• Published 29th Nov 2014
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Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

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Chapter 14: Returning Home...- Pt. 2 (Tirek's Rampage & Cyrus' Master Plan...)

-[Days of Battle - Dragon Ball SUPER]-

Last time on Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles...
After Sean obtained four new Pokémon called Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and their creator, Regigigas, there was the growing threat of Cyrus and an old foe of the Ruling sisters, a magic-consuming centaur named Tirek. Things started to look very bleak as on top of that, ponies began disappearing that, unknown to them, is caused by a demonic centipede-like creature named Seta...

To keep this powerful magic out of the magic-consuming centaur's grasp, the three princesses transferred all their magical energy to Twilight Sparkle, hoping on the fact that Discord, having betrayed their friendship, neglected to inform Tirek that there are four alicorns now instead of three.
But, not only did this prove to be difficult for Twilight as she not only struggled to keep the power of four alicorns in one body, Sean and her were asked to keep what was disclosed a secret from all her friends, the exception being Rosa due to her being the trainer of Reshiram. Meanwhile, Cyrus has began the final preparations for his plan for revenge, joined by his two former subordinates, Mars and Jupiter, and is seeking to execute his plan soon.

Seta tried to attack and consume a powerful human heading for Ponyville, only for this human to turn out to actually be the godly Legendary Pokémon of Destruction, Yveltal. Outclassed and outmatched by the terrifying death-bringer, Seta planned a desperate escape, by blinding Yveltal and slinking into the shadows to hide. Seta managed to escape from Yveltal's grasp and patiently plays a waiting game for the opportune moment to pounce on his prized prey.

All these terrible events are coming to a point, as an even greater danger looms over everyone's heads, figuratively and literally...now we continue where we left off, with Twilight and Sean returning to Ponyville...
...On the next exciting chapter of: Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles!!!

-[No Music]-
The Golden Oaks Library was very quiet with the only sound being Spike the Dragon snoring. Despite it looking like midnight outside, it was really 7:25 in the morning, but no one in Equestria was aware what happened in Celestia's Castle.

The silence was broken by the sound of a teleportation happening, caused by Sean's Mewtwo warping Sean & Twilight to the library, Twilight resisted the urge to throw up, only for her uncontrollable magic to throw a book into the wall with a cartoon-ish slap...

"Shh!" Sean shushed to Twilight as she snapped back, "Hey! Don't shush me!"
Sean's Mewtwo explained, ~"He's just doing what you asked him to do, you asked him to be quiet so we don't draw too much attention to ourselves. We remained longer than we should've at Canterlot..."~

"Oh...right...he-he-he-he-he..." Twilight replied sheepishly, "...well, I just have to get something from my room, just wait here..."

Twilight tiptoed upstairs trying not to make too much noise to alert anyone who may still be sleeping.

Sean and his Mewtwo conversed telepathically while they waited for Twilight to get her things together, Sean said, ~"You think that any of the other Pokémon will find out or pick up on the fact we're hiding something?"~

Mewtwo responded, ~"Metagross is certainly going to find out, but I don't believe we have anything to worry about him spilling the secrets Celestia wants us to keep."~
~"Right...we'd have more concern with the other PSYCHIC-Type Pokémon, like Gardevoir, Gallade, Haruka-chan's Alakazam, and such..."~

Their conversation was interrupted when they faintly heard Twilight say in a panicked tone, "*Gasp* The sun should be up by now!"

The two were about to head up to see what happened, until they heard someone say, "Just what are you doing here?"

They turned around and saw Rosa with her arms crossed, the posture and tone of her voice indicated she was fairly mad. Sean noticed how she had her hair flow down naturally and how it was slightly messy, Rosa was also wearing a gray t-shirt and blue sweatpants. Sean thought that maybe Rosa had woken up to use the bathroom or get a bite to eat, but either way, she looked tired and pissed...

"R...Rosa-chan...I, uh, came here to help Twilight-chan with something..." Sean began to say, getting fairly nervous as Rosa sounded like Kotone when she was ready to throw one of her vicious (and legendary) right hooks at him.

"You've been gone for 6 hours!" Rosa interrupted in a fierce tone, "...Far longer than it realistically should've taken considering your Mewtwo teleported you guys to Canterlot..."

An outsider would easily compare the scene playing out something like a woman catching her husband out much later than he said he would be, possibly cheating on her. The two stared at each other with only Mewtwo noticing that the sun and moon were moving irregularly, Twilight must have realized by now that the sun should've been well into the sky by now...

"Okay Sean..." Twilight said, not aware of Rosa's presence was there, "...I got what I needed, go get Zekrom and meet me at the plaza...Now we just need..."

Twilight flinched as she saw Rosa looking very angry with slight bags under her eyes, she gulped and said, "O-oh...hey Rosa...I'm very sorry about the wait, go get Reshiram and head for the plaza near the center of town..."

As Twilight headed for the door, Rosa had a look that mixed confusion with annoyance as she began to say, "What? What the hell are you-..."
Twilight meant to open the door, but unintentionally obliterated it, to Rosa's surprise and Sean and Twilight's slight panic upon hearing Spike upstairs exclaim, "What in Equestria?"

"Aye-ya! You can't practice here, Twilight-chan..." Sean said as Twilight agreed and galloped towards the Everfree Forest, realizing that's the safest place to learn to control her newly-enhanced powers.

Rosa was speechless as she then heard Spike's panting, as the little dragon asked her, "Wh-what happened? Where's Twilight?"
Without Rosa answering, Spike looked at the door, or lack of a door, and saw Twilight and Sean running off...

Rosa broke away from her shock, then crossed her arms as she thought with a pout, What did he mean by "you can't practice here..." Sean Hashimoto thinks he can keep something from me, he'd better think again. Same goes for Twilight Sparkle...

Spike ran after them as fast as his legs could carry him and Rosa quickly ran to her stuff in the guest bedroom and changed into her normal attire.

-[Secunda - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]-
Far out north of Vanhoover, under the deep waters in the Luna Bay, the familiar Guardian of the Seas, Lugia was resting in an underwater cavern. He seemed like he was sleeping, but the truth was, he was trying to contact his father, Arceus, or any of his elder siblings for help telepathically.

Come on... Lugia thought as his 8th attempt failed to go through, Someone answer...please...I need to know if my children are safe...or my trainer...

He opened his eyes as he looked out into the waters out of the cavern, Articuno...Moltres...Zapdos...Hashimoto...I hope you are all alright...

He flinched as he then felt an aura as powerful as his own, commenting quietly, "That energy I'm sensing...it must be her..."

He quickly flew out from the underwater cavern, frightening a giant squid while reaching the surface, and as he breached the water, he saw a familiar face he hasn't seen for over 150 years...

"Hello Lugia..."
"It's you...I haven't seen you for over a century..."

Lugia saw a young woman with long gold (not blond-gold) hair and wearing clothes that, while mostly white, had a rainbow sheen to them when light bounces off of them. She had eyes that had an almost salmon-pinkish red to their color, and had a fair complexion and a moderate figure. She is fairly tall for a woman, who other humans looking on, would think she looked to be physically only 15 years old. She was the same woman who asked where Canterlot was from some hiker ponies some time back...

"It's been too long..." Lugia said, only for the woman to interrupt, "...I can assure you that your son and daughters are safe, back on Earth..."
Lugia lightly chuckled as he replied, "...So...I am not on Earth, despite it looking a lot like Earth. I must be in a parallel reality then..."

The woman continued from where she left off after laughing a little too, "I see that traveling and training under Hashimoto-san has greatly improved your strength and perception. That’s a relief, since I was hiding my ki signature to test you, you weren’t exactly being cautious about hiding your presence…”

Lugia frowned a little as he replied, “Honestly, I wasn’t considering masking my presence due to the nature of this reality. I was more worried about my children, hoping they were safe. But that aside, what brings you here?”
The woman replied in a slight sing-song manner similar to speaking with sibling, “I’m just here for meditation purposes, and to let you know that your trainer and his friends are here as well…”

Lugia was surprised at the information given to him, and used his senses to see if they were true. He commented with slight embarrassment in his voice, “Boy, I really wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings…I’d have to be stupid and dense to not pick up on a huge cluster of strong energy signatures that close in proximity of each other…some I recognize easily...”

“You best go now…” the woman said matter-of-factly, “…there’s a being with an immense and malevolent power heading for them, filled with malice, though I can’t make out who or what the signature belongs to…”
Lugia replied, “You’re right. I can’t make out who it is either, but the power seems to rival Xerneas and Yveltal pretty closely…”

As Lugia began to head off, he paused for a moment and remarks about his visitor, “I know that you really are not here, that I’m speaking to one of those ‘puppets’ many of us can conjure to throw the unworthy trainers off our scents…but, I’ll let you know that I have found the one you’ve been looking for centuries, and he isn’t Hashimoto-san…”

"I know..." She replied, "...I'm not sure he's ready though, but he's close..."
Lugia nodded and left the ‘clone’ alone to her thoughts as she got in a meditative position, she thought silently, It has been over 100 years since I last met a human face-to-face, not counting the times my copies did it for me…but, truth be told…

She gazed at the direction Lugia headed for as she finished her monologue aloud quietly, “…I have been keeping my eye on him, ever since he was born. That boy...he’s…very intriguing…”

-[Your Choice: Calm Little Town]-
A few minutes after Spike ran after Twilight and Sean, there were just a little hi-jinks when Twilight tried to fly, she wound up flying at speeds comparable to Rainbow Dash. Twilight managed to land, albeit not a good landing, a fair distance away from the Golden Oaks Library to the outskirts of Ponyville, by luck she crash-landed near the entrance to the Everfree Forest to the old castle. Her other friends from Ponyville and from Earth arrived to see what was the matter. We've arrived right as Twilight just used catching a strong breeze as an excuse for her flying so fast.

"I'm not sure what happened, and I really don't have any time to think about it." Twilight explained, "I've got some important business to take care of with Sean and Rosa..."
"What?! Why me?!" Rosa said in a mix of shock and anger, getting off her Arcanine's back.

"You're heading for the old castle again are you? We'd be more than happy to accompany you..." Rarity said, with the other ponies smiling, only for Twilight to reply, "No...I need you girls to convince everypony to stay inside. In case Tirek shows his face around here."
She turned to the humans present and the lavender alicorn asked, "Could you guys and your Pokémon help out with making sure ponies stay put and help deal with Tirek when he shows up?"

"Hai! Of course we will..." May said for everyone present, with Brendan finishing for her, "...We do owe you at least that much for your hospitality here..."
The other humans (mostly Kotone, May, Brendan, Ash, Serena) agreed, but not before someone said, "I! Am! Not! Doing It!"

They turned to see Rosa looking very pissed, then walked to Sean and started to chew him (and Twilight indirectly) out, "You've been keeping secrets from me, and the rest of us. I can clearly see that, and you Sensei, are the WORST offender! I can see that something big happened and you're not telling us anything..."

"R-Rosa-chan..." Sean said nervously, only for Rosa to interrupt, "No talking! It's bad enough you're not being honest with us regarding how those three girls said that your Torterra could talk like us, Sensei! But you're hiding other things too, I don't have to read minds or eavesdrop to know something bad happened at Canterlot, and you and Twilight are not telling us why! I've just about had it with all these secr-..."

"Rosa-chan!" Sean shouted loudly, much like a parent would scold a child (causing the angry American trainer to shut up in response), as he explained, "Listen...there's something I need you to understand that’s important, but we can't talk here...Celestia-hime-sama's request, and she was against me and Twilight-chan telling you this only until I convinced her otherwise...follow me over here..."

Rosa was fairly shocked at her mentor/friend shouted at her like that, and hearing what he said, replied with a barely noticeable stutter, "...Oh-okay...I'll listen Sensei. I hope you can tell me what this 'important thing' is all about..."

Before they headed to this tree a fair distance from their current destination, Sean threatened the main group, but especially to the 'troublesome' friends (Pinkie, Kotone, & May), "None of you follow or eavesdrop on our conversation, especially you Pinkie-chan, Kotone-chan, Haruka-chan...I'll know if you do, and you will pay for it if you do, I'm trusting you to not endanger Celestia-hime's trust in me...or I'll make you suffer..."

A furious Kotone, not once liking being threatened by her childhood friend, angrily retaliated in Japanese, "あなたが私のことを脅かすと、あなたのような馬の骨が何を言っているのか聞いてきた人は誰ですか? 私は欲しいほど盗聴します、あなたはばかです!"

