• Published 3rd Apr 2016
  • 21,320 Views, 135 Comments

Triggered - Summer Dancer

Twilight and Sunburst have been growing awfully close, and it's starting to bug Starlight.

  • ...


Starlight glanced up from her book at Sunburst, whose brow was knitted in deep concentration as he studied a parchment. She snorted softly shook her head as he rubbed his chin and stole a glance at an open book before scribbling something down. It had been two months since they first reconciled. Much to her delight, Sunburst had come to visit her while the royal family went on vacation for a few days.

Starlight knitted her eyebrows together as her lips curled into a mocking pout. “So serious,” she jousted in a low voice.

Sunburst’s head snapped up with wide eyes, his spectacles sliding down his nose. “Huh?” He regarded Starlight’s teasing expression and blushed a deep red, grinning sheepishly. “Oh. Heh heh. Yes, well...”

He pushed up his spectacles, readjusting them. “It’s hard not to be so engrossed in these subjects. This castle has tons of spell books I’ve never even seen before! And! Look at this.” He picked up a dusty old red book and held up up for Starlight to see. “Hayworth’s History of Shapes and Morphs: Seventh Edition. The seventh edition is a rare find, especially in North Equestria, you know.” He flipped through the pages with a wistful smile on his face. “But the hardest one to find is the fifth edition. Extremely rare, almost extinct.”

Starlight opened her mouth when a chipper voice echoed the library room. “Snacks, anypony?” The two looked up to see Twilight stepping over and around the piles of books that surrounded them and plopped onto her cushion between Starlight and Sunburst. The Princess of Friendship set down three plates with smile.

Starlight looked at the plates before looking back to Twilight. “Blackcurrant and Pumpkin seeds?”

“Brain food,” Twilight grinned with a wink.

“Only the best of it’s kind,” Sunburst added, flashing Twilight a smile. The alicorn quickly returned the smile and scooted a bit closer.

“I see you’ve found Hayworth’s Seventh edition! It’s a fascinating read, isn’t it? I used to stay up all night as a filly reading his books. Y’know, I think I have the fifth one lying around somewhere.”

Sunburst’s mouth opened in a silent gasp. “You have Hayworth’s fifth edition?”

Twilight bobbed her head. “Mhm! Spike found it in one of the shelves he was dusting when we first moved in. For a new castle, it sure did have some dusty shelves!” She tapped her chin lightly, glancing around the room. “I think it might be under my pillow, actually.” She suddenly turned to him. “Would you like to borrow it for a while?”

Starlight watched her friend’s eye pupils shrink into pinpricks. “You would let me borrow your fifth edition? T-Twilight, I couldn’t possibly--”

“No, no, I insist! It’s the least I can do for my niece's Crystaller…”

Starlight sat back with her book, munching on some Pumpkin seeds. This is nice, she thought, looking at her friends while tuning out their conversation. Just three friends, hanging out. Eating, reading, talking, snuggling...wait, WHAT!?

Okay, maybe snuggling’s not the right word, but the lavender alicorn was suddenly a lot more closer to Sunburst than she was before. They brushed shoulders as Twilight peered into the book Sunburst was magically holding up. Okay, okay, they’re just sharing a book, nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that. She buried her nose in her book, but not long before her eyes snapped back up again. But does she really have to sit that close? She could see just fine from where she was. Ooh, but she does need to wear contacts. She sat up with a growl. But she’s WEARING them today! That just doesn’t make any sense at all!

“And then she ate Cadence’s lipstick!” Sunburst said with a hardy chuckle. “Shining Armor’s head almost did a 180!”

“Oh, that’s just horrible,” Twilight frowned, but not before giving into bubbled up laughter.

Mmkay. Nerd fest is over. You can scooch your booch now. The door creaked open, accompanied by the padding of small feet. “How’s it going?” Spike asked cheerfully as he waltzed in.

“Swimmingly,” Starlight said, eyes narrowed at the giggling pair in front of her.

Spike blinked at Starlight, suddenly feeling awkward. “Aaaam I interrupting something? Should I come back later, or…?”

Twilight quickly cleared her throat, calming herself down. “No, Spike, come on in. We could use a break!”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “A break? It’s half past six already!”

Sunburst eyes widened. “It’s evening already? My stars!” He turned to the two young mares, grinning. “Time always flies when you’re having fun!”

“I’ll say,” Starlight murmured under her breath.

“What was that, Star?”

