• Published 29th May 2015
  • 39,510 Views, 2,499 Comments

Undead Robot Bug Crusaders - Banjo64

Scootaloo has a secret. So do Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. What happens when the truth comes out?

  • ...

Chapter 12: Mashing Buttons

The Ponyville Arcade. An adult might wonder why in Equestria a small town like Ponyville would have an arcade when video games were a luxury that many large cities had trouble getting their hooves on. Most kids, however, didn’t care. They were too busy tossing their bits at the machines.

“Come on… come on…” mumbled Scootaloo as she frantically moved the joystick. On screen, Pacmare narrowly avoided being cornered.

“Uh… Scootaloo?” asked Thorax.

“Not now!” replied Scootaloo, not even turning away from the screen.

“Forget it, Crystal Hoof. When Scootaloo gets in the zone, she ain’t comin’ out,” said Apple Bloom with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah. How about the two of us show you around instead?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

Thorax let out a sigh, but nodded in agreement.

“OK. She does seem to be a bit busy right now. I guess these video game things are really fun, huh?” asked Thorax.

“Well, it depends on who’s playin’ what. It’s like books, ya know? Different ponies go for different games,” said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah. Why don’t we let you try a few and see what you like?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“I guess. I don’t think I’ll be any good at them, though,” said Thorax with a sigh.

“Everypony’s a noob at some point, Crystal. And it doesn’t matter how good you are as long as you’re having fun,” said Sweetie Belle with a smile.

“Right… fun. Not very good at that yet either,” mumbled Thorax.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes again and started pushing Thorax towards an open Frogger game.

“Yeah, yeah. We know. Now stop makin’ excuses and start playin’,” said Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. Every time they dragged Thorax into something new, the disguised changeling acted like a helpless foal. It was kind of sad just how little the guy knew about himself. Still, he was getting better about it. They didn’t have to spend an hour convincing him to participate this time.

As Sweetie Belle followed after them, however, she noticed a familiar repeating phrase in the air.

Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken!

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. Sounded like somepony was projectile spamming in Street Fighter again.

Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadou- KO!

“Gah! Of course you won, spammer!” cried one of the players.

“Well, maybe if you stopped jumping away from me I wouldn’t have to!” argued the other pony.

Sweetie Belle let out a soft groan and continued on her way as the two ponies started yelling at each other. Unfortunately, she wasn’t watching where she was going and bumped into Button Mash.

“Oof! Oh, sorry Button. I was a little distracted,” apologized Sweetie Belle.

Button Mash got up and brushed himself off. It wasn’t at all surprising the see him at the arcade. Especially since his dad was the owner.

“It’s OK. I was distracted too. There’s always somepony arguing over Street Fighter, huh?” said Button as he pointed toward the now somewhat loud disagreement.

“Yeah. You’d think it’d be easier to tone it out by now or something,” said Sweetie Belle with shrug.

“Yeah, well, you know how it is sometimes. So... uh... you wanna show those ponies how to really play?” suggested Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.

“Button, you know I stink at fighting games. I barely know how to do the special moves, let alone pull off a combo. Besides, me and the girls are kind of busy showing Crystal Hoof around right now. Maybe some other time,” said Sweetie Belle with a shake of her head.

“Aw, come on, Sweetie Belle. I’ve been trying to find somepony to fight me for almost ten minutes now! One quick round? Please?” asked Button.

Sweetie Belle sighed. Button Mash was a decent enough colt, but he could be so pushy sometimes.

“Look, Button. I’d love to play with you but...” started Sweetie Belle.

“Tell you what, I’ll buy you an ice cream at Sugarcube Corner if you play with me. How about that?” suggested Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle blinked in surprise.

“Wait, are you bribing me to play Street Fighter with you?” she asked in disbelief.

Button Mash opened his mouth, then closed it with a blush.

“Uh… no? I’m just… er… betting an ice cream cone that I can beat you at Street Fighter. Yeah. It’s just a bet. Though, if you can’t beat me you don’t have to buy me an ice cream. I mean, yeah, I am a lot better at Street Fighter than you, so that wouldn’t be very fair,” said Button Mash in a nervous tone.

