• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,700 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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3 - Parties Princesses and Ponies, OH MY!

Looking down at himself once more, making sure everything was in place. He had not had a chance to wear his dress blues in almost three years. He was thankful that Miss Rarity had the time just this morning to fix a few things on it. The buttons down his chest gleamed, the pure white shirt under the coat with it's starched collar and tie. The black brimmed, white hat on his head with it's proud brass emblem. Right down to the polished hooves and white cuffs around his fetlocks, he looked exactly like the part of a representative of the Equestria Fire Department.

Looking ahead at the crystal castle before him, he was still not sure about this. Miss Pie had promised him it would be tasteful, but fun. He exhaled once more and lifted his hoof to knock, only for the door to swing open and him to come eye to eye with... a little purple and green dragon? This must be Spike, the princess’s adopted brother.
Dipping his head, he started, “Good evening,” the little dragon grinned. “Oh come on, it's a party, not a funeral. Come on in.”

The large stallion blinked, shrugged, and trotted past him. “Thank you. It's Spike, yes?”

The small dragon gave a nod. “Yep. Pinkie said you would be along shortly, and most the town is already here. Come on, I will show you where the party is.”
The big stallion looked around while they walked, down the hall he could hear the sound of it in full swing. He nodded and walked by the dragons side “I... feel a bit overdressed, but, it's part of the job,” tucking his ears down.

Walking into a set of double doors, he stood looking into a room that was larger than most squad bays. Along both sides of the room were tables filled with various foods, streamers hung from the ceiling in the colors of the Equestria Fire Department and Ponyville’s flag.

Speaking of, at the far end of the room hung down three flags. Two he knew well, the largest was the flag of Equestria, next to it hung down the flag of Ponyville. However the third, it was his first time seeing it. He knew the town council had voted on one, and Miss Rarity had stepped up to design and make it. However he had been kept out of the loop, and was told it was a ‘surprise’.

His breath drew in as he looked on the simple dark blue background of the fabric, on it a simple circle with the term, 'Semper Nobis Vigilandum' around it's inside edge. Crossed over the top of it in gold was a ladder and a roof hook.

So intent on it, he did not hear the white unicorn come up along his side. It was only her voice that broke him out of his thoughts. “Well Chief Sunstreak, do you approve?”

He turned his head and in a very humble dip to her “it is perfect, I could not have imagined better Miss R—”

“Pish posh Chief, what have I asked? Do call me Rarity, please," she smiled.

“Very well, Rarity. On behalf of the town, on behalf of the department, and on behalf of the mares and stallions that will man the station under it, thank you for this beautiful creation. It will fly proud on the flagstaff, and from our wagons,” he stated, enjoying the warm blush he saw grow on her cheeks.

Bringing her right hoof up to her chest she lowered her head just a tiny bit. “Chief, you are more than welcome. It was the least I could do for this occasion, how often will I get a chance to design a flag for Ponyville’s fire department?”

Soon, other ponies came up and greeted him, some he had met, some he had not. He noted the big red draft stallion across the room and was glad he wasn’t the only one in town. Big Mac he was told to call him, part of the Apple family as memory served him, brother to the bearer of the element of Honesty. Speaking of which, he spotted her speaking with the princess.

Exhaling some, he spoke, “If you will pardon me folks,” he then trotted over to the purple alicorn and her gold and yellow ponytail-maned friend. He lowered himself in a deep bow, “Princess it is…”

For the second time that night he was cut off. “Chief, please, I asked you not to. I do not stand on tradition when it's not a formal event,” the princess said firmly, Rescue hearing the orange mare beside them snicker some.

“Ah don’t know Twilight, big stallions bowing to you, ya might wanna get use ta that.”

Rising up to his hooves again, he could see the bemused expression on Applejack’s face, and the frustrated one on the Princess'. Interjecting in his deep, but soft voice “I am sorry Pri—Twilight, it still is strange to address royalty in a familiar way. However, I will because you asked it of me.”

She gave a nod. “Chief, there are two guests due that both wish to meet you however they are—”

As she spoke, the doors at the far end opened once more. Four royal guards, two in freshly polished golden armor and the other two in blue-and-purple armor trotted in, scanned the room and then took up a post. That, however, was not what made him suck in a breath and nearly pass out.

No, what caused his heart to come to a stop was the rather large alabaster alicorn with the flowing mane, and there, at her side, a dark blue alicorn with a mane of stars and night dancing in imaginary wind like her sisters. He could not move, could not speak, as the two of them walked across the room.

The white alicorn offering a smile. “Good evening my little ponies,” greeting everyone with a nod.

It was, however, the dark blue colored one who spoke to him first, standing before him with a soft smile. “We decided we had to meet thou face to face, Rescue Sunstreak.”

