• Published 26th May 2012
  • 7,757 Views, 38 Comments

Sleep-Spelling - Lycan_01

Twilight starts casting spells in her sleep due to being overstressed, and Spike tries to help out.

  • ...


Sleep had not come easily for Twilight Sparkle. She’d been up for most of the night, desperately studying and practicing her magic in preparation for her upcoming exam. While Princess Celestia had wanted her to study friendships and the lessons to be learned from it, Twilight was not free to ignore her magical studies. Every now and then, she would be tested on her arcane ability, in order to make sure she was still studying and practicing.

Most ponies would not have seen it as that big of a deal, though. The exams weren’t held very often, they were done by an underling of the Princess instead of Celestia herself, and all she really had to do was show off a bit of magic and call it a day. It could easily be assumed that Celestia was doing this out of procedure, so that nopony could say she was doting too much on her star pupil.

Twilight, naturally, did not see it that way. At all. Instead, she freaked out and put too much thought into it, expecting each exam to be a massive challenge rather than the cakewalk it really was. She would spend days, if not weeks preparing for the test, stressing herself out to almost unhealthy levels. She would study deep into the night, sacrificing sleep and rest in favor of any scrap of knowledge or ounce of experience that could aid in her upcoming exam.

This time, for the most part, was no different. Long after midnight, fatigue had overtaken her, and the purple unicorn had finally staggered off to bed. The moment her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light, falling into a deep slumber. However, it would seem that this time, she finally pushed herself just a bit too far…

“Why am I a tomato?!”

Twilight’s eyes shot open. Was that Spike? What was he screaming about? Groggily, the unicorn sat up, expecting to find herself sprawled out in bed. Instead, she found that she was curled up on her desk, several books and scrolls strewn around and under her. “Huh? What?”

“Twilight! Help!” Spike screamed from somewhere nearby.

“I’m coming Spike!” Twilight yelped, leaping off the desk… and promptly losing her footing the moment she landed on the ground. Instead of a hardwood floor, her hooves came down on dirt and flowers. “What the?!” the mare gasped. Somehow, a flower garden had materialized in the middle of her floor while she was asleep.

“Twiliiiiiight! What did you dooooo?” Spike wailed, his voice coming from somewhere in the room.

“Spike? Spike?! Where are you?” she asked in response, frantically looking around in confusion. There was no sign of Spike. There were signs, however, of things being very much amiss. Most of the floor was now a flower garden. There was a statue of Princess Celestia where the telescope used to be. All the books had been rearranged perfectly by genre, title, and age. And for some reason, there was a giant tomato sitting in front of the mirror in the corner of the room.

“I’m right in front of you!” the tomato suddenly screamed.

Twilight stared.


“No,” the tomato replied gruffly with Spike’s voice. “I’m Nightmare Moon, here to begin my reign of tyranny and naughtiness. I just turned myself into a tomato so nobody would suspect. Hah hah, you caught me.”

Twilight continued to stare, utterly dumbfounded.

“Of course it’s me!” the tomato blurted out. “Change me back! Pleeeeease!”

“I- I-“ Twilight stammered. She then shook her head, and narrowed her eyes in determination. “Okay, hang on. I think I can-“

“Think?” the tomato suddenly interrupted, panic audible in its voice. “What do you mean think?!”

“Just hold still,” the unicorn warned.

“Think?! Twilight, wait!” tomato-Spike screamed. “Hold on a-“

There was a sudden, bright flash of light. Where there was once a large tomato, there was now a baby dragon that looked utterly traumatized.

“…second.” Spike blinked a few times, and then began to grab at his face and body with his claws. “I… I’m back to normal?” he asked in shock. He then punched a fist into the air and grinned. “Woohoo, I’m back to normal!”

An awkward silence followed as Spike turned to look at Twilight, leaving them to both just stared at each other, completely confused.

“So… uh…” Spike finally broke the silence. “Mind telling me why I woke up as a vegetable?”

“Fruit,” Twilight corrected him. “And I have no clue.”

Spike waved a clawed hand at her dismissively. “Not gonna argue about the fruit and veggie thing,” he muttered. He then gestured at the topsy-turvy room. “So you mean to tell me that you have no idea how everything magically got all screwed up during the night?”

Twilight frowned. “Um…”

Spike pointed an accusing finger. “Only one of us can do magic. Well, this sort of magic. Did you do this in your sleep or something?”