Sweetie Belle glanced towards Thorax and Apple Bloom, where Thorax was just starting his first game. They seemed to be doing fine without her. And while Button Mash was good at Street Fighter, he wasn’t that good. She might be able to win. The chance of free ice cream was really tempting.

“Oh alright. I guess a quick round or two won’t hurt,” admitted Sweetie Belle with a shrug.

“Yes! Come on, let’s go before somepony else gets in front of us!” exclaimed Button before dashing off.

With a sigh Sweetie Belle followed him to an open Street Fighter machine.

Shame I can’t let Sweetie Bot help. I bet a robot would be awesome at video games, she thought to herself.

Sweetie Belle wasn’t kidding when she said she was bad at fighting games. But if there’s one inevitable truth about fighting games, it’s that even random button mashing can sometimes pull off a lucky win.

And unfortunately for Button Mash, he’d walked past Murphy Law on the way to the arcade.


“Oh, come on! Look at your health! I was so close!” cried Button Mash as he watched his character fall to the ground in slow motion.

Sweetie Belle had to fight the urge to give him an evil smirk. Lucky or not, she felt quite proud of herself for that win.

“Close doesn’t cut it in Street Fighter, Button Mash. Don’t you go being a poor sport now,” she teased.

Button Mash sighed.

“Yeah, you’re right. Good game, Sweetie Belle. I owe you an ice cream. Wanna meet up at Sugarcube corner in… say… half an hour or so?” asked Button Mash.

“Sounds good to me. See you then,” said Sweetie Belle as she turned and headed towards her friends.

It took Sweetie Belle about twenty seconds to realize what she’d done.

“Wait a minute. I agreed to go out for ice cream with a colt. Did… did I just agree to go on a date?!” she exclaimed.

Some time later, The CMC plus Thorax were holding an emergency meeting at the Carousel Boutique. Or, at least they were supposed to be having one. Mostly it was just Sweetie Belle panicking while everyone else awkwardly watched.

“Button Mash asked me on a date?! Button Mash?! With me?! Why would he do that?! Has he had a crush on me forever and I never noticed?!” cried Sweetie Belle.

“Uh… Sweetie Belle?” asked Apple Bloom.

“I mean, I don’t know a thing about love! It can’t work like it does in movies and books, can it?! Or does it?! I’ve never paid any attention to him! Will I fall in love the moment I meet his eyes?!” cried Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle…” said Scootaloo.

“What if it’s destiny?! What if we’re meant for each other and I just never realized it?! Have I been too busy to recognize my soul mate?! Are we supposed to get married someday or something?!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

Thorax just gave an awkward cough. He was so confused.

“But if we are going to get married, then sooner or later we’re going to have kids! But I’m a robot! Do robot babies exist? Can I even have a baby?!” cried Sweetie Belle.


Everyone turned in surprise to see Rarity, collapsed on the floor in the doorway. Apparently, she’d overheard that last sentence.

“Oh. Uh… Oops?” mumbled Sweetie Belle with a blush.

Apple Bloom let out a sigh.

“Ah got this. Applejack told me where Rarity keeps her smellin’ salts,” she mumbled as she headed for the kitchen.

Seeing her opportunity, Scootaloo trotted up to Sweetie Belle and put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“OK, three things: First of all, you’re way too young to be thinking about that stuff. Trust me, I’m part of a hivemind with a bunch of adults and Twitch. I would know,” said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle blushed harder, but nodded in agreement. Scootaloo had a point there.

“Second, he just invited you out for ice cream because of a bet. Lots of ponies eat ice cream together because they want to split the bill, or something just as simple. Just because you’re a filly and he’s a colt doesn’t automatically make you two eating together a date,” continued Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and again nodded in agreement. That was also a good point.

“And third, this is Button Mash we’re talking about here. The guy barely sees past his Joyboy. He’s probably even more oblivious about romance than you are. In fact, I bet he’s going to spend more time playing his game and eating ice cream than acknowledging you exist,” finished Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh as the last of her panic faded. Scootaloo’s argument seemed pretty sound. Really, why in Equestria would Button Mash of all ponies be looking for a special somepony?

