• Published 6th Apr 2016
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Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 31: Feast

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 31: Feast

“You have got to be kidding me.”

Pamela blushed at hearing Barbara’s words when everyone returned to Themyscira; already word was beginning to spread fast about what she did to the Gargareans, much to her embarrassment.

It’s not that Pamela was not proud of what she did––it was the right thing to do, especially after Gaia told her that the Amazons and Gargareans would be locked in a stalemate of a war for the island for many years. The only problem she had was all the praise that was being sent her.

“I certainly wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eyes,” Diana said. “Pamela commanded the entire jungle to fight the Gargareans. They broke up the attack within less than a minute.”

“Huh. Didn’t know you had it in you, Pam.” Sunset gave her a pat on the back as Pamela nervously chuckled before rubbing the back of her neck.

“Yeah, I didn’t really know I had it either. Though, if I’m honest, I think most of what I did was with Gaia’s help. That certainly couldn’t have been all me,” she admitted.

“Pam, you need to stop selling yourself so short when it comes to yourself. You are way more powerful than you think, and your efforts today helped save this place.”

Pamela said nothing after that as she just continued to look away, her nerves shooting up once more when Zatanna spoke.

“Well, I think we should probably head back into the main hall, I’m guessing that Amazons have quite the feasts after a victory, Diana?” Zatanna asked.

“I’ve heard of the vast feasts that humanity has had throughout its years. Ours put all those to shame.” The Amazonian Princess chuckled as Barbara, Zatanna and Sunset turned and walked to the center of the city, leaving Diana and Pamela alone.

“You three go on ahead. I want to talk to Pamela for a moment.”

“Better make it quick before all the good food is gone!” Barbara teased.

Pamela turned her head downward to stare at her feet as Diana stood next to her.

“I’m guessing that something is bothering you right now?” Diana asked.

“Is it that obvious?” Pamela said with a nervous tone in her voice.

“I’m guessing you’re not used to being the center of attention?”

“Well, no, it’s not entirely that. Yes, I’m fine with being the center of attention, but only with a few people. Being the center of attention for hundreds of Amazons singing praise for my exploits, it’s too much for me,” she answered.

“So used to being a wallflower, I see.” Diana gave a small laugh at the choice of words, considering Pamela’s powers and biology.

“That and what Gaia said to me earlier about my powers. What I did earlier, I mean, I know I had to do it to save Themyscira, but it’s like she said, I could tear the Earth apart with my powers,” Pamela looked at her hands. “It gave me a chilly reminder of what I could’ve done.”

“Is there something I should know?” Diana asked. “If you don’t want to tell me, I understand. I won’t press.”

“No, no, it’s okay. Well, for starters, I got my powers through an accident. Super fertilizer mutated me to make a long story short.”

The Amazon princess raised an eyebrow. “How did that happen?”

Pamela chuckled nervously. “I made some bad choices and I got involved with someone that I thought would give me the answers I sought, but he didn’t.”

Diana nodded and gestured for her to continue.

“I became this villainess called Poison Ivy, and wanted to turn Gotham into the perfect plant paradise no matter what the cost was,” Pamela continued. “I would have probably succeeded too if Barb and Sunny hadn’t saved me from myself. I owe everything to them, Diana.”

“From the bond you three share, I can certainly see why you’d say that.”

“Anyway, the thought of what I could have done has frightened me to this day. Sometimes I feel inferior compared to Red and Sunny. I mean, without her magic, Sunny can easily still hold her own just like Red, who doesn’t even have powers and can easily fight crime.”

“But then there’s me. Without my powers, I’m completely useless. I don’t have nearly the experience or know-how to fight like them. And then there’s my powers in general, where I can’t even use them to the point you saw earlier. Not without tearing Gotham apart and in doing that, does that still make me a hero?” Pamela sighed.

“I understand, Pamela. It’s a burden we all share deep down that maybe we’re not needed at all, but believe me––this is a normal thought to have. You’re certainly not the first crimefighter to think that.” Diana explained.

Pamela took a small sigh of relief hearing that. “I’m guessing you’ve thought of that yourself then?”

“Certainly. The Gods bestowed my gifts on me, but even without them, I know I can still make a difference. You don’t need powers to do what you do. Your friend Barbara clearly shows that. I know that you need some more training, and trust me when I say that after you have more experience, those thoughts of yours will be put to the back of your mind.”

“Well, that is why we’re here in a way; to get some more training from some experienced fighters,” Pamela said.

“Hey, Gaia has faith in you, and so do I. Try and remember that, okay, Pamela?”

Pamela nodded as several of those doubtful thoughts of hers faded into the recesses of her mind. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

“Good. Now, come on. Themyscira awaits her hero,” Diana said, much to Pamela’s worry as her nerves forced her into place.

“Oh no,” she muttered as Diana chuckled.

“Still worried about being the center of attention?”

