• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes; HEY!


Diamond Tiara is under a lot of stress.

Her father wants her to one day succeed him as the CEO of Barnyard Bargains but every decision she makes as Assistant Manager seems to disappoint him. Between spending her days at school and her nights at work, she has no time for studying and her grades are starting to suffer. And with only a few more months until graduation, she's running out of time to catch up.

But even when it feels like nothing is going her way, she can at least find comfort in the arms of the one she loves.

Cover art by SusieBeeca

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

well, this was a sweet story and shows sides of these two that I think we need to see more of. I really hope that this gets more attention soon.

I ship it :3
-Twilight-Dusk- :derpytongue2:

***WARNING! Possible Spoilers, below!***

The was beautiful. Ending it on those final words no less was just perfect. Poor Silver, being groomed to be married off into money and business deals. Nice to see Apple Bloom and DT at least found a sort of middle ground, I was almost certain it'd end with AB losing the papers for being negligent while she and the girls went out to do whatever it is they do and forget about it. Heh, that could almost work into a sort of sequel where things start to get rocky on both ends for Di and Silver.

This was really well done. I feel a bit taken aback honestly. You gave us a really good look into the characters, aside from the mention of hands and such, you could hardly tell it was anything but a pony story. The characters felt genuine, and overall just had a lot of great moments with keeping us guessing as to whether Silver was receptive to Diamond, in that way. It made me feel Diamond's pain there. Even when playing around at times, though she is just used to being that open with Silver, it still stings to see the one you love act differently when out in public like that.

Great story overall. You really took your time to pace the events. Get us to look into the life of Diamond Tiara, and give us just enough Silver Spoon character building to boot, that it just makes me a bit sad this wasn't longer. A fantastic story. :heart:

have a follow.
You deserve it.


Thank you all so much for your kind words (or pictures :rainbowlaugh: ). They all mean so much to me!

I've wanted to write a DT/SS story for so long, and I finally got the motivation to for the Hearts and Hooves Day even on EQD. Unfortunately I didn't know until after I wrote this that they don't accept anthro, but that's just as well. This was a pleasure to write, and I worked really hard to show what I thought those two would be like once they were a little older. It was a really hard balancing act, remaining true to their characters while also showing that they've matured over the years, but I'm actually fairly proud of how it came out.

I don't think I'll write a sequel to this one, since I meant it to be a single glimpse into Diamond's life, but I may end up writing more about them. DT is best filly, after all!

Damn man, this has some serious potential! I'd love some more!

Dang, its truly criminal that this story only had 30 likes when two of your other ones are coming up on 1k. I blame the unpopularity of Diamond and Silver Spoon but I was truly blown away with this story. Most pulled into a story I've ever been for a one chapter fic. Pusspuss talked about you helping him in the past and I thought Id give your stuff a look and chose this one cause it was short and I'm a notoriously slow reader :P warning im about to rant but just really got swept up in this fic and its comment page makes me sad.

It's honestly better than any Diamond/Silver fic I've read so far and I've dug around a few times for a good one. Always felt like Diamond had a tragic undertone to her character in the show and really wished they would give some more background on her and Silver Spoon since it seems unfair that they are just bad ponies with no more complexity than filling the cmc villain slot. This fic does some amazing justice to both the characters and makes them both relatable and tragic.

I loved the opening with Diamond using the old brush from her mom, painted a real emotional image without having the character come out and say it or even letting the readers glimpse into her mind. Just as simple of a thing as brushing her hair with an old memento is enough to make you tear up a little at imagining all the thoughts and memories that are buried in that brush.

Also think you did an amazing job with Filthy Rich being an absent minded father who loves his daughter but lives his work to much to realize a simple smile of approval would help her out more than another month of business lessons. And the bit on the Zebras, Griffins, and Saddle Arabians was a really believable glimpse into the Equestrian economy and really made the story feel believable as an MLP fic but also convincing as just a real life story as well. Could easily see all of this playing out at a local highschool.

Lastly the part when Diamond and Silver finally get some alone time was adorable and sweet and made me really feel for both of them, wanting something as simple as just being able to openly show their love for each other. and I was originally a little upset that the clop scene was so short but everything after it completely made up for it and now Id agree that leaving it short and left to the imagination of the reader was probably a better touch that kept the focus on the two character's struggles and how they both make the others life bearable.

Just truly beautiful and makes me wish there was much more where it came from but I can understand moving on to projects that got more attention. Really is unfair that so many of your Dash story fans haven't given this little masterpiece a read, considering its only like a 30 min commitment. Will def be giving more of your stuff a look, though as i said above :P Im a painfully slow reader so will prob take me forever to catch up with your main fic. But love how you took a lot of liberties with these two characters while still completely keeping the feeling of the original characters and evolving them into something more.