“I… I don’t think so…” the unicorn shook her head. “I mean, I’ve heard of unicorns casting spells in the sleep under certain circumstances, but-“

“So you sleep-spell. Wonderful!” Spike smirked and threw his hands in the air. “Some ponies sleep-walk, others sleep-talk. But no, you have to be one of the ones who do magic while you dream…” he shook his head, grinning. “So, should I write to the Prin-“

The dragon didn’t get to finish his sentence before Twilight was upon him, her hooves clamped firmly over his mouth. “No!” she yelped, horror etched on her features. “She can’t know about this! She’d-“

“Murf murmur hurf grrrf,” Spike mumbled under her hooves.

“Exactly!” Twilight exclaimed. Removing her hooves from her assistant, she began to trot in circles. “We can’t let her know this happened.”

“Well, I guess it isn’t that big a deal…” Spike shrugged. “It’s not like you can’t fix everything. And as long as you don’t stay up late studying like that again, you….” his voice trailed off. Asking Twilight not to study was like asking Rainbow Dash to wear a fru-fru dress, or Fluttershy to do a public poetry reading.

Those things just didn’t happen.

“Spike,” Twilight whined. “I can’t-“

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You can’t not study,” he shook his head. “But you’re going to have to try to pace yourself, or something.”

The purple unicorn looked at the floor, unsure. “I’ll… try.”

“Good,” Spike smiled. “Otherwise, I may wake up tomorrow as… like… a garden gnome or something.”

He was close. Rather than a garden gnome, Spike woke up as a pink lawn flamingo.

And the next day, a potted plant.

And then a velociraptor. Though, that one was kinda cool.

On the final night before the exam, Spike had finally had enough. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he had to do something not just for himself, but for Twilight. The poor mare had stressed herself almost to the breaking point. Studying almost constantly, she’d been ignoring her friends and other responsibilities, and she certainly looked worse for wear. Bloodshot eyes, mangy hair, and more than a few twitches made her look like she was an escaped lunatic, rather than a brilliant scholar.

“Here you go, Twilight,” the dragon said as he approached her desk. Holding up a steaming cup of coffee, he added: “Extra expresso, just like you asked.”

“Yay!” Twilight yipped, looking up from the book she’d been nose-deep in. Her voice was unnaturally clipped and cheerful, and she looked like she was about to fall apart. “Just what I need! A few more hours of studying, and I should be ready! Keyword should! Maybe I should study for seven more hours, instead of five and a half. I only need a few hours of sleep, and-“

Spike frowned, mentally noting that the sun would be rising in much less than seven hours. “Just drink your coffee.”

“Yes, yes, coffee!” Twilight grinned insanely. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

Twilight picked up the mug with her telekinesis, took a small sip… and promptly fell to the floor, snoring loudly.

Spike caught the mug of decaf coffee before it hit the floor, and let out a sigh of relief. “Sorry Twi…” he frowned sadly. “But I had to do that. You’ll thank me in the morning.” He felt terrible about spiking her drink with a dose of sleeping pills, but if being a bit dishonest meant saving his friend’s sanity and health, it was a worthy sacrifice. Granted, it was only supposed to make her sleepy, not knock her out. Clearly, she was in much worse shape than he’d thought.

He wasn’t too worried, though. Fluttershy had personally ensured he had the proper dosage, and that there was no risk of adverse effects. He’d gotten the medicine from her, since she was something of a vet and knew about medication and stuff, and was also a friend of Twillight’s. Anyone else would have probably said no to the plan outright, though Fluttershy was certainly hesitant. Still, she had agreed that Twilight needed a good night’s rest, not just for her health, but so she’d do well on the test.

Spike not turning into a flaming tree or something was also a bonus.

With a sigh, the baby dragon gently grabbed Twilight, and began to drag her off to her bed.

“Gooooood morrrrrrninnnnng,” Rarity sang to her friends as she approached the library. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were all already standing around the front door. Every time Twilight had one of these magical tests, her friends all came to watch. It was quite enjoyable to see just what sort of power she was capable of, and naturally they all wanted to cheer her on and encourage her. “I see I am not too late. That’s a relief!” the white unicorn smiled, giving a flick of her mane.

“I dunno, somethin’ ain’t right…” Applejack frowned.

“Why, whatever do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked, slightly tilting her head in concern.

