• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,782 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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...Is Wracked with Pain

"Father? Um, I don't mean to interrupt, but we seem to have an issue." A male voice cut into his sleep, then his skull. Ted slowly opened an eye, only to flinch and hiss at the light filtering in through the windows. His movement earned a second hiss of displeasure from somewhere behind him, whatever was on his back latching on tighter before burying its snout in his fur to avoid the sunlight.

"Close the curtains. And get me some water." He croaked out. The sound of trotting hooves on the floor was thankfully muffled by the carpeting surrounding the bed when the stallion passed nearest the bed, but soon the clip clop returned, jamming nails into his skull. The light receded, before the ungodly noise receded as well, leaving the alicorn to doze off once more, massaged by the light buzzing purr on his back.

A Thought pierced the veil of fatigue that had gripped him. 'When did I get a cat?'

Soon the clip clop returned, followed by a too-loud voice. "I brought the water you requested, father." The voice punctuated its statement by slamming a large pitcher on a desk beside the bed. Before Ted could berate the idiot for yelling when he had a headache, another, much louder hiss came from his back, followed by what sounded like someone hocking a loogie. Immediately, there was a panicked stumbling and muffled screaming, which only irritated him and his cat more.

Opening his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Swift Service rolling around on the ground, a large blob of some goop stuck to his face. The Pegasus was valiantly attempting to remove the substance, but was having no luck whatsoever.

'That looks like that stuff the changelings... oh.' Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of a changeling queen using him as a teddy bear.

'That's right, I don't have a cat. I had a dog back home anyway. Dogs are better.'

"Pandinus." He received no response. "Din, take that stuff off him, or at least make sure he can breath."

Her response was to burrow further into his neck, mumbling "Bright lights, loud sounds, they hurt us."

"Pan, he's going to suffocate. Take it off."

Grumbling, the queen lifted her head and focused on the flailing stalling, flash-hardening the paste into a resin, before gripping the resin in her magic and slamming the stallions face into the bricks of the floor. The resin shattered, and the servant took a deep, gasping breath, even as his eyes rolled from the impact. Ted almost laughed at the comical sight, settling for a simple smile, gripping the pitcher in his aura and taking a few deep swigs. Satisfied, he went to put it back, only to have it snatched by a grey burning aura that brought it to the queen.

"If you spill any of that on me I'll throw you out the window." Turning to the recovered Pegasus, he settled back down on the bed. "Please be more quiet when most of the Temple has a hangover, ok? Now for what reason are you waking me up at this ungodly hour?"

"Actually, Sir, it's past lunch time, and the issue is your uh, dragon friend. We found out where he disappeared to last night." Swift tried to explain.


The Pegasus shuffled nervously "He seems to have managed to lodge himself into one of the watch towers on the roof."

Ted blinked at the Pegasus, attempting to picture the drake packed into one of the half-crumbled towers. It was funny, but it also raised several questions. First, what possessed Sahkest to try that, and second, how the hell would they get him out without destroying the damn thing?

Resigning himself to his fate, Ted slowly rose from his sheets, the muffled complaints from Pandinus as she tumbled off of his back and attempted to make herself comfortable without her source of heat being dutifully ignored. "Fine, I'm up. Send for a keg of water, some pain killers, one of the gems from the treasury, and some cooking oil. I'll *yawn* take a look at the damage."

The Pegasus saluted before rushing off to gather the materials. Ted started towards the door, before casting one last longing glance at his bed.

"Life sucks." He muttered, walking out into the halls.


"How the hell did he manage this?" Ted asked softly, squinting in the midday light. The towers were more like additional rooms with an entrance and raised windows for observation, but they were part of the original construction and had their uses. The dragons tail and a wing were poking out the entrance and a window, but the rest of the drake was obscured by his chosen hiding spot. Truthfully, the damage didn't seem to bad, but the alicorn could see the drake possible ripping through the already weakened roof of the structure if he flinched from the pain of the sunlight. It was why he'd sent a passing Pegasus for a few large leaves and Grift. The changeling would be able to fasten the leaves to the dragons eyes, preventing any bad endings for the tower, and then they'd wake him up.

At least that was the plan. The dragon was comatose, and no amount of prodding was moving him. Even yelling and a swift buck to the nose by a Pegasus did nothing to rouse the drake. So Ted decided to proceed without his help. Turning to his gathered workers he made sure everything was ready.