Rarity coyly hid a mischievous smirk as she thought while Pinkie and everyone tried to restrain and calm Kotone down, Oh dear, she does have it SO bad for Sean Hashimoto. I suppose she's what those Japanese anime shows of theirs call a 'Tsundere' with how she acts around him. Trying as hard as she does, Kotone can't hide how she feels for her dear childhood friend...

As Sean instructed Rosa to bring Reshiram along to their meeting place, the group (minus Zekrom and Twilight) decided to chat a little, after Kotone finally cooled her jets.

"I can tell something bad must have happened, and it might be a whole, 'if this goes public, people will start panicking and getting really hurt' kind of situation..." Ash said, "And I'm not that upset at all about it, I do understand, kinda..."
"Same here mon amoure..." Serena replied to Ash, slightly squeezing his hand, "...I'd rather not press the issue if it will cause widespread panic. But, I'd like to know ahead of time if something bad will happen, so I don't look like a bouffon ridicule when that happens right on our doorstep."

"I certainly agree darling..." Rarity said as she petted her Sableye's head, "I fear what might happen if everypony started to panic, my boutique could easily be pillaged and ransacked if it goes south that far..."

Kotone let out a half-hearted chuckle as she replied, "The only time things would ever get to that point is if it was a post-apocalypse setting like a zombie outbreak or an alien invasion. Like all that utterly boring and dumb stuff that films overdone to a point where its about as 'pointless' and 'unoriginal' as most movie fans erroneously state animated films are 'kid-friendly', when they don't understand how dark some of those said animated films really are or go..."

"Brr...I agree with ya there..." Applejack said, "...I wasn't expectin' those films geared to 'families' to go or show those things to kids..."

They all saw Sean and Rosa returning from their private chat as Sean explained, "Alright, Celestia-hime wants me and Rosa-chan to assist Twilight with something, and if possible, send Zekrom on over to us if you meet him. And a bit of caution, be extremely wary of anyone who steps into Ponyville as of this moment, whether they're strangers or not..."

"You got it!" Rainbow Dash saluted, with everyone present affirming Sean's request, only for them to see two cloaked figures head down the direction Twilight Sparkle just headed.

May responded in a somewhat bored tone, "Oh look, its those two Pokémon that showed up while you were away with Oakido-sama, Hashimoto-san. The ones we've told you were following Twilight for some strange reason..."

"I can easily tell one of them is a Lucario or a similar Pokémon, by this feeling it's been giving off, and the overall shape and size..." Ash commented, "...the other one's harder to pin down, but chances are likely it is a Scizor or Gallade by the size and body shape..."

Sean smiled a little as he said confidently, "I can assure you guys that they are no threat, they have a calm aura with a hint of curiosity inside it. No Pokémon is inherently good or evil, they only become evil around wicked or evil people themselves..."

"さようなら!" Sean said as he headed after Twilight and the two cloaked Pokémon, Rosa saying, "I hope things go well...see you soon..."

-[Buoy Base Galaxy (Underwater) - Super Mario Galaxy]-
Out near Appleloosa, Giratina showed up from a portal he generated, looking around the desert-like surroundings. The sun shown brightly, yet Giratina noted that he didn't feel any warmth coming from it. In fact, Giratina noted his surroundings a little more closely and found many peculiar things...

"Hmm...the area is surprisingly cold, much like the vacuum of space..." the legendary GHOST/DRAGON-Type Pokémon said to himself, "...not to mention that the colors seem muted, there's no wind despite me seeing bushes being blown by a strong breeze..."

He thought it over and over in his mind, where he is starting to think he's entered 'that place', but to be sure, he needed confirmation. He could still sense the energy of all the living things on the globe, but he noticed that the signatures, even the faint ones, are much stronger and dense than normal. He set off for the closest piece of civilization in the area to confirm his suspicions.

He turned to a rock face on his right and noticed his shadow, but it was substantially less solid and clearly defined. He thought aloud, "Strange...it's like my shadow's fading, it is lining up to my suspicions, but I need irrefutable evidence for it, and there's only one way to know with certainty..."

21 Minutes Later...
Appleloosa Square

-[Paniola Ranch (Night) - Pokémon Sun and Moon]-
Giratina flew into Appleloosa as applelossan ponies and members of the native buffalo tribe walked about their own business, though Giratina (in his Altered Forme) landed right in the middle of the moving townsfolk. They don't seem to have noticed Giratina landing, as it would be hard to not notice a large, demonic-looking dragon landing in the middle of the town.

This seems to confirm my suspicions substantially, but there's still this to try... Giratina thought, before speaking to everyone present;

"I bid thee greetings, noble equines...! I am Giratina, Lord of Dark Matter, and I bring you no harm..."
Giratina spoke in a godly voice that commands attention, though it had the volume of the Canterlot Royal Cree, it was altogether different in that it was very gentle despite the volume. It was a voice one might imagine a benevolent god like the Hebrew God might sound like with a grown man's voice.

"Okay...If any of you didn't hear me, please raise your han-hooves..." Giratina quickly corrected himself noting his audience were not necessarily 'humanoid' in structure...

It wasn't until a carriage went through one of his trunk-like legs as if he was a ghost did all the pieces come into place...

"So...I've miscalculated through my journey to this place. My sister did tell me if I don't input the right frequency to my destination, I could easily enter a space between worlds. This must be the Shadowzone."

Giratina inspected his body much more closely, and using divination noticed how the particles that make up his being were vibrating at a highly accelerated pace, looking like blurs, and also noticed they're vibrating at a specific frequency that confirmed 100% for him, that he was in one of those invisible planes of reality, the 'Shadowzone' he correctly deduced...

Giratina chuckled sarcastically as he was kicking himself internally, "I am a dunce, Palkia can do this kind of thing so easily, without second thought, and even though I got it right the first time, I screwed up the second time..."

Giratina felt the familiar energy of several old friends, primarily those of his trainer, Xerneas, and Satoshi, and figured to head for them...

20 Minutes Later...

You need to focus, Twilight Sparkle! Focus...

-[Your Choice: Training]-
Twilight was already well underway training with Zekrom and Reshiram in controlling the magic of four alicorns, she was able to somewhat focus on how much strength her enhanced physical strength she was able to exert. Sean, Rosa, and the two cloaked Pokémon that have been watching her simply spectated the training. Never in her life, did Twilight imagine being instructed by two dragons, or two spirits, but even more, she didn't expect receiving training from two halves of a single, powerful dragon's soul.

She and her friends understood somewhat that Reshiram and Zekrom embody the 'light' and 'dark' halves of Kyurem's soul, but were honestly shocked when they learned that Zekrom, the black dragon, embodied Kyurem's light-half, while the white dragon Reshiram, embodied Kyurem's dark-half. It was a very shocking and honest mistake when they thought it was the other way around (Zekrom was the dark half & Reshiram was the light half).

For a fleeting second, while learning how to perform a fairly complicated exercise, she looked at her instructors' trainers, Sean and Rosa. Remembering their talk about the Taoist philosophy of 'Yin-and-Yang', she found it fascinating, especially the whole concept about an 'equal-and-opposite force' for fundamentally everything in the universe.

But then, Twilight looked at two cloaked Pokémon that followed her around and asked, "What's up with those two? I know they're Pokémon, but for some reason, they don't want to take off those cloaks..."
"Don't let them distract you, Lady Twilight..." Zekrom said, "...Since you have the power of four alicorns inside one body, you need to focus on drawing it out and contain the energy at the same time...

"How in Equestria am I suppose to do that!" Twilight shouted in a slightly annoyed manner, "You know that sounds like more of a paradox, if anything."
Reshiram explained, "Though it's true, Princess, it also is exactly how such things ultimately work. Whether it is Magic or Ki, one of the best ways to gain control over power is to surrender control. With all that energy inside, your lack of control is your body's only way to keep that much power from tearing you apart from within..."

"WHAT?!" Twilight yelped as she unwittingly fired a beam of energy at the black and white dragons, obliterating a large stone into rubble as the two Legendary Pokémon dodged the attack effortlessly (suspiciously like it wasn't the first time they've done something like this), as Sean and Rosa quietly observe at a safe distance and the two cloaked Pokémon watch Twilight with curious eyes.

"So..." Rosa began to say, "...not only are we facing an issue with Tirek and Discord turning on them, but also with ponies disappearing under mysterious circumstances by a monster of sorts. On top of Akagi being up to something?"

Sean knew that this was the 3rd time Rosa asked him, and knew she was reviewing this information Celestia originally wanted Sean, Twilight, and Sean's Mewtwo to keep to themselves. Said Mewtwo isn't with them at the moment, as Sean sent her to bring Deathwing, his grandfather's female Charizard in case things go far more south than intended.

He replied, "Hai Rosa-chan...and truthfully, I'm more worried about this 'monster' than this Tirek or that ***hole, Akagi."
Rosa asked as she swung her legs over the cliff, "What makes you say that Sensei?"

"The moment I first heard about this thing, I cannot shake this overwhelming sense of dread I've long felt since we first met our friends in Equestria. A feeling, that's far too similar to that demon, Kashin, we encountered at that haunted mansion we went through..." Sean answered grimly.

Rosa held her hand over her heart with a look of fear in her face as she remembered that horrible place filled with the stench of death. That horrid place that was ripped straight from their world, was filled with such an overwhelming presence of evil that virtually anyone could've sensed the presence of the one that the Grim Reaper himself nicknamed the 'Boogyman of Hell', regardless of how dense they were to such senses...

-[Your Choice: Somber]-
"I...still feel I have to apologize for giving you Hemophobia back in France..." Sean said with a regretful voice, "...a really bad one at that...Gomen'nasai, Rosa-chan..."

Rosa said, over hearing Reshiram reprehend Twilight for not focusing her newly-enhanced power, "Apology accepted, for the 8th time this month...I still didn't like seeing the sight of blood long before I met you, the only thing that you did and I forgive you for, is deepen my fear even more. To a point where...where..."

Rosa wound up hugging her legs and scooting just a little closer to Sean, and finished her thoughts, "...wh-where I'm afraid of the concept of death, not necessarily Death himself, after meeting him in person that is..."

Sean was silent for a good four minutes, focused on his thoughts and processing what Rosa said to him. Sean instinctively placed his right hand over the right-side of his face, like there was some sort of scar there. Rosa noticed her mentor's recent body motion several times, but only until around two weeks ago, did she realize why...

"Are you..." Rosa said, unsure if she wanted to hear about it again, "...thinking about that thing the Grim Reaper gave you? That 'mark' that cannot be seen?"
Sean nodded as he then rubbed his hand like he did his face, "Hai. It's his way of tracking me, if I'm lost or try to run away from him. A sign you've been brought back to life by Shinigami-sama himself, invisible to all but him and those of exceptional or similar backgrounds..."

Rosa at first doubted such a thing when she first heard about it, but lately, looking back at her mentor/friend's behavior, she doesn't think that such a thing doesn't exist.

Rosa, unintentionally, placed her hands around Sean's like a mother would, and said, "Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright. He granted you another chance at life, the Grim Reaper, and I don't expect you'll waste such an opportunity as rare and miraculous as that...he trusts you'll live it out as intended..."

When Sean looked at Rosa, he saw that she was giving him a very warm smile, then saw that smile turn into an embarrassed blush and stammer as she quickly let go of his hand and tried to hide her flushed face in her long brown hair when she realized what she was doing.

Sean looked a little puzzled at Rosa's reaction, then thought, Hmm...How strange...her reaction seems to indicate-...*sigh*...Nevermind, I have noticed she's grown as a trainer, so much so that...

His expression softened a little, much like a father would give his daughter after completing a driving test, as he finished in his head, ...she doesn't need my guidance anymore. I suppose it's about that time now, for her to 'graduate' from being my apprentice...

The two were brought back by their surroundings in time as a powerful magic laser beam nearly cut them in half and got out of the way just in time...
"Sorry!" Twilight shouted in apology, only for Rosa to reply, "It's alright! We're not hurt at all!"

-[Your Choice: Tense Situation]-
Sean laughed at the situation, but quickly silenced his laughter and turned his gaze to his left with a hardened expression, like a samurai detecting his foe. He took off his backpack and set it near the rock Rosa was sitting on earlier and grabbed his sheathed sword and tied it to his waist with its rope.

Rosa asked, puzzled, "Sensei? What's wrong?"
Sean replied seriously, "It's Akagi...I detect his aura and several other hostiles heading for us down that direction, Rosa-chan..."