“Errumm, hey! It is getting late, isn’t it?” She pressed her head against the stallion’s backside, pushing him across the sleek floor. “It was really good of you to visit, Sunburst. I had a great time. If you hurry, you can catch the last train out!”

“I wouldn’t go out there if I were you,” Spike said, walking up to them. “It started raining about five minutes ago. Rainbow’s been jumping those rainclouds like there’s no tomorr--ow!” Spike rubbed his arm, shooting Starlight a glare.

The pink unicorn ignored him, forcing out a chuckle. “Oh, you know Rainbow Dash! Always lazing around, reading Wonderbolts magazines, taking long naps...I’m sure it’s just a little sprinkle.”


The lights of the castle flickered on and off as a flash of lightning tore through the sky outside the window. “Oh dear,” Sunburst murmured, pushing up his spectacles as he analyzed the situation outside. “I should be getting back soon…”

Twilight managed to regain control of the lights with a quick spell and looked over her shoulder. “I don’t think you should leave at this rate, Sunburst.”

“You could spend the night here,” Spike suggested. “We’ve got plenty of roo--”



“It’s best if you do stay,” Twilight said earnestly. “I’d feel awful if I let you catch cold out there.”

“Well...if you insist,” Sunburst replied, relenting.

Starlight huffed silently and turned her back. She was about to walk away when she caught Sunburst and Twilight's reflection in one of the crystals in the wall.

He was leaning close to Twilight and whispering in her ear. Before she could react, Twilight smiled and nodded eagerly.

Starlight almost flinched. Okay, what was that?

Sunburst suddenly appeared beside her, causing her to almost jump. “Well, this is an excellent opportunity for us to get more acquainted!” he said happily. Out of her peripheral vision, Starlight could see Twilight fixing her already neat mane, which she never does in the history of ever.

Starlight laughed in a low voice. “Oh, I have a feeling we’ll all be getting acquainted tonight.”

“Okay,” Spike huffed, plopping onto Starlight’s bed while the unicorn brushed her mane. “What’s the matter?”

Starlight regarded Spike through her vanity mirror in mid stroke. “What?”

“You know what! You’ve been acting weird all night! I thought you’ve made up with Sunburst!”

“Of course I have!” Her nostrils flared irritably and her teeth clenched. “We’re! The! Best! Of! Friends!” she grunted, tugging her brush with every syllable. Spike stayed silent for a moment, scratching a claw on his head.

“It couldn’t be Twilight, could it? Or...or me?” His scales drooped.

Starlight finally stopped brushing her mane and whirled around. “N-No! Of course not! I just...it’s…” She huffed, using her magic to set down the brush. “I just don’t appreciate it when two ponies are more focused on each other than the food I prepared them! It’s quite rude.”

“...Starlight. I prepared dinner. You only rinsed the vegetables and help set the table.”

“Hey, took real effort, you know! The only one who knew how to cook anything in my village was Sugar Belle!”

“I still don’t understand,” Spike said. “Twilight and Sunburst were only talking about spell books and tech-y stuff. I thought you’d be into that stuff too, but you were just stabbing your salad with a fork the whole time!”

Starlight slowly walked over to Spike and leaned in, gritting her teeth. “The lettuce was thick.”

Spike squinted, and the two stared at each other down for a good long minute before the dragon’s eyes grew huge. Mouth open in a silent laugh, he pointed a claw a Starlight. “You’re jealous!

A short gasp escaped Starlight before she reared back, spluttering. “Wha-da-uh...jealous?” She let out a loud laugh. “Of what?”

“Of them,” Spike smirked, jerking a thumb. “And not the ‘My best friend is liking my other best friend’ kind of jealous. I mean the reaaaaally jealous kind!”

Starlight tossed her head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing to be jealous of. What does Twilight have that I don’t? I know just as much about magic, and...and I read lots of books...though probably not as much, but…”

She paused before giving Spike a strange look. “Do you find me attractive?”

Spike blinked slowly. “....what?”

An exasperated groan left the pink unicorn. “Do you find me alluring in any way. Would you take me to dinner! Would you kiss me!?”

Spike crawled backwards on the bed sheets, horrified. “Ack! No WAY!”

Starlight pounced on the bed, cornering him against the pillows. “I’m not attractive!?”

“N-No! I mean yes! You’re attractive! You’re very attractive! I mean, look at that mane style! H-how...it...swoops…”

Starlight looked uncertain as she took her ponytail in her hooves and petted it. “Rarity worked hard on this."

