• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,945 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Eight – A Pony questions where His Place is.

Chapter Eight – A Pony questions where His Place is.

The morning dew glistened softly as the sound of hooves pounding against the ground disturbed
the otherwise silent morning. Flare Blitz, the young Ponyta that had become stranded in the realm of Equestria was galloping through the empty streets. To anypony watching he was simply going for a run but his mind was deep in thought and running was his method of sorting out the jumbled mess that cluttered it.

“I get that dream every night now and I’m pretty sure I know what it means.” He rounded a corner and ducked under a low branch. “But what am I supposed to do about it? It can’t possibly work… can it?” As he turned the next corner there was a surprised cry and then he collided with something, tumbling across the ground and he hissed in pain once he stopped.

“Well that was unpleasant.” He groaned as he tried to sit up only to find something, or rather, somepony, tangled around his hooves.

“Morning Flare!” Ditzy chirped happily, looking up at him with those adorable mismatched eyes. “You’re up early.”

“Uh, yeah.” Flare untangled his legs and helped the mare to her hooves. “So how come you’re up so early?” He looked around and saw dozens of scattered letters everywhere and he remembered that she was the towns’ mailmare.

“Just my usual run.” Ditzy replied. “I have to get up this early so I can finish in time to get Little Muffin ready for school.” Flare began to help her pick up the dropped mail and put it back into her mailbags.

“It must be hard, having to work so early and look after two children.” Flare placed the last envelope in her bag and Ditzy smiled.

“I won’t lie, it can be hard… but it’s something that I wouldn’t trade for anything.” Ditzy straightened her mane and cap and nodded once everything was right. “My muffins make me so happy and I’ll do whatever I can to return that happiness.” She adjusted her bag and flapped her wings to get airborne. “I have to finish my run, but we should talk later okay?”

Flare nodded and watched as Ditzy soared somewhat awkwardly off into the distance. “Come to my house around noon okay?” The mailmare called out as she narrowly dodged a tree.

Flare stood there for a moment before breaking out into a run and heading back home.


It had been a rough night for Twilight Sparkle. Sleep had done an excellent job of eluding her and now not only was she deprived of said sleep, she wasn’t feeling well. She stepped gingerly out of bed and took a few dizzy steps to her vanity. Aside from the dark rings under her eyes she seemed to be alright physically. Taking a quill and a piece of parchment she began to make a list of the symptom she felt.

“My face feels hot,” another quick check in the mirror confirmed that she looked a bit flushed. “And my heart rate is quite fast.”

Twilight took a few deep breaths and that seemed to make her feel a bit better. The scent of breakfast wafted into the room and a quick glance of the room saw Spike absent from his basket. “C’mon Twilight, get it together.” She spoke to her reflection as she took another deep breath. “You don’t have the luxury of getting sick now.”

She made her way downstairs and sure enough, her number one assistant was hard at work preparing a breakfast that smelled divine. “Good morning Spike!” She greeted him with the brightest smile she could muster.

“Morning Twilight. Breakfast should be ready soon, just waiting on Flare to get back.”

“Flare? Did he go somewhere?” Celestia’s sun was only just peeking over the horizon. The only other citizens in Ponyville that would be up at this hour would be the Apples. “Did he go over to Applejacks’ again?” The smallest hint of irritation was in Twilight’s tone.

“Naw, he just went out for a run.” Spike said, bringing the plates out to the table. Now that he thought about it, ever since Flare started staying here they had been using the table a lot more. Normally Twilight would have her head in a book and Spike would just eat on the couch. “He left about an hour ago and said that he’d be back for breakfast.”

“Oh? Okay,” A small smile crept onto the unicorns face as she sat at the table. The pile of research material that she and Sparkler had done so far sat in the corner of her eye and she gave it a sour scowl. It made her think of a Choose-Your-own-Adventure book that had nothing but Bad Ends.

She lifted the pitcher of juice and poured herself a cup, sipping at it tentatively. “My stomach feels like its knots,” She muttered. “Spike, where did you put our medical books?”

