• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 20th

Grey Rebl


The Brony Fandom lived long and old. Memes were made, ponies were enjoyed, and lives were rearranged to accommodate. As time went on, the passion that once fired up the community became just a flickering spark, and so the Brony name waned until, finally, the fandom died to obscurity.

That was it for user TutorialBlues88, who swore off his Brony pride after over two decades. But nostalgia one day invoked him to reflect on philosophies of a fandom long since dead. He wondered if it’s okay to turn back, to enjoy ponies once again even if its alone.

In meeting death, reincarnation gave Tutorial the opportunity to discover for himself what friendship and ponies meant to him, redefining and revisiting lessons attended since Season One.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 198 )

This is really good so far, particularly like the interactions between Tutorial and Death, and also Manny. He's got plenty of character so far to me.

Nice! a new chapter :D
Can't wait to see what happens next.



That was a hilarious ending to the season one premier. I can't wait to see how things continue for Tutorial.

A great ending to a great chapter. Really, that last line man, it was glorious.

“Yeaaah, no. The sun can go fuck itself. I’m going to sleep.”

Can't help it but to do anything else than to laugh at that. Especially after the image of Celestia's face (after hearing what was said in such a nonchalant way) came to mind.

I like how this is going. I see potential with Twilight finding a kindred spirit in Tutorial. Can't wait to see how this goes.

Added to my tracking list and up-voted.

I Forsee that in a year maybe two this will have at least 3k Likes and 20k views; Just trust me.

Well, this is an interesting story so far, I will be looking forward to see more of this story. hope the story will keep on changing the out come of the episode more and more as it goes along.

Loving this story!

It needs more attention! Many people I know would love this!

What's his Cutie Mark?

I had a feeling Luna was real from the start, I really like the dynamic between her and Tutorial, it makes me happy inside.:pinkiehappy:

I'll be following this with eager anticipation of a Dr. Whooves and assistant cameo.:derpytongue2:

FYI the Ticketmaster episode was three not four.

This is amazing. Keep it up.

I don't know what to type here...
nice chapter.

Good to hear that your story is going well, and I hope this doesn't add too much undue stress for you, and prevent you from writing it. I quite enjoy reading you story and I like you wist you've put into it. This was a good chapter and I like that you underline how much Tutorial Blues is so mistrusted but AJ and the others, despite his help he did, I hope to see more about why they are so mistrustful of him. The analogy of his past during his brony past was interesting and I hope we will have the chance to see more of his insight on it.

Can't wait to see the next chapter.

Mastah, May I have some More?

AJ and Tutorial!

I ship it!!!

“Pinkie. Just how much did you heard—…”
It's times like these I wish I had more literary knowledge to say something valuable on a story I like... Other than well done, keep it up and hope to see more, that is.

I snorted in bemusement. “Hey, let me have my secrets.”

Do you mean amusement? Bemusement ~= confusion.

What is his cutie mark? Does he have one or is it left out of the narrative?

Dude, holy shit. I have never found something so amazing and realistic as this, especially since its an HIE story. You actually take everything into consideration, not leaving out the small details but rather making them more important. Like, holy hell.

I am honestly waiting for more. I dont know how the hell you do it, but man, you have just a perfect writing style. Its the kind that kinda looks too long in the bigger picture, but is worth the read if you , ya know , read it.

Please, for the fucking love of golly goddam gumdrops, release another chapter. This is amazing and i cant help but be excited to wait.

Sorry for replying late folks!

Aw shucks! Glad I didn't disappoint! I lurked silently in the School of New Writer's group for a long while. The power of editing is something I shall never take for granted. I'm thankful that my time spent scrunching on words was worth it! :twilightblush:

I didn't get to you in your first comment, didn't I? Anyways, yes, Tutorial's cutie mark is left out of the narrative for now. I'd rather wait for another chapter to do anything about it. There's a lot of stuff I wanted to cover for that, and it wouldn't go well if I slipped it in now. The chapters would get a bit long. I'm glad you asked though!

Normally, I wouldn't reply to these kinds of comments when they're spelling corrections that wouldn't mind making, but your's took me on a journey.

