• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago

Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.


Or: "The Most Important Coin Flip in the History of Everything"

Celestia wakes up next to Celestia. This could change the free world forever, unless she works together to preserve the peace.

My attempt at a Random one-shot. I'm not sure if I can make anything silly and inconsequential.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )

Are you continuing this? Because, in my humble opinion, you totally should.

5331483 I'm playing with the idea of all my stories being in the same universe, so maybe someday some adventurer will run into Blue Celestia (or Yellow, I get them mixed up).

Please continue this! I'd love to read about the adventures of Celestia! :yay:

I'd love this to continue!

This begs for a sequel; the comedic potential is too damn high.

Creative and well written. I'd love to see more.

Yeesh. This keeps up, and pretty soon I'll be outvoted.

...Sorry bro, you opened Pandora's box with this one. One Celestia doing jobs, the other vacationing. Moreover, seemingly the exact same pony, but in 2 separate bodies. You HAVE to at least say how the idea came about, if not the actual cause in this universe. Either way, well done, you have honestly made me both interested, and perplexed.

5332500 You know, I only came up with this idea yesterday or the day before, and I really don't remember where it came from. I got three or four other one-shot ideas along with it (Equestria Girls Make Rainbow Rocks, Goldilocks and the Chimera, Luna Knows (And You Should Be Ashamed), to be precise), but this is the only one I ended up writing. I do know the idea came before the title, so it's not astronomy-inspired.


:rainbowhuh: Huh...fair enough. Granted, the title was rather what made me stop, do a double take, and check it out. All in all, I'm curious if you WANT to expand upon this. If so, I have a few ideas if you need them. Though I'll admit the Luna one sounds hilarious, and I'd love to see that. Still and all, great work!

5332588 It'll probably be a few long stories before I do anything like a sequel, but go ahead and PM me your ideas, I would love to hear them.


Sure thing, likely sometime tomorrow...on that note, see ya then!

Well written. An enjoyable addition to my morning coffee

does this have sequel or prequel.

Superbly done, and an excellent concept.

So, Equestria is on Tattooine?

5335340 Teeheeheehee... You made me laugh. They're just in the same system.

I found this story to be intriguing and surprisingly thorough as to how to discern oneself from oneself... especially given that magic is involved.

Overall, five stars!


Yeah. Considering that Celestia herself is an immortal goddess with a bit of a trickster streak (like Discord, though his "trickster streak" is more like a "trickster football field"), it would only make sense for her to use all of her wit and cunning to see who is the real Celestia, even though both of them appear to be real.

Make this a story =D

lost opprotunity. Make one of the Celestia's.... Luna

5343760 Uhhh... make her turn into Luna? Make another Luna to be the other Celestia's sister? Have it turn out to be Luna in disguise? I'm a little confused by what you mean.

If this happened to me I would probably just switch off every day who gets to be the real me. One of me sits reading fanfiction all day, or doing homework, while the other goes to school and stuff. Or even just have a permanent set-up like that, though it would be hard deciding who got the laptop.

But how did this all happen in the first place? The world may never know.

Bored extra-dimensional god.:moustache:
What?! But I just told you how!:facehoof:

5345454 I figured this was before recorded history and when one Celestia turned blue the idea popped into head. Luna being Blue Celestia.

5346401 Oh my gosh. You're right, I should have written that story. A person can change a lot over centuries, after all. Can you imagine that?

Feather Duster: "Good morning, Your- uh, what's going on?"

Yellow Celestia: "Oh, Feather Duster. This is my... um... sister, uh, Luna."

FD: "Uh huh. And why are you yellow?"

YC: "Oh, Luna's quite the jokester... you know..."

Blue Celestia: "..."

Actually, no, scratch that. This is how it should have happened:

FD: "Your Majesty! Wake up! It's nighttime and there's a little sun in the sky!"

*Both Celestias burst out of bed and tumble over each other trying to look outside. One identification scene later, they settle for Black Celestia and White Celestia. Both try moving the new little sun, and Black Celestia finds she's in control of it, and holy crap I'm taking this too seriously again. I really can't make anything silly and inconsequential. Hopefully that means my adventure/dark story will be really good.

5346410 glad I could help. Heck it even works well with the whole jealousy angle.

I can see it now:

Luna/Blue Celestia: Um... I'm getting kind of tired of raising the moon. Can we switch now?
Yellow Celestia: NO! I won the coin toss fair and square!
Luna: Why you... (turns into Nightmare Moon)

And 1000 Years Later:

Yellow Celestia: I'm terribly sorry Lu- ur, Blue Celestia. We can switch now if you want. I'll be Luna.
Blue Celestia: Really? *squee*

5368307 it would add more credence to the fight

Really needs to be longer or more chapters (like 5 or 6) I would like to see if the Celestia double is a Discord or a Changeling Queen. Or one day they get caught talking to eachother and now Equestria winds up seeing TWO Celestia's needless to say this story needs an ending.