“In the Health and Wellbeing section.” He called out from the kitchen. “Why, did you need them for something?”

Twilight gazed at the toast in front of her, wondering if her tummy would allow it to be consumed when the doorbell tinkled as Flare walked inside.

“I’m back, Oh? Hey there Twi.” He greeted her with a chipper tone. He noticed that she looked a little pale and refused to meet his gaze. “Are you feeling okay?” He crossed the room with a hurried pace until he stood next to her. “You look kinda flushed.”

“I-I’m alright.” She replied, staring into her glass. “Just a little too much excitement over the last few days I suppose.”

“Given what we’ve been through, the last couple of days have been kinda tame.” Spike brought out Flare’s breakfast, a bowl of oats and fruit pieces whilst Spike had gem flakes and cereal.

“Just take your time okay?” Flare said in between bites. “Don’t work yourself to death because of me alright?”

“A-Alright,” Twilight flushed red as she suddenly wolfed down her toast and juice, coughing as the contents got caught in her throat. “I have a few errands to run, I’ll see you both later.” The unicorn had gotten her saddlebags, taken a book from one of the higher shelves and left the library before the Pokémon and the dragon could even respond.

“I don’t think I’ll ever figure out that mare.” Flare said, in shock over her sudden departure and in awe of the speed in which she did so.

“I’ve known her since birth and I still haven’t figured out what makes her tick sometimes.” Now that Twilight was gone, manners could be tossed aside as Spike grabbed bowl and gulped down his breakfast. He belched loudly with a bright emerald fireball. “Top that one!” He grinned.

“Challenge accepted!” Flare smirked and after wolfing down his own meal he paused as he worked up a response before letting out his own belch. An orange fireball twice size of Spikes consumed the space above the table. Spike jumped back in surprise and nearly fell off of his chair.

“Like a boss!” Flare grinned confidently and Spike stared in awe. Okay, so technically he was still a baby dragon, but now a pony could beat him in fire breathing!? “Ah man, I just can’t win can I?”

“Maybe I’ll give you some pointers later.” Flare offered and Spike’s eyes sparkled.


“Well sure, why not?” Spike and Flare shared a brohoof/fist and the little dragon headed off to clean up the mess that Twilight and Sparkler had left in the library.

“Honestly,” Spike muttered as he gathered up an armful of scrolls. “It was bad enough with one study-obsessed unicorn.”

Flare chuckled and wondered what he should do today, He had promised to meet Ditzy later but it was still a bit early. “Well I guess I’ll leave you to it…” Flare thought for a second and wondered if Spike could help him out. “Hey Spike! Can I ask a question?”

Spike glanced down from the shelf he had climbed up to. “You just did!” He laughed but after seeing Flare’s ‘not amused’ face, he stopped. “Okay, what’s up?”

“Well…” Flare shifted uncomfortably and scratched at one of his legs. “Um, I have a bit of a problem…”

Spike was intrigued now. He climbed down from the shelf and wiped some dust from his shoulder. “Okay then, what’s the problem?”

Flare paused as he tried to think of the best way to word it. To be honest he still had no idea what the real problem was, but for the last few days he had just felt uneasy about something. “Well that’s the thing, I don’t really know.” Spike gave the Pokémon a confused look as Flare tried to clarify what he meant. “I just don’t know… but for the last couple of days I’ve just been feeling a little… melancholy I suppose is the best way to put it.”

Spike blinked a few times before shrugging his shoulders. “I have absolutely no idea what that means. If you need advice, why don’t you try some of the others?”

“That… sounds like a pretty good idea.” Flare seemed to perk up a bit and headed for the door. “Thanks Spike, you gonna be alright here by yourself?”

“Sparkler should be here soon and she’s a great help for cleaning up, you just get yourself sorted out okay?”

Flare nodded and left the little dragon to his chores.


Twilight walked slowly as her mind raced like Wonderbolt. Ever since the Titanoboa attacked, Twilight had this odd feeling. Her heart would begin to race, her mind would cloud over and she would break out into a sweat. She had been so absorbed by her current dilemma she hadn’t really noticed.