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just panicking over something silly again,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, you are. Now hurry up and get to Sugarcube Corner before Button Mash gets tired of waiting for you,” said Scootaloo as she gently pushed Sweetie Belle towards the door.

Sweetie Belle shook her head, but hardened her resolve. Scootaloo was right. This wasn’t a date, it was just going out for some ice cream. Ice cream she won fair and square and fully intended to enjoy. Feeling much calmer now, Sweetie Belle headed out. But as she stepped over Rarity, she overheard Thorax asking something.

“Um... Are pony relationships usually this... awkward?” he asked.

“That’s a question for the ages, Thorax,” replied Scootaloo.

Sugarcube Corner was full of ponies, but not to the point it was crowded. Sweetie Belle had no trouble spotting Button Mash at a table, playing on his Joyboy.

Sweetie Belle took another deep breath and tried to keep calm.

It’s not a date, Sweetie Belle. You’re just coming in to eat your ice cream, and maybe make some small talk if Button ever looks up from his game... yeah, that’s probably not going to happen, Sweetie Belle thought with a chuckle.

Seeing no point in delaying, Sweetie Belle trotted over and hopped onto a chair.

“Hey, Button Mash,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Huh? Oh, hey Sweetie belle. Can you give me a second? I’m almost done with this level,” said Button before turning back to his game.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. She was worried about falling in love with this colt?

But while Button was finishing his game, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere.

“Alright, what’ll it be, you two?” she asked with a smile.

“Can I have a chocolate ice cream with peanuts?” said Button without looking up.

“I’ll have vanilla with sprinkles, please,” said Sweetie Belle.

Pinkie Pie pulled two already finished ice cream bowls out from behind her.

“Here you go! And thanks for paying in advance, Button!” said Pinkie Pie before zooming off.

Sweetie Belle turned towards Button Mash in surprise.

“You already paid?” she asked.

“There’s a two for one ice cream special with free toppings. Already knew what it was going to cost,” replied Button Mash with a shrug as he put down his Joyboy.

“Fair enough,” answered Sweetie Belle as she grabbed her spoon.

The two just sat there for a few minutes, quiety eating their ice cream. It was somewhat awkward, but nowhere near as awkward as Sweetie Belle had feared. In fact, several times Button turned towards her as if he was going to say something, but then lost his nerve.

Does he want to start talking with me? Huh, I never would have guessed Button Mash of all ponies was shy, wondered Sweetie Belle.

Finally, Button Mash took a deep and gave Sweetie Belle a determined look.

“So... uh... what’s new with you, Sweetie Belle?” asked Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle blinked in surprise. He actually managed to start a conversation with her. Well, Rarity hadn’t raised her to ignore somepony when they were talking, but…

Oh, just finding out more about my robot self, seeing what other cool stuff I can do, you know how it is. Just the other day I found this fancy new translation program that makes me fluent in other languages. Yep, that's definitely something I’d be comfortable talking about in public like this. Why don’t I just turn it on and scream I’m a robot in Fancy at the top of my mechanical lungs while I’m at it? thought Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle internally sighed.

Come on now, Sweetie Belle. That’s not fair to Button Mash. That’s not the only thing going on with your life right now, she chided herself.

“Well, I started taking music lessons recently. You know Octavia and Vinyl Scratch? I helped them out a few weeks ago, and they've been teaching me as a sign of thanks,” said Sweetie Belle.

To her surprise, Button actually got excited.

“You’re taking music lessons from DJ Pon-3? That’s awesome! You must sound amazing. What instrument do you play?” asked Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle felt a blush creep onto her cheeks.

“Oh, I don’t play. I sing. I’m really not all that good, but I am learning,” she said.

“Yeah, but DJ Pon-3 wouldn’t offer to teach you in the first place if you didn’t have what it takes. You do know just how famous she is, right?” asked Button Mash.

“Not really. I’m not into dubstep all that much,” admitted Sweetie Belle with a shrug.