He pointed to the direction his gaze was facing, never taking his eyes off of it for a second, as he asked, "Look after my things, and warn Xerneas-sama to steer clear, let Twilight-chan know that Akagi's making his move now..."
"No...I'll go with you if there's more of them..." Rosa firmly defied, only for Sean to reply, "I'm trusting you to keep Xerneas-sama, Twilight-chan, Zekrom-sama & Reshiram-sama out of Akagi's path. To hold down the fort, I don't think he's aware, but the Unown here have the collective power to reshape reality, and I don't want him anywhere near them."

He looked directly into Rosa's eyes and asked, "Please, can I trust you to keep them all out of that *******'s hands?"
Rosa wore a surprised look as she replied, "S-sure...I'll do it, sensei..."

With a wordless nod, Sean headed off to the direction Cyrus was, with a majority of his Pokémon present following him to battle like a squadron.
Rosa looked on as her face flushed a little pink and she thought, Wow...I'll admit that was a little sexy, he looked like one of those Hollywood actors when he said that so seriously...m-my heart's still racing from that...intense look in his eyes, like...I was honestly expecting him to kiss me after that-...

She snapped back into reality as she said to herself, "Pull yourself together Rosanne Marie Parker...Now's not the time to daydream about a guy I'm not into...or am I actually...crushing on him...? I don't know if i am-..."

She let out a shriek of fright when Zekrom suddenly asked her, "Lady Parker...What happened to Sir Hashimoto?"
She turned around red-faced to see not only Zekrom several feet from her, but also Reshiram and Twilight riding on Reshiram's back.

Twilight asked, "I thought he was right here? Did he have to...go to the bathroom, or something?"
Rosa took a deep breath and explained, "That would be 'or something'...Sensei said that he sensed Akagi's aura with other hostile individuals down that way, and went ahead to cut him off from the Unown, and possibly Xerneas and that dinosaur, but he wanted us to hold back here while he dealt with them. He wanted us as a precautionary back-up in case he fails to defeat them...."

"A shame really..." Reshiram said as Twilight hopped off the cliff to prepare a controlled teleportation spell, "Usually the best training we've been doing is with trial by battle..."
"I'll go inform Xerneas to come over here to help us out." Rosa said, "Be ready for him, if Akagi comes here, and...call it paranoia if you want, but I have an uneasy feeling Discord and Tirek are very close to here..."

-[Your Choice: Trouble]-
Rosa isn't really aware how right she was, as Discord had just trapped the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and the humans (Kotone, Barry, Brendan, May, Cynthia). Discord already took the trainer's Poké Balls that already contain Pokémon away from them. Fluttershy was still weeping at Discord's betrayal, as both May and Kotone angrily railed on Discord something fierce in Japanese with numerous insults definitely not for children to hear.

Tirek subsequently drained the five ponies of their magic, and asked Discord, "Are you sure she'll do anything for them?"
"If she has magic to give, it's yours. Soon, there won't be anyone who will stand up to us..." Discord replied with a smirk, causing the captive humans to glare bitterly at him...

"US?!" Tirek said mockingly, "Who said anything about us...?"
"Uh...you did..." Discord said, only for Tirek to then pull a backstabber move and drained Discord of all his chaotic magic...

"W-wait...you said that I was your closest compatriot, that this medallion is a sign of your loyalty..." Discord said, the CMC, Serena, and Ash looking on from behind a building out of everyone's sight.

Tirek replied to Discord sternly, "My brother who betrayed me...it's as worthless as he is..."

"We've got to warn Twilight, guys..." Sweetie Bell said with her Ivysaur beside her.
"Oui...but we first need to distract that Tirek guy first..." Serena replied.
"I guess it was a good thing we weren't around here when Discord-san arrived, or else we would've been captured as well..." Ash commented with his Pikachu squeaking in confirmation, unaware of some faint shadow flying overhead.

"Well, let's go get Sean and Rosa, they could beat this guy no problem..." Scootaloo said, while hurriedly shushed by her friends for nearly giving away their hiding spot.
"Not that simple, Scootaloo-chan..." Ash explained, "If we hurried over to get them at that castle in the Everfree Forest, that centaur will spot us for sure and try to stop us...what we need is a distraction..."

Apple Bloom thought about it and then said, "Maybe, we can have the Pokémon staying near Fluttershy's cottage give us the distraction we need..."
Serena replied with a softly surprised reaction, "Not a bad idea, and it just might work...especially considering they're Monsieur Hashimoto & Mademoiselle Parker's Pokémon..."

-[No Music]-
"Huh?!" Ash nearly jumped in surprise when he heard his phone go off with a text alert.

He quickly pulled out his phone and looked at what the message was about, while Serena questioned the small event that happened, "Hang on...how did you get a signal and a text message here? We don't have the ability to use our phones for those kinds of things..."

She stopped when her boyfriend showed her who the message was from with the two having shocked expressions, Serena commenting, "Oh yeah...that might explain it..."

The message was from Giratina, the god of anti-matter and he explained his predicament well, needing Sean's Porygon-Z to punch a hole through the dimension to free Giratina from his mishap. The group looked behind them to see the vague, shadowy silhouette of the DRAGON/GHOST-Type on a wall.

The five were about to head off, until they heard someone big say, "Where do you think you're going!!"

-[Humiliating Defeat - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
Everyone stopped in shock of the voice, recognizing who it was, but were too afraid to turn around to confirm what they were already dreading.

Turned around they did, and they saw Tirek looking right at them with a sneer. The trapped Elements of Harmony noticed the fillies and told them to run, but they were frozen in their tracks with fear.

As Tirek stomped closer and closer to them, the three girls asked Ash, "What are we going to do! He's spotted us Serena, Satoshi-!"
"Satoshi?!" Tirek replied after hearing Ash's name, "Which one of you humans is Satoshi!"

H-how did he know my name? Ash thought in a slight panic, getting the sensation that Tirek wants to kill him by the centaur's tone in his voice.

"PI-KA-CHU!!!" Pikachu shouted in defiance as the CMC's Ivysaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle joined in.
"More of these 'Pokémon' creatures? And that yellow one looks just like another one that foolish human with the red hat had when he challenged me..." Tirek said, Ash thinking this 'foolish human with a red hat' might have been his cousin, Red.

Before Tirek can grab them, a beam of energy that came from a Hyper Beam attack collided with Tirek's face and sent him reeling back several yards.

-[Battle! (Trainer) - Pokémon X and Y]-
When the CMC, Ash, and Serena saw where the beam came from, they saw it came from Sean's Aurorus, with several other Pokémon belonging to him and Rosa grabbing Tirek's attention. This caused a little confusion among the ponies and humans on how they were aware of trouble, until Rosa's Lucario walked up to them.

"Oh I get it...Rosa-chan's Lucario! He must've known Tirek was causing trouble..." Ash said, unaware that he was the reason Rosa's Lucario came to the rescue with the other Pokémon.

"Hmm?" Ash looked at his phone and read Giratina's message...

#Satoshi...go get Porygon-Z from Sean, I overheard that he went with him and Rosa to that forest...#

"とった! 女の子に行こうよ!" Ash said, with Serena and the CMC enthusiastically agreeing.
"I had no idea what he's saying, but let's just follow him..." Scootaloo said to Apple Bloom & Sweetie Bell quietly, the two agreeing as they followed Ash and Serena into the Everfree Forest with Giratina's 'shadow' following suit.

-[N's Castle - Pokémon Black & White]-
Sean and his Pokémon arrived at a clearing, where they see Cyrus and his acquired lackeys, along with two women he recognized despite they were wearing different outfits. He also saw that Cyrus was riding on some kind of mechanical contraption he figured was based on machines built by the trio of Team Rocket goons that constantly harass Ash.

"I wasn't expecting to see you two...Mars...Jupiter..." Sean said calmly, his serious expression remaining unchanged.
"Oh my..." Mars said in a faintly mocking tone, "...I'd figured you'd grow up since we last met boy, but you certainly grown into a very handsome young man..."
"I agree..." Jupiter replied in the same tone, "...I can admit you're not a little brat anymore. Now I can deal with you like how an adult should be dealt with..."

The two commanders pulled out their Poké Balls from their pockets, only for Sean to say to Cyrus, ignoring the two, "My guess considering how quickly your mugshot popped up in Equestria, Akagi...these ponies you have as underlings via intimidating them to work for you."

"Perceptive as always...Hashimoto..." Cyrus replied with his expression hardening into a slight scowl, "...I've overheard that the castle ruins in the forest is filled with the peculiar Pokémon called Unown, that I've heard from Mars and Jupiter, have the collective psychic power to twist reality, as I see fit."

Damn, he does know about the Unown... Sean grunted quietly, unsure how Cyrus found out that fact. He replied in a serious tone as he drew his katana, "Even if that's the case, what do you have planned then?"
Cyrus smirked as he replied, "I know what you're planning, hoping you would get me to monologue like those silly villains in cartoons. That won't work...however, I am interested in this 'creature' that was found wandering the forest...it may prove useful for me..."

He snapped his fingers as he ordered to his underlings, "Get him..."
Sean then said, "Now Typhlosion!"

The Volcano Pokémon unleashed a powerful torrent of fire along the ground that created a barrier of fire, and as soon as it roared to life, Sean and his Pokémon fled into the forest with ninja-like speed.

Cyrus roared angrily at his 'underlings', "After him! I have to get to the castle before he does!"
They all complied after Cyrus' Gyarados put out the fire long enough for Mars, Jupiter, and the ponies to get through and fan out. They're unaware that Sean's leading them into a trap...

12:04 PM
Castle of the Two Sisters, Everfree Forest...

“Argh! No!”
Twilight Sparkle had found herself wedged between a crack in a huge boulder after failing to control teleportation.

-[Bonetrousle - Undertale]-
"How could I let this happen!" She said, "Of all the-...How am I now going to get out of here with Reshiram and Zekrom missing because of my slip up..."

5 minutes earlier...

"Okay...I can do this, just focus..." Twilight said to herself as she readied a controlled teleportation down to Zekrom's location.
"Twilight, you are putting too much effort in controlling your magic instead of surrendering control..." Reshiram said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I've been able to teleport multiple times before with little trouble." the alicorn replied, "I can master this easily..."
"It's going to backfire..." Zekrom muttered under his breath, low enough where Twilight couldn't hear him.

Twilight gathered magic into her horn and recited the spell needed for a simple teleportation jump. In a blinding flash, she teleported successfully to Zekrom's side as Reshiram flew down.

"YES!" Twilight whooped happily, "A perfectly controlled teleportation spell..."
"I wouldn't count on tha-..." Reshiram began to say as she flew down, only for Twilight's horn to suddenly blast magic energy and then started an uncontrollable chain teleportation.
"Called it..." Zekrom said, before getting thrown into a waterfall head first.

"Zekrom!" Twilight shouted as Reshiram explained, "Twilight you need to stop thinking and start feelin-oof!"
Reshiram crashed into a giant squid that squirted ink in fright and swam away as Twilight teleported a few more times across Equestria before feeling pressed between two large cracks in a huge rock.

End of Flashback...

"That didn't work the way I hoped..." Twilight thought as she struggled a bit to get free from her uncomfortable predicament.

-[Team Flare Appears - Pokémon X and Y]-

Twilight Sparkle gasped as she heard the deep voice continue, "YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME!!!"
"Tirek!" was all Twilight can say as she teleported out of the crevice she was trapped in, then unintentionally flew right into the massive centaur's frame.

"You're going to give me what I want, pony..." Tirek said in a demanding voice, and then he started to attempt to drain Twilight's magic.

Twilight instantly teleported to the balcony of the Golden Oaks Library and looked through the telescope to Tirek's position, thinking all the while, I haven't completely controlled my magic yet, and because of my failed teleportation attempt, I stranded Zekrom and Reshiram in other parts of Equestria...

When she finally locked onto Tirek, she saw the centaur fire a blast of magic towards her.
Oh no! Owlowiscious! Twilight said as she rushed into the library and grabbed her pet owl and teleported the two out of there right as the magic blast made contact with the library.

She let out a scream as the shock wave sent her flying out of the blast's radius and landed on her side hard with her owl wrapped in her hooves. She didn't quite realize that someone had actually caught her midair and cushioned her landing


Twilight heard the familiar sound of Rosa's voice calling out, but as she turned to her library, she let out a gasp as she saw what happened.

-[Your Choice: Sad]-
The Golden Oaks Library was utterly destroyed, and books rained down on fire.

