• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook


Twilight Sparkle, also known as Medusa, is a hardened criminal mastermind, and the leader of what was formerly the most feared band of criminals in all of Equestria. That was years ago. Now, her crew is in shambles, and she looks to two-bit thug Rainbow Dash to bring it back to its former glory.

With Twilight's genius and experience, combined with some fresh blood, the Mythos Crew may become more formidable than ever.

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 592 )

Hmmmm... Interesting...

I shall be waiting with great interest... :pinkiecrazy:

Eh...... I don't know about that ending. Spike and Rainbow aren't the kind to just betray Twilight unless she's gone off the deep end.... I want to continue this but since the ending is so clearly spoiled... I really don't see the point.

Very interesting premise. I shall be following this closely.

So have a Fave, a Track and an Upvote for a first chapter and a job well done!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

7008679 I hope to continue to pique your curiosity, dear reader


I've actually written something quite similar myself, perhaps you could look to it for inspiration?

7008681 Oh, so you think the ending is spoiled? That's unfortunate. I do urge you to hold tight until the end. There's a lot more to cover, and the ending has more to it than it may appear. Please, try to come back to it. There is much more to say about this story.

7008711 It just seems so... stereotypical. They're close friends and allies and then BAM out of the blue they turn on Twilight either for more money, bargain plea, or they think she's going overboard. I don't really know how this is gonna be any different. Sorry. I'll put it on read later but that's it.

7008753 Hard to tell but are you being serious?

7008759 Of course. You feel that way and, as the writer, I disagree. But that's due to my own bias. I can't force you to read if you don't wanna.

Where is my Kawaii Dozer? Y U NO WULULULU!?

I do hope you won't be keeping us waiting too long for the next installment of my new favorite Crime-Twi fic.

It's a very narrow genre, and one I feared wouldn't gain any new material for some time, so thank you for not making me have to write one for myself.

You had my attention... now you have my interest.

7009091 You're right about it being a narrow genre, but I really don't get why. I mean, Twilight is only the most eligible MLP character to be a criminal like this, at least, in my eyes.

I'll try to get these out bi-weekly, if possible. Though, if my last big story is any indication, that's dreaming.

You have my attention. But can you keep it?

7009445 I sure will try, mate


7011312 I don't actually know what that means, so I'm going to choose to consider it a compliment.


It was actually an insult. Not in poor taste, I'm just not a fan of Anthros.
I'll be keeping an eye on this story though. Tell me when it gets big.

7011568 Don't expect to hear from me for a while, then


I'm very interested to see how this heist went down. Also, putting the fear of god into Dash like that? Priceless! :rainbowlaugh:

I expect great things from this, my fellow crime writer... :trixieshiftleft:

Vent repair people. Ingenius. Can't wait to see more.

7022702 I hope to give you said great things. Thanks for reading

7022844 You and me both, brother.

Alrighty then. You go right ahead and take this here track. I love me some PayDay and I love me some ponies. So having both of them meshed together with good writing like this. And we've got a jewelry store and now a museum heist. I don't expect you to run all the heists from PayDay 2. But I will silently hope for you to at least write about my favorite one.

7024340 I don't intend to borrow much from Payday outside of the roles of certain characters (Twi is Dallas, Dash is Houston, Spike is Bain, etc.), as well as a few jobs and characters that have yet to be revealed. Depending on what your favorite job is, you might see it or, at least pieces of it, later on. I'll tell you right now, I intend to have jobs that are inspired by Framing Frame and Big Oil, but those won't be til later.

And thank you for complimenting my writing.


Oh I wouldn't dream of you taking too much from the game itself. A good crossover isn't dictated from what's taken but whats born from the building blocks. While outside the DLC the Frame one is another of the greats. I'll admit I was more hoping for a frantic Dash cooking meth whilst Twilight is mildly aggravated but the prospect of more money for each bag they make themselves as well as the chemistry behind cooking drugs in that of itself would make for some rather interesting play-by-play.

And of course, anything that reminds me of styles similar to my own just makes the reading much more comfortable. It helps me pick up things I want to improve on. So thank you for being awesome.

7024699 Heheh, I was keeping Lab Rats in my pocket for later, but it seems that you saw through my gambit.

So, I figured I'd check this out, since you're the only other person in the contest so far. Knowing your enemy and all that.

It seems we took very different approaches to the prompt. You kick the plot into high gear from the start, only to jump far forwards down the line. I'm not sure all readers appreciate the former, but the latter serves to leave them pondering just what the hell happened in the missing segment. Meanwhile, I tried to gradually up the ante as the chapter went on, only to end with heavy foreshadowing, which is the more conventional method.

We'll see who takes home the metaphorical trophy in the end.

7037466 I've been meaning to take a look at yours for a while now. I guess you just gave me a little bit more motivation.

I appreciate your competitive tone

The plot begins to thicken.

Ooooh, a hitman! Seems Twilight isn't very good at staying on people's good sides, huh?

Hot damn do I love your banter. How it just carries the story forward and doesn't feel dry. It gets more interesting as things move on, I like the little backstory about Twilight's roots. Of course Discord would be the one to ice her grandfather, pity.

7052892 The fearsome Medusa is good at many things. Playing well with others? Not so much.

7052934 Thanks for the kind words, friend

Business is good, but the politics, they're killer. :trixieshiftright:

Woah. That was awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

I can't wait for the next chapter; I like how Twi is kinda explaining what happened to the court. I'm guessing either Spike, RD, DT, or Silver Spoon sold her out. :fluttercry:

Ooooh, looks like Shiny's gonna become an issue later. Veeeeerrry interesting.... :pinkiecrazy:

7156223 Glad you enjoyed. I'm not going to confirm anything, but you're thinking along the right lines.

Hope to see you next chapter.



And you will, my good sir, you will... bwah ha ha! :pinkiecrazy:

Each time my tracking folder goes up a number I check to see if it's this. Ah finally, this is one of those stories literally drop whatever else I'm doing and read.

Surprising, didn't expect her to grab two youngins for the crew, I can already start to smell how this blew back. Kids don't like to be told what to do forever.

7157913 I'm glad you're enjoying. You're the reason I write.

Not only is DT a kid, but she's sixteen, and sixteen-year-olds have a much bigger issue than just disliking authority. They think that they're clever.


Kinda rude and stereotypical, but some teens can be like that. :applejackunsure:

7165262 Sorry, that came out badly. I forgot that not everyone knows me. That was supposed to be self-deprecating, as I'm also 16. Sorry.


Absolutely fine by me! :pinkiesmile: I wouldn't really mind if you had just used the stereotype, because it's a good plot device!

Noooooooooooooo!! Clever sixteen year olds!! :derpytongue2:

Okay. Read all current chapters: check! Moving from "Read Later" to "Favorites". Still keeping in "Tracking" though; I really want to know where this is going, you've done well with this one...

7173408 Thank you kindly, sir. Glad you enjoyed.

You just HAD to make a Bane reference, didn't you?

7183417 Confession time: I promised myself to include that line before I knew it was from Bane. The first time I heard it was actually in PAYDAY 2. It was the flavor text on the achievement for masking up, I think. When I found out it was from the worst of the Nolan Batman movies, I was embarrassed... But I still loved the line.

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