“I guess, I could go and visit Nurse Redheart” Twilight said quietly to herself and headed for the clinic.

It was a quiet day and the nurse was able to see Twilight fairly quickly. Twilight followed the Earth Pony nurse into the examination room.

“So what seems to be the problem dear?” she asked the nervous Unicorn.

“Well, I seem to be unwell” Twilight stated. “My heart won’t stop beating like a racepony, I’m covered in sweat and my head feels all foggy”. Twilight listed off the symptoms and Nurse Redheart nodded.

“Okay dear, let’s take a look then. Say aahh…” Twilight opened her mouth as the nurse took a look. She nodded and then brought up her stethoscope, listening to various places on Twilight’s body. She took a look into Twilight’s ears and then checked her throat with her forehooves.

“Well dear” she said after she was done. “I can’t seem to find anything medically wrong with you. When did these symptoms start exactly?”

“About three days ago” Twilight said. “When that giant snake attacked, but you checked us all after that, so I don’t think that was the cause”. Now that Twilight thought about it, none of the ponies present were touched by that snake, well other than Flare… and he was just fine. So could it really be that she was just overworked?

Nurse Redheart thought for a moment. There appeared to be nothing wrong with Twilight, either physically or magically. She remembered that day well, with almost every parent in Ponyville panicked that their foal had been harmed by that snake. But thanks to that cute stallion that came in with Twilight, everypony had been just fine. She remembered that him well and she also remembered how worried Twilight had been about him in particular. The nurse had an idea.

“I think I may have figured out what might be wrong with you” She said, a smile forming on her face. “How do these symptoms react when you’re in the presence of that stallion friend of yours?”

Twilight was shocked, did she think that Flare might be the cause? But what worried Twilight more is the fact that she may have been onto something. Her symptoms did seem to worsen when he was around...

“I um, think I may know what’s causing this,” Twilight said. There was no way that Flare was responsible, otherwise every other pony he had been in contact with would be sick too. Twilight chalked it up to stress and exertion. “But thank you for your help Nurse Redheart”.

“It’s my pleasure, but will you permit me to give you some advice, just between us girls?”

“Um, okay?” Twilight wondered what she could possibly say.

“Try not to bottle up these feelings that you have.” Redheart said tenderly. “It won’t do anypony any good in the long run. Even if what you have to do will end not quite the way you wish it”.

Twilight nodded, but was a bit confused as to what the hay Nurse Redheart was talking about.

“Thank you for the check-up” Twilight said. “And for the advice too, I’ll try…” She left the room and Redheart watched as she left.

“I do hope she confesses to him soon” Red smiled. “Love can be a little confusing for the young”.


Flare had combed the streets of Ponyville for his friends but had little success so far. Quite a few ponies that he only knew by name only or ones that he had recognised waved and greeted him when he passed. He waved back, but his mind was elsewhere.

“What should I do? What ‘can’ I do?” As he wandered absentmindedly around, there was a faint whistling sound as several nearby ponies all ducked for cover. It was too late for Flare however, as a cyan pegasus collided with him.

“Seriously? Again!?” Flare got up and went to berate his assailant when Rainbow Dash turned at the same time, causing their muzzles to press together. There was an awkward pause before Rainbow recoiled and shook her head.

“Uh, well... sorry bout that,” She chuckled nervously, her face red. “Didn’t mean to bowl you over like that.”

Flare blinked several times before coming back to reality. “Uh, yeah. It’s all good.” He then remembered why he was out and about in the first place. “Actually, I was hoping to run into you, though not literally.”

“You wanted to find me?” Her previous embarrassment forgotten, she was now curious. “What’s up, you want another race?”

“Not quite, I was actually hoping for some advice.” Flare replied. “I have a bit of a decision to make and I was hoping to ask what you do when you have to make a decision that’s pretty important?”

“Making a big decision?” Rainbow tapped her chin as she thought. “Well I suppose I’d just choose whichever sounded to most awesome.”

“Of course you’d say that...” Flare facehooved and groaned. “It’s not that easy for me though.”

“Well what’s the problem?” RD asked him. “If you tell me then maybe I can help you out?”