The one who cushioned her landing, a human male with smoke-grey/Black hair and bright blue eyes, asked her as Owlowlicious flew away in sorrow, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but...Wh-who are you?" Twilight as she asked the man, looking at him, Twilight got the impression that he's probably the same age as Cynthia or Sabrina, despite his hair color suggesting otherwise.

"Twilight! I saw what happened!" Rosa said as she got off her Dragonite's back, "Are you alrigh-who's this?"
The man looked at Rosa, got uncomfortably close and started sniffing her like an animal would with an unfamiliar person, with Rosa responding with embarrassment and slight anger, "Wh-what the hell do you think you are doing!"

"You have Hashimoto's scent on you, and you look familiar, yes, you are definitely the girl who travels with him...that's a relief..." the man replied, which confused the two until they heard Xerneas say, "I thought that surge of energy was from you Yveltal, my brother..."

The two saw Xerneas arrive in graceful, deer-like strides as the man cloaked himself in a sphere of dark-red energy, then emerge as the familiar form of the Legendary Pokémon of Destruction.

"Y-Yveltal?!" Rosa and Twilight exclaimed in surprise as Rosa thought, Oh thank god, it was just Yveltal being weird, and not some creep or pervert...

They broke their train of thought when a small explosion went off behind them from the flaming Golden Oaks Library, caused by a gas tank connected to the stove.

"T-Twilight...I'm sorry about-..." Rosa began apologizing, but then Twilight interrupted with an odd question;

-[An Outbreak - Dragon Ball SUPER]-

"Rosa...is what Zekrom and Reshiram said true?"

"Huh? What?" Rosa looked confused at Twilight's question, the alicorn asked again, looking directly at Tirek, who started to come towards them and elaborated, "...That learning to control a newly acquired power, is to use it in combat?"

"Combat?" Rosa replied with more confusion, then attempting to answer, "Uh...I don't know...m-maybe...I guess, if the whole thing from the Dragon Ball franchise is any indicator..."

"That's good enough for me..." Twilight said as she had a furious glare at Tirek, who merely smirked at her.
Her horn glowed brilliantly as she then teleported to Tirek's location.

Twilight flew furiously at Tirek and unleashed a large beam of magical energy that tore apart the earth beneath Tirek's feet.

The beam collided with the remains of the boulder Twilight was stuck between, and generated a huge explosion that Tirek endured without a scratch.

Twilight landed on the earth her attack dug out and glared at Tirek bitterly, Tirek thought aloud as he saw Twilight gathering magic in her horn, "Now I understand what your fellow princesses have done with their magic, Princess Twilight...makes it all the more satisfying when I take it..."

Twilight gritted her teeth and flew up at high speeds and quickly put up a shield as Tirek fired a magic beam himself to her, grinning all the while.
He thought, Though I can immobilize her if I wanted, if she's going to put up a fight, might as well indulge her...

Tirek was actually mistaken if he thought he could immobilize Twilight Sparkle, as the energy she contains enables her to match the centaur in strength and might.

Twilight warped to Tirek's feet and unleashed magical lighting at the centaur's face, causing him to shield it with his hands, and then brush it aside. Twilight was then suddenly levitated by Tirek's stolen magic, swung around with the motion of his arms, then thrown fiercely towards a mountain, with Twilight crashing into the face.

-[A Fearsome Foe - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
Lots of dust was thrown up when Twilight crashed into the mountain side, but as the dust cleared, Twilight had revealed to have put up a magic barrier around herself. She thought, Damn it...this isn't going to be easy to beat Tirek, but I might have more success if I tried 'that' method-...

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by Tirek shouting viciously and charging at her at full speed in the air. He rammed into her straight through the mountain face, but Twilight was unfazed. Gritting her teeth, she straightened up on Tirek's shoulder and readied a magic blast. She successfully connected the attack to Tirek and sent him plummeting down to the ground like a meteor.

Twilight thought as she readied another attack, Well, time to try my luck in seeing if this works...

She then hurled a blast at Tirek inside a crater, and the blast seemingly plunged him deeper into the Earth. She landed on the ground as she said to herself in an inaudible mutter, "If he survived this, I'll know that I have to try out-..."

She was interrupted by a magic beam erupted from the ground and circled around her. Tirek then lifted the earth with sheer muscle and threw it with Twilight on top of the earth, away several yards.

Rosa watched the battle unfold on the back of her Shiny Dragonite, unsure what she could do at the moment.

What should I do? Rosa thought as Tirek and Twilight unleashed magic blasts against each other, I want to help Twilight, but Sean wants me to keep Akagi from the Unown...

"Miss Rosa Parker!"
The American Trainer jolted at the voice of Yveltal, she saw him fly up to her and said further, "Xerneas told me what's going on, go to that castle and defend the Unown from Akagi, I'll get help to deal with this Tirek centaur..."

"But...Why can't you deal with Tirek yourself?" Rosa asked, only for the Legendary Pokémon to reply, "I have my reasons, and Xerneas explained that this 'Tree of Harmony' said to him that these 'Element Bearers' have to defeat this foe..."

Rosa was about to further pursue what Yveltal was saying, but he further elaborated, "...I saw Satoshi, his mate, and three female foals head towards Sean's location, you have to cut them off or else they'll be in Akagi's grasp. He'll use them as hostages..."
"Okay...See you then..." Rosa said as her Dragonite flew into the Everfree Forest.

Yveltal landed beside his brother as the FAIRY-Type said, "I know there's something you're neglecting to share with our friends...care to elaborate, brother?"
Yveltal looked into his brother's eyes seriously, then answered, "Seta's here...that damned centipede demon. I encountered him late last night, and like the cowardly insect he is, fled from my grasp after he tried to ambush me..."

Xerneas wore a shocked expression as he asked worriedly, "Are...you certain it was him?"
The DARK/FLYING-Type Legendary replied, "Yes...beyond 100% certain..."

Xerneas was silent for a few moments, then said, "If we're dealing with that...'thing'...then head to a clearing deep in the forest immediately, and lead a creature I have contained in a fence of trees to this location. It will be helpful in dealing with his kind and magic itself like Tirek's..."

Yveltal headed for the location immediately, as Xerneas headed for the town center. The FAIRY-Type legendary headed to the defeated group of Pokémon that battled Tirek earlier, and found the trainers Discord captured unconscious beside them.

Using his life energy, he emitted a healing pulse to all of them, and the trainers subsequently awoke from their unconsciousness.
"Wh-what happened?" May said confused, as Kotone replied angrily, "What happened?! That ***hole of a centaur knocked us out by shaking that cage that b****** Discord put us in! What I want to know is how did we get out of that cage, and where are Twilight-chan's friends and that Discord *******!"

"Don't worry..." Xerneas said, "I'll explain the situation to you..."

Back at the Everfree Forest...

The CMC, Ash, Serena, and their Pokémon ran through the forest as fast as their legs could, following Giratina's shadow to Sean's location. They were getting past a cluster of ominous-looking trees when they heard a feminine voice call out, "Satoshi! Serena!"

"That's Rosa-chan's voice!" Satoshi said. Giratina's shadow stopped when the American girl riding a green Dragonite came down from the forest canopy. She noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders were with the two lovebirds, and thought that, at this time, she can't have them excluded out of trouble.

"You guys follow me!" Rosa said, only for Serena to say to her friend, "Wait! We need to get Sean's Porygon-Z to free Monsieur Giratina!"
"Giratina's here?! And he's trapped?!" Rosa exclaimed, then saw the huge shadow of said Legendary Pokémon appear.

"He said he's trapped in some kind of place called a 'shadowzone' and that Mr. Sean's Porygon-Z can help him." Scootaloo explained to the teenager.
"Oh-okay...I get it..." Rosa said, "...for now, I need you five to head to the old castle and protect the Unown with Sensei's other Pokémon, I'll go get his Porygon-Z! You are to stay there until I get back. Understand?"

The fillies felt like Rosa was trying to be their older sisters with staying out of trouble, and were ready to refuse, until Ash of all people say in response.
"I get it, Rosa-chan, you are the oldest, and you're Hashimoto-san's personal apprentice. Don't worry, we'll get the job done. 私の名誉で!"

"Oui! You're my best friend Rosa, I trust you as much as I trust Satoshi..." Serena replied, while gently tightening her grip on Ash's hand.
Rosa let out a light chuckle at that, then said with a serious expression, "I guess in most superhero or military movies, this is the part where I say that we've formulated a plan of attack, and we should go execute it. Giratina, you stay with them, I'll find that meme generator of a Pokémon and bring him over."

Giratina nodded in confirmation through his shadow, and the group headed for the old castle, while Rosa and her Dragonite went to look for Sean...

-[Your Choice: Intense Battle]-
Meanwhile, Sean and his Pokémon were well underway with dealing away Cyrus' borrowed lackeys, having already captured 5 out of, what Sean counted, 23 ponies forced into working for Cyrus, though he imagined there were more.

As he pinned number six down and tied him up, he felt the aura of seven ponies surrounding him. His Typhlosion was the only Pokémon with him at the moment, as his other 'troops' were busy dealing with the other pony lackeys of Cyrus.

Sean thought, Damn it, why do I get carried away and forget to be alert at the most crucial times? Sensei was right when he said I should strive to deal with that flaw in my skill.
"Bak-phooooon!" Typhlosion bellowed as the flames on his neck erupted fiercely.

"We got him..." one of the ponies said, only for a feminine voice to respond, "No you don't, my little pony..."

They all tensed up when they heard that voice, Sean especially, as the voice was completely unfamiliar to him. He noted that, while it sounded fairly young, there was a slight seductiveness in it.

"Who in Equestria are you!" one of the ponies shouted, only for blue balls of fire to appear and gently float to them like ghosts. An ominous mist rolled in, and the blue fireballs seemed to morph into various monsters that looked like they were ripped right from old Japanese paintings. Some of the monsters roared, while the others cackled wickedly, causing the ponies to scream in sheer terror and runaway.

Sean readied to fend himself from the monsters, until the same feminine voice said, "Oh, it's alright, Hashimoto-kun~! They're fakes, illusions I can conger with my power."
He and Typhlosion turned around to the direction of the voice, and saw who it came from...

They saw a young woman who looks to be what could be best described as an older teenager (18 at most), with raven-black hair that reached past her waist, and blue eyes that were slightly hypnotic with how blue they were. She was very beautiful (and sexy to those of 'unclean minds') with a nice figure, decently large breasts, and wide hips. The girl wore, what Sean could describe as a Japanese shrine maiden's robe, except it is a somewhat darker shade than normal and the red in a typical shrine maiden's outfit was replaced with a bright blue, it also showed her cleavage well with how form-fitting it was.

"I'm soooo happy to see you again, Ha-shi-mo-to-ku-n~!" she said again playfully as to Sean's confusion and embarrassment, she hugged him tightly, her chest pressing tightly against his.
"Wh-wh-who are you?!" Sean uttered when he managed to break free from her surprisingly strong clutch, only for the girl to pout a little and reply, "Ow, that really hurts that you don't remember me..."

The girl sighed, then slyly smirked, "...though honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you or your Typhlosion didn't recognize me. Not only were you a little boy back then, I didn't look like this when we first met."

Sean and Typhlosion cocked their heads to the side confused, then their expressions grew to shock as something unexpected happened to the girl. She suddenly sprouted semi-transparent fox ears on top of her head, nine (also semi-transparent) fox tails popped from behind with the same blue fires floating inches from the tips, and her black hair changed to a more dark grey color (which seemed to indicate she had a more silver-white color really).

Sean realized who he was talking to, and pieced together what she was talking about, "Y-you're the kitsune that showed us the way to Kyoto when we were lost almost six years ago?!"
"BINGO!!" the fox-spirit cheered, and hugged Sean again affectionately, pulling his Starter in as well, shifting back to her previous appearance.

"I thought you were adorable back then, and decided to help you so no evil spirits take a cutie like you away. I'll help you deal with this problem you're having right now..." the kitsune said in a manner some might expect a J-pop idol say, "...and my name is Hanami Fujikawa, if you're curious..."

Sean shook his head as he said to her, "Alright...uh, F-Fujikawa-san, then help out my other Pokémon and capture these ponies, they're working for an enemy of mine against their will..."
"It's a done deal!" Hanami said cheerily, then trudged to the closest of Sean's Pokémon.

Before Sean and his Typhlosion could go to trap more of Cyrus' goons, Rosa and Dragonblitz landed in front of them and Rosa dismounted him.
The young girl asked, "An old friend of yours?"
Sean knew she was talking about Hanami, and replied, "She helped me out when I got lost in Kansai years ago, and what are you doing here! You're suppose to stay at the castle to defend the Unown."