“Well, me neither, but I met another DJ some time ago so I picked up a thing or two from him. His name was Nylon Tights, I think,” said Button Mash.

“Oh? Well, what kind of music do you like then?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Mostly pop music and jazz, but I like a lot of video game music too. There’s just something neat about all the beeps and boops, ya know?” answered Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle giggled.

“Yeah, well, that’s not very surprising. You’re the Ponyville gamer colt, after all,” she pointed out.

Button Mash blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yeah… I guess I am, huh? I never really thought about it like that. I mean, lots of ponies play video games, and some ponies are better than me at them, so I never really thought I was the video game guy,” admitted Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.

“Button, you’re the only pony in town with a Joyboy. You know how expensive those things are,” she pointed out.

“That’s only because my dad owns the arcade, which is where you would buy a Joyboy in the first place,” countered Button.

“Oh. Yeah, that’s true,” admitted Sweetie Belle.

Button Mash let out a sigh.

“Well, I guess you have a point, though. I mean, my granddad did kind of invent video games, so…” started Button Mash.

If Sweetie Belle had taken a spoonful of ice cream right that moment, she’d probably have spat it all over the table.

“Wait, your grandfather invented video games?!” asked Sweetie Belle in disbelief.

Button Mash blinked in surprise at being interrupted.

“Well, sort of. You know how unicorns can use magic to makes pictures in the air and stuff?” asked Button.

“Yeah. Projection is supposed to be an easy spell to learn, though tough to get really good at,” answered Sweetie Belle.

“OK, and then there’s enchanted gems, which use magic matrix… thingies to store spells in the gemstones. You know?” said Button.

“Yes, but enchanted gems have been around for thousands of years, and gem projections have been around for almost as long,” countered Sweetie Belle.

Button Mash looked at her in surprise.

“Wow. I was just going to say that. You must be really smart if you already know that, Sweetie Belle,” said Button Mash with a smile.

“Oh. Uh… I just read it in a book once. Thank you, though,” said Sweetie Belle with a blush.

“So yeah, stuff like that’s been around for forever. Granddad Ping Pong didn’t come up with any of that. What he did come up with was the idea of connecting enchanted gems to buttons that would make the projection inter… inter…” Button paused as he tried to find the right word.

“Interactive?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah, that’s it. Interactive. Grandad was an earth pony, so he had to hire a unicorn to make the gem, but the game itself and the machine it was connected to? He built that. So yeah, my granddad kind of invented video games,” finished Button Mash.

“Huh. That’s really interesting, Button Mash,” said Sweetie Belle.

Now, Sweetie Belle had never cared about video games enough to wonder about where they came from, but she had to admit it was fascinating to hear about. Much like how the history of anything was for her, really. And it turned out the local gamer pony had direct ties to the history of his hobby.

Hold on...

“Wait, is that why you’re so into video games? Are you planning to make games yourself when you grow up?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Button Mash rubbed the back of his head nervously.

“Maybe? I really don’t know. I don’t have my cutie mark yet. My granddad invented video games, and my dad’s still making them so... Oh, wait. Sorry, but my dad kind of made me promise not to talk about his work too much. Something about ‘copy writing,’ or whatever the hay he said,” admitted Button.

For some reason that phrase sent a shiver down Sweetie Belle’s spine. It was as if those words could end all life in Equestria in an instant. Clearly, it must be a lawyer thing. Sweetie Belle had long since had enough of that garbage.

“But yeah. My dad actually designed a lot of the games at the arcade. It’s kind of why Ponyville even has an arcade,” continued Button Mash.

“I see,” said Sweetie Belle with a nod.

The two fell back into silence, though it felt much less awkward now. That’s when Sweetie Belle noticed that they had both finished their ice creams a while ago.

Huh. I guess Button Mash can be fun to talk to when he actually talks, thought Sweetie Belle.

That thought didn’t sound right in her head.

Wait, when did I get so critical of him? Nopony ever hangs out with Button outside of the arcade, so how would anypony know what’s he’s like? She wondered.

And that thought sounded even worse.

Come to think of it, does Button have any friends? Yeah, we all look to him when we want some advice on video games, but that hardly counts, thought Sweetie Belle.

