• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,044 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

  • ...

Cause Lovin', Is What We Got

It had happened. The Pony Breakers had won the Beach Bands Battle contest! They had given it their all, playing their hearts out and they had been rewarded! Cash money prizes, they had been introduced to Sapphire Shores and the bassist from Sublime! They even had a connection from Coloratura, who had been more inclined to share contact information now that the friends of her Applejack had pulled their shit together and proved they didn't suck! Needless to say this meant celebrating! Everyone was invited, even the Dazzlings, Celestia and Discord as they headed to the best dive bar with the cheapest, tastiest booze where they didn't ask for I.D. to check if everyone was of the legal drinking age!

Granted they couldn't get away with too much drinking since Celestia designated herself as the 'responsible adult' but she didn't impede on their fun. Hell, after a couple of jaeger shots with Discord, she went head to head with the head douchebag of the bar in a game of five finger filet, not missing a beat or drawing blood while the douchebag was bleeding from all five fingers. While she said she found the game on the distasteful side, there was a bit of cockiness to the smile on her face as she collected her winnings from the man. Everyone had their drink of choice, some being responsible and only getting buzzed, while others went ahead and got plastered. After enough tequila shots, Aria was arm wrestling other guys in the bar (and winning), Discord was showing off his sister's Facehoof page that had a picture of her daughter Flufflepuff and her new adopted daughter the now ten year old Chrysalis, the former giving the latter a great big hug while Chrysalis tried to pretend that it annoyed her. And having only split one vodka and red bull drink between them, Sonata and Pinkie were bouncing off the walls.

For Jackie it all started to blur after enough beers. The last thing she remembered was making it home before grabbing a pillow and blanket before heading to the bathroom for some reason.

When she woke up, she felt about as good as an old, wrung out sponge. Her head was throbbing some and her mouth felt dry and rough like sand paper. Thankfully it was dark inside the bathroom when she opened her eyes, her bleary vision not picking up much at the moment. She could feel a weight on her though, and something was tickling her nose. Reaching up, she groggily felt the fuzzy thing and found it was... hair? Her hand slipped down lower and felt something smooth... lower... lower... what was she grabbing that felt so squishy? And why did it seem familiar?

"Ooo, feeling a bit frisky this morning, Vibrato?"

That oh so familiar voice made the guitarist freeze before immediately retracting her hand, the pounding in her head intensifying as her heart rate sped up. The thing on top of her moved to sit up and Jackie's eyes had finally adjusted enough in the darkness to see a familiar fluffy siren. Naked. She woke up after a night of drinking and Adagio was naked on top of her.


Sunset awoke with a start after a loud 'bang' came from the hallway, the red head jolted awake before immediately shutting her eyes, hissing and holding her head. While not as drunk as her girlfriend, she'd definitely had one cocktail too many. Speaking of which.

"Mornin' Jackie."

The red head yawned softly, her hand sliding up bare skin on the back of the woman against her, slipping past the bra line into the long, silky hair of...

.... long hair?

Teal eyes immediately snapped open and looked down to see the human Twilight Sparkle sleeping against her, the blanket down to their waists so that she could see they were both just in their underwear. The movements from the now panicking Sunset made Sparky stir from her slumber, blinking as she stared at Sunset for a moment before rolling over to get her glasses from the nightstand.

"Oh, good morning Sunset."

With a yawn she tried to lie back down. Then her eyes snapped to wide open before she yelped and jumped back, falling out of the bed and taking the blanket with her. The smart girl's entire face and neck were red and she was stuttering very badly.


The shouting was certainly not helping Sunset's hang over, she sat up and started rubbing her tumbles as she tried to remember what happened last night. Right, they'd had a bit too much to drink, even princess Twilight and Bobby. So Adagio had offered to drive them home and had helped them up to their apartment last night.