“The door’s locked,” Rainbow Dash answered, hovering just over the entrance. “I’ve checked all the windows, but they’re locked too. Can’t see anything through the curtains, either.”

“And Ah’ve heard a few funny noises. Zaps and snaps an’ stuff,” Applejack added.

Fluttershy just kicked the dirt, looking rather worried but staying silent.

Rarity frowned. “Maybe Twilight is just trying to get some last minute practice in, and doesn’t wish to be disrupted?”

“Yeah, but Twilight never locks us out like this,” Pinkie interjected, her voice hyper and cheerful despite her expression of worry. “I mean, she has been pretty stressed and a bit antisocial lately, but still, she’s never done this before. I mean, yeah, she’s locked us out before, but never on the day of her test. Normally it’s because she’s in a bad mood, or somepony’s hurt her feelings, or she has a new book, or I’ve had coffee, or-“

By the grace of Celestia, the front door suddenly flew open, causing Pinkie to stop talking. A frightened Spike suddenly came running out of the library, horror etched on his features. “Fluttershy! Fluttershy, I-“ the dragon screamed, only to stop three steps out the door. Looking around, his horror faded for a moment, and he flatly stated: “Oh. That was easy.”

“What’s wrong, Spike?” Fluttershy asked, looking deeply concerned.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Pinkie cheerfully inquired. “Why are you looking so freaked out?”

“Oh, uh…” Spike smiled sheepishly. “I, uh… I… sorta… kinda… gave Twilight some sleeping pills, and...”

Applejack’s frowned. “Wut.”

“Well, she was studying herself to death!” Spike said, falling to his knees in front of the ponies. Throwing his claws in the air in lamentation, he sorrowfully explained: “I couldn’t let her keep doing this to herself, especially on the night before the test. I know it was wrong, but…” he frowned sadly, a few tears welling in his eyes. “I was just trying to do what we best for her.”

“And I gave him the medicine. I thought it was for the best…” Fluttershy whimpered.

Rarity took a step forward, and gave the baby dragon a gentle pat on the head with her forehoof. “Now now, Spike, nobody is mad at you for trying to help,” she told him, causing Spike’s expression to soften slightly. “And you too, Fluttershy. You were both looking out for her best interest.”

“Yeah, like ya said, ya were just tryin’ to help…” Applejack added, her own frown fading slightly. “Though, Ah wouldn’t have gone this route…”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “I’d have done it sooner. I heard something about you getting turned into a vegetable…?”

“Fruit,” Spike corrected her with a slight scowl. “But that’s not important. Right now, we’ve got a problem…”

“She won’t wake up?” Pinkie asked.

“No, worse! She won’t wake up, AND she’s sleep-spelling!” Spike wailed. As if on cue, there was a loud zapping noise from somewhere in the library, followed by an elephant trumpeting its horn.

The ponies stared at the library in silence for a moment, just blinking.

“And it gets worse!” Spike added. “The exam proctor should be here any-“

There was a bright flash of light, and an aged unicorn stallion in flowing blue robes suddenly appeared in front of the library. His fur was a faded beige, and his mane, tail, and wispy beard where all vibrantly silver. “Ah, good morning!” he rasped a cheerful greeting to the ponies and dragonling.

“G-g-good morning…” some of them managed to stammer.

“Friends of Twilight’s I assume?” he asked with a smile. “I’m told some of her friends enjoy watching the exams. You’re more than welcome to attend,” he observed, before stepping towards the library door.

“Wait!” Spike exclaimed, throwing himself into the doorway. Holding out his arms to block the portal, he smiled sheepishly. “Uh, you can’t go in yet.”

The stallion stared at Spike through his glasses with bright blue eyes. “And… why not?” he asked, arching a silver eyebrow.

“Uh…” Spike blinked. “I think she’s still getting ready.”

“Odd, I’m told she is typically quite punctual,” the stallion frowned. “I’ll have to mark it down if she is not prepared for the exam.”

“No!” Spike yelped, horrified. “I mean, uh, she’s preparing something. Something special!”

The unicorn looked dubious. “Something… special?”

“Yeah. Something special. To impress you!” Spike grinned.

“Riiiight…” the stallion tilted his head slightly. “I’m going in now.”

“Oh my goodness, where did you ever get such a fabulous robe?!” Rarity suddenly inquired, inserting herself between Spike and the teacher in the blink of an eye.

