• Member Since 13th Jan, 2015
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Derpy Hooves died a long time ago. She was in Canterlot for the royal wedding, and was one of many unfortunate casualties of the changeling invasion. Her daughter was not there to see Derpy die, but a changeling was there to see the filly lost and crying, stumbling after her mother but not seeing the body.

There was something in those keening cries and those wails of anguish that compelled the changeling to wipe the blood from her mouth and take on a new form. She had meant to take the filly to safety, to her family, to anywhere...

But Derpy was the only pony that little Dinky had. So the changeling stayed with the filly. Day after day, she would tell herself that this was it, that she knew ponies who could take Dinky in, who would be more than happy to. But day after day, the idea of returning to the Hive seemed more and more like a death sentence. She meant to return, she really did.

Until she didn't.

It has been three years since the Canterlot Wedding. Changeling spies have found the renegade that abandoned them at the height of their invasion. Chrysalis intends to punish this rebellion, either by public execution or by forcing Derpy to lead a charge on Ponyville.

But before the sentence is passed, Derpy is given the chance to speak to the Swarm.

Tagged as Crossover for ponifying large parts of Charlie Chaplin's final speech from The Great Dictator. I claim no ownership of those passages or the words therein, regardless of the alterations I made.

Credit to Tumblr and DeviantArt artist Drawponies for the comic that inspired this.

Also, credit to DeviantArt user Brackets002 for giving me the idea to do this. http://comments.deviantart.com/1/515238804/3759395857

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Interesting read, sequel?

GREAT job! Loved it! Had the feeling of the original speech perfectly!

6303575 Maybe someday.

It seems I have a nasty habit of ending stories in ways that demand sequels.


So glad you feel that way!

6303904 Do you mind if I swear for emphasis here?


That. Was. Fucking. Beautiful.

You deserve a follow.

Also, please copy and paste these images around the place will ya? It's good advertisement.


Right. Now to Follow you like a weird stalker.

6305051 Well, someone who's apparently four hundred times as popular as me just followed me. Clearly, I am either dreaming or on drugs.

And now, self-shilling: Read my other stuff, dude.

6305235 Hey! Don't bring numbers into this! You can have one Follower and still feel like you're amusing a thousand. Some people can have a thousand followers, but only the ones who ant to be your friend re your true followers.

Anyway, you, er, just stick that image around other stories for me, and if you wanna chat about guy stuff and shizzle, or you just want to hear random stuff from me, the closest thing to a living breathing Deadpoool you're gonna get in this lifetime, send me a PM whenever.

Just not after 12. That's when I'm sleeping and dreaming of ponies and dragons and boobies and CAKE!

6305294 Well, you're pretty confident in your likability. Bordering on arrogant, actually.

6305381 Not arrogant - I'm insane!

I love that speech.

One of the best speeches ever!

So is Derpy the new Queen now?

6323824 More like the President, but yeah.

I like the take, and that it fits well with the speech. Well done!

nice. love that Chaplin speech. nice ponification of it.

While it was an enjoyable fic, I think Derpy's speech is a bit off-kilter. I recognise you took inspiration from Chaplin, but it feels a bit weird to segue from Derpy inspiring the masses of changelings to overthrow Chrysalis and then suddenly touch on the democratic ideal and the social net, when it's more getting out under a tyrant's hooves that they're concerned about. Something more like the US Declaration of Independence as composed by Jefferson feels like it would be more appropriate - despite some of its language being flowery and also hypocritical, powerful phrases like inalienable rights or life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness I think would fit better in the context of Derpy's speech.

6337342 Yeah, I'll definitely agree with you there. If I'm honest, I wrote this fic on a whim, and only uploaded it here because I figured it would reach a wider audience. I'll go make those changes.

I like what you've done here. Not only is it completely different from what I expected, it's also quite brilliant! I never expected a Changeling could go into such a deep cover, or have a mind of its own to such a degree. Fantastic work.
I give this a Muffin Rating of nine and a quarter muffins out of ten :derpytongue2:

6867442 The highest rating possible!

This needs a sequel where Derpy enters talks with the Princesses.

7433267 Really? I think it's fine as a stand-alone piece.

Ooh, I loved it! That was an interesting take on changelings, and I loved the concept of the changeling taking on the role of Derpy because she was touched by Dinky's sorrow. It was really heart-warming :heart:
(and sadly, the video got several copyright claims so you can't listen to the speech from it now >.<)

7457733 I found a new version. Try it now.

7458010 Danke, mon ami! And I think you did a good adaptation of the speech :3

7459895 Thank you! I'm glad you think so!

7461026 Of course! You made it suit the situation and setting ^^ Though once or twice I did find myself wondering if our heroine would have said some of these things, but it does work regardless (I was reading sections aloud in my best Derpy voice impression, upon which I stumbled a little XD)

And while I know some people wanted a sequel (I am even a little interested to see myself), I think it works best left on that note (standalone, as you said). ^^;

Have you ever felt happy, sad, touched, depressed, and joyful, all at once? I have now :raritycry::raritydespair::derpytongue2:

I applaud your writing. This is one of the few fics that has made me cry from the raw emotions it stirred within me.
Well done.

I really like this. While I normally don't particularly like one-shots in general, I think any continuation would be a cheapening of that speech.

I mean, unless you are just that good.

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