• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 8,147 Views, 95 Comments

The Element of Courage - Banshee531

This takes place in an alternative universe where Flash Sentry grew up alongside Twilight and her family. He works to achieve his own dreams and ambitions while making sure Twilight doesn't spend her life studying twenty four seven.

  • ...

Heading to Ponyville

Many years later

In the training grounds of Canterlot, two ponies stood opposite each other. One was a Pegasus while the other was an Earth Pony. They were fitted in heavily padded gear around their bodies, with large shining helmets on their heads and each carried a wooden sword in their mouths. They stood there, waiting for the signal.

Finally, a bell rang out and the two shot at each other like bullets. Their swords collided in a dazzling clash as they began pushing each other back, resulting in a stand still. After several seconds the Pegasus quickly flapped his wings, using them to make a wind that shot at his opponent. The gust caused the Earth Pony to falter backwards, quickly losing his balance from the wind.

Seeing the opening, the Pegasus shot forward, and with one swipe of his sword, struck his opponent down. His opponent's sword went flying from the blow as the Earth Pony found himself on his back, the Pegasus's sword at his neck.

"I taught you too well." the Earth Pony chuckled as the sword was removed from his face. The duo then took off their helmets, revealing themselves as Grand Hoof and Flash.

Over the years, Flash had grown into a strong young stallion. His mane was shorter now since it would get in the way during training. The stallion walked with more confidence than he did as a young colt. As Grand Hoof's apprentice, Flash had mastered almost every weapon in the castles armoury, along with several weaponless fighting styles. He had even impressed Princess Celestia with his abilities.
"I think it's clear that you've officially surpassed me kiddo." Grand Hoof said as they put their gear away, making sure to pat Flash in the back.

"Don't say that." Flash replied, a small blush slowly forming around his cheeks.

"There's no shame in it." Grand Hoof explained as he picked up his sword. "It actually gives me great joy to say that Flash. After all, I have a student that outmatches me. That means you trained them well." He turned back to Flash as he put the sword away. "You've grown into a great warrior Flash, and that is something I am proud to have had a hoof in."

"You've done more then lend a hoof Grand." Flash told Grand Hoof as he removed his breastplate. "I wouldn't be the pony I am today without you."

"Maybe..." Grand Hoof said as he rubbed his chin. "But I only showed you the path, you were the one who took the steps."

Flash smiled hearing this. Ever since meeting Twilight, being taken in by her family and becoming Grand Hoof's apprentice Flash had truly begun to change. He had become a physically fit stallion, but that wasn't all. He had also changed mentally as well. When he wasn't training with Grand Hoof, he tended to patrol the streets out of pure altruism. Whenever there was a problem and nopony was there to help, he would jump in and try to help. His work had even earned him a new name, one he had gladly taken, Flash Sentry. Almost everypony he knew called him by that name, including Princess Celestia.

There was only one pony who didn't call him that, his best friend Twilight Sparkle. She was the only other thing he spent his time on. If he wasn't training or patrolling, he would be spending time with her. He usually found himself helping her with her studies or just hanging out and having fun. They spent so much time together that ponies in Canterlot often mistook them for a couple.

"So..." Grand Hoof said as they left the training ground. "You and Twilight are going to see the Summer Sun Celebration, right?"

"Maybe...though I forget where it's being hosted though." Flash replied as he rubbed her chin. The celebration usually alternated being hosted in Canterlot or some other town or city.

"Ponyville." Grand Hoof replied as he rubbed his cheek, still sore from the training session. "It's a small quiet place, a great cheap vacation spot."

"Sounds like you're planning to retire there or something." Flash joked, he could never imagine his stubborn teacher ever retiring from being a solider.

"Maybe I will." Grand Hoof said, causing Flash's eyes to slightly widen. "But I got a few years left in me before I hang up the armour." Flash's expression returned to normal as his teacher confirmed what he was thinking. "But that's besides the point Flash, you're the one going to the celebration."

"Depends if Twilight's bust or not."

"Well, why don't you head over there and see?"

"You sure? I thought we would do some laps or something. It is still a little early to finish, isn't it?" Flash asked, surprised at the laid back attitude of his teacher. Usually at this time, he would be halfway down Canterlot in a full on sprint or struggling through another absurd obstacle course.

"After the royal beating you just gave me? I think I could use a rest kiddo."

"Maybe you should hang up the armour if you're already tired Gramps." Flash said, trying not to giggle.

"Watch it. I may be old but I can still give you a major flank whooping." Grand Hoof warned as he leaned down, glaring at his pupil. He then pointed his hoof. "Now get going before I change my mind."

"Right right...I got it." Flash said before taking to the skies. As the wind picked up, he soon found himself heading towards Twilight's loft. “And there it is...”

As Twilight had got older, Princess Celestia had increased her study load. It went to the point that she had even allowed Twilight her own space in one of the high towers. The place was off limits to all but a select few so Twilight could focus on her studies in peace. It was far away from the training ground so as not to cause distracting noise and high enough that no one without actual cause would go up there. Twilight would often fall asleep in her loft, too tired from studies to go home. There were times that Flash would have to drag her out between books just so she could get some sun and see her family.

As Flash drew closer to the tower, he noticed his other close friend Spike the Dragon was carrying large suitcases out. "Spike!" he called out, catching the dragon's attention.