“My… robe?” the old unicorn took a step back in surprise. “Um, it is standard attire for professors at the Royal University in Canterlot.”

Rarity gasped. “Oh, how fabulous! I have a cousin who attends there. Do you know-“

The stallion coughed. “Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do for your friend, but stalling me won’t work. It is time for the exam. Now please let me through, or-“

There was a loud zapping noise, accompanied by bright light flashing through the doorway and all the windows. A loud thump followed right after it, and then silence.

“Twilight!” Spike yelled. The little dragon turned and ran back into the library.

“Miss Sparkle?” the old professor called out, chasing after Spike. Twilight’s friends followed alongside him, hot on Spike’s heels.

No pony or dragon could say anything. All they could do was stare, gape, and blink.

Twilight was sprawled out in the middle of the floor upstairs. She was snoring softly, and looked visibly fine. The library around her, though… was beautiful.

Everything had been arranged and organized perfectly. No items or furniture seemed out of place. What had everyone’s attention was the ceiling.

From wall to wall, a beautiful mural had somehow materialized across the ceiling. It portrayed a variety of scenes – Princess Celestia gloriously reigning on her throne, Twilight smiling while studying, her and her friends laughing and smiling after the Grand Galloping Gala, and images from some of their greatest adventures and lessons. The level of detail was astounding; there was no way it was actually painted. It simply had to be some sort of master-crafted illusion.

“Miss… Miss Sparkle…” the old stallion finally managed to stammer after several minutes of silence.

Twilight looked up, blinking sleepily. “Huh? What?” she asked groggily, before yawning. After a moment’s pause, her eyes suddenly widened in horror. “OHMYGOSH!!”

“Oh my gosh is right, Miss Sparkle!” the professor beamed. “This is amazing!”

Twilight stared. “What?”

“This!” the stallion gestured at the ceiling. “You have shown that you possess not only expert command of illusionary magic, but you also have a master’s eye for art!”

“I do what huh?” Twilight stared.

“Oh, if Dr. Muse were here, she would be beside herself in awe…” the professor smirked. “Why, when I tell her about this, she will probably write to you about guest speaking in some of her magical artistry classes.”

“What… I… But… B-bu-but…” Twilight stammered. “W-what about my test?”

The old unicorn scoffed. “Test? Miss Sparkle, these tests do not demand much effort. And you have shown that you have more talent and ability than some of our graduate students! Why, you should probably be the one giving tests…” he shook his head in amusement. “Well, I think I’ve seen all I need to see. I will give Princess Celestia your regards, and also let her know that your artistic portrayal of her was rather impressive…” the stallion winked.

“I… um… thanks?” Twilight grinned sheepishly.

“Don’t mention it. Until next time, Miss Sparkle!” the professor smiled. He gave her a wave of his forehoof, and then disappeared in a flash of bright light.

Dead silence followed. Finally, Twilight asked “Can somepony please explain to me what just happened?”

She almost regretted asking that as Pinkie promptly began to tell her everything that had happened, babbling at the speed of Pinkie. After less than a minute, Pinkie concluded: “And now you’re an art star!”

Twilight blinked, before looking over at Spike and Fluttershy. “You sedated me?” she asked. Her voice wasn’t full of anger or frustration. She simply looked and sounded like she was confused, and slightly hurt.

“We’re really sorry…” Fluttershy whimpered.

Spike took a step forward. “I deserve all the blame, not Fluttershy. It was all my idea, and she wasn’t exactly for it. But you needed sleep, Twilight,” he nodded, visibly guilt-ridden. “You were stressing yourself out way too much. I doubt you would have slept at all last night if I hadn’t done something. Imagine how the test would have gone instead! Besides, it was only supposed to help you fall sleep and get a good night's rest, not knock you out. But you were way more fatigued than I thought…”

“We’re really sorry…” Fluttershy repeated, tears in her eyes. “Please don’t be angry…”

“They were just looking out for your well-being, my dear,” Rarity observed.

Applejack nodded. “Ah may not agree with how they did it, but they did what they needed ta do.” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie nodded in agreement.

After a few seconds, a soft smile appeared on Twilight’s face. “Thanks. I mean, you didn’t have to spike my drink, and I’m not exactly happy about that. But I get what you were trying to do. And I appreciate that…”

“So you’re not mad?” Spike smiled. Fluttershy also cracked a small smile.

