• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
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I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.

Comments ( 101 )
Comment posted by Sdrawkcabsitxetsiht deleted Jul 15th, 2015

sooo not baring any relation to this fic then?....


Nope. I was actually in the process of working on this one when that story went up. I even made sure not to read it so I wouldn't subconsciously use ideas from it. Planning on reading it once I'm done writing this though.

6208622 that's a coincidence , but where'd you get the image from? i haven't seen it before....


Whoops, I always forget to put sources up. Just edited that in now.

Something tells me they're going to ask Twi to spin off this side effect into its own spell. For posterity's sake, of course.

Or was that posterior's sake? :rainbowlaugh:

Kinky, I like it can't wait for it to continue :raritystarry:

As it turns out, only a little tweak or two would be necessary to turn this into a sequel of that.


"Good job, honey," Shining said.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: That part took me out for a moment as I couldnt help but laugh. This is such a strange story...

Nice job. I can't wait for future chapters!

Holy crap! Please have Shining suck Cadence's cock!!!

"Twilight, show us how to use the spell."
"Uh, sure! You just go"
"Thanks Twily! Now fix it, you bucked it up big time."
"What? B-b-but you just learned it! Why did you learn it if you knew it was wrong?"
"Because... reasons..."
"Uh... gottagobye!"






Shouldn't their letter to Twilight have reached her by now? And considering Twilight, wouldn't she teleport to them as soon as she read it? I thought she would have turned up already.

Also, may the adoraforce be with you.:twilightsmile:

6210886 thats his cock...

I am like SAY WHAT!?:flutterrage:

6211157 Not right now it isn't! In case you've forgotten, his cock has now become Cadence's!

So are Twilight and Pinkie dating, because Shining said they were marefriends, but I don't know if he was kidding?

6211794 Not only dating, but performing dangerous magic together, and unless I miss my guess, picking up each other's personality traits. We're doomed.

Holy crap, two kinky Shining/Cadence chapterfics in the feature box at once? My birthday came early this year.

Eagerly anticipating more.

hehe, yeah I chuckled a lot at this one. Here, have an upvote.

Hm... now where have I seen this before...? :rainbowlaugh:

Or, more pertinently, is this actually a sequel to my story, or just inspired by it, or just a huge coincidence?

Mentioned earlier in the comments :twilightsmile: I had started working on this one, and while I was working on it I saw yours come up, so it's a big coincidence! I haven't read yours yet because I didn't want to subconsciously steal any ideas, but I plan on reading it as soon as I'm done writing this one.

Not focusing on the story, did you Draw that image on the cover and animated it using some kind of Illustrator program, or was it just an image you fund on the internet?

I wish I was that artistically talented! The link to the artist's dA is in the source.

6208622 THey soo would have complimented each other.

Horny Cadence is horny! XDD gotta say it was fun a esciting, great work!

What was the name of the other fic that had this premis with Twilight and Shining?

C'mon, who's downvoting this? This is legitimate, polite criticism, and I appreciate it.

I do have a problem with getting a little telly sometimes. I've been trying to work on it, but I guess it came out a bit again in this chapter.

The various jokes, innuendos, and double-entendres *Points at final sentence* had me rolling! Clop content aside, this is written very well, even with the sudden breaks due to those walls of text. Nice work!

That last double-entendre tho!

6213782 I don't recall, but I just read that one recently.

My watch feed said chapter three went up, but I don't see it here O.o

It did...? I'm writing chapter 3 now, but I haven't even put the stuff I'm writing onto Fimfic yet. That's odd...

6213782 It was called "Wanna trade?" I think.

One of these day's I'm getting around to reading yours. :twilightsmile:

You've still got 90% positive, which is pretty good, especially for a clopfic, which some people will downvote simply for being a clopfic.

This fic is amazing so far, I'm just here to see these two lovebirds be all snuggly wuggly. Hopefully Twi doesn't fix things before Cadance enacts her plan.

Why just, why? Why does this have to exist? Who came up with it? And why are my pants down to my ankles?

C'mon Shining's only had this thing for less than a day :raritywink:

or be a sentient rear end

I'm pretty sure the word you want is sapient. Sapient creatures have the ability to to use logic and reason. Sentient creatures are able to feel and perceive (basically) everything alive. alright, now that I think about it, if Cadence was just a but that was alive sentient would be right, lol.:rainbowwild:


Actually, in this case, sentient is strangely fitting. How many rear ends themselves do you know of that are specifically self-aware? Though you are also correct, Cadance-as-a-rear-end would also be sapient.

...Oh god...

Man, if you decide to take in that direction...

~Skeeter The Lurker

because you're just sitting hete masturbating.

Aaaaaaaaand Shining's pregnant

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