Thinking back to the classroom, Sweetie Belle realized that Button didn’t belong to any circle of friends. He just sat by himself, playing his Joyboy.

Aw geez, now I feel sorry for him. But he always seems so upbeat and happy. Is he lonely and only trying to hide it? she wondered.

“Uh, Sweetie Belle? Are you OK? You’re giving me a really weird look,” asked Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle blinked in surprise.

“Oh, sorry, Button. I was just lost in thought,” said Sweetie Belle with a shake of her head.

Still, maybe I should try to spend some time with him. It never hurts to have a new friend, thought Sweetie Belle.

“Hey, Button, since we’re both done with our ice cream, do you wanna go back to the arcade?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

The day passed quickly, as it usually does when playing video games. And as time went on, Sweetie Belle began to notice something. Button Mash was loud, pushy, and could get overly excited very quickly, but he was a nice guy. Sweetie Belle was genuinely enjoying spending time with him.

“OK, the trick is to remember to use your ears as much as your eyes. You can’t see the lasers coming towards you when you’re behind cover, so you gotta listen for the shots, and remember how far the bad guys are standing,” explained Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle nodded as she turned her toy laser gun back towards the screen.


Sweetie Belle was even worse at shooting games than fighters, but she had to admit it was really satisfying to pull that plastic trigger.

Pew! Pew!

She pointed the gun away from the screen, causing her character to duck behind cover.

“OK, I know this game is based on science fiction, but these weapons are kind of ridiculous. A laser that turns ponies into babies? Who comes up with this stuff?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I dunno. But it’s still really fun to play, and that’s what matters, right?” said Button.

“Yeah, that’s true. Still, I wish I wasn’t so bad at this,” said Sweetie Belle as her life bar took another hit.

Yeah. I bet Sweetie Bot would be better at this than me. Probably has a built in targeting system or something I could activate when I’m not… thought Sweetie Belle.


Oh buck! Not now! cursed Sweetie Belle as lines and numbers began filling her vision.

Fortunately, she didn’t go full robot. Her eyes didn’t start glowing either. All it did was cause small lines to appear in her sight, tracking the motions of every enemy on the screen. And when she aimed the gun, it seemed to snap her forelegs right into position.

Pew! Pew!

“Nice shooting, Sweetie Belle!” cheered Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle turned towards Button, and her targeting system quickly cataloged him. Luckily, it just labeled him as friendly, and nothing else happened.

OK, as neat as this is, I’d better turn this off before anything else happens or Button Mash notices something’s wrong. Deactivate targeting system, thought Sweetie Belle.

Her vision returned to normal, and another mental switch became apparent in her mind.


Alright, finish the game now, worry about what this means later, thought Sweetie Belle as she turned back towards the game.

And to losing said game.

Or then again, I could have waited until I was done, Sweetie Belle mentally grumbled at the game over screen.

“Thanks for spending the day with me, Sweetie Belle. It was a lot of fun,” said Button Mash with a smile.

“Yeah, I had a great time too. See you around, Button Mash,” said Sweetie Belle with a wave.

I probably should try to make time for this again. He really is fun to hang out with, thought Sweetie Belle.

As Button Mash walked away, Sweetie Belle turned back towards the Boutique’s door and entered. She found her friends waiting for her with smug expressions on their faces.

“Well, well. Look who’s finally home. Where have you been all day?” said Scootaloo in a tone that suggested she already knew the answer.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“No Scootaloo, Button Mash is not my coltfriend now. I just realized that Button never hangs out with anypony, and figured I spend the day with him,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Who said anything about a coltfriend?” replied Scootaloo with a smirk.

“Yeah. Must have been some real good ‘hanin’ out’ for ya to forget we were supposed to be keepin’ an eye on Thorax. He was fine by the way, and discovered he’s a natural at Donkey Kong,” added Apple Bloom, also with a smirk.

Sweetie Belle was about to object, but the she had an cruel little idea and replied with a smirk of her own.

“Oh, I see how it is,” she said before turning on Sweetie Bot.