Spike smiled dreamily. “She always does.”


Spike scratched the back of his head. “You and Twilight are just..different ponies. It doesn’t really matter if you like or know the same things. That’s not a bad thing, is it?

“And...for the record, I wouldn’t kiss Twilight either.” Spike’s tongue lolled out in distaste. “I mean, she’s...Twilight.” The little dragon shivered. “I’d rip my scales off before I ever did anything like that.”

A small smile slowly creeped across Starlight’s face. “Spike, are you saying that you think of me like…” She laughed a little. “Like family?”

A faint tinge of red appeared in Spike’s cheeks as he coughed twice. “W-Well, um..” He trailed a claw along the sheets. “You are kind of like a sis--”

The young Dragon’s sentence was cut off by warm fur pressing against his face and a hoof around his body. “...Thank you, Spike. You’re like family to me too.” Spike gave an embarrassed grin and returned the hug, resting his head against her shoulder. They continued to sit there, listening to the sound of rain and thunder outside. Spike was the first to break the silence.

“You should really just tell him how you feel.”

A frown tugged at Starlight’s lips. “I don’t have feelings for Sunburst.” She released Spike and fell onto her back against the sheets.

Spike turned himself around and fell back beside her, eyeing her skeptically. “Are you sure?” Starlight opened her mouth, but hesitated. It was times like these when she would forget that Spike was a baby Dragon. But It didn’t help the fact that he was so mature.

“It’s complicated,” she finally said. A blanket of silence fell over them.

“...Is it really?”

Starlight lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It wasn’t a bad one to look at. Gorgeous patterns of stars and comets pattered along the walls in a swirl of magic and galaxies. Maybe I’ve been rash, she thought with a hint of guilt. They’re complete and total nerds, sure, but that doesn’t mean they like each other. They’re bonding. I WANTED them to bond! I have a small circle of friends, and two of them are bound to find a common interest. I shouldn't be jealous of that! I should be glad!

Her mouth formed a line. I should be glad.

Sighing, she turned over onto her side. Sunburst is a genuinely nice pony. It’s not like he treats me any different than her. Her ears suddenly perked up at the sound of hoofsteps. Slow, careful, hesitant. Much heavier than Twilight’s. Starlight held her breath as she watched the shadow displayed through the door crack pass through, echoing throughout the halls before fading to silence. Twilight’s room was further down.

With a sinking heart, Starlight pulled the covers over her head. It would be a very, very long time before she ever heard the hoof steps pass through again.

“How’d you sleep, Starlight?”

The mare in question lifted her reddened eyes and sucked in air. “Alright,” she replied, using her magic to spread butter across a slice of toast. She and Twilight sat together at the dining room table; the early morning sun spilled into the room through the glass window, making Starlight squint.

“Glad to hear it,” Twilight smiled, pouring more than enough syrup on top of her pancakes with enthusiasm.

“You look a bit tired though,” Starlight commented, inspecting her mentor’s frame. Her mane looked slightly bedraggled and her chest fur looked ruffled, especially in the sunlight. Starlight had grown quite used to seeing the bags under Twilight’s eyes and the awkward angle of her wings at daybreak; but no matter what, Twilight always made sure to brush herself before breakfast. No matter how long her nights were.

But the most peculiar thing about Twilight was her apparent sense of euphoria. She’s even more chipper than usual, Starlight thought suspiciously. “And Sunburst is still asleep, it seems,” she continued. “Which is odd, because from what I remember, he was always an early riser.”

Twilight blinked her eyes before offering a small shrug and a smile. “Must’ve been up reading all night. I can relate!” She levitated a large forkful of chocolate chip pancakes and shoved it inside her mouth, moaning happily. Starlight sighed inwardly.

Although she would rather refer the Princess to her studious yet friendly nature, Twilight Sparkle was indeed a pretty young mare. Nothing spectacular, Starlight was quick to note. Almost above average, at best. But she knew Sunburst better than that. He would probably be most attached to her intellect and her genuine optimism about the world. Starlight, however, was far too cynical, even as a filly.

Something about Twilight’s personality drew most ponies to want to become friends with her. Relaxed, yet uptight. Awkward, yet graceful. For a previous shut-in, Twilight certainly had a gift for connecting with others...especially Sunburst. The silver butter knife clattered onto the table as Starlight swiveled in her chair to face Twilight. Her expression crossed between anxiousness and confusion. “What did you do last night?"

