• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Jeweled Pen

Just a girl trying to make it as an freelancer writer. Please check out my stories, both fanfiction and independent works! Any comments are deeply loved and you're all awesome.


Meadowbrook has returned, aided by three of the most dangerous benders the nations have ever known. However, Diamond has a few new friends on her side, the comrades of her past life. Together, can they hope to stop this mare before things get fully out of hoof? Especially with one of her strongest enemies slowly gathering power and awaiting her moment to strike?

Image by Silfoe again. Thankies. :)
Special thanks to Angel_Bunny for editing the chapters for me.
Please enjoy!

Full collection:
Avatar the Last Alicorn:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Legend of Diamond Tiara:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Disclaimer: "Avatar: the Last Airbender" and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Nickelodeon and were created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino.
My little pony: Friendship is magic and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Hasbro, and was made incredibly awesome by Lauren Faust.

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 50 )



8362179 Well, more a crossover. Book 7, to be exact.

It lives, etc. etc.

In any case, thanks for adding a chapter to the last story. Probably would have missed this one otherwise.

Glad you're continuing, I like this series.

And we're back! I've been looking forward to this since the end of the last one, glad to see it going up.

I've always loved the way you fused these two 'verses - I cannot find fault with the way bending has been combined with the nature of the ponies, and the way you've put the ponies into Avatar-verse roles without compromising their original characterisation is nothing short of brilliant.

I think I speak for all of your readers when I say we wait with bated breath for the next chapters. Please, keep up the excellent work!

This series needs a wiki, or a recap chapter, or something else. I remember them being great stories, but I don't know if I'm up for rereading a quarter of a million words to refresh my memory.

I'm hoping that just reading this new work will be enough, but I have a feeling it won't.

Thanks! To be honest, its always been probably my favorite/one of my favorite series to write. It sadly was just never that popular(I think the last chapter had like.... 50 viewers last I checked?)
Awwww, thanks!
Awwww, shucks. Its been one of my favorite stories to write. It just allows sooooo much room to expand in it.
There is a TV tropes page? And yeah, I feel you. I've been actually re-reading all the previous books and going over my notes to try and get back into the head space needed to write the book as it is.(There is just SO MUCH that goes into this story that I forgot about. >.<)
Ohhhh. I've never heard of that meme. Sorry.


It makes fun of the JJBA fandom's tendency to see references in everything. But in a good-natured way.

“... Listen, there's a reason I'm not allowed to take public transport anymore.”

I kinda want to know what the flying feather Vinyl did

Read the end of Book 1? Also Book 2?

There is something that is needed here.

So, soon the team assembles?

I am so happy that I picked up this story after having a hard time reading it the first time. I like seeing the parallels and the changes made to the Avatar-verse. Cannot wait to read more.

Keep the update train rollin'

Finally, after a month of reading this series in my spare time, I’m finally caught up. This was a really good read. I think you did a good job blending the two series together.

Cool. Just pace yourself, getting work again takes priority

Doubt is a powerful thing.

It doesn't help that every time she seems to build up that thought, she speaks to Trixie or someone makes a comment.

No, You don't suck. You just took an extended hiatus. It's good to have you back!

The first ATLA is quite the underrated series.

2 things worry me. Pacing wise.
1. I hope things go well for Silver here because her being the Avatar of Discord publicly should be something she has to deal with for at least a season
2. I know who they are based of, but I always got a best friends vibe from Diamond and Silver, but if they are gonna be a couple, they should be together for the last season and not pull the awful; the gay couple only gets together in the last or close to last episode thing.