That did it. He fell to the ground on his foreknees, head down and nose to the ground.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Twilight said with glee as she moved around him and hugged her former teacher and her sister in turn.

Celestia remained quiet, realizing what had transpired with the stallion before her now. Ever proud of her younger sister and the fact she had saved him from the worst thoughts and dreams to ever come across his slumber, ones no pony should have to live with.

Luna coughed softly. “Please rise, Chief Sunstreak,” then an almost playful tone, “Surely after the months of talking and working past thou's nightmares, we are past the need to bow?”

He sputtered and rose “I, ah Princess Luna, I… I never imagined I would meet you in person and to have a chance to thank you for all you did for me. To—”

What is it with mares cutting him off tonight? However he did not dare say a thing as the sun princess spoke. “Chief Sunstreak, my sister has spoke with me at length about your... past,” she started as a kindly hoof came up and touched his shoulder. Finding himself looking into the eyes of practically a goddess, well, anypony would be robbed of speech. “While we can not imagine what it was like, know that my sister did what she did because you needed help.”

Looking from the alicorn to the next, and to the next, he dipped his head. “I can never thank you in words, Princess Luna. You put me back together again when I was broken. I can only give you my oath I will never falter in my duty to you, to Equestria, and to the citizens of Ponyville.”

Just as Luna was about to speak again, Rescue’s ears shot up at a sound. His head snapped to the left just as he heard Applejack say, “Big Mac, you okay?”

Without taking leave of the princesses, he was on the move. He knew that sound and that look. A commanding bellow, nothing like the royal voice, but one born of dealing with ponies in a panic came from him. “Make way!” as he moved rapidly over to the large red draft stallion and his sister.

Another voice, one younger and filled with panic came. “Big Mac, Big Mac. What is wrong, say something!” the little filly with a pink bow in her mane cried.

However Rescue could not take the time to look at her. His eyes right on Mac’s eyes. “Everyone back,” he barked out. “Mac, listen to me close,” he said, watching the red stallion's eyes begin to bug out in panic. “Can you cough? Can you breath at all? If not, I want you to lift up on your rear legs and clasp your front hooves to your throat. Let me know you need help.”

He watched the stallion nod, then rise up, already Rescue was moving behind him as the hooves lifted and grasped.

Rearing up himself without a thought, he grabbed the large stallion in his grip. Thankful he was born as big as he is, Rescue hooked his hooves together under the other stallions ribs, giving a sharp yank up and in. Another, then a third one, on the fourth a chunk of pear shot out of Mac’s mouth and splattered on the ground.

Using his grip he lowered Mac down as he heard the big apple pony take a deep gasping breath and then a shuttering exhale. Keeping close so he could catch him if he fell over.
“Deep breaths, sit, just relax and breathe. You are okay,” Rescue tried to calm the red stallion, even as Applejack and Apple Bloom crowded in and started to speak at the same time.

“Mac, I dun told ya not ta chew more!” Applejack scolded him lightly.

“Oh big brother, ah was so scared for you!” said the little yellow filly.

Rescue spoke softly, “Don’t talk for a few minutes, Mac. Let your body relax and drink some water in about five minutes, slowly. No more eating tonight, and if you still feel sore in the morning, you go over to Ponyville Mercy and have one of the doctors give you a checkup, okay?”

He got a nod in reply before he turned, finding himself smack dab in the spotlight. Ponies all over clapped their hooves and cheered.

One purple alicorn spoke, “The Heimlich Maneuver! I have read about it in medical journals but I have not seen it before. I did not know Doctor Heimlich was teaching it yet.”

Rescue blushed slightly and lowered his ears some. “I was in his first class just a week before coming to Ponyville. I am very glad I took the time to take that class.”

He felt someone bump his side even as the alicorns grew closer. Turning to see Applejack, a genuine tear run down her face. “You saved my brothers life, I ain’t never going to forget what you done,” and he found himself in a very powerful hug, considering how much smaller of mare than he was.

Rescue wheezed. “I did my job Mi..Applejack, I am glad I was here to help.”

Once she let him go, Rescue turned to look once more on the sun and moon princesses. “Chief Sunstreak, thou are too humble. However we are pleased to see the good doctor's research put to real use. As such, we are issuing a decree," Princess Luna said.

Princess Celestia looked to her younger sister, who gave a nod, then back at the dark brown stallion before her. “You are to prepare classes once per month on this and anything else you can teach my little ponies in Ponyville. Seeing it being used has cemented my belief more lives can be saved if everypony knows the simple things to do.”

He bowed his head. “It will be done, my princess.”

A close observer would note his eyes looked to Luna as he spoke the words.

Author's Note:

Woo longer chapter than before. Trying to do a new one every 2-3 weeks.

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