Twilight swallowed and wiped the stray crumbs from her mouth. “What did I do?”

"I..uh...I heard noises coming from your bedroom last night."

Twilight blushed heavily, giving a shy grin before stuttering. “O-Oh! Well...I had a long night. Crazy studying goin' on! It was a bit draining..." She straightened up with a proud smile, making her disheveled bangs bounce. "Though I didn't do everything I wanted to in one night, I'm pretty satisfied with the results."

Starlight swallowed weakly. “You didn’t!

“Well, no, I did.”

“Did what!?”

“Want to.”

“B-But you didn’t, right?”

“Did what?

“What you wanted!”

Twilight shook her head, looking slightly dazed. “Wait, I’m confused.”

“Oh, don’t you go there with me!” Starlight glowered.

Twilight looked even more confused, and a little bit scared. “I-I don’t understand! Where am I going!?”

“Don’t play dumb! I know you’ve been getting cozy with Starburst!”


“You just couldn’t keep your paper cut hooves off him, could you?”

“B-B-B-But, Starlight!”

“Of all the stallions in Equestria, you just had to make a move on my best friend!”

“Moves!? What moves? I don’t have any moves!”

“Sunburst is more than a hunk of fleshy nerd meat, you know!”

“STARLIGHT!” Twilight shouted desperately, gripping Starlight by the shoulders. “I am not trying to entice Sunburst! I couldn’t entice anypony!

“He looked pretty enticed to me,” Starlight practically spat.

After a questioning pause, Twilight sat back in her chair and chuckled. “Starlight, you don’t actually think he has feelings for me, do you?”

The angry spark in Starlight’s eyes faded away, and she wilted slightly. Her eyes darted to various objects in the room before focusing back on Twilight. “The question is...do you?”

Twilight seemed to be in deep thought. “Well...Sunburst is a wonderful pony. He’s kind, smart…” She cocked her head to the side with a lopsided smile. “A bit goofy…”

A weak snort escaped Starlight.

“And he’s very sensitive at times...wait.” Twilight put her hoof on the table in realization. “Wait a minute,” she smirked. “I know what’s going on here!”

Twilight’s pupil fanned her hoof to clear the sweat.

“You two have been friends for a long time. Sunburst must mean a whole lot to you.” She smiled softly. “You’re only trying to protect him. I understand that. I was pretty protective of Shining Armor myself! No one seemed to be good enough for my older brother...except for my very own foal-sitter!”

Starlight opened and closed her mouth before shaking her head. “Ah-yes! Of course! He’s my homeboy after all!” Laughing heartily, she gave Twilight a punch on the foreleg. “I’m just messing with you! You know how I..love making jokes!”

Twilight winced involuntarily and nodded while she rubbed her sore appendage, but not before Starlight’s nose suddenly pressed against her own. “But seriously. Do you like him or not.”

Twilight immediately wrapped Starlight in a fierce hug, causing the latter to yelp. “Starlight, I would never even consider going out with Sunburst if it’s against your wishes. We’re all very good friends, and I want it to stay that way. I’ve really enjoyed our time together these past couple months and I don’t want anything or anypony to change that.”

Suddenly a distant belch could be heard from down the hall, followed by the strange smell of burnt rubber. “Uhh, Twilight? "

Twilight's eyes narrowed before levitating a large pitcher of water in the air. "Pardon me." she seethed, hopping down from her seat and marching down the hall.

Starlight simply shrugged and turned back to her toast with a smile. “That was kind of sweet...wait…” She turned around in her chair and stood up. “That doesn’t tell me anything! Does she like him or was she just being nice? Twilight!? UGH!”

Later that evening, the grass had almost completely dried, and the scattered debris from the night before was now properly disposed of. Birds chirped to the fading light of the sun, a mix of pinks and oranges streaking across the sky.

Starlight watched from above as ponies hustled to finish their last activities for the day. Shopping, playing in the mud, socializing; one of those rare tranquil evenings in Ponyville.

“There you are!” Starlight turned from the window to see Sunburst walking up to her with his saddlebags strapped across his back. “The train schedule finally started back up. They finally managed to clear that big tree branch from the tracks.”

“Guess we should walk you back then,” Starlight sighed, turning back to the window.

“Well...actually..I sort of asked Twilight and Spike if it was just you and I. I was hoping you'd accompany me back.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Tha-That is, you don’t mind.

