• Published 23rd Apr 2015
  • 718 Views, 6 Comments

A Rose Among Thorns - CountessRose

A Changeling hopes to start a quiet life, but when is life ever quiet

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Train Ride

Canterlot train station was a large building in the shadow of the royal palace. I climbed the steps slowly to the large bronze doors, my heart beat slightly increasing in tempo as the number of ponies around me increased.

I didn’t fear that my disguise would fail; no... I feared their reaction, the screams of a mare as my “strange” appearance is processed with in her mind. The shouting of stallions and the crying of foals soon would follow. The thundering sound of armored hooves and the bellows of guards as I’m surrounded. All of this... because I am me.

Shaking my head to free my mind of those thoughts, and steadying myself for the task at hoof. ‘Get through the door, buy a ticket, and then a nice quiet train ride to my nice new life.’ Taking a deep breathe I push open the door.

The interior of the train station was packed with ponies, ponies sitting, ponies walking back and forth, ponies working. It kind of reminded me of the hive in a way. However I didn’t want to to be reminded of that place. True I had some nice memories but I wouldn’t have left if those outweighed the bad.

Raising up to my full height, scanning over the heads of the sea of ponies, searching for the ticket booth. I spotted it; across the building. Letting out an exasperated sigh I began the dance of weaving through the river of busy ponies.

Fighting the current I was finally able to make it to the ticket booth. A lavender mare sat behind the counter, her green and teal mane pulled up into pigtails. An issue of CosmoMare hovered in the air before her, blocking me from her view. “Umm excuse me…” The mare, barely out of her teens, looked around her magazine. Noticing me she quickly put it down, smiling as me as she did. “Yes ma’am, how can I help you?”

Seeing her warm smile, sent a pang of guilt through me. I hated lying to ponies I meet by being in this form, but knowing that if she saw my true self, that smile wouldn't be there. “Ma’am are you alright?” The young mare’s voice brought me back to the here and now. Quickly I returned the smile. “Yes I’m fine, Thank you. Could I get a one way ticket to Neighagra Falls please?” “Of course ma’am.”

Five minutes later, I had my ticket in hoof and making my way to tunnel 5 for my train. The mare from the ticket booth said that not many go to my home to be this time of year. She said something about it being the tourist off season. I have no idea what a tourist was so I simply nodded and thanked her as she hoofed over my ticket and pointed me in the right direction.

I sat down on a bench not too far from the tracks. Glancing up at a large clock that hung over the entrance, I could tell it was a little past noon. According to my ticket, I was going to be waiting for at least an hour, and that was if the train was on time. I had no idea what would cause a train to be late, but I heard several of my fellow train goers make comments on the subject as I passed. Ponies were strange things at times.

As the minutes ticed by, a few more ponies joined me in the tunnel. I noticed a janitor glancing my way every now and again as he swept up lose bits of trash. He seemed to be looking at me as if he saw something off; but couldn't figure out what exactly it was. The stallion looked away once he saw that I had seen him, choosing instead to focus his attention on a fleeing gum wrapper.

I looked over myself trying to see what might be wrong with my illusion. I didn’t see anything wrong, my coat covered me, my wings weren’t showing. Looking back up, I spotted a bathroom not far from my bench. I slowly got onto to hooves and made my way over. Nopony seemed to be inside as I entered. Turning my attention to the mirror I inspected my descies more thoroughly. My eyes looked like pony eyes, my horn looked like a unicorn’s horn. That’s when it clicked. Cutiemark; I never figured out a cutiemark to go with this disguise. That’s why that stallion was giving me a weird look, a full grown mare without her cutiemark. ‘Where was my brain, what was I thinking?!?!’

Trying to calm my breathing; it wasn't so bad, all I needed to do was think of one. I was going for a job for bartending, but I want my mark for my new self to be classier than a shot glass. Thinking for a moment a smile slowly crossed my muzzle. Drawing upon my magic, I focused it on the design in my head. A flash of light later and a pink teacup with steam curling into a heart appeared on my flank. A quick twirl and I was satisfied with the new addition to my look. Smiling to myself as I heading back to my bench.

My timing couldn’t have been more perfect, seeing as I exited the bathroom my trained pulled into the station. Doubling checking that I had my ticket and that my bag was latched closed, I made my way to the open doors of the last cart. Tossing my saddlebags into the overhead storage as I made myself comfortable next to the window.

A few more passengers trickled onto the train, but none chose my cart. I was looking forward to having the cart to myself, but my fantasy was shattered when a shadow crossed over me. Looking up… my jaw hit the floor. A minotaur was packing a suitcase and backpack into the overhead storage across the aisle from me. I was able to compose myself, as it...he settled into his seat.

The train lunged forward as it pulled out of the station, catching me off guard. My squeak of surprise as I partly slide off the seat got the minotaur’s attention. I heard a soft chuckle as I clambered back onto the seat. Shooting a glare his way, he ducked behind a book. Turning my attention back to the window, the mountain city was slowly giving way to soft rolling hills and forests. The sun was shining bright over the bright oranges and yellows of autumn. I couldn’t ask for a better day to be the first for my new life, a life that was going to be truly mine.

Author's Note:

Been a while since I actually written for this fan_fiction. But I just had the urge to work on it.

The Comic that is following pretty much the same story line is still going to continue but hey might have it written out some where.

Would love to hear what you guys think. :)

Comments ( 4 )

Ponies where strange things at times.


Yep, this is good. Hope to see more.

Well, you had me until I realized that the story hasn't been updated in over three years. I take it you've no interest in continuing on with it?

Oh I have been doing the run around of how to handle this story. I might reattempt it, I did try a comic version of it, might try that again, I think in pictures as it is.

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