• Published 11th Aug 2016
  • 19,953 Views, 296 Comments

You Too Will Deteriorate - cleverpun

She looked just like Princess Celestia, except marred and broken. Her ceremonial barding had rusted slightly. Black streaks ran through her mane. Worst was the scar across her chest. The tarnished Celestia smiled at Luna. "H-hello, monster."

  • ...

6. Not the Least Obeisance Made He

“I wish I could be surprised,” Celestia said.

“Obviously, given this other Celestia’s mental state, I don’t think she can be trusted with Luna,” Twilight said.

Cadance nodded. “I agree.”

“Now, now, that doesn’t sound very fair.” Discord popped into place on a chair, began poking at his fang with a toothpick. “What if little Luna wants to be taken away by Ce-lich-tia?”

“A very cute nickname, Discord,” Celestia said. “Is that where you were, this whole time? Thinking up nicknames?”

“Obviously.” Discord sat back in his chair. “Imagine how confusing this whole affair would be otherwise. Someone needs to make these sacrifices.”

“That’s a good point, though,” Twilight said. “Not the nickname part. We can’t make this decision for Luna if it is that important.”

“Given her mental state, I don’t think I trust Luna to make the right decision, either,” Cadance said.

“Indeed.” Celestia stroked her chin, and then turned to the other two. “I wonder, Twilight, Cadance, if you could give me a moment alone with Discord? I fear I have a private matter to discuss with him.”

The two of them shared that look, that same infuriating look, and nodded. They both scuttled out of their seats and soon the study fell silent.

Discord smiled. “A private moment, eh? Celestia, I never knew.”

“Don’t bother, Discord,” Celestia said. “I know you are scared of it too.”

Discord rolled his eyes, the exaggerated motion going from one side of the room to the other. “Honestly, Celestia, as if there was anything that could frighten—”

“In fact, you are probably more frightened than any of us.” Celestia smirked. “Most of it may be me: my body, my memories. But it is using your magic. I know you can feel it. And judging by what Luna said, it’s not the first owner of its heart.”

Discord glanced to the side. “Even if that were the case, dear old Ce-lich-tia doesn’t have any issue with me. I imagine any pent-up aggression she had about one Discord or the other is quite out of her system.”

“Perhaps. That is why I think you are the best one for the job.”

“And what job may that be?”

“I need you to convince it to leave. To go back to its own timeline, or reality, or Tartarus knows what, and to go back empty-hooved.”

Discord scratched his head. “I’m not saying it is impossible, or anything. But that is quite a tall order, even for me. It would take some time.”

“Would you rather it stay here? Do whatever you have to, short of violence. Take care of this for me, and I’ll consider your loyalty cemented. I imagine you owe us something, after what happened with Tirek.”

“Ever the guilt-tripper.” Discord got off his sofa and stroked his goatee. “It’s no wonder little Luna—”

“Watch yourself, Discord.”

Discord chuckled. “Don’t be so sensitive, Celestia. I was only going to mention that time you and Luna forgot to bring a gift to your friend’s wedding.” He disappeared, and his voice echoed throughout the room. “You really ought to loosen up. It’s not like you died or anything.”