Fireworks burst inside her chest and her hooves trembled on the windowsill, shoulders quivering in delight. “Well, since you asked.”

The air smelled of fresh rain as Starlight and Sunburst walked through Ponyville, their hooves crunching on the frosted grass. The wispy night clouds didn’t obscure the twinkling stars above, their soft light having no choice but to yield to the brilliant glow of the moon. “You really like it here, don’t you?” Sunburst said, breaking the long silence between them.

Starlight snapped out of her thoughts. “Hm? Oh, yeah. It really is a nice little town. The ponies are surprisingly welcoming here...despite what I did to their Princess. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Not that I’m complaining or anything.”

“You expect too little of ponies, Star,” Sunburst smiled, shaking his head. “Sometimes you need to give them the benefit of a doubt.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know so much about other ponies? You’re such a hermit, even when we were kids!”

Was such a hermit,” Sunburst corrected, pushing up his spectacles. “Now, I’m a professional Crystaller.” He gave a proud grin. “Right hoof of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Righteous pupil of Twilight Sparkle,” Starlight threw back, matching his grin. “Princess of Friendship.”

Sunburst chuckled. “I guess we amounted to something after all.”

A surprised look came over Starlight’s face. “Huh...guess so.”

As they continued walking, the train station came into view. Starlight stopped in her tracks, eyes wide. Seeing that nopony was beside him, Sunburst stopped and turned with a questioning look in his eyes. “Starlight?”

The mare in question inhaled a small breath, but stopped. She looked away, wincing. “Sorry.”

Sunburst trotted over and sat down on his haunches in front of his friend. “Hey,” he whispered, using his hoof to gently turn her chin towards him. “Whatever it is, you know you can tell me...don’t you?” To his surprise, he was met with blazing eyes and a biting snarl.

“What were you doing in Twilight’s room?” She demanded, jabbing a hoof at his chest.

Sunburst reeled back, his spectacles sliding down his nose. “Wha-what-what--!”

“I saw you!” she shouted. “Creeping through the hallway like a slug. You thought you were slick, huh, Sunny-boy?

Sunburst frowned deeply at the innocent blades of grass. “I asked you to stop calling me that,” he muttered. “I asked nicely.”

“Don’t change the subject. Why were you in her room?”

“I’m a grown stallion!” Sunburst huffed, pounding his hoof in the grass. “I don’t have t--” A magical aura grabbed hold of his cloak pin and yanked him forward, forcing him to meet Starlight’s heated gaze.

“I wonder how long it took you to grow this,” Starlight hummed, magically tugging at his goatee.

“YOW! Okay, okay! Uncle, uncle, uncle!”

Starlight released her hold on him, leaving him panting and stroking his only facial hair with great care. “You always did like to play dirty,” he muttered.

“Tick tock,” Starlight sing songed.

“I-I wanted her advice,” he blurted.

“Advice? Advice about what?”

Sunburst sighed and rubbed his front hooves together. “Shining Armor’s been working overtime at the Royal Guard lately. There’s been some rumors going around about some odd Changeling activity at the Empire. And, as Flurry’s appointed Crystaller and teacher, it’s my duty to watch over her and educate her in the field of magic. But then…”

He hesitated.

“But then what?” Starlight pressed.

“With Princess Cadance running the Empire and Shining Armor on duty, I’ve been spending a lot of time with her, day in, day out. Teaching her, feeding her, burping her, changing her diapers; even playing with her. Then last week, something happened. She...she called me…’Daddy’.”

Starlight’s hoof flew to her mouth.

“I-I-I didn’t know what to do--what to say! It shouldn’t have happened, but it did! I can’t have Flurry confuse me with her father! No teacher should ever have to take place of a parent!” He rubbed his temple and groaned.

“So you turned to Twilight,” Starlight sighed, regret lacing her voice.

“I figured she could help me. I didn’t have anypony else to talk to. We ended up having a long talk the night before. She said that she’d discuss it with Shining and Cadence right away. I--I I asked her not to say anything because I didn’t want you to see how stressed I was.”

He sagged with a heavy exhale, a single tear trailing down his cheek. A pink hoof quickly wiped it away and trailed along his jaw. Sunburst looked up to see Starlight regarding him with sympathetic eyes. He gave a light laugh. “Seems like everytime we see each other, I end up crying. Stupid, huh?”

