• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

Chapter 17

Hi I'm Chapter 17 and everything I touch inevitably turns grimdark! :D


"By the time they get to us there's no saving them."

"Sergeant, the listening post is reporting suspicious activity to the south, and your squad is going to double time it down there and fix any problems you can find."

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

Wow, just wow. I was a bit unsure at first but this really ended strong. The talk of reloading magazines with strips during a fight threw me a bit. But then I figured it was ww1 era weaponry. Then everything meshed in my head. Thumbs up.

7850208 Thank you! I'm glad to hear this because WWI-ish is in fact the technological level I wanted to start things off with, and on another note I was originally using the term 'clip' because that is technically the correct term for it, but so many use 'clip' and 'magazine' interchangeably (I've been totally guilty of this myself) that I figured the word 'strip' would get the point across better while not being incorrect either.

Stripper clip might work too. But that's just me being fussy. Whenever you get around to really using this idea I'd try to establish the tech level early on. I visualized everything much more Destiny style before I jumped to the Great War. I suppose that's part of the in media res style though. Judging by Reunion you'll get it down perfect when you do.

A Diamond Dog war? I respect your skill and your intentions enough to give a hearty upthumb, but do not find this to my taste. The modern weaponry is also a hard sell but I'm usually easy about that.

7854963 Modern weaponry is ALSO a hard sell for me so believe me i had to think of some logical progression to get ponies using guns. I'm not going to assume my reasoning makes perfect sense but I want to assure you I did at least go to the effort of thinking up some kind of explanation. Thank you for the read and upthumb despite your doubts, I really appreciate it!

That is all?

This is kind of a "preview fic" so to speak. I have one more little scene left that I want to write for this, but then that'll be it. After I'm done with Reunion the fic that this is a previewing will start getting written good and proper.

Well I am hooked. Is crash dead or is that you playing with expectation? I feel Like I these chapters where like Chekhov's gun...... That doctor ant going to be user her body/corps in his research...... My speculations aside you I can not wait to read Reunion, saving it for a bin read once finished

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