• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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30 - Into Darkness

It was as if the desert had lost its grip on their hearts, and with it, its grip on their wagon. They traveled swiftly and smoothly across the dunes without further impediment. As the sand began to transition to grass a few days later, Willow drew the wagon to a halt and everyone lent some assistance getting the wheels to actually look like wheels. Better equipped for rolling along the firmer ground, they pushed on.

The next day showed true evidence that the desert was behind them. They came across a tiny pond, an oasis of clear water that the camels eagerly refueled at and the younger members of the party splashed in. They continued forward, approaching a vast-looking jungle. Willow gestured at it. "The town we're looking for is practically in the middle of that. We resupply there, then continue onwards. Be wary, the jungle itself isn't likely to kill us, but what lives in it is quite hungry, and we're unfortunately delicious. The wagon's going to have a hard time here, so everyone out. We'll be shoving it as often as it could provide any kind of ride."

There was grumbling, but everyone walked alongside the wagon. True to her word, the wagon often got its wheels stuck on roots or lodged in small holes, but with their combined might they nudged it along. "Funny thing about this place. They've tried to clear out trails a few times, but they never stuck. Might explain why this place never grew into a proper city despite being part of a significant caravan path." Willow jabbed a hanging vine with a spear and nudged it out of the way. "We're doing well so far."

Their good fortune ran dry a day into the ever-thickening jungle. Applejack was at the fore, trying to clear the way for the wagon when a low growl got her head to turn just in time to be jumped on by a great striped beast. The tiger drove all four of its clawed paws against her as its teeth sunk into her shoulder painfully. Her armor repelled some of those claws, but she gave a surprised yelp as the others carved several jagged lines into her flesh.

Apple Bloom cringed at the tiger that reminded her of a chimera she had run into once. Scootaloo rushed forward on spread wings, drawing her rapier along the way to jab the tiger in one of its legs. It howled in pain and dropped to the ground, facing Scootaloo with ill intent. Willow waved at it and a hole opened to swallow it, but the cat nimbly jumped away from the forming hole with the dexterity felines were known for.

Sweetie rushed forward, putting Applejack between herself and the beast and mending some of her wounds with a quick song-spell. Applejack afforded a quick nod of thanks before edging towards the tiger around the hole. "Ya big varmint. That ain't how we say howdy where ah come from."

With the element of surprise gone, the tiger proved unwilling to press the battle, and darted back into the thick underbrush, quickly lost to sight. Scootaloo sheathed her rapier away and grinned. "Easy."

Willow nodded as she sank back to her seat. "They come in larger varieties, not as easily cowed. Little Bell, see to her wounds. The jungle is thick with exotic diseases."

Sweetie Belle squeaked and quickly poured the remainder of her song magic into Applejack to close up the claw wounds. Applejack put a hoof to her head, ruffling lightly. "Much obliged. Let's try ta keep an eye out for any other 'friendly' wildlife."

Perhaps their luck had not quite yet run dry, as night approached without further attack. They retreated into the wagon and bedded down for the evening. Sunflower chewed at some dried rations with a thoughtful expression. He asked how long until they got to the city, but there were no good answers to be had aside from 'soon' and 'a few days', which felt very much like not soon.

They pressed onwards the next day, though it was hard to tell day from night under the thick canopy of the looming trees at all angles. For a jungle, it was surprisingly firm under hoof and paw, though it lived up to the expectations of rain. A storm began and didn't let up, raining down on them in torrents. The rain was equally as good at making the travelers miserable as it was keeping most of the local wildlife away, and they eventually arrived in the town of Everrain.

The jungle ended abruptly, allowing them to see a sleepy, isolated town of no more than two thousand souls. On the west side of the town, resting on a hill, was a dour-looking stone building. To the east the rest of the buildings looked a bit more cheerful, with lights coming from inside windows. Willow shook herself free of water. "Welcome to Everrain. Not much to look at, but they have supplies and a tavern, and I plan to enjoy both." She clucked her tongue. "Come on, we've earned a little rest."

As they pressed into the city, they saw most of the inhabitants were earth ponies, with the occasional unicorn. There were no pegasi. A dwarf broke the sea of pony bodies. He approached them, stroking his magnificent beard along the way. "Hoi, welcome to Everrain. I'm afraid you have poor timing."

Applejack raised a brow. "Well howdy there. Whattaya mean by that?"

He gestured low towards the ground. "The earth's especially hungry of late, swallowed two people back-to-back. Some are crying foul play." He spat on the ground. "I expect they got too close to the jungle, but it's on my beard to find that out. Where ya headed?"

Willow spoke firmly from atop the wagon, "We're looking for hot food, trail rations, and a bed free of fleas."

"Oh aye, we got that." The dwarf pointed up the way. "Just on the left side there. They got a stable for yer camels too. You may want to trade out for some regular type horses while you're here if you're heading north or west."

Apple Bloom approached the dwarf. "'scuse me, mister? Whattaya mean 'swallowed'?"