While this was an unfamiliar feeling to her, princess Twilight was not naive. She had read plenty of books on the effects of inebriation and cures after having enjoyed herself at the many Apple family get togethers (hard cider served after dark) and Pinkie Pie's harder parties when it was just adults. So yes, she knew how to deal with a hang over when she woke up. That didn't make it any easier to deal with though, especially when there were so many loud noises.

A glance towards the bedroom showed a fully clothed Jackie, looking rather unconscious and most likely having knocked herself out by running into the wall. Adagio had just stepped out, dressing herself as Sunset stormed out in just her underwear and started shouting at the smirking siren.

"Too much yelling."

Trying her best to block it out, Twilight set about making coffee and assembling glasses of water. She even started on some breakfast, glancing over to see Bobby on the couch, pressing the pillow so hard against his head she worried he might be suffocating. Shaking her head, she prayed for the bread to toast faster as she used the last of the eggs and simply scrambled them. Sure she wasn't no ace cook but at this point a little crunch of egg shell probably wouldn't be noticed.

Although while everything cooked, she took the opportunity to slip past the group in the hallway into the bedroom, greeting her flustered human counterpart with a 'good morning' before finding Sunset's cell phone and returning to the kitchen. Last night had been crazy and while she had the time, she wanted to check on everyone to make sure they were safe.

A chime came from the nightstand next to a large, queen size bed in a sizable penthouse. A hand reached over, feeling around for the cell phone before fingers finally made contact. Grasping it and pulling it over, the call was answered as a drowsy voice with a southern drawl answered.


The blonde yawned softly as she listened to princess Twilight on the other end, wanting to rub her eyes but her other arm was a little trapped under the form beneath her.

"Yeah... yeah Twi', me n' Rara got to her place safe. Uh-huh. Yeah, you too. Later."

Hanging up and tossing her cell phone back onto the nightstand, Applejack glanced back to Rara and found the pop star was awake, smiling sleepily up to her before kissing the cowgirl on the lips.

"Mornin' Rara, Ah wake you?"

"Mm, it's fine Applejack, I was waking up anyway."

Unfortunately, a call coming in on Rara's cell phone prevented them from further cuddles, the pop star giving a soft sigh before she rolled out of bed, pulled on a robe and headed over to her purse to answer her phone. While she did that, Applejack got out of bed as well, pulling on her jeans and just pulling on her under shirt when Rara's phone call ended.

"I'm afraid I'll have to end my vacation early. I need to fly out to Manehattan to talk to my producer about my next album and re-shoot for a music video."

"Can't put that off, huh?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry Applejack."

The blonde moved over and wrapped her arms around Coloratura, the dark haired young woman smiling in turn and leaning into it.

"Hey, ya' gotta' do what ya' gotta' do, right? 'Sides, whene'er ya' get the chance, ya' can stop on by the farm ta' visit, right?"

"Right. And if you ever have the time, perhaps I could fly you out my home in Manehattan?"

"Fer sure, sugar."

Meanwhile in a different part of Los Pegasus in a nice apartment that was big enough for three, princess Twilight's considerate action of checking on her friends was less than appreciated. Shown in action by Aria chucking Rainbow Dash's cell phone against the wall after she had crawled her way over to the couch the prismatic haired athlete had been lying on.

"God dammit Aria!"

Rainbow Dash hissed softly, lying back down on the couch as she rubbed her forehead while the short haired siren pushed herself up onto her feet and lurched over to the kitchen.

"Not my fault your god damn phone has a shitty ass ring tone that was turned up to full fucking volume!"

Sticking out her tongue, Rainbow Dash simply lied on the couch up until she smelled coffee being brewed and heard the tantalizing sizzle of a frying pan.

"... bacon?"

"And sausage. How you like your eggs?"

"Sunny side up with a good runny yoke."

"Good choice."

Moving over to the counter, Rainbow Dash sat on a stool as she watched the other make up a big mess of food.

"... so the others come here too?"