I’m nervous, but not for the reason you’d think, if Silver becomes one of the, or the, bad guys of Season 4, that will be terrible for the story.
The main appeal of this premise will be seeing the world react to the chaos Avatar and Silver adapting to it, if Silver is still in bad guy mode next season you shoot that idea, and the story in the foot

Look i'm glad you are in a place where you get to do more writing on a regular basis and the daily updates on this and Glow have been nice, but i'm not gonna sugarcoat this: Book 3 of Diamond Tiara was the weakest since Pegasus.
Having Silver so full evil was the safest and most boring and predictable option and you took it. The interest in the final season has waned considerably now. Instead of having to see Silver adapt to having her ID out on the open, we get a face turn and now she's our villan, yawn. Sunset would've made for a much better final villian.

Ayes, I can understand that feeling. However, while I can't spoil things, I can tell you that there is a plan in motion. A lot of things have been hinted at throughout this story, a lot of foreshadowing and plotting and readying for the final culmination. Silver's AND Diamond's journey is so, so far from being done. All I can ask is that you trust me and that this will pay off in the end. If I've lost your faith in me, well... I'm sorry. But I'm still going to keep going and try to give all of you a story worth all the time you've waited patiently for it. And I have a lot of plans left to go.

It less that i feel that Diamond and Silver's story wont come to a satifying conclusion, its that i feel like it should have gotten there by now. Like i said the most enticing part of the (honestly genious) idea of spinning the Dark Avatar into just another Avatar of a seperte but malighned power is getting to see what happens when the world finds out and they try to fit in regardless. Even if that gets to happen it will only be for part of the last season, when its honestly a premise that could easily cover half the show.
This chapter feels like a mid season finale rather then something befitting the ending of the penultimate season, especially since season 3 here has been so stale in the plot department, the whole seasons plot is effectivly waiting around to make a move on Tirek and shuffling in place while (good) character stuff happens.

I'm sorry. I really am. I really, really want to write the kind of story everyone can enjoy, and I am sorry for letting you down. But, yes, I won't deny. I'm terrified that the grand finale will be a let down and not the kind of story everyone was expecting. It's entirely possible I'm not a good enough writer for this, or that my stories won't be good enough. I did, however, think long and hard on this before I came to this point. I spent weeks agonizing over the entire outline for all four books, crafting in all the little hints and moments. A lot of things changed over time, but others stayed the same.

I intend to do my very best to try and be as good as all of you deserve. And if I fail, I'm sorry. And I am sorry it came out as a boring book and disappointing. I could make excuses but, the fact of the matter is, I'm likely not as good a writer as I desperately want to be. I still have a lot to learn and, throughout the entirety of the Avatar series I've made mistake after mistake. But I'm going to keep trying. And I hope you'll give the next book a chance as I intend to give everything I can to make it a good, satisfying conclusion to everything I've made up to this point.

Now hold up, I did not call this season boring, just that the plot pacing was poor, but it had good character work.
I don’t doubt that the conclusion to Diamond and Silvers story will be good, but it’s what comes after that is the most interesting.
As for you as a writer, your biggest strengths are ideas, character work, and emotions, but pacing is your biggest weakness. That’s why Twilight Glow has been consistently good: it’s episodic structure plays to your strengths while nullifying the pacing issue. Avatar, by comparison, is serialized andvthus the pacing stands out more.

You know, I never noticed. But I have always been better at writing stories in a more episodic structure. Its always been easier for me. This has made me think, though, a lot. I may have actually been going about this the wrong way.

I love that diamond ripped into Alicity's parents. They deserved it. Also you have Alicity written as Acrylic a couple times in the last couple paragraphs.

Not much has been happening, but you're making it work.

Ha. Blue boy got slurped

He he he.
Owned the rich and gave Silver more reason to be good.

Diamond resoundly owned Meadowbrook. Nice.

I won't lie. Even now I remember how much I loved to write this chapter.

Kicked her little booty. XD She did enjoy it, at least a little.

Damn. Ambushed by friends..it sucks.

Silver is such a goodie four shoes.
She is changing her destiny!

Wooo, go for it Diamond! 😘

You refer to Silver Spoon as Silver Belle twice. Why?

Likely I was writing a story with a character named Silver Belle at the time. ^^;

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