“No, I’m not mad,” Twilight replied with a smirk. “Maybe a bit annoyed, but I’ll get over it. Like I said, I appreciate what you were trying to do. Besides, things turned out for the better. I think.”

A sudden clicking noise diverted her attention. Pinkie was holding a camera, which she seemed to have gotten from nowhere, and was rapidly taking pictures of the ceiling. Apparently she had recognized that since it was an illusion spell, it would eventually fade sooner or later. “Wow, Twilight. This is pretty good. Think you could do it again?” Pinkie asked cheerfully.

Twilight shrugged. “I suppose, if I deprived myself of sleep for a few-“

Before she could finish that statement, Spike was already screaming about tomatoes and running for the exit.

Comments ( 36 )

Well, that was fun to write. Though I did have a spot of trouble copying it from the word processor to the web site. Had to redo the indentation and all the line spacing. Urgh. :raritydespair:

Oh, and before anybody says anything, no, I do not support or encourage people secretly drugging their friends or anybody else, regardless of intention. :facehoof:

Anyway, feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Well, this is one like I'm not going to regret giving.
Despite the occasional spelling mistake, which is to be expected, this was a rather enjoyable story. The humour was funny, the characters were in character and the plot was well written and show worthy (well, besides the drugs, I'm not sure on Hasbro's stance on those.). Good job regardless. Keep up the good work.
One thumbs up

This was rather well written, and I enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work!

Awesome story! Loved reading it and could tell you enjoyed writing it. It had awesome humor and seemed to play out sort of like an episode. Can't wait to see more from you:pinkiehappy:

What this guy said.:twistnerd:

Love the flow of the story. The humor may need tweaking in some parts because I kind of felt rushed at some instances. But all in all it is awesome! :ajsmug::pinkiehappy:

This was exactly as good as the description promised. :twilightsmile:

It's really seldom to read an episode-fitting fic. and thumbs up from me too.

LOVED IT! Look out for some spelling errors though. I saw the word 'main" instead of "mane."

I would've called it sleep-casting... Now to read it. :derpytongue2:

"Why, you should probably be the one testing people…”

Shouldn't that be ponies instead? Other than that and a couple of spelling mistakes, this is a pretty good story. Although, instead of Spike giving her sleeping pills, perhaps he could have given her a sleeping potion that he got from Zecora.

Oh wow! I had no idea this story would get so much attention! :pinkiegasp:

Thank you all so much for the good reviews and feedback! :pinkiehappy: I'm glad to know (almost) all of you enjoyed it. I seriously didn't expect to be getting so much feedback, especially so much positive feedback. This really is a nice surprise...

648610 Yeah, Hasbro probably wouldn't approve of Spike's strategic medicine. Though, they did make that one joke about the punch being "Spiked" in one episode. :trollestia:

648764 That's good... right? :unsuresweetie:

648878 Yeah, I've read through it at least twice, but still missed a few errors. Thankfully, I think I've caught almost all of them now. Though I still need to find this mane/main mix up you speak of... :trixieshiftright:

648950 Yes, but Sleep-Spelling has alliteration, whereas Sleep-Casting does not. I was tempted to title it that instead, though. And who knows, I may go back and change the name later on anyway...

648951 Hah! You're too late, I already fixed that one! :pinkiehappy: And yes, Spike could have gotten a sleeping potion from Zecora, but that seemed just as questionable and underhanded as the sleeping pills, if not more-so. I considered several options, actually, and each one had its glaring moral or plot flaws. Finally just had to go with the lesser evil, really... :facehoof:

Great story! I really enjoyed it :D! A bit too simple, though.

Hey, nobrony's perfect. I started out VERY bad , but I slowly got better.

Loved the story. You kept with the spirit of the show very well. I could see this as an episode in the show easily.:twilightsmile:


Fluttershy had personally ensured he had the proper dosage,
-Quite a feat given that she had to guess how big a sip Twilight was going to take.

or I’ve had coffee,
-Good one...

You’re more than welcome to attend,”
-I THINK you need to replace this comma with a period.

Everything had been arranged and organized perfectly. No items or furniture seemed out of place. What had everyone’s attention was the ceiling.
From wall to wall, a beautiful mural had somehow materialized across the ceiling. It portrayed a variety of scenes – Princess Celestia gloriously reigning on her throne, Twilight smiling while studying, her and her friends laughing and smiling after the Grand Galloping Gala, and images from some of their greatest adventures and lessons.
-Did she just get lucky, or did she subconsciously "tidy up" because she heard the examiner? I don't think he was talking that loudly, but I don't know if a stimulus has to be major to influence a dream.