"Flash." the dragon said as he waved at the Pegasus. "Glad you're here. You think you can talk some sense into Twilight?"

Flash sighed and shook his head. "What is it this time? Lost a book in a certain set again?"

"She's got it in her head that some evil pony is going to show up and cause trouble." Spike said, causing Flash to give a sceptical look.

"Okay, walk me through it buddy." Flash said spinning his hoof in a spiral motion. Spike then explained how Twilight had read a book about somepony named Nightmare Moon, who is supposed to escape her imprisonment on the moon and cause night time eternal. Twilight had tried to warn Celestia, who replied by tasking her with preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville.
"Well, that explains the suitcase."

"Yeah, but she's still concerned about this whole nighttime eternal thing." Spike replied with a groan. "You think you can talk to her?"

"Sure bud." Flash said as he went inside. "Twilight? You in here?"

"Up here Flash." her voice came from upstairs. He found her speed reading through countless books, her eyes shifting left and right.

"So Spike says your going to Ponyville." Flash said, trying to start up a conversation, "That should be fun."

"I have more important things I should be doing" Twilight replied as she went to another book in a panic.

"Yeah, I heard." Flash said as he started to get closer to Twilight. "You really think somepony locked in the moon is going to cause trouble at tomorrow’s celebration?"

"This is serious Flash." Twilight explained as she threw another book in anger, "Tomorrow is the thousandth year since the banishment of Nightmare Moon. We should be preparing to face her, not working on setting up some silly party!"

"I remember you used to love going to that silly party. It's celebrating Princess Celestia after all." Flash replied as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Things change Flash. I have a duty to protect Equestria from any threat and I can't stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony."

"The what?" Flash asked, his eyebrow cocked at the response.

"I don't know what they are, but according to my research, they are the only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon."

"And I'm sure Princess Celestia knows that and is working on locating them." Flash said as he grabbed Twilight's latest book in front of her with a glare. "You know she wouldn't just ignore something like this if it's serious."

"Then why is she sending me to Ponyville instead of continuing my studies?!"

"I don't know. Maybe with her dealing with this Nightmare Moon, she needs someone to keep up appearances. Did you ever think of that?”

Twilight didn't respond. She just stood there, thinking about what Flash had just said.

"I know you're worried." Flash said as he put the book down. "But what if you're wrong? You can't start a panic like that with nothing to go on but fairy tales."

"I guess you're right." Twilight replied, her ears drooping down.

"Tell you what, why don't I come and lend you a hoof in Ponyville?"

Twilight's frown became a grin at this, "Of course! That way, I can finish checking the celebration quicker and get started on some more research on the Elements of Harmony!"

"Sure, let's go with that." Flash said, facehoofing at Twilight's response.

Twilight quickly ran to the door. "Come on, we'll need to get some things from home before we leave."

Flash and Twilight soon returned home and found Velvet and Night Light in the kitchen. "Hey kids." Night Light greeted them as they walked in. "Care for a cup of tea?”

"Can't dad. The Princess has ordered me to go to Ponyville to oversee the preparations and I have to get all my things right now!" Twilight panicked as she rushed up to her room.

"And I agreed to go help her." Flash continued as he walked up to Night Light. “I'll take a cup though.”

"Well, I hope you two have fun." Velvet said as she gave Flash a cup. “It'll be good for Twilight to get out again. Poor girl keeps herself cooped up way too much.”

"That being said, do we want to know why she's panicking so much?" Night Light asked with a sip of tea.

"She's just over thinking things like always." Flash sighed as he took a drink, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her as usual."

The two smiled at him. "We can always count on you Flash."

“Leave it to me.” Another sip. “Good stuff, this tea that is.”

“I know, right?”

Twilight returned and they both said their goodbyes. They soon reached the chariot, which was being pulled by a pair of pure white Pegasi. As they took to the skies, Spike pulled out the letter Princess Celestia had sent them, and once again began reading. "My dear Twilight, there is more to a young ponies life then studying. I fear to imagine what would have happened if you had never met Flash. So, I'm sending you to oversee the preparations for this year's Summer Sun Celebration. This year's location will be...Ponyville. While you do this, I have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends."

Twilight moaned when she heard this, causing Flash to snicker and get a scowl in return.

"Look on the bright side Twilight." Spike continued as he rolled up the letter. "The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library, doesn't that make you happy?"

Her scowl turned to grin as a new thought entered her head. "Yes. And do you know why? Because I know I'm right." the boys sighed as they both knew what she was going to say next. "I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then head to the library to look for proof of Nightmare Moon's return."

"Then, when will you make friends like the Princess said?" Spike asked, blinking.

"She said to check on preparation." Twilight replied with a smirk, "I am her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends."

"He's right you know Twilight." Flash said as he crossed his hooves, "I think making some new friends can't hurt. I used to think friendship was worthless until I met you. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have a family. I would have never met Grand Hoof which lead to me being his apprentice."

Twilight couldn't help think he might be right. "I guess you have a point...but I'm still going to get this done and go find proof of Nightmare Moon's return!"

Flash sighed, wanting to facehoof again. However, he then noticed something. They had arrived at Ponyville.

Author's Note:

So a little time skip and we're in to the actual series. Next chapter we'll be meeting some familiar characters