"Satoshi, Serena, and those three fillies are there right now. Giratina arrived and he needs your Porygon-Z to help him, because he's trapped in some dimensional plane he called, 'the shadowzone', and Tirek's attacking Twilight Sparkle." Rosa informed him.
Sean was surprised, and asked, "Wait! What happened to Zekrom and Reshiram? I thought they were with her?"

Rosa explained what she gathered from what information she had. Not having any real clue to where Reshiram and Zekrom are, but using the fact that Yveltal arrived and was willing to help them to ease the tension her mentor/friend he was clearly developing.

“Damn it…Mewtwo should’ve been back by now with Deathwing…” he said, not really to Rosa, but she replied, “I think they’re held up by something on their way here. But for now, I need to find Porygon-Z for Giratina…”

Rosa stopped as she felt a paralyzing shock against her back, shouting as the blast came from a unicorn Sean missed detecting. Typhlosion tackled the pony and knocked him out as Rosa started to fall face first towards the floor.

Sean caught her before she fell and asked her worriedly, “Rosa-chan, are you okay?”
Rosa let out a few grunts before she replied in a little pain, “I-I can’t really…m-move…but, I-I’ll be fine…”

“That’s a huge relief…You asked earlier about Porygon-Z…” Sean said as he helped her Dragonite ready to take her back to the castle, “…I don’t know where he is. Last I saw him, he headed down the direction of that ‘pen’ Xerneas made for the Tyrannosaurus…heaven knows why he’s heading there…”

-[Post Op Paracosm - Doctor Strange Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]-
Meanwhile, Yveltal reached to the location he was told to go to by his brother, and then, he saw the animal he's here for in its 'pen'...

"Unbelievable...seeing one of these creatures again after so long...this must be how some humans might feel if they were in my current position..."

The massive dinosaur stood up and stared at him, bobbing its head eerily like a bird does. Yveltal gave a like chuckle as he tried to communicate with the near 66 million year old beast.

"Come with me, mighty animal of the American continent! Your strength is required to deal with a hated foe of your mighty race. A monster in the form of an insect, and a centaur who's trying to harm innocents and disrupt the natural order of the world..."
The Tyrannosaurus sniffed at Yveltal, walking closer while doing so, but then it snorted and turned its back on the Legendary DARK/FLYING-Type, indicating it wasn't interested in Yveltal, or his request.

"Is this your answer to my plea? Scoffing at me and ignoring me? You're nothing but a stupid, cowardly weakling if you are afraid of a mere bug and bovine!" Yveltal insulted the dinosaur, which garnered a response from said animal, as it turned its head and snarled menacingly at him, glaring bitterly while doing so.

Yveltal knew it understood the language of humans perfectly, from prior experiences with numerous dinosaur species, he knew Tyrannosaurus in particular, have an especially bad habit of getting pissed from insults and their tendency to hold onto grudges with intense stubbornness. The dinosaur growled bitterly, saying something exceedingly inappropriate to Yveltal in its native language that Fluttershy would faint if she heard it.

He replied to the animal's nasty remark, "If you think I'm wrong, then prove it, you giant chicken. Follow me, and I'll lead you to the ones that I need you to fight, I'll take back my insults if you defeat them, including that last one..."
The Tyrannosaurus let out a low growl as confirmation, then Yveltal used his mighty wings to rip a few trees off the ground with a single swipe, opening a path for the dinosaur to leave uninhibited.

Porygon-Z watched and proceeded to head down the direction to the castle, picking up a huge chunk of the Tyrannosaur's horrifyingly putrid feces for some unknown reason. As Yveltal lead the dinosaur to its targets, the crack in the sky started to get wider...
...and the vortex inside began to spin quickly...

-[Back to Janjira (1:05 onward) - Godzilla (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)]-
Twilight continues to battle Tirek on her own, putting up a decent fight, but starting to tire a little. Things were starting to go down as Tirek launched Twilight away into a boulder.

"Darn it Twilight...You can't conserve magic now, not while Tirek is a danger to Equestria." Twilight Sparkle said to herself as she somewhat struggled to get up on her feet.

"Had enough princess!" Tirek cockily roared, sneering until Twilight gave him a swift uppercut to his jaw with her hoof (similar to Ryu's shoryuken), stunning Tirek momentarily.

Twilight rubbed her sore hoof as she thought, Not wise to do that again, his jaw's as tough as solid concrete...

Tirek rubbed his chin as he said to the alicorn menacingly, "You will pay for that...princess..."

"Not if I hav-hav-have anything-ing t-t-to say about it-t-t-t!"

"Huh?" was all Tirek could say, before something really strong tackled him to the ground.

"Regigigas!" Twilight said happily, only for the Colossal Pokémon to say, "Gather your power, I'll assist you as much as I can..."

-[Battle! (Team Flare) - Pokémon X and Y]-
Regigigas threw a vicious punch at Tirek's midriff that causes the massively powerful centaur to back-step a couple big steps.

"Grr, you will pay for tha-oof...!" was all Tirek said before Regigigas tackled him to the floor like an American Football player.
Twilight thought as she saw Regigigas battle Tirek, Gather...my energy? Does he mean...like what that Goku character does to turn into this, 'Super Saiyan' transformation of his? How am I suppose to do that...

Twilight shook her head and decided that she'd fight alongside the Colossal Pokémon. Much to his displeasure, Regigigas responded, "What are you doing! Didn't Reshiram & Zekrom teach you to charge your power."

Twilight replied, "I never got that far, and a little mishap caused them to be flung to who knows where!"
"QUIET!!!" Tirek exclaimed loudly as he threw a punch at Regigigas, which he blocked and is struggling to hold.

"You be quiet!" Regigigas retorted as he pushed Tirek with a powerful arm thrust to the chest.

Twilight quickly added to the Colossal Pokémon's attack by unleashing a magical lightning strike in the same spot. Tirek retaliated by using his stolen magic to blast the two back, Regigigas blocking it with his arms, and Twilight with a magic shield. Tirek poured on with his assault, putting out more and more power, and pushing both Twilight and Regigigas back with every output of more power.

Gah...so...m-much...p-power...can't...hold...on...much...longer... Twilight thought as her shield started to crack from Tirek's intense assault. Regigigas' body began to spark uncontrollably as he continued to endure the magic attack.

"Huh?" Twilight perked up as a familiar voice called out to her, replying, "K-Kotone?"

Tirek was suddenly hit square in the face with several beam or beam-like attacks, Twilight recognized that they were from the moves of Pokémon, then she saw a Lucario, Aurorus, & Swampert viciously tackle Tirek down. She recognized them as Pokémon that stayed behind in Ponyville at Fluttershy's house.

Twilight was greeted by Kotone stepping beside her and asked, "What happened to you guys, Kotone?"
"Now's not the time, Twilight-chan..." Twilight turned around to see May when she spoke to her, "...Tirek's a big ***hole and we need to take him down now! Xerneas-sama explained the situation to us."

"It also looks like your two new friends are ready to fight..." Kotone said as she pointed to the two cloaked Pokémon getting into a fighting stance. Tirek growled in anger as he launched his attack at the Pokémon, all of them but Swampert dodging the attack. The attack caught the two cloaked Pokémon's garb on fire, causing them to discard them, revealing what Pokémon the two were...

They were, as Ash correctly guessed, a male Lucario & a female Scizor, but they were both Shiny Pokémon...

"Oooo~!" May said with gleaming eyes, "I didn't know that they were Shiny Pokémon..."
The Lucario & Scizor duo both charged at Tirek headlong, followed by Regigigas close behind. Lucario and Scizor both fired a Dragon Pulse & Signal Beam combo point blank at Tirek's face, which was followed by Regigigas using Superpower to tackle Tirek to the ground.

Twilight knew what to do, and as such, teleported beside the Shiny Pokémon duo, then asked them, "I've been meaning to ask you guys this for a while, so, do you guys want to be my partners?"
The Shiny Lucario & Shiny Scizor looked at the young alicorn, then gave a smile that answered Twilight's question for her.

"Alright...now let's take Tirek down..." Twilight said as the three charged at Tirek, with Twilight ordering, "Lucario, use Close Combat at Tirek's face. Scizor, use Steel Wing at his legs."

The two Pokémon complied and did as they were told. Lucario jumped from rock to rock to gain momentum for the attack, Tirek noticed and tried to attack the Aura Pokémon, but it skillfully dodged or blocked the attacks. The STEEL/FIGHTING-Type then landed on Twilight's back and she let it use her as a springboard to get at Tirek's face. The centaur didn't have time to react as the Shiny Lucario unleashed the powerful FIGHTING-Type attack at Tirek, he could only get glimpses of a flurry of punches & kicks aimed at his face.

Scizor quickly struck the centaur's legs in succession, Tirek tried to stomp on the BUG/STEEL-Type, but Lucario & Twilight's assault keep him blinded from the Shiny Pokémon's attack. The attack left Tirek to fall down, which Regigigas used the opportunity to grab him by his horns and pin Tirek down.

"Now Twilight!" Regigigas shouted, "...Fire your most powerful spell at this centaur...!"

Twilight understood and began charging a potent paralysis spell that is certainly going to work on Tirek because of the magic of four alicorns. However, while charging the spell, she could sense that this particular spell, she'll only have one chance to cast a spell of this particular magnitude, its uncontrollable and she's struggling to keep it aimed at her target, meaning she won't have an opportunity like this again. With or without the magic boost of four alicorns...

"Almost there..." Twilight said to herself, as the two wild Shiny Pokémon rushed to Regigigas' aide and pinned Tirek's arms...

-[A Fearsome Foe - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
However, Tirek would not allow himself to be bested so easily, so he mustered as much physical strength he can, and threw Twilight's Shiny Pokémon off, and as Twilight fired her paralysis spell, Tirek noticed and grabbed Regigigas and threw him into the blast. The Colossal Pokémon's body convulsed and twitched uncontrollably as if it was being electrocuted, Twilight gasped as she made a horrible mistake, her legs feeling like jelly from the recoil of that spell. Regigigas' cries of pain ringing through the air over the sound of cackling electricity.

The Legendary Pokémon crashed to the ground with a mighty thud, generating a small earthquake that surprised Tirek.
He said, "For you to generate a quake with you merely falling down...you must be mighty indeed, I'll give you that..."

Regigigas himself couldn't reply, only for a robotic voice to say from the Colossal Pokémon's frame, #"ERROR! ERROR! MOTOR FUNCTIONS DISABLED! REBOOT IN PROGRESS! ESTIMATED TIME, FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR COMPLETE REBOOT! SYSTEMS SHUTTING DOWN FOR REBOOT!"#

"Damn it!" Regigigas said, though his voice was notably quieter than normal, almost sounding slightly muffled in a container or cockpit of sorts, "I can't do anything until my systems reboot. Regirock, Regice, Registeel! Commence Terminator Mode! Target: Tirek the Centaur..."

Twilight was still regaining her footing from the nasty recoil from the paralysis spell she cast, and suddenly, she was surrounded by the three golems that Regigigas created some thousands of years ago.

#"COMMAND RECOGNIZED! ACTIVATING TERMINATOR MODE!"# The three golems said in unison, their voices deepening frighteningly as their 'eyes' glowed an almost blood-red color, then they quickly, and mercilessly assaulted Tirek with a Stone Edge, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon combo.

Tirek quickly put up a magic barrier that barely kept him unharmed, only for Registeel to suddenly use Iron Head and hit the centaur square in the face with the force equal to a runaway freight train, as the sound of crunching bones wasn't a clear enough indicator of the sheer force. Tirek tried to regain his composure, but was met with an icy-cold beam hitting and freezing his head by Regice, and a merciless headbutt to the stomach of his 'horse-half' from Regirock.

Tirek coughed up a little blood as he quickly cast a healing spell, then unleashed a wide-range electrical blast with his stolen magic. The Regi-trio blocked the attack, but the current of the wide-ranging electric field caused their computer-like brains to slightly short-circuit, deactivating their 'Terminator Mode'. The effect caused the trio of artificial lifeforms to shut down into a sort of 'sleep-mode'. It was clear, to Twilight, us readers, and to Tirek, that if they didn't shut down when they did, the three golems would certainly defeat Tirek without question. They would have killed him.

The Pokémon Trainers were ready to help Twilight face Tirek after healing the Shiny Lucario & Shiny Scizor, only for the alicorn princess to say, "No...you guys help Sean and Rosa...Akagi is here and he's likely heading for the Unown at the old castle. I'll try to keep Tirek occupied..."