Flare sighed and started to walk, beckoning Rainbow to follow. “It’s like this,” He began. “But you gotta promise not to tell anypony first!”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Dash went through the motions of a Pinkie Promise. “Now spill, what the problem Wondercolt?”

Flare looked up at the sky as pegasi pushed clouds into place for the forecasted rain this evening. “I’m having a bit of a crisis, I... well it’s just that...” Before he could finish however, a familiar blue pegasus dropped down from above and gave Rainbow a disapproving glare.

“You plan on goofing off all day Boss?” Cloud Kicker said, getting right up in RD’s face. “We have a ton to do and you’re shooting the breeze with… Oh? Hello handsome~”

“Kicker…” Dash growled and grabbed her tail, yanking her backwards. “What have I said about my friends?”

“Oh c’mon Boss, I thought that only applied to your usual posse?” Cloud Kicker gave a longing stare at the Pokémon and looked over his form. “He looks nice and warm~”

“Yeah, he is nice to hug~” Rainbow said wistfully before she realised who she said it to. “Aw feathers…”

“Sooo,” Cooed Kicker as she placed a foreleg around her friend. “Care to share?”

Flare watched for a moment as he realised that Cloud had completely derailed Rainbow from her conversation with him. “Well you sound busy Skittles, so I’ll let you get back to it. Catch you later!” Rainbow held out a hoof in protest as Kicker smiled mischievously.

“And he even has a pet name for you? Okay Dashie, details. Every. Last. One.”

Rainbow groaned and facehooved. What did she do to deserve this?


“Well that was a bust!” Flare grumbled as he trotted through town. “Dash seemed like she’d be good at the whole ‘decision making’ thing, but Cloud Kicker…?” He had known little about the bluish-gray pegasus until Twilight had filled him in one evening. Flare was a bit surprised, but didn’t judge her for it. One’s life was one’s own to live as one saw fit. The clock tower chimed in the distance and he decided to head over to Ditzys’ house a bit early. Maybe she could help him out?


Twilight entered the library, her home, and saw that it was spotless. Spike snored loudly from the couch, his apron haphazardly tied around him and his little claws still clutched a broom. Twilight took a second to absorb that sight before smiling and gently lifting him with her telekinesis. “I don’t know what I’d do without you my number one assistant.” Her words were quiet and gentle as she carried him upstairs and lay him in his basket.

“Sparkler isn’t due for another hour or so…” She glanced at her bed and the soft covers looked rather inviting. “Maybe a small nap wouldn’t hurt,” she clambered onto the mattress and within seconds the unicorn was fast asleep.


Flare walked up to the home of the friendly mailmare. A lot of the houses in Ponyville looked almost identical, but there were some subtle differences amongst them. The home of Ditzy Doo was probably the most unique as there was no other house in Ponyville or probably all of Equestria that had a refrigerator imbedded in the roof.

He trotted up to the door and a moment after knocking on the door Ditzy answered with a wide smile. “Heya Flare! You came!”

“Course I did Ditz,” Flare replied. “There was no way I’d skip out on my best friend.”

Ditzy blushed and extended a wing, inviting him inside. Flare stepped past the threshold and the smell of fresh muffins wafted into his nose. “Mmm, something smells good~” He purred.

“Fresh muffins!” Ditzy said, beaming widely. “I have blueberry and banana.” She peeked around the kitchen door and breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew, no fire this time either. I think I’m setting a new personal best.”

After getting the muffins from the oven, she left them on a rack to cool before returning to Flare, who was now standing in the living room.

“You don’t have to stand there silly.” Ditzy giggled and pointed to a couch. “Have a seat.”

Flare sat down on the plush couch and gazed around the room. It was certainly different to Twilight’s house. Sure, Twilight lived in a library but it was still her home and most of her possessions were confined to her bedroom. Ditzy’s place had a very ‘homey’ feel and her living room showed it. The mantle place had pictures of Ditzy and her children, Dinky and Sparkler.
They looked happy and that in turn made Flare smile. The door frame that led to what Flare assumed to be the bedrooms had marked lines drawn on it.