Starlight hooked a hoof behind the back of Sunburst’s head and pressed her forehead against his. “I’d find it stupid if you never cried, Sunburst.” She closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”

Starlight chewed on her lip. “I thought...I thought you and Twilight were...flirting. You were just spending so much time together and you had the same interests. You looked like you really enjoyed her company...I minded.”

Starlight kept her eyes shut tight, anxiously awaiting Sunburst’s response. To her surprise, she heard not a reprimand or lecture, but a single giggle. Then another. As Starlight’s eyes snapped open, Sunburst’s shoulders shook with laughter. Starlight pulled back. “What’s so funny?”

Starlight…” he wheezed, wiping away a tear. “Me? Flirt? Have we met?” Still chuckling, he hugged Starlight. “Twilight’s a wonder to be with, but I don’t think she could ever be my special somepony. If anything, I consider her a close friend. But you, Starlight...you’re my best friend. You always have been.” He wiped away the tears from Starlight’s face with the end of his cloak.

“You sure you want to stay best friends with a psychopath like me?” Starlight said, smiling wryly.

Sunburst paused before holding up a hoof. “Actually, psychopaths are usually known for their antisocial nature and violent behavior. You would be considered to be in the sociopathic category, not accounting for your--”

Once again, he was yanked forward, but this time, he saw no anger in Starlight’s eyes. It was something else he couldn’t quite put his hoof on. But he liked it. With a quivering breath, Starlight’s eyes slid closed, with Sunburst following suit. They leaned in closely, their snouts just beginning to brush against one another, when a train whistle peirced the air, causing them to cry out.

“ALL ABOOOOARD!” The conductor shouted.

“Your train!” Starlight gasped as they franctically scrambled to their hooves.

“W-Well,” Sunburst coughed. “That was--”



“You should--”

“I should go,” Sunburst affirmed with a nod. He galloped for the train station before stopping short and whirling around. “I’ll, uh...I guess I’ll wait for your next letter, then? Or...I’ll mail you!?”

“I have a Dragon!” Starlight shouted.

“Right! I'll be going...now.” He started for the train again, but not before flashing a goofy grin in her direction.

Starlight waved, sighing to herself. “I have a Dragon.”

Author's Note:

This is one of the three ships I'd ever consider shipping. :rainbowlaugh: I couldn't find a picture with Twilight Sunburst and Starlight together...so have a grumpy Starlight. :pinkiecrazy:

Corrections, concerns? Please let me know!

Oh, and did I mention I totally ship it!?

Comments ( 131 )

Twilight Tsuki Sparkle

Tsuki? Never heard of that one before.

I had a cheshire grin the entire time I read this. Which probably looked insane to my parents cause we're watching Mockingjay part 2.

7089678 Love that movie. And thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Sunburst is one of my favorite ponies!

Oh my gosh, this was so adorable. :heart:

I loved it! Great job! :pinkiehappy:

Darn, they should've kissed! :raritydespair:

Why did I know right off the bat that Twilight didn't do anything? I thought she just spent the night reorganizing all her books or having some deep philosophical debate with Sunburst.
Pretty good job. Although I kinda felt like that part about Sunburst being called "daddy" just felt a little rushed. Maybe it's because I only saw the first two episodes this week. Besides, just look at the effort they were taking with Flurry OP. Those two are going to make great parents.

First time watching it. Pretty good so far. An hour and 21 minutes in.

So close! . . . Yet so far. Cute and sweet story :twilightsmile:

I'll admit it now that I've shipped Starlight and Sunburst ever since I saw the premiere. It just seems so perfect!

Isn't Tsuki means to thrust?

7090091 No, I read it meant 'Moon', according to some baby names :twilightsmile:

Adorable, and i think you captured Starlight's thoughts well.

7090107 It also means "the first half of the name TSUKIHIMAY FEATURING ARCADE BUMSTEAD I'D HIT IT."

Once again, he was yanked forward, but this time, he saw no anger in Starlight’s eyes. It was something else he couldn’t quite put his hoof on. But he liked it. With a quivering breath, Starlight’s eyes slid closed, with Sunburst following suit. They leaned in closely, their snouts just beginning to brush against one another, when a train whistle peirced the air, causing them to cry out.

“ALL ABOOOOARD!” The conductor shouted.


I half expected a glimpse of Bitchlight (I don't know what we're calling Evil GlimGlam), but this is good.

