• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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New Directions

“Alright you three,” Giovanni continued, “listen and listen well. For the past three days Team Rocket headquarters has received absolutely no communication from Cassidy, Butch, nor any other member of our organization in the Kalos region. No reports of success, no indications of failure, no routine check-ins, nothing. After having waited inordinately long for some signs of mission status, I have spent the last several hours attempting to contact our agents through various means. I went through each and every member we have there before at last coming to you. As you are the only responsive team, it falls to you to tell me what I want to know. And trust me when I say I am in no mood to hear anything but the utmost, unvarnished truth of the situation.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth swallowed as one.

“Now first, tell me what has been happening there. All that you know, and no embellishments.”

“Ummm…” Jessie took a deep breath. “Well boss, we haven’t seen heads or tails of Cassidy or Bob or any of the others ourselves for three days either. They said they were going to take everyone on a mission to ambush Lysandre himself to bring him to you, but they… left us behind.”

Giovanni’s frown deepened.

“They sent us off to go plan their victory party!” James blurted out, voice cracking a little. “They told us to go to the beach and ordered us to use our own money to make sure they had a nice festival all set up in their honor when they got back!”

“But we tried ta follow ‘em instead boss!” Meowth admitted, sweating bullets. “We thought dat partyin’ weren’t da best use of our skills so we decided ta tag along by balloon an’ help see?”

“But they eluded you fools, I take it?”

The trio abased themselves, foreheads nearly to the earth by this point, and shuddered.

“We couldn’t find them, no,” Jessie muttered from where she was. “We searched high and low for three days without rest and all we found was this stupid patch of dead trees!”

Giovanni raised an eyebrow. “Go on.”

“There’s this chunk of forest on a trail near Route 14 where something killed a bunch of trees a few days ago. Something froze the ground and tore up the trees, but when we got here everything had melted already. We searched the area and found a net set up but not triggered buried underneath all the dirt and torn wood.”

“It looked like it could have been issued by Team Rocket,” James added.

“And that’s all you found? No indications of causalities?”

“Sir no sir!” all three said as one.

“I see.” Giovanni sat back in his chair. “So, it would appear at least somewhat likely that Team Flare has at the very least chased your fellows into hiding, possibly captured or incapacitated them, or perhaps applied a more permanent sanction.”

The dispassionate way he said that did not bode well to Celestia’s ears.

“Nonetheless, it remains a priority to stop the proliferation of the Dark Ball technology and bring a halt to whatever scheme this Lysandre is brewing for this ‘ultimate weapon’. The world will not be put at risk by such an unstable man wielding a superweapon. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

That sentiment, the alicorn found herself nodding along to.

“Only a man utterly callous or completely insane would wish to revive those devices,” Giovanni mused. “The Dark Ball’s energies over-tax the bodies of the Pokemon trapped inside. Though this provides a substantial boost in power, the massive exertions forced on them eventually lead to multiple organ failure and death within anywhere from a year to a mere few weeks. Anyone willing to do this to their own Pokemon… what would they be willing to do to the world, if they had access to something like the legendary superweapon from Kalos’ past? What would they do to my agents?”

After a moment’s thought, the boss shook his head. “Something must still be done, but it seems you three are the only ones left active in the area. Therefore, against my better judgement you three will be given one more chance to redeem yourselves for your failures.”

“We won’t fail you, Giovanni sir!” Jessie, James, and Meowth shouted at the top of their lungs, still abased on the earth.

“I should hope not.” Giovanni paused. “Now listen to me and listen well. Follow my orders to the letter, you understand?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good.” He nodded. “Now, here is exactly what I want you to do…”

“Understood, sir!” the trio saluted, a few minutes of explanation later.

“Excellent.” Giovanni folded his hands together. “I will remain in touch. Giovanni out.”

With the slightest touch of his finger, the projection of his three most useless yet strangely resilient and loyal agents vanished in an instant. On his lap, Persian rubbed his head against Giovanni’s stomach and kneaded his paws, so the boss stroked his pet in response. As was his wont, he soon fell into contemplation and thought as his pet purred appreciatively. Today, his thoughts were on Kalos and the rapidly-deteriorating situation there.

For a moment, just a moment, Giovanni thought of the strange pale, winged, rainbow-maned Rapidash he’d seen accompanying his least favorite trio. The odd Pokemon hadn’t said anything, but he felt sure it had been paying close attention to every word that he had said. And there was a look in its eyes that suggested something more…

Giovanni shook his head once and put the matter from his mind. No matter how unusual or beautiful it might look, his rational mind told him it wouldn’t be anything more than a pretty curiosity. After all, those three had managed to capture and tame it.

It couldn’t be that impressive.

“Hiya Professor!” Ash waved at the image on the screen.

