• Member Since 7th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2019


Comments ( 8 )

I enjoyed that. But it ended a bit abruptly, and without the expected "redemption of Applejack" and Discord getting his comeuppance that would have completed this fic. It was also a teensy bit dark with the Granny beating, kinda went over the top there, but maybe that's just me feeling sorry for poor AJ :ajsleepy:

Other than that, keep up the good work!

Really funny. I liked it!

Just to put it out there, I don't hate Applejack - she's my best pony! The beatings do seem a little savage, but it's meant to be taken in a humorous context. The inspiration for this story was twofold - for one, let's just say I had a tough upbringing and this was a way to express myself about it. Second, the scene from the Blues Brothers where Jake and Elwood are beaten and chased by the Nun that brought them up as orphans. It's a hilarious scene (try to find it on YouTube) and if you have the context from that moment, the story doesn't seem as brutal. But thank you everybody for taking the time out of your day to read my slightly twisted story! It makes me very happy and fulfilled to know that something I made is enjoyed by some. Please give my other story, Chaos and the Sun a shot too, I could use the constructive criticism.
Thank you all again!

Illogical premise.
Unreasonable behavior from the Apple family - they are the ones who know AJ best, and yet they wasted no time in permitting AJ to explain herself before jumping to the most negative conclusion possible.
Unreasonable behavior from Fluttershy - she, too, jumps to the most negative possible conclusion, and blames AJ - the victim, as explicitly stated by Discord - joining in on the beating.

Downvoted. Would downvote again.

Wait...what just happened...? :rainbowderp:

I'm sorry you didn't like it so intensely, but like I said, I need constructive criticism. I'm still very new at this, and I appreciate your input.
The story is pretty random, and you're right - it is illogical for the characters to behave this way. But I thought it was funny to have them act so out of character. I tried to make it seem that the beginning of the story is orderly, and quickly gets more and more chaotic until it just stops, like a bad car crash. Looks like half of you like it, the other half don't!
I've got a wife and kids, so that doesn't allow for much time for this kind of thing.

Definitely adding this to my favorites. The characters are obviously not behaving as they normally would, but the comedic effect caused by said behavior makes up for it.

Keep up the great work!

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