5335340 Maybe Maybe... Though of course you will have to invent a way to go in another solar system BUT STILL... maybe:trollestia:

5368597 That or it's like this:

Good story. :pinkiesmile:

I'm guessing one Celestia being off by one-and-a-half minutes may prove relevant to why there are two Celestias. Perhaps one is one-and-a-half minutes displaced in time somehow - but in so doing, this prevents the very event sending her back in time, thus creating a two-Celestia paradox? :derpyderp2:

Heh. You know, I expected something along these lines to happen. One may call it a "Deleted Scene". :raritywink:

Standing side by side on the balcony, the two Celestias prepared themselves magically and mentally to raise the sun, stances tense and eyeing each other challengingly.

"Together," one said after a long silence. The other nodded.

As the moon fell toward, two long white horns lit up with golden light simultaneously - and the warm glow of the morning sun became visible from below the horizon. The sun peaked, then rose in full, high into the sky.

It was then followed by the sun rising.

"Oh," said Celestia.

"This is ... unexpected," Celestia agreed.


5368619 :rainbowlaugh: EXACTLY MOAR POWER TO EQUESTRIA :rainbowlaugh:

First of all, I don't get it.

Second of all, what did I just read?

Third, I can't exactly tell if this is funny, but I like it.

Fourth, at this point I'm just adding numbers.

5368619 There's the explanation, people. This guy figured it out. It's all because of the power of Old Spice.

Hello, and Happy Holidays! I'm IncoherentOrange of WRITE, here to review your quirky little tale.

Suppose I'll start at the very beginning, as any reader will, with the description. Rhetorical questions seem to me a rather weak method to hook a reader, and a rearrangement of that might make it a more potent opener. It stands solid enough on its own, however, and for a lot of the target audience, the image will sell it anyway.

Usually, I'd have more material from which to determine repeated structural and grammatical irregularities, but I'll see if I can come up with some general advice to improve the flow of your story. Upon finishing it, the only real gripe I have is with the descriptive style:

“How fascinating,” the princesses said together, then they giggled. They each gestured for the other to speak, then pulled back, rolling their eyes. After some confusion, the Celestia nearest the balcony doors successfully deferred to her twin. They shared a smile, and began a more normal conversation.

It feels a little bit like a script for an animation, laying out the details of how a scene plays out; it's a bit too fast, a lot of things like "then", and "after". Other areas are devoid of description whatsoever, and while this is fine for strict dialogue - and that is what makes up the meat of this story - the short length leaves it a little lacking in description, and at times the two Princesses get a little bit of talking head syndrome, the characters' actions and gestures having no importance until they are suddenly dragged back to a described location when needed. It's not as bad as I make it seem, but I think you could improve upon it a bit with more spread out descriptive paragraphs.
That in mind, your story sets out and soundly accomplishes what it sets out to do; be a jovial little romp. The grammar is quite good, having no real flaws, and the style is consistently readable, if imperfect in my limited eyes. It is what it needs to be, and it's entertaining to boot. Hope I could be of service!


This was very well thought out and quite imaginative. Simple, short, and most entertaining. You show a level of skill that has me mildly jealous.

5705412 Why thank you. The more I look at the work, the less satisfied I am with it, but I'm glad this works.

5705457 like a few commentors have mentioned, this story could easily support being continued. But it also has the strength to stand on its own as a oneshot. I cannot see where you would be dissatisfied with your story. I feel you did an outstanding job writing it.

Quite the entertaining story you have here. It has been approved by The Good Fic Bin and the review can be found here


5938383 Why thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it so much.

5938854 Not a problem :) I'll ask haphazred to move it to the main stories folder soon, since I can't move them

This is a wonderful story, and felt very in-character all around.

This was a fun little read. Did anything else end up springing from this concept?

That was a nice and fun little story to read. Imagine how it would be like if the two Celestias somehow met with each other again.

:trollestia: Hello, there, my twin. How was everything?

:trollestia: Oh, it was wonderful. People in Manehattan was amazed when I was strolling through their city. Fillydelphia more so.

:trollestia: What are you planning to do next?

:trollestia: How about a hug?

:trollestia: I was thinking the same thing. (hugs each other)

Well this was interesting. Would have been more fun if they had decided to just act like nothing was wrong and go about their day. She's something of a troll after all. :trollestia:

Part of me expected them to try to get a vacation out of it, honestly, lol.

I didn't get it. Where did she go, and what "sun" means?

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