You're right about the actual definition, but I found entire arguments between like-minded people about the traditional and popular use of "bemuse"! It's on a dictionary, but expert traditionalists didn't like it. Others wanted to just use it because, well, it's popular meaning was kinda on demand. Hard to find a word that meant "wry amusement", they said.

In the end, I left out the word entirely. Damn trivia. :pinkiecrazy:

It's not like this story is for only the knowledgeable. I more or less hoped for people to speak their minds about what Tutorial thinks. If you have a thought, by all means. It's what commenting is about, after all. :twilightsmile:

You might like what I have planned for the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for judging those points, actually! Mentioning that, you've given me a bit of a goal for the next few chapters, or at least for the "Bridle Gossip" episode.


Huh. You drew the stuff and people I recognized and liked. Small world.

Naw you missed me in that.

Thanks for the great story! It's inspiring me to keep working on my own.

It's one of those, 7th Element stories... you know , the one where the character is male and is an elemtn of harmony, and is friends with their best pony....:pinkiecrazy:


Normally, I wouldn't reply to these kinds of comments when they're spelling corrections that wouldn't mind making, but your's took me on a journey.
You're right about the actual definition, but I found entire arguments between like-minded people about the traditional and popular use of "bemuse"! It's on a dictionary, but expert traditionalists didn't like it. Others wanted to just use it because, well, it's popular meaning was kinda on demand. Hard to find a word that meant "wry amusement", they said.
In the end, I left out the word entirely. Damn trivia. :pinkiecrazy:

I feel the only recourse is to stop using words like bemused and literally any more as the only create more confusion. When I read the line about snorting in bemusement in this - it only confused me; What has confused him? But then if you use it correctly you'll only confuse the people who have a poor grasp of English don't know what it means.

I don't know any more.

This fanfiction is so good I would put it on the same levels As past sins and the 'pending' stories. As well as 'change' 'a bug in the herd' and other such high level stories. Stories like this are the proof to the world that the best things In the world are made by the people who are not paid to do it.

Do you know How quick I Grabbed my Laptop once my Phone sent a Notification say This had Updated?... I Tripped and hit my Head- thats how fast- You made me nearly get a Concussion...

It was so Worth It

Well, I glad I found this in the site's updates.
Totally dig your positively negative outlook on things fandom/friendship related. And philosophical elements too. Keep it up.

Wow. This hits me deep man. I've had situations like the one with Ron. Some people man, some people. You can't change them, no matter much you may want to. You just gotta keep doing what your doing.

Anyways, I cannot tell you how excited I was when I saw this was updated. I aint gonna lie, I was wondering how you would handle Gilda, but from what I've seen, you did pretty well.

Nice chapter overall. Keep on going.

and we’d popularly praise the sun.

Hmmm... I'm craving orange juice for some reason.

You're a good bloke irl, you know that ?

Great chapter once again, I am surprised that Tutorial Blues reputation in Ponyville seem to be worst then what we thought of first and that his social skills really didn't help matters either.
I was honestly surprise that Gilda or RD didn't make fun or pointed out that Tutorial couldn't fly.
I had originally seen the episode as two friends growing apart and moving on in life, RD grew up to be more of an adult, sort of, and Gilda didn't, was still clinging to what she thought their friendship was everything she though it was and couldn't let go of her peaty jalousies. I think your take on the episode was interesting and showing that Tutorial could actually empathies with the situation of the unavoidable ending of the friendship between RD and Gilda was good and that he didn't try to fix it or intervene or cast on any real judgment on the situation.

I will be looking forward to the next chapter

I have found a new story which makes me giddy with anticipation whenever a new chapter is supposed to come out. The interactions are great and the overall story is really well told.

Though I do want to point one thing out. Are any of the ponies going to question the fact that tutorial says "everyone" and "people" instead of "everypony" and "ponies".

I just think that would be a very relevant plot point.