Oh and the banter between Diamond and the grown up CMC felt spot on from their clothing to personalities. and this fic made me want to dig up some cute lovey Diamond/Silver Spoon pics and its a theme that has sadly very little material. Might have to try and commission something one day.

Oh man, I almost don't even know what to say! I guess I should start with thank you so much! I'll admit, this is probably the work I'm proudest of. I love everything I've been doing with To Find a Rainbow and I love that people really seem to be enjoying it, but this, I think, is truly my greatest work. And so it has been a little disappointing that it hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as my other works, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised, either. As you said, it stars Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, as well as being anthro and a one-shot and not having the clop my works are known for. And so the words of you and everyone else that's commented on this fic mean all the more to me.

Diamond Tiara is a very divisive character. Many people hate her for being a bully to three very nice, very innocent young girls and this shows itself quite frequently in fics on this site. In many she is a completely one-dimensional villain with no empathy or humanity while in others she is portrayed as an abused, insecure woobie to diminish the mean things she does in the show. And though I know my interpretation of Diamond is much more on the sympathetic side, I didn't want to hide the fact that she was in the wrong. I wanted it to be clear that, even through the filter of her own perception, she was a spoiled, bitchy little child and that she's grown past that, at least to some degree. (I think Diamond will always be at least a little bitchy. She wouldn't be Diamond if she wasn't! :rainbowlaugh:)

And on the rest? You completely nailed it. Everything I was trying to do with the brush, with her dad, with Silver. Even why I decided to leave the clop out. (Even though that was also in part of my originally planning to submit it to EQD before I learned they don't accept anthro fics.)

But man, I'm always so blown away when I get comments like this. I put a lot of thought into most of my works (even if a lot of them just are sex and little else) and this one in particular, but the idea that people actually like it as much as you say is just astounding. It really makes the effort of writing it worthwhile. So thank you again for not only taking the time to read it, but to comment and let me know what you thought!

And I am certainly open to the idea of commissions though I've never done them before. But if you're ever interested just hit me up and I'm sure we can work something out!


:twilightsmile: Yeah I really liked the middle ground you took with Diamond. Its right where I would like to see her reach in the show one day and where I now would like to see her more often in fics, somewhere in the middle. I feel she should always be a little bitchy and hotheaded. But I like how you also portrayed the reasons for why she is largely the way she is and that she is actually self aware of her past short comings, but just feels things are kind of to far gone to ever completely change.

:scootangel: Love the idea of this Diamond perhaps taking over her fathers business down the road, coming out about her and Silver and perhaps taking Silver in as a business partner if her father disowned her. Making a sweet little couple where Diamond is the main one guiding the business while Silver muses her and keeps her cool headed. I liked how when Diamond talks about what she did on shift to her father you get the sense that she actually cares more about her employees than Filthy Rich does. Could actually turn into better nicer more confident mares and start actually slowly getting along with the apples more through business. Its a fun future to imagine.

Yes! Yes, this is some good stuff right here.

Masterfully written and with just the right pacing too.

Thank you for writing this gem.

Thank you so much! :heart: I was very happy to write this one.

This needs a sequel.

And a story ark.

This... This right here is why I should read all your stuff. You my friend, are a true talent. :twilightsmile:

I'm extremely ashamed that I have put off reading this story for so long, after so thoroughly enjoying you other works. You deserve more. :ajsleepy:

Her cannon characterization is severely lacking in any reasonable depth, shown merely as the antagonist to CMC. I've had a soft spot for DT ever since reading An Apple Studded Diamond. I really enjoyed the author's portrayal of her and didn't want my perception of skewed. Apart from a few differences in your stories. You complement each other rather well. :ajsmug: (Though I think yours is a little better) Sorry Sir Barton, but it is.

You have expertly narrated an extremely plausible future for the young heiress. (I have no personal basis for comparison, so what I say could be complete trite,) The way you have built her up as the tortured soul, over worked and over stressed. Longing for nothing more than the approval of her father and her forbidden love publicly requited. Sheer brilliance. :yay:

I wish I had the linguistic capability to express how much I admire you.(No homo!:derpytongue2:)

Damn Jeremy, I don't know why I put off reading this. Maybe I'm not a fan of DT due to the show, but I love the portrayal. I'll definitely have to keep a closer eye on your stuff.....although I am already following and enjoyed some of your other stuff.

Little disappointed we didn't actually get the love scene the "sex" tag promised but otherwise what an awesome story!:twilightblush:

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