Pamela nodded. “Um, Diana, is it alright if I just skip this? Maybe go to the room I’m staying at and have you bring me something to eat?”

“You don’t want to eat with your friends?” Diana tried to coax her.

“It’s not that. I’m more than fine to eat with them, but I’d rather not have, like everyone’s eyes on m—” She stopped as soon as a thought came to her. “Wait, is everyone going to be in attendance?”

“Well, there will be a few skipping out, mostly to continue keeping a guard of the city just in case, like Trigona over there.” Diana pointed over to an Amazon that was on patrol before turning back around to find herself staring at the same woman who stood in Pamela’s place. “Is shape-shifting a power of yours too?”

Pamela chuckled. “No, that’s my necklace. It allows me change my look. Mostly I just use it so I can continue to live normally in Gotham. My whole Ivy persona is what I permanently look like, so Zatanna allowed me to have this so I can look like my old self. Well, without my glasses of course. Funny story, I tried on my spare glasses and nearly went blind. I didn’t know my eyesight was that bad before!”

Diana laughed before placing an arm on Pamela’s shoulder. “Well, then, if you’re willing to come not as yourself, I can tell Mother and anyone who asks that you wanted to eat by yourself.”

“I think that’s for the best. It’ll be a welcome relief for my nerves, that’s for sure.” Pamela said as the two of them headed back to the main hall to enjoy the vast feast.

“Very good, young Pamela, you’re doing very well!” An Amazon warrior named Euboea said as she threw a few more punches at Pamela, who was currently trying to block attacks. Sunset stood off to the side as she watched her friend hold her ground.

Amazon training was started bright and early for the girls after they retired for the night once the feast was done. At first, Sunset and Barbara were confused about Pamela vanishing, but their questions were quickly answered when they caught a glimpse of a familiar necklace being worn by an Amazon that came into the main hall with Diana.

Sunset was currently resting from a hard spar she had with an Amazon. As both she and Barbara discovered, the Amazons were not holding back in terms of training the two of them. Pamela was the exception since they made it clear she needed the most work in terms of fighting hand to hand.

“Hey, are you doing okay?” Sunset nearly jumped as she felt a tap on her back before turning and seeing Diana standing above her.

“Oh, Diana, you startled me for a second there. Yeah, I’m doing okay.”

Diana smiled before she reached out for Sunset’s hand and helped her stand up. “Good, come on. I need you to follow me for some special training.”

Sunset nodded as she followed the Amazonian Princess until the two of them came to a large courtyard that was surprisingly empty.

“I asked for us to be left alone out here in terms of your training. Now, as I understand from Zatanna, you’re trying to master the ability of flight?”

“I guess that’s not much of a secret, but yeah. I’ve been able to get myself off the ground, but have almost no control once I start,” Sunset explained.

“Well then, I guess we better first figure out how to better control your flying abilities before you really start to fly,” Diana said before she floated off the ground and hovered several feet above, much to Sunset’s surprise.

“How?” Sunset asked, to which Diana chuckled.

“Gift from Hermes. I don’t use it too often as I tend to be able to keep up with most criminals, though if one tries to flee in a car, it’s always quite a shock for them when I end up flying onto their roof. Now then, let us begin. How are you able to get yourself off the ground?”

“Well, with a few spells to be specific. Last time I really tried this, I just floated right to the ceiling of my apartment,” Sunset giggled. “Thankfully, the roof stopped me from floating away.”

“Then let’s try that again, and don’t worry about floating away. I’ll keep you from flying away with my Lasso of Truth.”

“Lasso of Truth?”

“A magical lasso that forces anyone I have wrapped up in it to tell the truth,” Diana explained.

“Uh, you’re not going to ask me any questions, are you?” Sunset gave a slightly nervous chuckle.

“We’ll see,” Diana teased before laughing. “Kidding, kidding!”

Sunset gave her a pout before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she cast the spells she needed to get her off the ground.

“So, any sort of advice you can give me before I start?” she asked

“Well, my greatest advice to you is that you need to not think of yourself being limited by your own form.”

Sunset opened her eyes to give her a confused look. “I’m sorry. I think you lost me there, Diana.”

“What I’m trying to say is that you should imagine yourself flying in your mind. Don’t be restricted by what you see with your eyes,” the Amazon explained.

Sunset came to a sudden realization.

“You mean, I should imagine myself with wings or something like that?”

“Exactly! I remember when I first was trying to get down my flying. I would imagine that rather than being gifted flight by Hermes, I instead had his winged boots.”

As soon as Diana said that, Sunset closed her eyes once more. Her mind flashed back to her fight with the Dazzlings; when she tried to save the human Twilight from herself; and when she ascended to a magical form where she had wings like a Pegasus.

After that, she felt herself floating off the ground. Worry crept in the back of her mind. When she tried it at her apartment, she just kept floating up. Sunset slowly opened her eyes to see that she was holding stationary at the same level as Diana.