They all looked concerned, until Kotone said, "If you say so, Twilight-chan...Come on guys, let's help Hashimoto-san..."

Twilight watched as Tirek got up to his feet, recovering from the attack he used, and from the golems' assault. The Lucario & Scizor stood by her side, ready to help in anyway they can, despite not fully recovering from the vicious counterattack Tirek aimed at them.

"If we're finished here..." Tirek said with a huff, "...You will give me what I want, Princess Twi-GWAH!"

-[N's Dragon - Pokémon Black and White]-
Tirek was caught off-guard by a blow to the head from Yveltal tackling him to the ground at incredible speed. The Destruction Pokémon using his mighty wings like giant hands to grab Tirek's head and throw him against a giant tree, causing the tree to fall on top of Tirek.

"Yveltal!" Twilight said happily, while the Shiny Pokémon beside her looking worried of seeing, to them, their Grim Reaper, here of all places.
"I've brought someone who can help deal with this foe of yours..." Yveltal said as he landed several yards from the battlefield, beside a creature Twilight immediately recognized as the Tyrannosaurus that she and her friends earlier encountered.

Hold on... Twilight thought as something clicked in her head, When Yveltal said he someone who could help defeat Tirek, I was expecting another Legendary Pokémon, not that dinosaur...unless, the dinosaur...has something that is more effective against Tirek!

-[The Scourge of the American West - When Dinosaurs Roamed America]-
Tirek shrugged off Yveltal's attack, and he turned his attention to the Destruction Pokémon landing beside a large creature that looked like a dragon somewhat. It looked right at him, without any sign of turning its gaze away...

"That is the centaur I told you about..." Yveltal said quietly to the Tyrannosaurus, "...you still think you can beat him into submission?"
The predatory dinosaur turned his gaze slightly to Yveltal and then back at Tirek quickly, letting out a low, throaty growl in response. His instincts told him to run and leave the gigantic centaur alone because of said centaur's sheer size dwarfed the animal, but that's the only reason the Tyrannosaurus wants to run and leave Tirek alone. Every other reason, especially Yveltal's insults and Tirek's irritatingly familiar mammalian scent, were telling him to fight, and fight with a ferocity unrivaled in the animal kingdom. The Tyrannosaurus views Tirek as a threat and rival, like he would his own species...

"Then...I'll leave you to it..." Yveltal said as he now tries to look for Seta, knowing the stench of death in the air was coming from him and an indicator that the demon is nearby.

Tirek laughed as he said, "What's this? Another Pokémon creature? I'll give you ponies and humans credit, this stupid-looking creature appears more menacing than the others I've faced. But, I'll dispose of it like I did the others, a weak bug for the strong to crush under hoof!"

Tirek made a horrible mistake, calling the Tyrannosaurus "stupid" & "weak" in its face. Any shred of primordial fear the dinosaur had for Tirek was destroyed and replaced with the unstoppable urge to kill. The ancient predator now views Tirek as an intruder encroaching on his territory, and is aiming to kill Tirek like if he was another Tyrannosaurus.

"RRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The Tyrannosaurus let out a horrifying, animalistic scream that sent bone-chilling shudders down the spines of all who heard it, even Tirek himself.

Before Tirek realized it, he was forcefully pushed by the dinosaur tackling him and, in a feat that surprised him, the tyrannosaur grabbed his left leg with its mouth and pulled at it, causing him to crash down to its eye level.

-[The Power to Resist - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
Tirek was shocked as thoughts like these raced through his mind;
How come it's so strong...?
Where did it come from...?
Was it even one of these Pokémon creatures...?

He stopped being dumbstruck as he saw it coming towards his face with fang-filled jaws ready to crunch bone. He used his arm to shield his face as the dinosaur readied to bite. The Tyrannosaurus' jaws wrapped around Tirek's wrist and with a powerful flex, he bit down on the centaur's arm with a loud, sickening crunch.

Tirek yowled in agony as the Tyrannosaurus, like a pit bull, locked his jaws as Tirek's blood started to run from the puncture wounds from the predatory animal's knife-sized teeth. Tirek tried to blast the dinosaur with a magic blast, but proved ineffective as the massive creature only bit down harder, causing Tirek to resort to flat out hitting it forcefully on the head with his free arm, surprised by the Tyrannosaurus' thick skull. The tyrannosaur let out a low, thunderous growl in response to the hitting, then threw Tirek with sheer strength against the ground, Tirek gripping his bloodied arm and tried to heal it, but he noticed it wasn't healing as properly as before until he put out even more power to the spell.

What...is that thing... Tirek thought, unaware that a pair of eyes some distance away zeroed in on him, and he's unaware of a blue light quickly and faintly glowing from deep in the Tyrannosaurus' throat...

-[Reparation - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
As Ash, Serena, the CMC, & Rosa prepared to lay traps for Cyrus and his lackeys, they wait to not only battle them, but also for Sean to head back. They were somewhat nervous at the explosions and tremors going off back at the clearing near the Everfree Forest's edge.

"I'll head into the castle with some of the Pokémon to check on the Unown as a last line of defense, I'll come out to help if things start getting too dangerous..." Rosa said, leaving the younger trainers to serve as the first line of defense and effectively serve as sentries for Cyrus' lackeys or for Cyrus himself. They began to chat a little to ease the tension a little...

"It's worrisome with Tirek and Akagi running loose, and I wonder what that bone-chilling screech was from...?" Serena said to everyone.

"Not to be a downer, but I reckon that might have been from one of those 'Legendary Pokémon' that showed up..." Apple Bloom said, only for Ash to reply, "Thinking about it...I think that inhuman scream, was actually from the Tyrannosaurus Xerneas-sama was looking after..."

"That...did not sound like a T. rex at all!" Scootaloo said as she shuddered, with Ash saying, "...That film we saw a few days ago was not an accurate portrayal of that thing, Hashimoto-san says. He said that the T. rex likely sounded very different in life than what Jurassic Park made people think it sounded like."

"Okay?" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo replied, unsure what to think, while Sweetie Bell squinted at something in the distance.

-[Battle! (Lysandre) - Pokémon X and Y]-
"Incoming!" Sweetie Bell said as she pointed at a beam of energy heading for them.
Ash threw a Poké Ball and commanded, "Torkoal, use Protect!"

An orange turtle with a coal-black shell popped out of the device and quickly put up a protective field that completely blocked the attack. Ash quickly caught his Torkoal before it crashed to the ground. Serena exclaimed with worry, "Satoshi! Are you alright!"

"I'll be fine, Serena-chan..." Ash said as his Torkoal agreed with him, "...That looked like a Charge Beam attack, which means Akagi and his goons are here..."

"So you're the Satoshi with that transforming Greninja...? I've been fairly curious about you and that ninja-frog..." a female voice said, alerting everyone to the direction it came from and spotted the ex-commanders of Team Galactic, Mars & Jupiter.

"Who are you guys!" Ash asked as he stood up, his Greninja and Pikachu both readying for combat.
"You don't remember Monsieur Hashimoto's story, Satoshi?" Serena said with very slight annoyance in her voice, "They're those Team Galactic idiots, Mars & Jupiter..."

"I'm ready to take all of you children down, and claim the Unown for Master Akagi..." Mars said as she sent out all her Pokémon, with Jupiter doing the same.
"Children like yourselves need a good spanking for getting in an adult's way..." Jupiter added, earning scorn from the five young kids, especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey! We aren't kids!" Apple Bloom said.
"We will defeat you, and prove we aren't kids." Sweetie Bell added.
"If anyone deserves a spanking, it's you guys and that Akagi creep!" Scootaloo sassed, earning the spite of the two commanders.

All three fillies exclaimed at once, with their Pokémon partners joining in, "WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!"
Serena added as she sent out her Sylveon and Delphox, "Sean and Rosa trust us to keep you guys from the Unown and that's what we'll do!"
Ash said as he held Serena's hand, "That's right! You won't defeat us!"

"Fine...Let's do this..." Mars replied as her Magnezone and Purugly charged forwards as Ash's Pikachu and Torkoal headed them off.

Pikachu smacked Mars' Purugly in the face with a Brick Break attack, canceling out its Shadow Claw. Mars' Magnezone fired a Charge Beam that met Torkoal's Flamethrower head on. Jupiter's Skuntank tried to pull a sucker-punch by firing a Toxic, but the CMC's Ivysaur, Charmeleon, & Wartortle sucker-punched it first with a Razor Leaf, Water Pulse, Flame Burst combo that knocked the Skunk Pokémon away.

"No cheating!" Scootaloo said as her Charmeleon landed beside her and somewhat mimicked the little pegasus' motions, with Apple Bloom & Sweetie Bell agreeing.
Serena got beside the fillies and agreed, "That is correct, your opponent is me, you witch..."

Jupiter's fury rose to new heights at Serena calling her a witch, and had her Golbat and Skuntank attack the French-girl's Pokémon, only for Ash's Greninja to skillfully derail the commander's plan with a Water Shuriken that knocked out the Golbat and hit the Skuntank with a critical hit.

Sean's Tyrantrum that stayed behind to help defend the castle was under Serena's temporary command as the ROCK/DRAGON-Type faced both Mars & Jupiter's Bronzong on its own, keeping the STEEL/PSYCHIC-Type Pokémon away from supporting the other Pokémon.

"For a bunch of kids..." Mars said to Jupiter, "...they're really tough..."
"I agree for once..." Jupiter said with hate, "...Akagi-sama can defeat them easily, so we'll stall and weaken them for Akagi-sama to clean up..."

May came like lightning riding on the back of Sean's Aurorus, saying as Mars and Jupiter readied to pull out guns, "No way we're letting a trash-psychopath like Akagi near the Unown! Hey Swampert! Use Mud Shot and disarm them!"

Sean's Swampert, having somewhat recovered from Tirek's attack, fired balls of mud at Mars & Jupiter's guns, knocking them out of their grasps and the mud ruining the guns functionality. Brendan, Kotone, Silver, Barry & the remaining Pokémon following suit to provide backup.
"I hate those brats!" Jupiter said, which prompted a masculine voice to say, "Even if they're punks, I think they do a fine job on interfering with someone's business when it counts..."

They saw Giovanni with N close behind and his Braviary. Mars & Jupiter began sweating now, with the former leader of Team Rocket, and the 'king' of Team Plasma were here, both of them tough customers to face against.

"Damn it..." Mars said, "...now we have to deal with Sakaki of Team Rocket & N of Team Plasma..."

Giovanni said as he sent out a Rhyperior, "I'll help out these children until Akagi shows his face, so I can deal with him myself..."
N stared at Giovanni, "Sean Hashimoto is my friend as his friends are my friends too, if you think of double-crossing them, you'll have me to deal with..."

Giovanni smirked as he replied to N's threat with a chuckle, "After being in the clear for this long since that punk Red defeated me, you really think I'd even be interested in criminal acts at this moment?"

He snapped his fingers and like a well-oiled fighting machine, Giovanni's Rhyperior took off like a runaway train and utterly thrashed the two Bronzong, practically eliminating the supporter Pokémon of Mars & Jupiter's teams. Sean's Tyrantrum looked at Giovanni's Rhyperior with sparks in his eyes, the Despot Pokémon found a new rival to fight.

"I suggest you children take advantage of these two being distracted...especially you, Hanako Tajiri's son..." Giovanni said, Ash had a briefly confused look after he heard Giovanni said his mother's name.

"Alright then! Greninja, let's get going!" Ash said as he and his Greninja's heartbeats synchronized together, then the Ninja Pokémon transformed into his unique transformation, Ash-Greninja.

Greninja and Pikachu charged forwards against Mars' Purugly and Golbat, Serena's Delphox & Sylveon did the same against Jupiter's Skuntank and Tangrowth.

Kotone looked up to the sky and saw something moving towards them at high speed, saying, "Hey...isn't that...? It is! He's found us! We're in the clear now!"
The other trainers looked and saw a silver streak roar through the sky, with May replying, "Yahoo~! Hashimoto-san's first legendary is on his way! Let's go guys!"

Their battle started to heat up when Lugia showed up and joined the fight...

-[Countdown to Destruction - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
The battle between Tirek and Twilight began taking a turn for the worse, most of Twilight's allies with dealing with Tirek are down on the ground. Her only back up is her Scizor and the Tyrannosaurus, her Lucario was unconscious, having been hit hard by Tirek's attack. Any of Sean's Pokémon that stayed behind to help Twilight lied down on the ground beaten at Ponyville, recovering thanks to the citizens of Ponyville who can do such.