As for another comment, "Tsuki" the verb is indeed thrust, but it's derived from "tsuku" (for whatever reason) which is indeed Moon. Naruto fans may recognize that as the first part of the "Tsukuyomi" technique so gracefully employed by Itachi, itself named after the Japanese moon god, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto.

The more you know.jpg

This comment section feels like it is slowly turning into tumblr.

“I wonder how long it took you to grow this,” Starlight hummed, magically tugging at his goatee.

If a girl threatens you with your own facial hair, she's not right for you bro, get a girl who can appreciate awesome goatees.

Why did Starlight repeat that she had a Dragon? Is Sunburst her Dragon?

Toot toot! All aboard the S.S. Starburst!


Wait...all hands, brace for impact! Cock-block iceberg dead ahead!


Nooooo! My ship! :raritydespair:

“Do you find me attractive?”

Danger Spike! Danger! When this question is asked by a mare there is probably no answer that is going to go well for you. It's not quite as bad as "Do I look fat in this?" but it's getting there.


What we're calling Evil GlimGlam?

"Starlight Glimmer".

Oh man that was good. When Starlight said about being a psychopath my thoughts went like this. "You're not a psychopath, you're more of a sociopath. Hey, that sounds like something Sunburst might say, I'd laugh if he actually says something like this." And then he did!

Oh, this was nice! Good job on the character interaction; it's fun to see Sunburst and Twilight geeking out together over rare books, and it lends Starlight's building jealousy a sense of reality. And Starlight and Spike seem to play really well off one another, too!

She can have Spike send, and receive, messages for her now. And it still amazes her when she stops to think about it.

"Fucking Triggered"- Every SJW ever.:rainbowlaugh:

But honestly, this was very cute. :twilightsmile:

Goddammit, woman! Get his D. We all know you want that shit.

Twilight Tsuki Sparkle

Wait, what? Where'd you pull that middle name from?

She has a dragon. Now how many can say that?
"I can!" :twilightsmile:
"I do, when I need gems dug up or Sweetie Belle taken care of." :raritywink:

Sunburst x Twilight makes a lot more sense than Twilight x Flash Sentry.

You know, I could actually see this being the plot for an episode.

7091003 Seriously, I wondered that too...

This story was great, and a absolute riot.:pinkiehappy:

7091003 It was a name related to moon, so I just made a quick fix there :twilightsheepish:

Wow. Green definitely isn't Starlight's color. But that final scene was just so cute.:raritystarry:

I´ll be honest; for a good section of the story I though Starlight was into Twilight.

This was cute. When Starlight was being hedgy with Spike I expected her to like Twilight, and honestly I feel like it was a little up in the air until they almost kissed.

It was adorable though.

Instant fave!

It feels incredibly out of place, both because Twilight doesn't actually have a middle name (as far as I'm aware) and also because it's a random Japanese word sandwiched between two English ones.

'Mi Amore Cadenza' works because it's all the same language and actually relates to Cadence's character. 'Mi amore' is Italian for 'my love' while 'cadenza' sounds like a more elaborate version of 'Cadence' and is also a musical term. Another 'romance' language appeared in the show (French) before Cadence's introduction, so the foreign words don't feel out of place in the universe.

Personally I would remove it as it creates nothing but confusion for the reader, but at the end of the day it's your story and you're free to do what you want with it.

I like it. But, I would like it more when, Spike, stops putting pretty mares available mares in the "family" category. Dude is blocking himself!:rainbowhuh:

That's against the "Bro Code"!:eeyup: Stop it! Still a good story.:twilightsmile:

I'll confess I almost didn't read the story because the title made it seem like another dumb reactionary meme. I'm glad I did take the time to read this though, it's a cute story.

Only problem :pinkiehappy::

"feild" -> "field"

No, that ship doesn't sound right...hm...
...I'll just go with sunlight I guess. And yes, I ship it.

Twilight swallowed and wiped the stray crumbs from her mouth. “What did I do?”
"I..uh... I heard noise coming from your bedroom last night."

Grammar error, I think it would be noises or a noise.

His scales drooped.

How the hell did they manage that? Is this a normal thing for scales to do? Has there ever been a pony whose coat drooped?

Something about Twilight’s personality ... Relaxed, yet uptight. Awkward, yet graceful.

Rounded, yet square.

WOW I enjoyed the bit with spike and starlight great job btw :3


His scales drooped.

How the hell did they manage that? Is this a normal thing for scales to do? Has there ever been a pony whose coat drooped?

Probably meant the spines on his head. Those are apparently flexible.

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