"Yeah. Sonata passed out in her room. Let Fluttershy and Sandy pass out in mine the second we got home. Pinkie and Tino were getting frisky so I let them go at it in Adagio's room since she's not here."

Both shared a smirk at the last part.

"Cool. Guess you sirens aren't so bad when you're not magicked up and trying to take over."

"Suppose that's a compliment. And you can hold yourself pretty good with alcohol, though you got pretty mopey last night."

At that Rainbow Dash frowned softly and averted her gaze to the counter, tapping her finger against it while Aria went about cooking breakfast.

"... it ain't gonna be bad forever you know. Trust me."

Seeing the questioning look from the athlete, Aria didn't seem wanting to go further into it but figured it wasn't a big deal and there was no harm.

"Been on this planet for a long time with my sisters. Met a lot of people. Last guy was named Sid when me and my sisters were hanging around Trottingham, liked the guy, had a flair for punk music even if he couldn't play for shit initially."

"Oh yeah? What happened?"

"Unstable drug addict that hooked up with some chick. Died a couple years later after he stabbed her. So yeah, bummed things didn't work out, but pretty happy I didn't hang around for all that."

"... yeahhhhhh, sounds like you got the better end of that deal."

When calling Rainbow Dash's phone had turned out to be a bust, Twilight had gone ahead and called Pinkie Pie's phone. And then Fluttershy's since the party girl wasn't picking up either. When the shy girl had answered and confirmed they were all safe at the Dazzling's apartment, Twilight was surprised to see Celestia's number in Sunset's phone but decided there was no harm in calling.

On that end, despite a bit of a slight roughness in Celestia's voice, things seemed to be fine. Although Discord suddenly called out for a hotel breakfast food fight just as Sunset had kicked Adagio out the door.

"And stay out!"

Thankfully the red head avoided slamming the door to spare all those that were still horribly hung over. Sparky had helped Jackie sit up, managing to rouse the guitarist back to consciousness while Bobby stayed huddled on the couch. Sunset's ire was dying down as she moved over to her girlfriend, wincing softly when she saw the drying blood around Jackie's nose.

"I'll take it from here, Sparky."

Helping her girlfriend to her feet, she got Jackie into the bathroom and had her take a seat on the toilet while she got out a wash cloth.

"Fucking hell... I swear I didn't do anything with her."

"I know, while you were knocked out I confronted Adagio and she admitted to her little pranks."

After running the wash cloth under some water, she began to gently wipe away the blood on Jackie's face. Both were quiet as Sunset went about this task, then proceeded to get some tissue from the box and tear it in half.

"... gotta' say, I don't think there'll ever be a dull moment with you, Sunshine."

Smiling softly, the red head wadded up the two pieces of tissue before sticking them up Jackie's nose before kissing her on the forehead.

"All things considered? You can count on it."

They both shared a small chuckle before hearing Twilight call out that breakfast was ready. Jackie pushed herself up onto her feet with a small groan before reaching out and taking Sunset's hand. Their fingers interlocking as they left the bathroom to join their friends.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, someone who had been searching for Chrysalis ever since her mysterious disappearance after the Friendship Games had just stumbled upon Discord's sister's Facehoof account. The picture of what looked to be Chryaslis as a young girl was shocking to say the least, but there was also intrigue.

The man sat back in his seat, stroking his white beard as all the rumors and whispers of the strange events at Canterlot High School resurfaced in his mind.


Author's Note:

Yes, I have finally returned to finish this arc.

With a bit of a sexy last chapter.

And let me just be real with you all. There was NO WAY I could keep going and do better than the Adagio chapter. The Adagio chapter was a bomb, nothing could survive or top that.

Besides, I felt this arc had to be wrapped up, it was time.

It's been a fun ride with the Anon-A-Miss arc folks and now on to the second arc!

See you then, space cowboys!