And you have shown that you have more talent and ability than some of our graduate students!
-Undergrads don't usually get given independent study. I guess Celestia could be bending things that far, especially since she probably was pretty self-directed regardless of what level she was working at and to say that Celestia's time is valuable would be a gross understatement.

Pinkie promptly began to tell her everything that had happened, babbling at the speed of Pinkie.
-Because there is no other adequate term than "the speed of Pinkie"... I approve!

Apparently she had recognized that since it was an illusion spell, it would eventually fade sooner or later.
-Oh, good idea... I hope she is a good enough photographer to do it justice. I suppose since pictures preserve happy memories, and she is all about "happy" that she might be very good at it.

“I suppose, if I deprived myself of sleep for a few-“
-So she can learn other unicorn's spells and follow directions from a book really well, but she can't recreate something just by studying it until it fades? I suppose the artistry might be something where her conscious mind would tend to get in the way.

(well, besides the drugs, I'm not sure on Hasbro's stance on those.).
Well, between the Love Poison and the (Faux) Cutie-Pox Potion I think we can safely say that there is a strong message against children messing around with medications. OTOH (On The Other Hoof) we have the memory spell from Return of Harmony Part 2, Twilight puppeting Fluttershy in "Green isn't Your Color", and Cadence stealthy compressing a 30 minute marriage counseling session into one spell without prior consent. On the third hoof we have the parasprites being reprogrammed into eating buildings, clothing, etc and the Want It, Need It spell.

I think the message I am getting at the deeper level is "be careful, and leave the serious meds to the professionals, but professionals have to be able to override consent when the patient appears to be off their rocker". So high on the "professionals only" and low on the "informed consent".

Lol. Just Lol. Sleep-casting Twilight, however dangerous she may be while Sleep-casting, is best Twilight.

649061 The simplicity or complexity of a literary work should not be seen as a reflection of the author's artistic prowess... :unsuresweetie:

Plus, I didn't want to do anything complex this time around. It is, after all, intended to be just a silly little one shot. I save my more intricate ideas for larger works... :trollestia:

649162 ...
*cracks knuckles*
Let us dance. :moustache:

"-Quite a feat given that she had to guess how big a sip Twilight was going to take."
Comedic effect > science. :pinkiehappy: (Citation: Feeling Pinkie Keen.)

-Good one...

-I THINK you need to replace this comma with a period.
Sorry, but no. The comma is grammatically correct in that situation.

-Did she just get lucky, or did she subconsciously "tidy up" because she heard the examiner?
Both. She subconsciously tidied up because she naturally wants her library to be organized, and she just happened to get lucky. The whole "clean everything and ART" was the culmination of her sleep-spelling and her subconscious desire to excel and accomplish, heightened exponentially by her concern over the nigh-approaching test.

-Undergrads don't usually get given independent study. I guess Celestia could be bending things that far, especially since she probably was pretty self-directed regardless of what level she was working at and to say that Celestia's time is valuable would be a gross understatement.
Actually, I knew several people in my department (English Lit) who undertook independent studies. But I was not using that as an actual point of reference. For one thing, the college/teaching system in Equestria is probably at least a little different from ours, so there's wiggle room. Plus, you could probably say Twilight is already doing an independent study, what with the "magic of friendship" assignment. But to clarify, I wasn't saying Twilight is actually a grad student or anything along those lines, just that she showed a level of ability thereabout.

-Because there is no other adequate term than "the speed of Pinkie"... I approve!
Again, thank you.

-Oh, good idea... I hope she is a good enough photographer to do it justice. I suppose since pictures preserve happy memories, and she is all about "happy" that she might be very good at it.
Yet again, thanks. And yes, Pinkie can probably ensure that the mural is preserved, at least in the medium of photography. Seriously, she's Pinkie. She can typically do whatever the plot demands, and with adequate skill. :pinkiesmile:

-So she can learn other unicorn's spells and follow directions from a book really well, but she can't recreate something just by studying it until it fades? I suppose the artistry might be something where her conscious mind would tend to get in the way.
Art is not her (conscious) field of expertise. I intended to imply that she would not be able to replicate the work, or anything similar, under typical circumstances. It was, in essence, a creation of her mind's eye and extreme sleep deprivation. So, yeah, her lucid mind would have trouble processing and replicating. Plus, you could probably argue she uses the side of the brain which isn't artsy, as magic probably falls in line with facts and logic and stuff, and that's the opposite side of the brain than art and creativity. :trixieshiftright:

