• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


Wings. A title. Responsibilities. A relationship with Luna.

Twilight Sparkle has gotten used to a lot of things since becoming a princess. But there is still more out there for her to learn. Most especially in regards to her marefriend.

Originally published as "A Mere Tiff" for the January 2015 writeoff, "All In", where it placed 47th out of 93 entries. Featured by You Might Like this!

Reading by Scribbler and Animelodie!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

Beautifully done, though I can't help but imagine the future lovers' spats that will make the siblings' tiffs look petty in comparison. (And then Twilight, fascinated by her capability, immediately forgets the argument and starts drafting plans for high energy experiments.)

In any case, thank you for this.

So you can write drama. I was beginning to wonder.


"No sex."

Fantastic, little moth.

Author Interviewer

Of course I can! :B What made you think otherwise?

7173938 You write a lot of random brain-fart stuff.

Shout out to "Tantabian" for being a word now. Well done all around.

So, can we expect another chapter or, seeing how this has been marked completed, a different story where Twilight has "the talk" with Celestia then?

Very nice!

That was like sex with words. This is a really interesting look into both personalities. The characters appear almost real and they were very entertaining to dissect.

Perfect stuff. Perfect.

From the fires of creation, I stab at thee!

Someone was having fun here.

Ah, for the days when this interpretation didn't demand an AU tag . . .

All the more so because of the issues highlighted in the author's note, I don't think I can take Luna's line about metaphor at face value. Perhaps along similar lines, if far more appreciated, Twilight's reaction—her stated one at first and even the more emotional follow-up—highlights a degree of irrationality: their conversation wouldn't even be happening if Luna's protestations were connected to reality as opposed to who she wishes she were. And that Luna seems, maybe, unwilling to let let the conversation evaporate into the mists of time reinforces both the sincerity and the underlying threat.

Didn't notice it at first, but I liked the heavy focus on Luna's wings, and (I think) never using Twilight's at all outside the one line of dialogue about them, which itself minimized them and sort of separated them from her.

7175547 I think you mean Perfect stuff, Present. :D

Author Interviewer

That's because I'm lazy and easily amused, not because I'm a poor writer. There are other reasons for that.

I'm considering another story, but I won't promise anything. And I guarantee it won't come anytime soon. :V

See, sometimes I'm even better at this than I think. :B Trivia: Originally, this started off with a line about Twilight rustling her wings, because it was written long enough ago that it was important to place her in time as Twilicorn.

can't really ask for more, and so i won't

I looked up, thankful for the rain. I could pretend she wasn't crying.

Oh, PP. Why must you do this to our hearts. :fluttercry:

That title instantly made me think it was going to be a Chrysalis/Celestia ship. Or maybe spitfire; that would have been a new one.

Author Interviewer

Hopefully the cover art kept you from wondering long. :B (Chrysalis/Spitfire? How would that even work? I'm intrigued.)

"the thundering mein of a dark destroyer."
Shouldn't it be "mien"?

Author Interviewer

How did no one, myself included, catch this. -.-


Grand Moff Pony here on behalf of the group You Might Like This. I wanted to let you know that your story was featured in one of our latest recommendation posts!

Thank you for sharing your story with the community, and have a great day! :twilightsmile:


Author Interviewer

How cool! :D I was not aware of this group, so thank you for letting me know!

I reviewed this story as part of Read it Now Reviews #77.

My review can be found here.

And yet another Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna shipping fanfic...

I just don't see this romance happening. Ever.

I could see Discord and Fluttershy being a thing, but not this.

"Twilight, you are a princess now."

"Seriously, you blasted apart mountains and fired Ka-me-ha-me-has at Tirek... and you're upset about a throne?"

Twilight blinked, "Oh yeah... I do tend to forget plot points like that in alt universes."


Author Interviewer


I could see Discord and Fluttershy being a thing, but not this.

This is where we shall have to disagree. :)

7251622 Someone would have to set up the circumstances REALLY REALLY BELIEVABLY... which I've never encountered in the thousands of stories I've read.