Otherwise I'm loving the story, keep up the good work.:derpytongue2:

And Skyrim’s Thomas the Engine mod did left an impact on me…

Ah, so you too have witnessed the glory of TrainWiz! You should really check out some of his non-joke mods, they really are quite nice.

Nah, cartoon fandoms don't really die, as such.
For the most part, they're gradually infiltrated, corrupted, and usurped by porn and politics. What's remains pure hangs on longer.
It's just difficult to see them, those tiny flecks of gold hidden in the tons of river-bottom mud.

I was in 6th grade in 2011.

I graduated highschool class of '09. I know that's not much but I feel old.

[Edit] And now that I've checked I see the last post was two weeks ago. Now I also feel late.

silenced when the paw pissed

That would shut me up too.

“...Salutations to thou as well.”


If am to learn

If I am to learn

“You’re home?”


We haven’t ate anyways.


run off by anyone


I didn’t sat still


I assume basex on how you handled Gilda you're going to address the heckling ponies as well as Snips & Snails nearly getting ponies killed? Because I just hated how that episode ended in canon, with Trixie shoehorned into the antagonist position.

Hum, not sure if the the song that Tory hears might be OP for the sort of character he is of being nearly useless and unremarkable . I am guessing that when he started to learn about the Earth Pony magic it might have unlocked or at least get an understanding of it. what I am worrying about would be that he would use it to guess the mood of the pony he talks to all the time, which means that he would know who is lying to him or just hate him (not that I think he can make a clear distinction between the two ) and can zero in on any of them anywhere if he wants too. the idea is interesting, especially sense he can basically hear the background music making him feel that he is in his own episode. But it sort of goes against the ideas he is autistic if he has an extra edge on others to better read the mood of other people. On the other hand it could also fall in line with it, he could be sometime overwhelmed by all the different sources of music that creates a cacophony when he is trap in a large crowd and he can't deal with all the extra stimulus of one day he can't shut it off. I wonder if he could use it sort of like a pinky sense and would attract Twilight's attention as on him as well.

I wonder what are those 20,000 spell that have been forgotten? could the ponies have lost a large position of it because of the migration from their ancestral homes? of the old unicorn kingdom and had to start over again? Or could it be that most of the where nearly useless beyond very uses or where unique to specific ponies that couldn't be replicated by others as well?

I wonder how Tory is going to be roped into going to be in the dragonshy episode, maybe Twilight might invite him to go there or fearing what happened with the ursa he doesn't want to take any chances at all that things goes off scrip again and get the mane six killed. The question that I wonder is will he support Fluttershy because he knows what she is supposed to do or because he genuinely believes she can do it, and if he didn't know what is supposed to happen would he have do the same for her or act like the others and think that she is a liability for them? If he had bad experiences of being autistic he might have been left out from other groups because of the premise they though he couldn't follow the group with others because they his condition prevented him being responsible for himself and be a burden for the rest of them. I am talking from my personal experience as well.

Winter is coming, after all.

- “I thought you are in rehabilitation.”
- “If only we could say the for everypony else.”
- and they’ll forget your mistake.”

The Day Tori gets his Cutie mark is the day The Story line Fucks up.

This was an interesting chapter, I am surprised that Trixy decided to stick to Ponyville a while longer and for Tory too, so is this love triangle going to be a quartet now? I wonder if she will still try to get her hooves on the alicorn amulet seeing that she doesn't have as bitter of an experience as she did in the original show. It was interesting to also see Snip's and Snails in the chapter they are generally not very popular but I always find that they are unappreciated and is probably the best characters that could represent the outcast for the groups at school. I wonder why Tory didn't go with the rest of the mane 6 to see the dragon, or at least be asked to go there with them especially at how difficult it was to even get Fluttershy there in the first place. I don't think that the risk of lolling it to sleep was the real issue there but I think it was more to do that Twilight didn't want to risk getting him hurt like he did in the Everfree Forest and Nightmare Moon; I hope that will be addressed in the next chapter. It was also fun to see Luna a Ponyville and to have her trick by Celestia of all ponies, I wonder if we will get to hear more juicy stuff on what's going on over there and if Tory will get to visit Canterlot on his own soon.

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