He snorted powerfully. "I mean they're missing. It happens sometimes. Usually one at a time, but two isn't that uncommon. Just mind your manners, lest some damn fool decide you're somehow behind it."

Sweetie tilted her head. "How could we do it? We just got here."

He threw up his hands in exasperation. "I never said the people of this town made any sense. Anyway, the name's Hal Roughbeard, of the Roughbeards. I'm the deputy of this town, so if anyone tries to stir up trouble, you look for me and I'll give them a good whallopin' if they deserve it."

Names were exchanged and hands shaken with hooves and paws. Soon the party arrived at the tavern. 'Last Hope' it was called. As promised, there was a stable to park the camels and wagon, and they proceeded inside. A performer plucked lightly at a guitar despite his hooves, playing a lively little tune. The food smelled good, and the air was warm and dry. Everyone relaxed as they gathered around one of the larger tables and had a seat.

Sunflower put his paws on the table. "We made it."

Sweetie Belle corrected him with a lifted hoof. "So far. Plenty more to go, right?"

Willow and Applejack nodded at this. A waitress arrived, a unicorn levitating a pad of parchment. "Hello there, strangers! What can I get for the lot of ya?"

Orders were soon placed, and they began to chat easily with warm food and good drink available. Applejack opted against getting in the habit of feeding the smaller ones strong stuff, so they had a local fruit concoction that was sweet enough to quell any arguments and was free of alcohol.

Applejack looked towards Willow. "How long do ya reckon before we arrive in Viljatown?" She couldn't identify what vegetables were used in the making of her meal, but it was filling and delicious, so she didn't pry too hard.

Willow produced the map and unfurled it carefully. "We could go west through the jungle, but I'm thinking we should go north and get out of it as soon as possible, and skirt along its edge. Our next step is Galloping Dam. That place is much closer to what I'd call 'civilization'. As for Viljatown, hmm... We're at least a week out, at best, likely longer. When we arrive in Galloping Dam, we can get a boat going downstream to the rail station, and take the train the rest of the way. That should be the easiest part of the journey. It wouldn't be an option if we were actually carrying trade goods, but we're not. I agree with that dwarf." She gestured to the door. "We should trade out the camels. There's no desert in front of us."

Apple Bloom quickly nodded. "Makes sense ta me. Ah agree about getting outta this here jungle quick as possible. What's past it?"

Willow indicated northerly. "Rolling grasslands. The wagon will roll easily, and we'll see trouble coming before it's already leaping at our faces. We'll be able to travel during the day for a change of pace."

Sunflower looked thoughtful a moment. "I think I remember this part. We should be careful for centaurs."

Willow shook her head. "Close. The centaurs are mostly past Galloping Dam."

"Centaurs?" Applejack raised a brow. "What're those?"

Willow pointed at Applejack. "Equines. Horses, with the neck and head replaced with the torso of a man."

Scootaloo looked confused. "Sounds a little like Soft Mane?"

Sweetie stuck out her tongue. "Silly Scoots, Soft Mane was half pony, not half horse, and she wasn't on the front part either, she was right down the middle."

Willow nodded with understanding. "They are not satyr. I forgot that you had traveled with one. Centaurs are much larger, and they are not the result of ponies and humans finding love. Their origins are a bit murky, come to think of it."

Apple Bloom waved a hoof. "So, are they mean? Ah reckon if they're half horse, we can get along alright?"

"Perhaps." Willow considered. "I haven't heard rumors of them attacking unprovoked. Be polite if we run into one, and they should return the favor. Just remember, they consider the plains to be their lands and none other. Don't question this."

"Excuse me." A new voice drew their attention to an earth pony stallion dressed in simple attire. He smiled at them with a hopeful expression. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping you could help me. You're dressed as adventurers. Are you for hire?"

Scootaloo raised a hoof quickly. "What do you need done?!"

Applejack frowned at her before clearing her throat. "Ahem, why do ya ask? We're mostly just passing through, if ya know what ah mean."

The new pony pointed westwards. "My friend went to Restful Oak and never came back. I'm worried about him. He was just having a little sleeping trouble and they said they could help him, but he's just... gone."

Apple Bloom tilted her head a little. "Was he, uh, swallowed, like the deputy said?"

He scowled. "Don't even joke about that! Please, can you help me?" His voice became desperate as he brought his forehooves together, begging.

Sunflower looked to the others, then to his mother. "Do you know what the Restful Oak is?"

The pony was quick to answer that. "It's the local sanitarium, for the healing of minds, or so they say. You must have seen it on the way in? Big stone building on the west side of town? Please, you're the only ones that could save him if he's in trouble. Maybe it's nothing, but they won't talk to me anymore." He pulled a pouch out of a pocket with his snout and threw it on the table with the heavy jingle of coins. "It's yours if you go."

Author's Note:

Free of desert and jungle for the moment, and the world throws another adventure in their way. Will they investigate, or send the desperate pony packing?

A sanitarium sounds like a place where they have especially deranged typos.

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