I'd believe Twilight would fall for Celestia far sooner than for Luna. They still barely know each other in canon and the interactions they've had so far amount to a rather casual friendship at best. Therefore, to make more out of that requires (to someone like me who knows enough that actual romance is more than can be found in a Nicholas Sparks novel and also is not given to forming OTPs for any reason) there must be a strong foundation for anything more than a one-night stand.... which hardly amounts to 'romance' in reality, let's be honest.

Author Interviewer

I've always found that Luna and Twilight have nightly activities in common. Ever since way back in S1, that's why I always liked shipping them. Plus, with Celestia, you have faux-incest and power disparity overtones, even with Twilight a princess herself. Luna distinctly lacks those.


Plus, with Celestia, you have faux-incest and power disparity overtones

As if that's ever stopped humans... heck, that tends to be one of the biggest triggering mechanisms for scandalous affairs throughout history.

Having a few things in common, however, as frequently as not, merely leads to simple friendships and not homosexual romance.

I tend to find that needs quite a bit more to be believable than what amounts to, "Hey! We like some of the same things! Let's bang!" which most shipfics resort to.

Pretty good! I'd actually forgotten the title by the time I reached the metaphor, then remembered it and had an "Ohhh!" moment. That's always fun

Only constructive criticism I can come up with is that the beginning could've been a little clearer — initially, I wasn't sure if the "tiff" was recent or a vision of the past, though it doesn't take long to more firmly establish what happened — and there was maybe one line that didn't sound 100% Twilight Sparkle for whatever reason

Oh, and neither of the characters were stallions. I'll have to deduct points for that :derpytongue2:

One of the best Twiluna romance story I ever come by, beautiful and well written, loved it!

Author Interviewer

gosh, I'm blush :O

From the fires of creation, I stab at thee!

Is that a play on “From Hell’s heart I stab at thee?”

Author Interviewer

"No buts, Twilight my love."

"Except for mine. Is it not glorious?"

I feel this would have worked better as an original story.

It's no secret that Celestia and Luna are beings of immense magical power. It's also no secret that Luna could obliterate anypony who's caught unawares in over 9000 different ways. I don't feel that seeing that number bumped to 50,000 would really change anything. I guess one could make an AU where that's not common knowledge, but when you add that alteration on top of "princesses are goddesses" and the shipping I'm not sure why even bother using the MLP setting and characters anymore.

Alternatively, you could tell the story of Twilight rethinking the power and personality of someone close to her by making her witness Celestia making a cold and calculating political decision instead of Luna's even-greater-than-expected magical power. This would have required neither AU nor shipping, which translates to requiring less suspension of disbelief from the reader. But then you'd miss out on the sweet, sweet She called me her "little moth" from then on. line. Oh well.

I often wonder whether Luna or any other pony actually goes on the moon just to explore and have fun, there's really no evidence of ponies and other creatures not surviving outside Earth so for all we know, they could go to the moon

Author Interviewer

I'm glad you do this; I still haven't gotten the email notification. XD

Great snack of a fic. Cute, short, a bit sad, and makes me think about the sisters.

I love to think about the sisters

Author Interviewer

the sisters, they are worth thinking about :) glad you enjoyed

While I agree with your author's note that Celestia and Luna being God-tier beings can't really be defended as canon anymore, I still absolutely love stories like this that make it work. While I've argued with some that feel that the premise steps too far into Mary Sue territory to make a good story, I feel like it opens up so many possibilities, particularly in comedy, or drama in this case.

Loved it, hope to see more. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to find more TwiLuna. Nice story. I do agree that the "Princesses are gods" thing never really worked for me especially once more and more of them got introduced.

Siento que twi se revivió recuerdos ya sea por los de nightmare y por su relación con las dos hermanas que son dos cosas muy diferentes todo llevo a un mal entendido, me a pasado pero esta genial me gusta el romance con acción :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

¡Gracias! Me alegra que hayas disfrutado leyendo mi cuento. :)

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