“And a good evening to you, Ash and Pikachu,” Professor Oak smiled.

“Pika!” said Pikachu cheerfully from atop Ash’s shoulder.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

“Well you see,” Ash replied, “I was calling to check in on how that Pokemon I sent you was doing. It’s been a few days since we last spoke and I was just wanting to be sure everything was alright.”

“Oh more than alright,” Oak assured him. “Twilight here is making a remarkably fast recovery, especially considering the extent of her injuries. Wouldn’t you say so?”

“Light,” came the response from somewhere off the camera.

“But there’s something else that I think you should know about her, Ash. From what she’s told me – and I know it may seem hard to believe at first – this unique specimen of Pokemon you sent me isn’t from our world at all!”

“Woah.” Ash and Pikachu’s mouths opened. “You mean like she’s an alien or something? Because there was this one time in Mount Moon…”

“I’m not quite sure I would use the term ‘alien’.” Oak scratched the back of his head. “At least not as broadly imagined in popular culture. I would classify Twilight as a form of unintentional dimensional traveler.”

“You mean like Unown?”

“Something like that, although in her case the travel wasn’t voluntary and according to her story she wasn’t already a Pokemon of some type in her home dimension. The mechanisms of this are theoretical at best, but it seems that during her accidental dimensional jaunt, young Twilight somehow transformed from what she calls an alicorn to a unique species of Pokemon all her own.”

“Wow. So is she looking to get home?”

“Oh yes.” Oak nodded. “Ever since she could communicate she’s been absorbing knowledge on this world, and in particular the state of interdimensional travel here. I’m sad to say that there isn’t much to offer on the subject, not that it’s stopped her from looking.”

As if on cue, there came the sound of frantic page-turning from somewhere else in the laboratory.

“And even more remarkably, according to her story the Pokemon you caught isn’t just a traveler from another dimension, she’s a princess from another dimension. One of four, as a matter of fact. Not something you just find wandering through a forest every day, eh?”

“That’s pretty incredible!” Ash smiled for just a second, then lost it just as suddenly. “Hang on, did you say one of four?”

“Yes.” The professor nodded again.

“Chu?” Pikachu asked from his shoulder.

Ash put a hand to his chin, looking down slightly. “One of four… hey professor?” He looked back up at the screen. “Can you ask, uh… Twilight if she knows anybody who looks a bit like her, only taller… and whiter… and with a rainbow-colored mane?”

Before Oak could do any such thing, or even answer, there was a sudden flash of energy and the screen was filled with purple. Ash and Pikachu jumped in their seat.

“Light? Twi li li light?! Light twi twi li twilight! Twi twilight! Twi twi twi twi twi twi twi twi twilight!”

“Pikachu! Pika pika pikachu!” Pikachu responded, waving his arms in an attempt to calm the suddenly-frantic alicorn down.

“Twilight! Light light li twi! Twilight!” she responded, not one iota less urgently. “Twi twilight twi! Light li twi twi twi! Light?!”

From off screen, Ash could barely hear Professor Oak’s voice.

“I’m guessing that’s a yes.”

As the moon slowly rose overhead, Luna walked softly through a dark forest. A small blue and white Pokemon floated by her side, clutching its flower tight. All around them, the land was quiet and still save for the chirping and occasional bioluminescent Bug Pokemon. The alicorn knew now that that hardly guaranteed its safety. After a moment, two stepped into a small, deserted clearing.

“And you are certain that this is the direction of the nearest bastion of civilization?” Luna asked her little companion.

“Absolutely.” Floette nodded. “I may avoid humans myself for… personal reasons, but I know where they live. And if you want cities and governments, you want humans. There’s a big city in that direction,” she pointed, “not more than a day or two by air. I still don’t know if it will help you though, people don’t understand Pokemon languages.”

“I assure you I am capable of finding some means of translation if that applies in my case.”

“I still think you should stay. Rest another day or two.”

“I must find my sister and a way home, and to do that I must find civilization.” Luna shook her head. “I still think you ought to come with me. This forest isn’t safe for a creature your size, even with Haunter no more.”

Floette shook her own, much smaller head. “And I told you, I won’t live near humans. I’m perfectly capable of caring for myself out here – I’ve been doing it far longer than you can imagine.”

“I can imagine quite a long time,” the princess responded drily. “Is that your final answer, then?”

“It is.”

“In that case I wish you well, Floette.” Luna spread her wings. “And I thank you most sincerely for all of your assistance.”

“Don’t mention it. Helping Pokemon in need is what I live for.”

“A worthy calling, I think. Fare thee well, my friend.”

“And you as well.” Floette nodded.

With one last look back at the Pokemon that had so recently saved her life, Luna beat her powerful wings but once and she was aloft. She rose quickly through the hole in the trees above, circled once to wave goodbye, and then was off into the night.

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