Twilight recovered somewhat and managed to face Tirek on some equal footing of sorts, the centaur getting intensively exhausted from the battles with Regigigas & his creations, as well as a 'poison' of sorts from the Tyrannosaurus' septic-like bite.

He's constantly applying healing magic which helps getting rid of the effect the dinosaur's bite had on him. This unfortunately leaves most of his magic attacks fairly weak compared to before. Twilight used this to her advantage by unleashing a powerful magic attack right into Tirek's face, knocking him back several yards away.

The Tyrannosaurus stepped beside Twilight and her Scizor, and looked right into the alicorn princess' eyes, a look that seemed to show that the dinosaur was waiting for some kind of signal or okay from Twilight. She looked to her other side to meet her Scizor's eyes, they were the same as the Tyrannosaurus' eyes. She nodded and both Scizor and, seemingly, the Tyrannosaurus both grinned at her answer, then the two charged forwards to Tirek, the alicorn following close behind.

Tirek just regained his footing when he was suddenly tackled to the ground forcibly by the Tyrannosaurus, both he and Twilight were surprised that a creature of the dinosaur's size could move so quickly. The Tyrannosaurus tried to use his powerful jaws to once again clamp down on Tirek's arm, originally aiming for the centaur's muscular throat. Tirek threw an uppercut to the animal's stomach with all his might, it stunned the Tyrannosaurus and broke a few of his ribs. Tirek then used both hands and swung both hands clasped together to hit the Tyrannosaurus on the side of his face and caused the mighty animal to crash into a few more trees, further injuring the dinosaur.

Amidst the frightening cries of pain the Tyrannosaurus let out, Tirek began to grin and get cocky, which allowed himself to be blind-sighted by the STEEL/BUG-Type Pokémon sucker-punching him in the chin, and then into a double-claw strike between his eyes. The action stunned Tirek and temporarily blinded him, allowing Twilight's Scizor to distract him while Twilight herself rushed to the Tyrannosaurus' side.

Twilight nearly vomited when she saw the massive dinosaur's left leg was broken so badly that his foot was pointing the opposite direction of its natural position and the toes curled upwards instead of downwards, undoubtedly the most severe injury on the animal at this moment. The Tyrannosaur's pained cried were spine-chilling as they sounded excessively unnatural to Twilight, and far louder than Tirek's grunting and shouting as he frustratingly couldn't land a hit on the Pincer Pokémon.

Twilight thought as she was focusing an alicorn-boosted healing spell on the dinosaur's most severe injury, Sweet Celestia how I thought its angered screeches were scary...its pained screams are even more horrifying than that! They sound unsettlingly similar to a pony's cries of terror.

She focused and rushed to heal the tyrannosaur's leg as much as possible, enough so for either Xerneas' elixir he gave to Fluttershy or Xerneas himself to finish the healing job. As the magic forcefully reset the dinosaur's leg and toes into their rightful position, the broken bones made sickening sounds as they were set in their proper positions, the dinosaur let out louder screams of agony that sent many creatures in the Everfree Forest running in fear away from the screams.

Twilight was thankful that the boosted magic of four alicorns was coming handy in healing the dinosaur, her magic alone wouldn't be enough regarding the fact that dinosaurs apparently had an especially strong resistance to all kinds of magic. Tears started streaming from her eyes from the strain the magic was putting her through to heal the dinosaur enough for the injuries to be minor at least. Opening her eyes to look at the dinosaur's head, she saw that the animal looked like it was crying too, the Tyrannosaurus' eyes had a look that was similar to it shedding tears itself.

The sound of a tree getting uprooted briefly broke Twilight's concentration, and she knew she had to hurry, so she poured on even more power to at least get the Tyrannosaurus to stop screaming.

-[Reviving Majin Buu - Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters]-
Tirek's brief duel with Twilight's Shiny Scizor was kicking into overdrive, the centaur regained his vision and with the power he'd accumulated clouding his mind somewhat, he was bent on getting revenge on the BUG/STEEL-Type Pokémon.

Tirek threw punches that the nimble Scizor dodged with such speed and precision that a more accurate way to describe the dodges would be that Twilight's Scizor 'danced' around Tirek's punches. She began firing Bullet Punches and Signal Beams at Tirek's face to keep him distracted from Twilight, Scizor knowing that Twilight's vulnerable, and Tirek's magic is weaker thanks to the Tyrannosaurus causing the centaur to focus most of his stolen magic into healing his injuries from the dinosaur. The Pincer Pokémon thought she'd use that to her advantage...

Tirek charged like a bull while flailing his arms and legs wildly, thinking that even if Twilight's Scizor dodged the charge, he'll be able to strike her regardless if she dodges or not. The BUG/STEEL-Type Pokémon predictably dodged the charge, but then did something unexpected next.

She used her legs to touch and use the momentum from one of Tirek's arm swings to propel her towards a tall tree ahead of him. Twilight's Scizor used Metal Claw to swing around the trunk, cutting into it cleanly, and using the momentum she gained, jumped to the second tree, while flashing an insulting face at Tirek. This made the centaur furious as he angrily chased after her, the Pincer Pokémon leaping from tree to tree on either side.

Tirek tried to grab Twilight's Scizor, but after leaping from the 25th tree, she pulled another unexpected maneuver and slid under Tirek, adding a swift strike to the gut to goad the evil centaur to pursue her.

When Tirek turned around and started to chase the BUG/STEEL-Type, his thunderous footsteps caused the trees Twilight's Scizor jumped between to fall towards him. Before he could do anything, Twilight's Scizor fired a Signal Beam straight into Tirek's face and caused the hulking behemoth to crash to the ground, causing the falling trees to pile up and land on top of him.

Twilight's Scizor had a look of relief on her face as she motioned a 'wiping sweat from her forehead' motion, Twilight was astonished that the girl BUG/STEEL-Type pulled off that plan so well, then realized that her friend bought her some time to recover. She quickly finished healing the Tyrannosaurus' broken left leg enough where it was as minor as a sprained ankle, and tried to focus the healing spell on herself and her unconscious Lucario at the same time, while giving her Scizor one of Sean's Sitrus Berries he gave her a while back.

"That was amazing, this certainly wasn't your first fight huh?" Twilight asked the Pincer Pokémon, to which the Shiny Pokémon nodded yes.

Twilight stopped healing herself and her Lucario as soon as the Aura Pokémon regained consciousness and tried to resume healing the Tyrannosaurus, hoping that the dinosaur could help cripple Tirek again like before. Amidst the pained moans of the 40-foot long animal, Twilight could not hear the trees on top of Tirek moving, along with his growls.

Her Lucario only had a minute to react as with a primal shout, Tirek flung the trees off of him and with a full-powered swing from his arm, he hit Twilight's Scizor and sent it flying, where she crashed into the Ponyville schoolhouse's playground and with several loud clangs, utterly destroyed the equipment and passed out.

Tirek then charged a magic blast aiming for the Tyrannosaurus, only for Twilight's Lucario to jump in front of the attack and used Protect. It successfully defended the attack off, but the force and recoil sent the two flying, Twilight quickly teleported after them.

She used her magic to catch the two before they hit the ground, but Tirek chased after her and with a surprise magic blast, Twilight was flung spiraling away, causing her to drop both her Lucario and the Tyrannosaurus. She has had enough as Tirek gave chase and tried repeatedly to land a hit on her, Twilight was now ready to try and finish the battle.

Twilight fired a huge, full-powered blast at Tirek when he fired his of similar size and power, the two blasts collided and cancelled each other out. But, not before resulting a massive explosion that engulfed the two combatants and the injured Tyrannosaurus.

The collision could be seen for miles, as in the Everfree Forest, Sean looked out in the direction of the blast, hardening his serious expression. He finished tying up the last of Cyrus' borrowed goons with his Typhlosion, Metagross, & Raichu, and tossed the tied up ponies to Latios to send them to Ponyville until the authorities come to pick them up after Tirek is dealt with.

He said to himself without turning his gaze from the direction of Twilight and Tirek's fight, "Looks like things are about to wrap up over there..."
Sean turned to his Pokémon and said, "Have everyone regroup at the Castle, Metagross & Raichu, Typhlosion, come with me..."

Out in the distance, Sean's Mewtwo and Deathwing the Charizard, saw the explosion and hurried to its general direction.

-[Your Choice: Desperation]-
Meanwhile, back at Twilight and Tirek's battle, the two got up from the rubble of the explosion, the two having a stare down, glaring at each other and wiping the blood from their mouths.

"It appears that we are at an impasse, Princess..." Tirek said gruffly.

Twilight let out an exhausted huff, and retorted, "So what if we are, Tirek...That doesn't mean I won't try to bring you down...even if I'm the only one standing..."

"Even so..." the centaur said with a grin forming on his face, "...How about a trade, Princess Twilight?"
With a snap of his fingers, eight bubbles appeared and to Twilight's horror, had her friends, their Pokémon partners, Spike, and Discord inside them, and unfortunately for her, no Pokémon could help her out right now. Regigigas was down, paralyzed by a misfire by Twilight, and the other trainers were busy dealing with Cyrus and his posse. The Tyrannosaurus was severely hurt, as it lied on the ground with broken arms, a broken right femur, and cracked ribs, his pained moans rang in the background, earning any who heard him their sympathy. Compared to its prior injuries, the dinosaur will survive, but for it to go back to normal, he needs medical treatment soon.

Tirek made his demand with a sneer, "Their release, for all the Alicorn magic in Equestria!"

Amidst the pleas from her friends & their Pokémon, and the agonizing cries from the Tyrannosaurus, Twilight stood afraid and in shock. She wondered where her friends were and why Discord wasn't with Tirek.

"What will it be princess?" Tirek said as he held a hand out, "...Or, do you need incentive to make a decision...like me harming that hurt creature that actually harmed me?"

Twilight's eyes shot open with shock as Tirek readied a paralysis spell and aimed it at the Tyrannosaurus. She recognized that the spell Tirek was using was old, archaic magic, the kind designed to kill, and realized Tirek was readying a spell that would stop the dinosaur's heart.

Tirek readied to fire as she shouted to the top of her lungs, "WAIT!!!"

-[Your Choice: Difficult Decision]-
Tirek disarmed the spell, and replied impatiently, "So...what's your answer? I want an answer, and I want it NOW!!!"

Twilight looked at her friends and a revelation hit her when she saw all of them looking at her. With a deep breath, she gave her answer...

"I will give you my magic...in exchange for my friends..."

Everyone gasped with shock, while Tirek sneered at Twilight's predictable answer...
Twilight sternly looked at Tirek and reaffirmed her decision, "ALL of my friends, Tirek..."

Discord looked shocked at Twilight's answer, after everything he did, she still considered him her friend.

Tirek was pretty shocked at that and asked, "Even after he betrayed you and assisted me in stealing magic, from even your friends, you still consider him as your friend? A Traitor?"
Twilight demanded like the princess she was, "Release him with my friends...now...and leave the dinosaur alone..."

Tirek had the look of a business man as he replied with a snap of his fingers, "If that's what you want...very well...and I assume that creature crying out over there is this 'dinosaur' creature you mentioned?"

Twilight wordlessly nodded yes as the eight bubbles popped as soon as they landed on the ground.
Discord looked at Twilight and said to her in a very sincere tone, "Thank you, Twilight..."

He looked at Fluttershy and said to her, "I'm sorry..."
Fluttershy looked away with tears and replied while hugging her Dragonite, "I know...I'm sorry too..."

Discord's ears drooped low as he struggled to get up, the other ponies being helped up by their Partner Pokémon (Rarity had additional help from Spike), as Tirek stomped towards Twilight.

"Enough stalling!" Tirek said, "Now it's your turn..."

-[No Music}-
Twilight grunted and shouted with strain as Tirek robbed her of the magic of four alicorns. Tirek growing bigger and more crazy with the massive power boost from the alicorn magic. Discord looked to the ground and quietly walked away to sulk while everyone was distracted.

Twilight collapsed to the ground as her friends rushed to her side and got her to safety as Tirek started growling with excitement.

Xerneas looked on from the forest and used Psychic to pick up the Tyrannosaurus and carried it to where he can safely heal the dinosaur, sensing that its power will be required for the fight to come...

-[The Birth of Merged Zamasu - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
"Yes! Yes!! YES!!! THE POWER IS MINE AT LAST!!!" Tirek exclaimed as the power rushed to his mind.