Her friends looked at her in confusion.

“Sweetie Belle? What are you doing?” asked Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle flicked her newest mental switch.

“TARGETING SYSTEMS ACTIVATED,” announced Sweetie Belle.

“Wait, what?!” shrieked Apple Bloom as she jumped back in fear.

“THREATS DETECTED,” stated Sweetie Belle as she took a more aggressive stance.

“Uh… Sweetie Belle? You know we were just joking right? Right?!” asked Scootaloo in a terrified voice.

“TARGET ACQUIRED. FIRING,” stated Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo screamed and pulled each other into a hug at the sight of... Sweetie Belle sticking out her tongue.

“ENGAGING RASPBERRY: PFFFT,” said Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s jaws dropped.


It took almost two whole minutes for either of her friends to speak.

“But… that… ugh, Sweetie Belle, that was uncalled for!” said Scootaloo.

“Ya almost gave me a heart attack, and mah heart ain’t even beatin’!” added Apple Bloom.


Scootaloo let out a sigh.

“Fine. We’re sorry for teasing you,” she said.

“Yeah, what she said,” added Apple Bloom.


As her vision returned to normal, Sweetie Belle noted once again that the headaches were getting less and less painful every time. She still wasn’t sure if this was a good thing, but it definitely made it easier for her to go full robot.

“So, was that just a joke, or do you really have a targeting system?” asked Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle turned towards her friend. Her targeting system was still online, but it only noted that Scootaloo was a friend. She quickly turned it off.

“I do. But I’m not sure why I have one when I don’t have anything to aim with,” answered Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom put a hoof under her chin.

“Well, that might not be true. We only checked for lasers and rockets and stuff. Maybe ya have somethin’ else that ya could use?” she suggested.

“Like what? A mini cannon or something just as crazy?” suggested Scootaloo.

“We checked that last week, Scootaloo. And it was your idea if I recall,” countered Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo blushed, but didn’t argue the point.

“OK, so maybe not a weapon. What’s somethin’ else ya would aim with?” asked Apple Bloom.

“A squirt gun, maybe?” suggested Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle did a quick check, and…


With a click, a panel on Sweetie Belle’s side opened up to reveal what looked like a garden hose attached to a metal arm. A moment later, there was another click as another panel opened on her other side, this one opening to some sort of funnel.

“Whoa,” said Apple Bloom with wide eyes.

“This is so cool! Hold on, let me get a glass of water and we’ll see what that thing can do,” said Scootaloo as she dash to the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle however, looked at the bits sticking out of her and sighed.

“Is something wrong Sweetie Belle?” asked Apple Bloom.

“This is the second weird thing we learned my body can do today. I’m getting tired of things popping out of my body that I didn’t know I had. Just how many of these gadgets do I have inside me, anyway?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Ah don’t know, Sweetie Belle. And Ah don’t think there’s anypony around that does,” Apple Bloom replied with a shrug.

“I know. And that’s why it bothers me. I wish I came with an instruction manual or something,” admitted Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow.

“Ya know, that sounded really weird. ‘Ah came with an instruction manual?’ Makes it sound like you’re just a toaster with legs,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“I might be. It’s not like anyone can prove otherwise,” said Sweetie Belle with an uncertain look.

“Well, ya sure talk a lot for a toaster. Is every doohickey as smart as you, but you’re just the only one willin’ to show it? Why don’t ya start a conversation with mah lantern or blanket, get ‘em to come out of their shells?” suggested Apple Bloom with an eyeroll.

“You stole that from a movie, Apple Bloom,” accused Sweetie Belle in an unamused tone.

“So ya agree that it’s ridiculous to think that you're a toaster?” countered Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment before shaking her head and smiling.

“Yeah, you’re right. That’d be really silly. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if I do have some kind of toasting feature or something,” she said with a giggle.

“Well, we can worry about that later. For now, let’s test out that squirt gun,” said Scootaloo as she came back with a glass of water.

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. Small steps were the way to go.

Author's Note:

Sorry shippers. The S. S. SweetieMash has not sailed these waters.

And I'll be very, very happy with anyone who gets the toaster reference.