Dinky – 1 year old. Sparkler – 10 years old.
Dinky – 3 years old. Sparkler – 13 years old.
Muffin – 5 years old. Sparkler – 15 years old.
Dinks – 8 years old. Sparky – 18 years old.

That last one was the highest so Flare assumed that it was the most recent. Now that he thought about, he didn’t know any of his friends’ ages, their birthdays… There was still a lot he didn’t know. His brow furrowed as he was reminded of his current dilemma and the expression did not go unnoticed by Ditzy.

“So what’s troubling you?” She asked him. “You seem to have something important on your mind.”

Flare flinched as she hit the nail on the head. But half the reason he was here was that he had hoped Ditzy could help him out…

“You could say that,” He muttered. His voice got caught in his throat and for some reason, he was finding it difficult to speak. “I do have a problem and I don’t know what the right answer is.”

Ditzy smiled as she got up from the armchair and sat down next to him on the couch. Extending a wing, she draped it gently over his shoulders. This was something she had dealt with numerous times as a mother.

…He really was nice and warm to the touch.

“So what’s wrong?” she asked gently.

Flare took a deep breath and exhaled. After a few more times of doing this he felt a bit calmer and began to talk. “I… I don’t know if I want to go home anymore.”

Ditzy was silent for a moment as she processed that statement. “So what you’re saying is that you’d rather stay here in Equestria?”

“Sort of,” Flare replied.

What kind of response was that? He didn’t want to go home and yet he didn’t want to stay in Equestria? Ditzy had a special talent though, one that wasn’t represented by her Cutie Mark, but one that was gained through years of experience.

“It’s not Equestria itself but rather something in particular…” Ditzy watched his reaction and knew she was getting warmer. She thought about what he had done and where he had gone while he had been here and one constant that had been with him from the start stood out. “Or perhaps, it’s because of somepony!”

Flare’s eyes widened ever so slightly and Ditzy knew she had struck gold. There was a moment of silence before Flare spoke again.

“Can I trust you to keep a secret?” Ditzy nodded and Flare continued. “The reason I’m having doubts. The reason that makes me wish that I could never leave. It’s because I think that I might be falling in love with someone…”

Ditzy thought so. Love was something both unpredictable and powerful. She had a pretty good hunch on who the lucky mare was but decided not to push it for now, the poor stallion looked a bit uncomfortable as it was.

“Well then, that is something else huh?” He was looking for advice, for guidance. But this decision affected more than just him. He probably had family and friends at home that missed him dearly. But was an adult and capable of living his own life, so what would be the best thing to tell him?

“Is she worth it?” Ditzy suddenly said.

Flare did a double take as the sudden question caught him off guard. “Wha-?”

“This mare… well I assume it’s a mare, not that I’m judging or anything if it isn’t. But is she worth giving up your friends, your family… your entire world?”

Flare felt the briefest flicker of anger when Ditzy made the assumption that he thought so little of all the Pokémon that he would have to leave behind. But she didn’t mean it like that and the feeling disappeared as quickly as it came. Was this mare that he found himself falling head over hooves for worth giving up all that? That was the problem, that’s what was causing all this confusion but answering that simple, single question was also the answer.

The soft, grey wing reminded Flare of the little blanket he used to have when he was a little foal, one younger that Dinky. He sighed as he leaned against it and the answer came to him.

“I think… I think that she might be.”

Ditzy nodded as she stretched and withdrew her wing. “Then I guess you have your answer huh?”

If only it were that easy though. Flare wasn’t some lovesick foal and he’d played this game before. There was still the matter of whether she returned these feelings or not.

“But on the other hoof, Twilight and Sparkler have been working so hard to try and get me home. And now it feels like I’ve just wasted their time.”

“I wouldn’t worry so much about that.” Ditzy giggled. “Those two love to study, Twilight much more so but still, if Sparkler has any complaints then I’ll take care of it.”