A part of her wanted to be excited that she was seemingly able to finally pull off flying, but the more rational part of Sunset’s mind reminded her that the past few times started off looking good as well before it all eventually fell apart.

“You’re doing well, Sunset. Now, let’s try to get you to move, even just a bit of control is a good start.” Diana assured her as she held her lasso tight, ready to save her at any moment.

Sunset sighed as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes once more. In her mind, she was envisioning herself as she was before, hovering a few feet off the ground, but with the added change of large amber Pegasus wings, and as a bonus, a unicorn’s horn. In her mind, she was a full-fledged alicorn like her crime fighting namesake even if it was only in her imagination.

Her eyes remained closed as she now imagined herself gently flapping her wings once to push herself higher into the air by a few feet. She opened her eyes, finding that she indeed was now in the place she thought of herself in her mind.

“I’m… I’m doing it…” she muttered excitedly to herself. It was almost strange to her. She had done this kind of thing before, but she was pumped full of so much adrenaline and mostly running on instinct last time that most of her mind was focused on the issues at hand: Trying to kill Princess Twilight, trying to stop the Dazzlings, and trying to save human Twilight. Not once did she have a moment to truly appreciate the ability of flight.

“Come on, Sunset, you’re doing great.” Diana's words of encouragement helped Sunset’s morale and for the next five minutes, she glided around the courtyard before she felt strangely tired as she landed back on the ground.

“Well,” Sunset began as she caught her breath. “That certainly went better than my previous tries.”

“It’s progress, you should be happy with what you’ve done. Besides, it was no different for me the first time I did it. I’m completely sure Zatanna would say the same about herself too if you ask her later. No one gets it on their first try. It takes plenty of practice.”

“Yeah, practice on flying. What I was doing was floating and moving gently through the air,” Sunset chuckled.

“Just be glad you didn’t pull an Icarus,” Diana joked.

“You just need to keep working on that and you’ll get it for sure. The more experience you get, the less need you’ll feel to imagine yourself in your mind; it will all be second nature to you.” Diana said as Sunset and her walked back towards the main hall after another hour of flying training in the courtyard. Sunset felt pretty good about her flying capabilities; a few months of proper training and it would be yet another tool to help in her crime fighting arsenal.

“Do you realize how much work it took me to be able to plan this whole conflict? How much work it takes me to convince those battle hungry warriors that now was the best chance for war? You and your friends just had to pick now to visit, didn’t you?” Sunset came to a dead stop along with Diana as they heard that voice.

That voice was certainly no Amazon as it was a deep male bass that clearly had some force behind it. And it sounded like it was only just a few feet away. Diana moved fast as she ran ahead a few feet before turning the corner and pulling out her sword. Sunset ran right after her and came to a stop when she saw what the noise was.

Standing at an almost towering eight feet in height was a large figure that was cladded in black, metal armor with eight large spikes protruding from both his elbow and knee guards: two on each of them. The being had a large helmet that had multiple horns on them and a small skull at the center of the forehead, just above a sort of T shaped visor. What could be seen in the visor was a male face with pitch-black skin, as black as ash, and glowing red eyes.

And the more shocking thing that Sunset saw was Pamela being pinned against the wall with his hand around her neck and holding her several feet off the ground. The poor girl looked like she was fighting but quickly running out of air.

“Ares. Put. Her. Down.” Diana threatened as she pointed her sword at the now revealed god of war.

“Ah, Diana. I didn’t expect for you to arrive so quickly,” he said as he turned his head to look at her and Sunset.

“Ares, I won’t warn you again. You know what this blade can do to you.” Diana took a step forward before Ares let go and dropped Pamela to the ground. Sunset wasted no time to run over to her fallen friend; her attacker now standing right above the two of them.

“Pam, you okay?” she whispered. Pamela coughed before giving a small smile.

“I’ll… I’ll be… okay…” Pamela coughed a few times as she leaned her head back slightly to try and get some air back into her lungs. Zatanna and Barbara now turned the other corner.

“Pam!” Barbara cried out before running to join her two friends.

“Don’t think you frighten me, Diana, even if you wield a God-killing sword,” Ares growled. “Besides, I didn’t come for a fight. Just to give out a warning to Gaia’s daughter to not interfere with my plans again, if she knows what’s good for her.”

“If you have qualms with anyone, Ares, leave them out of this and deal with me yourself,” Diana told him.

“Another time perhaps. I think my message has been received. Goodbye, ladies,” he bowed before looking down at Sunset. “Oh, and Miss Sunset, I hope to be seeing you sometime soon in Gotham when a group of Lords decide to pay you a visit.” He smiled, clearly gleeful at the thought before vanishing into a thick cloud of black smoke.

Sunset’s blood chilled at the words. The Lords of Chaos visiting Gotham was bad, but if what Ares said was true, then it wouldn’t simply be a fight, but rather a full-on war between the magical forces of Order and Chaos.

And that’s what truly scared Sunset.