• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


It's fanfiction all the way down.


I suffer from terrible chronic nightmares, but when I shut my eyes last night, I was gifted with visions of a full and remarkably coherent MLP/Dune crossover story. This is my attempt to replicate that story in it's entirety in a single day of speed writing. Updated as I go!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 30 )


Anyway, awesome! Twilight is Paul in this story?

Woo! You know, I've long wanted to do a silly Dunepony mashup... Definitely going to give this a read. :twistnerd:

All the alternate realities Starlight Shimmer created.

That sounds like a fascinating alternate reality in and of itself. :raritywink:

In any case, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. At first. The situation will probably deteriorate rapidly. Not as rapidly as it has for Applejack, but still pretty darn quick. Should be entertaining.

A Dune crossover has been tickling the back of my head forever, basically hanging from the concept of "Twilight Sparkle is the Kwisatz Haderach". I kept thinking of a serious take, though. I think I like this better.

This is complete insanity and I love it.

Yeah, this was pretty much inevitable. Hopefully the Frepones will rescue them before anything too nasty happens, or any floating fat stallions get involved.

Probably not, but I can hope.

"You know why"
This story is great.

Oh, I'm sorry about your nightmares.

Why is this complete


Why is Applejack always the rebel leader plotting to overthrow the government? Is it 'cause she's southern?

I was honestly hesitant when clicking on this story, but what a magnificent treat! Delightfully hilarious and I'm definitely interested in checking out some other stuff this author has done.


Twilight is a mashup of the Emperors Daughter and Paul. Rainbow Dash is also a bit of Paul, and the heir to House Atreadies, but she isn't the chosen one. Rarity is Gunny, Pinkie Pie is Hallac, Applejack is Stillgar.


I'm totally leaving that typo in. :D


It's a dream, man. Don't take it too seriously!


In one of the scenes I didn't have time to get to in my day of speed writing, Rarity tries the Spice Melange, and her eyes are opened. She can see all possible realities and branching paths!

"Wait... I'm a supervillian in a lot of these, aren't I?"
'Yes. Yes you are.'

Then Dune!Rarity pours her a stiff drink and gets her a bowl of ice cream and they talk about how unfair it is they're apparently one bad day from holding the UN hostage.


One day of speed writing, man! The time limit ran out.


Hooray! I've got a lot of good short stories, and two epic works. I'd recommend Intern if you're looking for a place to start. It's short, simple and solid. :)

Waait a minute, why does it say completed over there?




Ha ha ha. Maybe I"ll do a proper MLP/Dune crossover one day, but this was a speed writing exercise based on a dream. ^_^

That's a shame.
Are you ever gonna write any more of that series where they are actresses doing the show?

I would not believe that a crossover of MLP:FiM, Stargate, and Dune would work, but this works great.

Our Miss Rarity is fit:

She took on the manticore MantiRoar. I suspect that part of her maintaining her appearance is keeping fit.

Certainly one of the more fun crack-fics I've read. Actually rather coherent and worked well compared to even some serious stories I've read here. A shame that it's over, it was going quite well. Oh well, have your upvote.

As is common knowledge, since House Atredies took control of this world, the people have been prosperous and safe, and the rule of His Grace, Tragic Twist, has been quite popular

And now I'm imagining :twistnerd: sitting on a throne plotting the destruction of Rainbow Dash. The twin candy canes represent death.


For life is sweet, but like this candy cane, *snap*, easily broken.


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