Twilight just looked at Tirek as he was drunk with the magical power of four alicorns and went on a spree of destruction of the Everfree Forest. She looked down to the ground with regret at letting Tirek gain such power.

The six ponies and Spike looked on in fear that for the first time ever, the six of them lost the fight against the bad guy.

"Let's stop Tirek, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.
"H-how...he's won...he has all the magic in Equestria..." Twilight replied sadly, worried about both her Partner Pokémon.

"Even so...we can still beat that meanie pants with our Pokémon partners..." Pinkie said, only for Twilight to reply, "Truth is, I was close to beating Tirek with those two Pokémon and the Tyrannosaurus, that dinosaur being the one that turned the tide of battle in our favor, but Tirek injured it, so we can't beat him without the Tyrannosaurus to help us..."

The six felt a rush of wind that kicked up dust, and they saw Mewtwo and Deathwing land close to them, with Mewtwo asking them, ~"We saw an explosion, was that from you?"~

"It was...from me and Tirek..." Twilight said as she was facing post-magic draining dizziness, "...he's successfully took all the alicorn magic in Equestria. Pretty much all magic in Equestria..."

"Not all of it..."

They all faced in the direction of the voice and found it to be from Xerneas, he elaborated before anyone could ask what he means...

"The Tree of Harmony and the chest it produced...That's the remaining 5% of magic in Equestria and that is enough to overwhelm all of Tirek's stolen magic..."

Twilight was about to say something, only for Rarity to beat her to it, "Wait a moment, we only have five keys to open the chest and Twilight is missing her key, which is the only one we don't have..."

"Discord has the final key you require, the Tree told me, especially since we both are sensing something amiss, a sense of urgency to defeat Tirek..." Xerneas said, "...I've been both simultaneously been keeping the Tree of Harmony from Tirek's rampage, and healing the Tyrannosaurus to assist in the rematch, and to deal with...something else..."

The Element Bearers didn't like how Xerneas said the last statement in such a serious, unnerving way. They figured he was hiding something, and it sounded worse than their current crisis with Tirek and Cyrus. Especially if, in Twilight's mind, the Tyrannosaurus was needed to deal with this 'something else' he spoke of.

"Where is Discord if he has Twilight's key?" Rainbow Dash asked the obvious question, which clicked in everyone's minds as where the draconequus was since Tirek stole his magic as well.

"LIZ-ARRRR!" Deathwing bellowed, which prompted Xerneas to translate for the ponies, "Deathwing said that she saw Discord heading near a clearing 30 yards southeast before she landed..."
"Then by golly, that's where we're headin'!" Applejack said, only for Fluttershy to say, "B-but what about Tirek? He'll stop us if he sees us, or worse...he...he..he'll...ohhh..."

The PSYCHIC-Type clone of Mew looked at Tirek and gauged her strength & Deathwing's strength to Tirek's, and saw that the two could easily keep the centaur occupied. With a twitch, she sensed something, ominous, heading for the castle, and realized it wasn't Cyrus causing that ominous sensation, but something...more sinister...

She looked at Deathwing and made it clear to Masaru Hashimoto's Charizard that she wanted her to go help Sean, even though the FIRE/FLYING-Type looked eager to face Tirek. Mewtwo looked ready to accompany Deathwing to Sean's current location, but she stopped and looked at Tirek as he, drunk from power, started destroying everything around him for the simple reason being he just can. After mulling it over, and Deathwing being long gone, Sean's Mewtwo made her decision to deal with the current threat...

-[Victory Road - Pokémon the Series: XY]-
~"I'll hold Tirek off until you find the final key to that chest!"~ Sean's Mewtwo said.

"What?!" the six friends shouted, to which Twilight responded, "Tirek is too powerful, you'll never beat him with the magic of 95% of Equestria's magic stolen! You'll be-...!"


They were taken aback at Mewtwo chuckling, to which she said, ~"You underestimate my powers, and it isn't like I'll be facing him alone..."~

She pointed down to the direction towards the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters, and elaborated, ~"Let's not forget that, aside from Xerneas and Yveltal having something more pressing to deal with, we have much of the Legendary Pokémon here to help, especially the timely arrival of Lugia and Giratina on standby until Porygon-Z frees him from his predicament..."~

"Oh yeah!" Pinkie said, "We can do this, we just have to find Discord and give us Twilight's Key!"
~"Go now...I'll keep Tirek distracted..."~ Sean's Mewtwo said to them, and they listened as Twilight warned, "Please be careful, right now, you'll more or less be fighting every citizen in Equestria regarding Tirek's stolen magic..."

-[Fierce Battle Against a Mighty Foe - Dragon Ball SUPER]-
The Genetic Pokémon nodded and charged at Tirek, readying a Psycho Cut and hurled it at the centaur as it crashed at one of his horns.

Tirek was surprised, as he looked around, "Who threw that? I'll-blaphlala!"
Tirek was swatted by an uprooted tree and got a mouth full of leaves, he swatted the tree away with his arm and spat out a huge pile of leaves that were in his mouth.

He looked and quickly turned when another tree comes flying at him at such velocity that the tree was bending into a 'V' shape. He used a magic shield to block the attack, when the tree hit the force-field, it made an extra loud snap that echoed for miles.

He looked in the direction the tree came from, and saw something flying towards him at high speed. He got a better look and saw some humanoid-shaped creature with a long purple tail heading towards him, a look of determination on its face.

Tirek grinned as he began to boast, "So you think you can defeat me? The mighty Lord Tirek! I'll crush you under my gr-!"


Tirek was sent flying and landed on his back at Mewtwo's powerful shock-wave of psychic energy, to which she replied, ~"Not that it matters to you, but I don't care who you are, all that matters is that I'll defeat you. You'll know just how powerful I really am without holding back...and for the record, I have no magic for you to take!"~

Tirek growled angrily at Mewtwo, "You will pay for that..."
Mewtwo smirked as she replied confidently, ~"Come and see if you can, you fat moron..."~

Mewtwo shot forwards at blinding speed as she charged up a Shadow Ball technique as Tirek angrily charged forwards like a mad bull...

When the two attacks collided...
A shimmering light enveloped Mewtwo that looked ever so familiar to the ponies, and trainers...

Sean responded as he said with his Key Stone glowing brilliantly, "No way...! Mewtwo can..."

Twilight finished her thoughts as she looked back, "Wait! How can she...? How can that happen?!"

Tirek was sent flying back and crashed into a mountain side as he saw his minuscule opponent change appearance.


Tirek's eyes widened as he felt the surges of energy push him forcibly against the mountain and Twilight and her friends look on with jaws dropped...



Mewtwo had just Mega Evolved into Mega Mewtwo Y...
Tirek's and Cyrus' defeats loom just overhead...

"Are you certain...? That's where my trainer disappeared to...?"

-[The True Purpose of a Sorcerer - Doctor Strange Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]-
Palkia and Dialga were called to a part of the Astral Plain that is rarely visited by, of all beings, the Grim Reaper himself, to discuss something that recently came to light to the gods of Time and Space.

"I've seen them with my own eyes, and I'll have you know that there's some kind of trouble brewing in that universe..." the Angel of Death replied sternly, further adding, "...Kashin Fury was there, and I detected the faint traces of an old foe of ours...the mass murderer of you know of whom I speak..."

Palkia and Dialga (mostly Palkia) gasped as the former exclaimed, "Do you mean...'his killer'? That disgusting monster?"

"Who else would I be talking about? It's faint, but unmistakably The Centipede's aura I sensed. If I wasn't asked to take care of some other jobs, I'd hunt for the freak myself. Lugia wasn't the only one who wanted revenge for killing my friend..." Death answered as he began to leave for parts unknown, but not before adding, "...Giratina already went ahead to find Hashimoto and his friends, but I felt a terrible imbalance there you should correct before you go hunting again..."

Palkia looked over the universal coordinates Death provided and thought aloud, "Wait a moment...if that's the current state of the designated universe, then the damage I'm reading can only come from one thing..."
"That was where our assailant fled to...but Shinigami told us we should fix this problem and find Hashimoto's group before we go hunting the creature..." Dialga finished for his sister.

Palkia thought about it and replied, "Yeah...but we should get help to deal with the influx of overcharged energy...Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! How about that rookie daddy's apprenticing! The blue-haired angel! She'll do nicely, and would help her become a Demigod-class Angel sooner!"
"I'd argue with you about bringing such an inexperienced, young angel to assist us..." Dialga said with a sigh, "...but, you'll do it anyways, regardless if I say no, sister..."

"We might as well, Seta's no match for her at her current level of training?" Palkia stated as she opened a wormhole to the designated dimension, with Dialga following suit...not without saying first to himself in his monotone voice,
"I suppose so...poor Akishia...*sigh*...At least, provided, he hasn't consumed a troublesome being that can rival an angel or deity..."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

First off, apologies for the really long wait for this part, personally this is why I would like someone act as both an editor and co-writer.

Originally, this chapter was meant to be a two-part chapter, but while writing this part, I had to turn the two-part chapter into a three-part chapter when this chapter, (with what is going to be in it originally), was going to be a 30k-to-40k long chapter. With as of 7/31/18, the original word count being 22,301, and it was (when this was just two parts) only halfway or a third completed.

It really didn't help with getting it out faster when I lost a flashdrive that had much of a side-project I was working on. Its contents had something like profile pictures for some of the characters, or even some serious notes on the 'universe' of my story and what I put down so I don't add something in that contradicts an established 'rule' I put in for the story. Lucky for the last part of that statement, I had a good chunk of it memorized, though I feel the need to add a few other things.

Though it might be a while before what I'm determined to be the 'last' chapter part of the "Land of Equestria Saga", I thought I'd give you a spoiler or two with a few hints at what will be in it...:

- SPOILER!: Kyurem will be speaking soon, and what he will say be too spoiler-y to put down even for spoilers...
- SPOILER!: Red's Mewtwo will join the fray! (which also begs the question of what do you guys think I should name both Sean (girl Mewtwo) & Red's Mewtwo (boy Mewtwo) so we can avoid confusion?)
- Hint: Porygon-Z will be singing a 'well-known' piece of classical music...
- Hint: Some new faces will come into the light...

I hope this can tide you over somewhat until Part 3 of Chapter 14...feel free to speculate, suggest, etc. until then, and given how long it took for this to get published, I'm hoping to publish it at the very least by January next year if I'm going to write it all by myself. Hopefully sooner, especially with writing help...

Now onto some notes... (see if you can point out any other references and such that I've hidden in the chapter);

If you noticed something about the beginning explanation of what happened in the previous chapter (and you looked up what that track was above it), it is sort of a 'spur-of-the-moment' urge I felt like adding, and I like it so much that, aside from certain chapters and the beginnings of the story's 'sagas', I'll include it in virtually every chapter after this one.
I also modeled that explanation after the 'Previously on Dragon Ball/Z/GT/SUPER' opening recap before the episode title, if you watched any episode of the Dragon Ball franchise, you know exactly what I mean...:raritywink:
It also, after listening to some of DBS' soundtrack, inspired me to include it & some other anime soundtracks into the story, so suggest away any anime soundtrack you want me to include, but I have two rules; 1) Give me the track's OFFICIAL title, not a fan-given title unless there isn't one. & 2) as I'm expecting this to be prevalent suggestion, please restrain yourselves from the S.T. of Attack on Titan, Cowboy Bebop, & Naruto, please suggest other tracks BEFORE suggesting the previous titles.

Rarity being coy about playing matchmaker (or something) is partially inspired by a fellow fanfic writer named GreenS21 with how he somewhat portrayed Rarity in his story; Sonic Generations: Friendship is Timeless, regarding new friends of her's and their relationship with each other...

The italicized words or sentences in the character's dialogue are phrases in other languages for example, Serena said "My Love" & "Ridiculous Buffoon" in French if you want to know. I figure I can do this for languages that could be spelled out with our Latin alphabet (aka English), and leave other languages like Japanese unchanged somewhat...

I figure there could be a somewhat recurring theme involving duality and necessary opposites throughout the story, you know, the Yin-Yang thing...

The Tyrannosaurus' scream before he attacked Tirek, to best describe it, sounded like a mix between a human screaming & the shrill screech of a predatory bird, like a hawk. But, deeper and a little throaty.

Seta should be a fair bit obvious one who or what he is as I based him on a character in Japanese folk stories with the same name, and he'll make his presence known to our cast of ponies and humans soon...

Hopefully I'll get help in cranking these chapters out faster (especially when I have tracks from some movies I'm eager to add further along in the story), but until then...
This is StrangeBehavior, and I'll await your replies...