• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 2,950 Views, 33 Comments

A Replica In Equestria - Golden Flare

[Displaced Story] I heard of the rumors of people disappearing at conventions, but I didn't believe it, until I went, cosplaying as Riku Replica. Now I'm stuck in a little girl's TV show, what could go wrong?

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My parents drove me to the convention center a couple of cities away from our own to check out Comic-Con that finally arrived. I had been waiting for this day for who-knows-how-long now, to go to my first convention and cosplay as one of my favorite Kingdom Hearts characters: Riku Replica. He was my first choice because of his existence and inner-turmoil of being nothing more than a copy of somebody else, he really piqued my interest.

Meanwhile, my little sister, Rebecca, was at a friend's house for the weekend while my parents supervised me during my time at the convention, personally I didn't mind, I know they're just looking out for me, but I just wish they would ease up a bit. As soon as we arrived, my parents got the closest parking spot they could find and we got out of the car.

"Alright, Alex," my dad began as he handed me money, "here's $50, don't spend it all at once."

"And remember, don't wander too far. Your father and I will be at the food court, if you're not there within an hour, we'll come find you, go home, and you'll be grounded. Understand?"

"I understand, mom." I say.

"Good. Have fun, sweetie." my mom said and kissed my cheek.

"I will."

With that, my parents and I went our separate ways for the day, or at least an hour, to explore Comic-Con. I was hoping and praying that I would be able to find the Soul Eater sword Riku AND Riku Replica wielded to complete my ensemble, and I was determined as Frisk in Undertale to get it.

After almost an hour of searching, nobody had what I was looking for; I searched booths and even offered a trade for a Soul Eater sword, but I always turned up empty handed. I was beginning to think that my search was all for naught.

"Damn it!" I muttered, then sighed, "Well, guess I might as well head for the...huh?"

It was then that I noticed a booth that I've never seen in this convention with a hooded man behind. Maybe he had just set up shop when I wasn't looking? I didn't think much on it as I saw my prize.

The Soul Eater.

With a big smile on my face and complete and utter giddiness, I ran over to the booth and saw the sword laying in the glass case, admiring it like an idiot. Before I could continue looking like a fan boy moron, the man behind the counter cleared his throat, gaining my attention as I stood up straight.

"Good afternoon, stranger." he spoke in a raspy voice, slightly unnerving me.

"Um, how much is the Soul Eater sword?" I ask nervously.

"$50, stranger."

"Wow, really? That's the same amount of money I have! You got yourself a deal!"

He smiled as he pulled the Soul Eater out of the case and handed over to me. I held in both my hands, staring at it in wonder, even though my hands were gloved by my copy of Riku Replica's Dark Mode suit, it felt so real to me.

Suddenly, I became extremely dizzy and stumbled where I stood, the man watching and smiling all the while. Soon enough, I fell to the floor, hardly noticing the man step out from behind the counter and place a hand on my back.

"Truth be told, you should've believed those rumors...Riku Replica."

With that said, I blacked out, not realizing at that point in time that I made a huge mistake.