"The oil is applied?"

A Pegasus slapped a hoof across his chest. "He's as lubed up as we could make him without more room. Also tried not to just dump the stuff, Slop is already upset about this."

Ted nodded, turning to the earth pony beside him. "Vines secured?"

"Eve had some strong knots, said she'd grown up using the vines and knew what they could handle. Shouldn't have to worry about them giving under duress."

"Good, I want two flyers to guide the wing into the window so it doesn't cause too much damage. Positions!"

Ponies and gnolls took up vines lashed to the dragons tail and legs, setting themselves in ready stances.


Almost immediately he stones started creaking, the drakes form stressing the time-worn structure, but it held fast. Soon the drakes legs, then his front claws came sliding out. Next were the wings, guided by several Pegasus on each wing.


As quickly as it started, the operation was over, leaving the tip of the drakes snout still inside the tower. The changeling queen had spat a globule of that green paste when she was disturbed, he didn't want to find out if the Temple was rated against dragon fire. Congratulating his followers on a job well done, Ted trotted up to the drakes snout, the jug and gem both held in his magic. After entering the tower, Ted waved the gem around in front of the dragons large nostrils, earning the first response from the dragon all morning. Food always dragged him out of bed, why wouldn't it work for others? The dragon made a few half-hearted attempts to snap at the floating gem, but soon gave up, opting instead to reach an arm around and slowly lift his improvised blinders, wincing slightly even in the shade of the tower.

"Cim? The hell are you doing in my room, I coulda' sworn I flew back home after the party."

"If you've decided to claim one of my Temple's towers as your room, you should ask first." Ted said quietly, before offering the drake the water jug. Sahkest downed it quickly, finally removing the leaves from his eyes and looking around in confusion.

"I'll be a wyrm, I'm still here." The drake muttered, laying his head back down. Ted just smiled. Sahkest wasn't going to be walking away from this unaffected, not after making him get up with a hangover.

"By the way, you owe us for dislodging you from our tower. You were buried in it so deeply we needed cooking oil to get you out. So you owe us a new barrel of oil, labor for about fifteen workers for an hour's work, and an extra for a rush job on a holiday." Smiling widely and showing off his fangs at the drakes dumbfounded expression, Ted patted him on the snout.

"Don't do stupid things that make me get up on my day off."


The day was largely uneventful, not counting the enraged dragon threatening to sit on the storage warehouse, and despite the headaches and illnesses involved, the followers managed to survive the day. Like the guards there was a chef that wasn't involved in the partying the night before, as well as a pony that had been studying medicine under Trauma (Luckily, the mare had yet to pick up any of his obsessions). Otherwise things were quite, many citizens sleeping the day away. Even the children were exhausted from the late night, leaving Mirage with plenty of time to recover from her binge, though she did make several trips to the storage chamber throughout the night.

Sitting at a random table for the last meal of the day, Ted nibbled idly on a simple meal of roasted vegetables. It wasn't what slop could pull off, but he really didn't feel like hunting the stallion down just because he wanted a better dinner. It wasn't like he was even that hungry today anyway. Just unbelievably tired. Slowly making his way back up stairs, intent on heading to bed early, he stopped at the foot of his bed, all emotion falling from his face.

"Are you telling me, that you sat here the entire day?"

"I won't tell you, if it bothers you that much." Pandinus mumbled from the bed. Signing, Ted climbed into what was quickly becoming his side of the bed, the changeling curling up next to him as soon as he stopped shifting. He'd given up on kicking her out, as she always found her way back into the room, complaining that the tunnel was empty, cold and quiet. Not only that, the one time he'd left a guard by the door, she'd come in through the window.

His only saving grace seemed to be she wouldn't cross the line of intimate contact. He assumed it was to prevent the emotions she pulled from him from souring, but it was his only respite when it came to the bug.

'I guess it's true what they say. You can get used to anything eventually.'

Slowly he drifted off to sleep, the buzzing purr of the queen massaging his side. At least there was that. Worst case scenario, she made a good unwitting masseuse.

Author's Note:

Quick recovery chapter after the party. Mostly for teh lulz. Enjoy the misery of Ted's hangover.

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