Comments ( 23 )

With Anon-a-miss over and done with, lets see the next pile of shit you dump the poor bastards into! XD

7702815 Hey it's not a pile! :rainbowlaugh:

I love Suunset waking up with Sci Twi, Suprised Adagio didn't keep Jackie witht hem and mayeb for a major misunderstanding left a didlo between them.

7702916 Eh, hard to get up to some really complex shenanigans last minute. But still fun. XD


Can't wait for the next Arc.

How has no one posted this?

And after reading the story, I must say.

7702945 Surprisingly? No, no one has.

AND I LIKE IT!!! :rainbowwild:


Quite the interesting ending to this arc! Let's see what hilarious torture they'll be put through (knowing Adagio, it'll be quite the show!); let's hope the high school dropout doesn't let the seductive siren get to her, otherwise, :raritywink: oh god!

7702974 If I'm being honest, I won't drop the brand of comedy I have but things are gonna get a little more serious in the second arc, just a heads up. :rainbowderp:

Never change Adagio, never change.

You know you could do a in between story before you start the next arc or write it as a side story.

7705514 Been thinking about it. The next arc is actually going to have a bit of a time jump between the end of What I Got and the beginning of the second arc.

And the second arc is going to be a doozy. XD

Can't wait. Please let there be more Adagio messing with Jackie and Sunset.

OH! Let her trick them into thinking the other wants to do/try something really weird and embarrassing. Like in this one show where this neighbor girl tricked two brothers into thinking the other was gay.

7705540 ... WHICH SHOW WAS THAT WITH THE BROTHERS? :rainbowlaugh:

Malcolm in the Middle. Btw there is one episode in which a teacher blackmailed one of the brothers, Malcolm into a secretly filming his older brother Reese for a psychological project and he revealed some interesting secrets and a new side to him.

Malcolm wanted to quit and the prick of a teacher showed the class the tapes and Reese became a laughing stock. To protect him Malcolm revealed a big secret of his own along with reading out loud the entire school's permanent records. So think Anon-a-Miss but for a brother's sake and everyone to ashamed to get any or even talk to each other by the end of it all. And Reese said hello to everyone, simply calling them by what their secret was.

'Hey pukes after she eats.'

'Hi dad's had break down after mom went lesbo.'

I love that show.

7762874 Man you sped through these like lightning. XD

And yeah, Dash never had a shot at this in my story but it's a funny thing about some people, they like to hold onto hope (or be delusional in some people's opinions) that things could be fixed and there's still a chance but life doesn't work out that way.

And yeah, I can see where you would feel I went over the top with Chrysalis but in my mind I felt I had to do a balance, where yes she had her methods but she had to be cruel enough to make readers start to feel sympathy for CHS and they had paid their penance for what they had done. Plus I feel in life there are punishments that are wrong and life really isn't fair and there are people willing to get their means by whatever justifications if they feel they can get away with it. So bottom line, Chrysalis's actions weren't motivated by wanting to justly punish the student body for what they had done, she was motivated by her own selfish needs and to make it appear that her handle on the school was superior than Celestia by whatever means necessary. Or at least that's how I tried to play it. XD

Nah, my Sunset was too prideful to admit homelessness.

But over all I'm glad you like the series so far and I hope my next arc will keep you pleased. As for the like to dislike ratio, I either figure it's my writing style or the use of OCs, those are probably the best bets. XD

7837692 I know, three fanfics of build up. And yet I'm sure people will still complain about her hooking up with an OC. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, *GASP* you would want a poor baby dragon to comment on what he just heard?! XD

7844090 Hey, my story logic is no more busted than any of the Equestria Girls movies! :rainbowlaugh:

7879889 Fuck the fucking fuck man fuck? :rainbowlaugh:

7945206 Eeeeeyup. XD

Google is a cruel mistress,
she switches and changes her links as frequent as socks.

Yes! Tino and pinkie!!! Aira and rainbow maybe

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