Flare nodded and Ditzy left the room momentarily, returning shortly with a plate holding several muffins. Their mouth-watering scent filled his nostrils and his stomach growled in response, eliciting another giggle from Ditzy. “Anypony has trouble making decisions on an empty stomach, so let’s have some lunch!”


It was late into the afternoon when Sparkler arrived at the library, only to find her mentor fast asleep. Sparkler took special note of how adorable Twilight looked when she slept and decided to leave her to her rest and head downstairs to continue their research. She had come up with a few ideas over the last few days and wanted to test them.

“So if I add this constant here and round this one to point oh four…” Sparkler’s mumbling had roused the other unicorn and she yawned as she trotted downstairs to see who was in her library.

“Sparkler?” Twilight rubbed some sleep from her eyes. “I thought you wouldn’t be here until the afternoon?”

Sparkler blinked a few times before giggling at the question. “I’m a bit late actually, it’s almost early evening!”

Twilight’s eye went wide as she raced to a window and the setting sun confirmed Sparkler’s story. “I slept the entire day!?” Twilight went to start stacking books and scrolls only to see that all the necessary materials were already piled neatly next to her desk. Sparkler had taken the liberty to set everything up already and Twilight just shook her head.

“It looks really bad when the teacher is the one that’s tardy!” She took a seat next to her student, who smiled warmly.

“Well I was going to wake you when I arrived… but you looked so cute~”

Twilight blushed red and gave her student an indignant glare, but Sparkler had already mounted a defence. She showed the studious unicorn the theories that she had come up with over that last few days and Twilight’s wrath was successfully averted.

“Somepony’s been busy,” Twilight approved of the amount and the quality of the work as she scanned to paper. “But I don’t think that this will-“

Her sentence was cut off when she glanced at the chalkboard, back to the paper and then her eyes went wide again. Her horn lit up and she erased several parts of the equation on the board, replacing them with sections of the one Sparkler had devised.

“Carry the three, round this part. Add a decimal point here, here aaand here…” Twilight’s genius mind raced a mile a minute and Sparkler sat back and watched as Twi rewrote the entire formula in a few minutes.

“Aaaannnd… done!” Twilight took a few steps back to she could see the whole board. After going over it again and again it seemed that this was it. This was the solution to the problem.

“We did it,” Twilight whispered. “We actually figured out how to pinpoint a specific place in space/time.”

“So Flare can go home now?” Sparkler asked.

That phrase suddenly took all the wind out of Twilight’s sails. She wasn’t sure why, but the lavender unicorn felt incredibly depressed. “Yeah… we can send him home now…”

If anypony knew fate, then they would know that it was like a coin, one side held luck and happiness. The other was an absolute bitch. Fate decided to flip the bitch end of the coin as the library door opened and Flare Blitz waddled in, belly full of muffin and a new-found happiness.

“Hey there girls!” He greeted, “Still plugging away at it?”

“Actually, we found-“ Sparkler’s words were silenced when Twilight clamped her mouth shut with magic.

“We haven’t really gotten anywhere today, sorry Flare!” Twilight lied, the pit in her stomach digging itself deeper.

Flare gave the pair an odd look and shrugged it off. “Well that’s alright, like I said, take all the time you need. Oh, where’s Spike?”

Twilight motioned upstairs and Flare headed up there, pausing to look back to Twilight. “Hey Twi, can we talk later? It’s kind of important.”

Twilight nodded slowly and Flare disappeared upstairs. What did he want to talk about? Did he know she was lying? Did he have some Pokémon power that let him see the truth in ponies?

There was a thump next to her as Sparkler lay on the floor, trying to breathe and Twilight realised that as still had her in her magical grasp.

“Ohmigosh!! Sparkler! I’m so sorry!!” The purple unicorn inhaled sharply as Twilight released her.

Sending a very angry look towards her teacher she demanded answers. “Why didn’t you tell him!?” She almost yelled. “We figured it out and you want to keep it a secret!?”

“I-I don’t know why I did that.” Why did Twilight do that? Why was she concealing the truth from Flare? “I… I don’t…” The truth dawned on her and the crestfallen look on her face subsided Sparkler’s rage.

“I don’t want Flare to go home.”