• Member Since 4th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th


I'm a Canadian gal who loves to write. :D


When Rainbow Dash asks Fluttershy to be her plus one for an upcoming party, Fluttershy seeks help from Discord. It works a little too well and ends up leading to Rainbow and Fluttershy to finally get together. This makes Discord decide to declare himself the new cupid by using the same technique on others!

Except that things don't always turn out the way you might expect them to.

Co-written by Poison Cure.
Click the image for the dA source.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 30 )

7044925 It was already put in there a few hours ago. :twilightsheepish:

Gotta say, I'm a fan of Discord helping Rainbow and Fluttershy get together. However, I think that Rainbow was too comfortable around Discord. Then again, I don't really know how much they get along now following "What About Discord?". In any case, this should be an interesting story and I think I'll keep an eye out on it.

This is going straight in my favourites it's so cute and funny!:yay:

Can't wait for more!:pinkiehappy:

7045633 To be fair, we didn't see "What About Discord" at the time of writing the early chapters, and like to play it that Discord is more buddy-buddy with the rest of the Main Six. XP Nonetheless, thank you for giving it a chance!

Am I ever so glad to see something from you guys. The discord of the story is masterful, madam.:moustache:

Well, it was enjoyable seeing interactions between two of my favorite pairings. I get the feeling that Discord is in for a surprise when he checks up on our two favorite pegasi. I do have a few questions that I hope you'll answer:

1) Will some of the matches Discord tries to make include a certain purple alicorn with a familiar party pony and a fashionista with a cowpony?

2) Even if Discord's matchmaking blows up, will our favorite pair of pegasi still be together?

3) Can we hope that the story will end with our favorite draconequus finding a match of his own, say with somepony he just interacted with?

TwiLuna? Is A Twiluna Because it Should Be One

7061111 Thanks a lot! X3 Now, to answer your questions...

1) Yep! He will be. ;3

2) Absolutely they will! After all, despite nature of it all, the feelings that are present are still very real. It's just as if they have nothing holding them back. X3

3) ;3 Oh yes. You'll see soon enough...

Sorry, but NintendoGal is more of a TwiPie fan.

You. Yes you, Nintendo Person.

I'm glad to see this is going. Feels absolutely refreshing, for some reason


Holy Celestia. You just had to end the chapter there!? :flutterrage::rainbowhuh::raritydespair::twilightangry2:

Now you've gone and left me wanting more

Well, it's not 'M' rated, so as much as we wish, seeing those two together in the shower isn't happening in this story.

As for you, Nintendo, nice update. I wasn't expecting it so fast. I'm glad that Discord didn't show any signs of jealousy when Fluttershy told him she and Rainbow Dash were together now. I'm sure you're aware of what happened in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord". I'm not sure if you mentioned it subtly, but it would've been funny if Discord mentioned Rainbow Dash's behavior in "Keep Calm and Flutter On" as another example of believing they were together. I gotta say, I'm surprised that Discord instantly got the idea to be a matchmaker. Guess that shows how crazy his train of thought is. Of course, seeing how he goes about this should be rich. It would be pretty funny if one of the matches he tried to make were Lyra and Bon-Bon, only for them to say "We're already together!"

On a final note, what kind of movies was Fluttershy talking about she hadn't watched before?

I don't really see what horror has to do with this story. :applejackconfused:

He's gonna put Cadance outta business :pinkiehappy:

He's gonna put Cadance outta business :pinkiehappy:

A shame Discord didn't get a chance to tell Pinkie that things between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been taken care of. However, I can bet what will happen when she wakes up. But why did Discord's arrow make her pass out? As for AJ, I get the feeling that her being shot will kick in eventually. Despite Discord's enthusiasm, I think Cadance won't be so willing to give him the title of Cupid. Also, I wonder what's happening with the Cutie Map. Guess we'll find out later.

And actually, Discord's right about both scenarios with Pinkie.

On a final note, if you've seen the season six premiere, what do you think about Flurry Hearts and are you for StarBurst?

I get the feeling this is all going to end badly.

Well, things are getting interesting. Glad that Scootaloo isn't crept out that Rainbow is into Fluttershy (there's a number of writers out there that turn her against Rainbow for being a fillyfooler), It's going to be pretty interesting when Applejack encounters Rarity. I wonder when she'll realize what has happened to her. Oh, and btw, didn't the CMC already have their cutie marks by now?

Discord shrugged a little, “Well, I suspect that Kishimoto used some kind of time travel and saw that one day, I would write the greatest book ever, but he wanted to get rich, so he stole the idea before I could write and just turned everyone into emo ninjas. It was ingenious, really. Then he would sell half the other ideas to some dumb blonde called Stephenie Meyer who totally missed the point of the story! She even had sparkling vampires instead of vampire fruit bats that lose their minds if they can’t find a way to maintain who they once were. I mean, come on! Sparkling vampires is so dumb, I wouldn’t even write that! That not original, it’s insulting to the undead everywhere! They were dead once! And no, I don’t care if she’s not blonde, she matches all the stereotypes to a T! So, ha!”

That is one of the best take thats directed at Twilight I've ever read.

Well, things are really getting hilarious. I wonder when Applejack will realize what Discord has done to her. Also, it's going to be funny when Pinkie Pie starts feeling the affects of that arrow. Still, who was it that yelled at Discord at the end? It's too early for it to be Cadence, isn't it?

Also, what was that joke from 'The Legend of Zelda' series that Discord was talking about?

7132399 Hello! Sorry I haven't responded, I've been a bit busy and it kept slipping my mind. XP But I still wanted to answer your questions!

On your previous post, I did think the premiere was interesting! I was always a mix of indifferent when it came to Starlight, but it was neat to see her interacting with Sunburst. Overall, I did like it! A very interesting way to start the season, for sure.

As for this question, this was written before "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" XD Soooo, yeah.

Oh man, things are getting intense. Somehow, I get the feeling this story has reached its halfway point or something. I can only imagine how that many arrows will affect Celestia. I'm looking forward to more!

Oh, boy. Things are going to get interesting with this little fling Celestia's having with Discord. I wonder how long it'll be before the relationship comes out in the open. I can only wonder how Twilight's going to react when she finds out, not to mention when she hears about the sun rise being late. Also, it looks like Rainbow and Fluttershy are taking their relationship up a notch. It also seems that the relationship between an alicorn and a party pony is developing nicely. I wonder how a certain fashionista and cowpony are doing? We'll probably find out next chapter.

This story continues to intrigue me.

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