• Member Since 9th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


This is a site about Ponies..... Why is it so awesome?


Having missed the grand opening of Rarity for You might have been worse for Coco than any amount of nausea or heartburn. But when her boss shows up to help take care of her, she'll learn that friendship is the best medicine. But in her sickly and woozy state, will Coco also find the strength to confess how she really feels about her employer? And if she did, how would Rarity react?

Takes place after the events of Saddle Row & Rec

Thanks to ACTASAP for editing this, and Pia-Sama for the cover art!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Amazing coco pommel fic best of luck for the upcoming projects

This was a really nicely written. I really loved the dialogue, and how you described Coco's feelings for Rarity. It was nice, subtle, not overtly in your face, and it made sense. Your descriptions of her illness were also well... descriptive haha. My personal favorite was how you described Coco's churning stomach like socks in the laundry.

I actually chuckled at the fun reference to those old shirts Spike used to wear. Makes you wonder what did Spike do with those. Now we know, but not really.

And because I'm a grammar nazi:

“Well, it’s their lost,” Rarity shrugged. “Anypony who can’t see how wonderful you are is a fool.”

Small typo here, should be "their loss,".

I can tolerate the girl for a few weeks before she gets bored and becomes somepony’s else’s problem.

Should be "somepony else's problem."

the unicorn said, stirring the pot and adding some of the many bottles of cold syrup.

Not a typo, but oh my gosh, is Rarity trying to kill Coco here :rainbowderp:? She's pouring whole bottles of cold syrup into the soup? Sorry that just stood out to be and I had to comment on it haha.

Can't wait to see more of this. Though, shouldn't this technically have the Romance tag since Coco likes Rarity?


Rarity caled her shop "Rarity for You" :facehoof:

:facehoof: :facehoof:
man the epsiode keeps looking worse and worse


anyone that gives the episode a good mark has never watched tv, bad episodes are badm, weak plots are weak WEAK, get it together, this episode was a poorly constructed mess that serves no purpose other than making us want to kill of rarity

I thought it was one of the better episodes this season. Really like the whole flashback via flashback thing they did, some good gags in there. Plus at least they tried something different with the name instead of calling all of her stores 'something-something' boutique.
As for killing Rarity, I think that might be a bit of an extreme reaction.


7240590 oh, man your sarcasm is KILLING me, the comedy masks the awful plot, everyone is a complet BUFOON, and there is NO plot, and yes, they are going to kill raroty in the movie

Hmm. It's certainly a cute follow-up to the episode, but I'm a bit confused. Not by your decision to make this an Anthro story when it didn't need to be; that's your decision. But, why is it marked incomplete? Is there really anywhere else this story can go? What's your angle here? :rainbowhuh:

As a one-shot, it's certainly nice and fluffy, even if some of the dialogue is questionable (I don't think Rarity hated Plaid Stripes that much). But really, the story has been told. I don't see how this is supposed to continue. Plus, uh, it's a bit heavy on the Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. The characters have names. Don't be afraid to use 'em. Those are my only real contentions, though. The Anthro thing really just boils down to personal preference. I honestly don't see why this particular story needed it, as you could tell the same story with just the ponies and nothing would be lost. But if that's what you wanna work with, more power to you. :pinkiesmile:

7240642 I'm being quite genuine, my friend. I really did enjoy the episode, why else would I have written this?
And I think you might be mixing up My little Pony with Game of Thrones on the whole killing Rarity thing. Also may I get some verification as to whether or not you think the episode had an awful plot, or no plot at all? It must be one or the other I'd imagine.

7240689 You are correct! Originally this was supposed to be a one-shot but a friend of mine wanted me to expand on it a bit more, so I might add another chapter or two. There's always a way to expand on something. The plaid stripes thing may have been another friend of mine's personal opinion on that character being voiced through Rarity. As for my lavender unicorn syndrome, perhaps I did go a tad overboard, but it's better than some fics where there's next to zero variation in the character's description but I'll take what you said to heart. So thank you for that.
In regards to antrho... you're absolutely right. this could have easily been ponies and the plot or structure would have remained the same, I've just written so much anthro stuff/human stuff that my brain just tends to go there as a default setting. Plus, then I wouldn't have been able to use Pia-Sama's fantastic artwork for a cover :raritywink:


7240818 it was as predictable as it gets and the mane 6 were idiots, also VERY poorly written, the mane 6 expected it to be bad without even reading the review, it was pointless, knowing that it worked out in the end, and just stupid, the interviewer interviewed the ponies rather than going to the even, that would get you fired, the lesson was horrible showing that it's ok to solve problems you know nothing about, and the memes just show how little effort or care was put into it, i hope they fire calafonte and get a writer with a brain, and i hope rarity loses her business license, cause she never even MENTIONS having to go to business college, and running business without a licence is ILLEGAL

7240856 Your passion for hatred is almost admirable. If I could, I would put it in a museum for all to witness.
You can say that almost every episode is predicable, and that everything will get resolved one way or another, this is a show about magical cartoon horses with a target audience of little girls so everything usually works out in the end. The interviewer wanted to get the behind the scenes story of the grand opening, something he couldn't get by just attending and seeing the finished product.
But I'm starting to get the notion that you really don't like Rarity period, would that be correct?


7240898 did the episode SAY that, no, all he had to do was review the botique NOTHING ELSE, hence making it so stupid

thsi episode is even worse than newbie dash, an episode that made rainbow dash LITERALLY impossible to like, well this episode manages to make the entire mane 6 impossible to like in one scene, ugh i wish someone could go over to hasbroo studios and shoot calafonte in the face

7240928 You're a pretty violent individual, you know that?
It seem that you're pretty content in just hating this episode. Just as I intend on having enjoyed it.
I do hope that one day you learn to look at things from another angle and just tell yourself 'relax, it's just a cartoon' So I will go back to liking this episode, and you can go around hating it, deal?

How cute. :raritywink:


“But you mentioned a dance club and racoons?”

And Coco is totally going to think that was a fever dream.

Cute slice of life? Count me in! Can't wait for next chapters! :D

This is such a cute story. I hope you decide to continue it.


I did a (sort of) dramatic reading for this. Check it out!

This was adorable

NNNNOOOOOOO! Another unrequited romance? There needs to be a sequel, this can't end this way. :raritycry:

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