• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 27th

Subsolar Drift

There is beauty in the way of things.


Old sayings and old memories remain with us as we lead our lives. Wisps of times long past that stay with us until the morning of eternity, bringing softs smiles to our faces and dull aches to our hearts. Still we carry them forward, for as long as we live.

Thank you to Knight of Cerebus for his editing and patience.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 21 )

Good fanon-standard Twilestia stuff. Nothing earthbreaking yet, and it covers familiar ground, but it is well-put-together and nicely executed. Interested to see where you take this!

7646424 Seconded! A very touching beginning! :twilightsmile:

It may be a bit early to favorite this story (meaning, of course, that I already have), but I have high hopes from this promising beginning.

Oh wow... my heart aches now, look what you did! :twilightsheepish:

Hello, new favorite Twilestia story.

7665752 Glad you enjoyed!

7666124 Wow, thank you!

This is wonderful, and I want more of it :twilightsmile:

7728364 Glad you enjoyed it! The next chapter should be out soonish.


This is a beautiful story. I hope that you can continue it as your time allows.

The release of this update compelled me back to Ch 1 to savor the sweet build-up - I was not disappoint :pinkiehappy: Such lovely scenes, thank you for returning to this heart-warming tale.

The time skips are reminiscent of one of my all-time favorite Twilestia shipping fics, ArguingPizza's I Waited for You. Hopefully the universe will not implode in the course of your closing chapters!

Unexpected tenderness from the big D there. This was very sweet! Looking forward to the next vignette. Noticed a typo:

Applejack turned from her conversation with Pinkie, who's back left hoof


I really miss this story. Are you doing okay, at least?


For me, it may not be a favorite, but I definitely like it.

Any semblance of comprehension was wiped from Twilight’s mind at that point. Princess Celestia, embodiment of the sun, shivered. The same Princess who not even a week ago had been magically thrashed by a Changeling Queen The same Princess who had her magic siphoned from her by their cocoons. The same Princess who had been prescribed a minimum of two weeks bed rest by the royal physicians.

Please tell me this is what I think it is and Celestia is gonna do what I believe she is gonna do.

“I can’t, Twilight -- I can’t bear the fact that I did that.” Celestia’s eyes lost focus. She stared past Twilight into the depths of the past.

There it is.

“I’m so sorry.”

Exactly what i expected Celestia to do, apologize. She didn't just arrive at the library in the middle of a storm for no reason after a few weeks after the Changeling invasion.

She heard Twilight shifting beside her, but didn't open her eyes. Her consciousness ebbed. Just as she reached the edge of sleep, she felt it: a kiss, placed gently on her forehead. The feeling of the unicorn's lips lingered in Celestia's mind. When she fell asleep, it haunted her dreams.

If it haunted her drams instead of her nightmares than that means she enjoyed it but doesn't realize it.

Twilight swallowed once and took a steadying breath. Her voice was calm when she spoke. "Do you still love me?"

So it's confirmed then? Damn, I was hoping there would be a chapter where she confessed her feelings. I'm a little disappointed it skipped over that.

“Did I…” She tried, but her voice trailed off for a few breaths. “Is this— ” Words failed her again. Her body sagged as she exhaled and her head shook. Twilight opened her mouth to say something but was stopped short.

Force Twilight into becoming in Alicorn basically against her will without asking and making her immortal and ageless just like Celestia herself?

Yes, however, I don't think Twilight would mind as long as she gets to spend the rest of her life with Celestia.

Celestia closed her eyes, “I have given you nothing but pain. Tonight, you were so happy there among your friends and family. I can’t replace that. No matter how much I love you, Twilight. Those wings… They mean that you will see more funerals than you have any right to.”

Knew it. But like I said, as long as Celestia is by her side then I'm pretty sure it would be worth it to her.

Atleast in the show she didn't have that luxury, kinda sad if you think about it.

“Am I selfish?” Celestia asked, tears leaking from her eyes. “I want you by my side, Twilight. I want you there so much that it hurts," She shuddered and looked away, continuing, "But to force you into this...You never had a chance to make a choice. I was so caught up in the moment. I was so happy you finished Starswirl's spell, I didn't even stop to think if you would want this."

Funny enough, this was actually something I wanted Twilight and Celestia to have a conversation about in the show.

The window now depicted the hall beyond the doors, where the wedding ceremony was to take place. Celestia stood alone on the altar with tears in her eyes, with an angry and shocked crowd before her.

Ok now that is way to much.

"Just remember your friends and family are just through that door. Even with all you've faced down, all the good you've done, this will be your happiest day."

Discord? Comforting Twilight? I'm sorry... I don't believe this was a possibility my brain could have forseen, I believe my mind is going to break.

So if I'm understanding correctly, there was only 3 chapters left? I hope to see the story continued in the future. Even if you skipped over the good parts.

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