alot before it was restarted horribly on CN with another franchise similar to it in terms of quality with the word Go in the name
Between you and me most franchises have not aged or been restarted gracefully and I prefer the older more sensible generation of toons

Ah yes, those triplets. They were the inspirations yes.

Yes, sadly most reboots forget or ignore what made the originals successful.

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