649199 Actually, if you read my original comment at the top, I outright stated that drugging your friends (or anyone, really) without their knowledge is bad. :twilightoops:

Also, thanks for your comments and in-depth analysis. Its very nice to see somebody actually giving my stories proper literary analysis and scrutiny. It shows that people care enough to dissect it, and it keeps me on my toes! :rainbowlaugh:

:twilightsmile::Create a work of art? I can do that in my sleep!

I got that you don't consider her a grad student. Was just saying that there might be some evidence that she IS, but I ended up the thought by saying it could be argued either way.

As for the ability to re-create, I think we are in agreement. Could probably do the type of illusion spell after studying the results, but not the level of quality of the work artistically.

...just not while awake.

I think my favorite line was ,“No, I’m Nightmare Moon, here to begin my reign of tyranny and naughtiness. I just turned myself into a tomato so nobody would suspect.”

649325 your intentions were crystal clear from the very beginning of the fanfiction...I just wanted to see how you would react to mild critisism :trollestia:

This is a cute piece with some good character work. The biggest red-flag for improvement I can see is the opening, which spends a full four paragraphs spelling out things that are either already covered in the existing text or could easily have been woven into the existing text without any serious restructuring. In doing this, you squander the excellent comedy opening of starting straight out with Spike's first line without prologue or preamble.

You seem to be a good writer; don't be afraid to open with a strong image or dialogue-fragment that's not immediately explained, and have faith that your audience will stick with you long enough that the picture will become clear.

Woah. Still getting lots of hits and favorites. Its so nice to see people really liking and enjoying my work. Thank you all so much! :yay:

Now if only my other story got this much attention... :trollestia:

649422 I lol'd. :rainbowlaugh:

650995 Thank you for your kind words and legitimate criticism. You make a pretty good point, and I will do my best to remember it in the future. :twilightsheepish:

That was fun!

Also, those sleeping pills must have been magical to knock her out that fast.

That was really good and made me laugh for a solid ten minutes. :pinkiehappy:

This story made me laugh and you built up the anticipation well. Have a "like." :twilightsmile:

Very cute. the ending was a bit galling however, It still came across that Spike and Fluttershy were the ones in the wrong when I'd say it's Twilight who was the one in the wrong. By depriving herself of sleep she had become a genuine danger to herself and others, but seems to have gotten off scot free on it.

1046673 Well, I can't exactly paint them in a favorable light for drugging their friend. I mean, wouldn't you feel bad if you tricked your friend like that? :pinkiesad2:

wow a civil pony debate..

Ok maybe spike and Fluttershy were in the wrong.for knocking her out (MAYBE) :applejackunsure:.. but so was twilight I mean if you are sleep zapping your assistant then MAYBE you have a problem :twilightsmile:

other than that wow a great story
the plot is like DOH I should have thought of that :twilightsmile:

hahaha. I liked this story. The ending was very...how can i describe it..well that one cartoon last min fix plot thing...ehh close enough to what i was thinking. :pinkiesmile:

He felt terrible about spiking her drink with a dose of sleeping pills, but if being a bit dishonest meant saving his friend’s sanity and health, it was a worthy sacrifice. Granted, it was only supposed to make her sleepy, not knock her out. Clearly, she was in much worse shape than he’d thought.

It probably had something to do with the massive amounts of caffeine already in her, it can make other drugs more potent.

This really would fit perfectly as a season 1 or 2 episode. I loved the bit about Twilight correcting Spike about the tomato, and he was like "Not important!"

“Fruit,” Twilight corrected him. “And I have no clue.”


So.......Spike, um......"spiked" her drink, eh?

Get it? Spiked? And he's Spike.....?

.......yeah, ok, bad joke.......

ANYWAAAAYY......loved the story! Absolutely hilarious!! And I loved this part:

“So… uh…” Spike finally broke the silence. “Mind telling me why I woke up as a vegetable?”

“Fruit,” Twilight corrected him. “And I have no clue.”

That was hilarious!!!!!

And yeah, tomatoes are a fruit.....not a veggie. Twilight is correct on that point. :twilightsmile:

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