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Praise the moon and the princess https://www.patreon.com/Battlelord

Comments ( 234 )
Comment posted by Shadow of doubt deleted Jan 27th, 2017

I love this.:pinkiehappy:
But things are a little confusing so you need to explain a few things and things need to feel a little different.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with Shadow of Doubt; if you could make them a bit more at least two dimensional, write them a bit more subtly (because pacing is important), and got just a bit better at spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, then this would be a helluva lot more tolerable.

Viking out.:raritywink:

Love the story and it has great potential. But just a word, look back and fix anything that doesn't sound right and slow the pace down.

I had the same problem with my first story but I improved greatly by listening to constructive criticism.

Comment posted by Aziraphael deleted Jan 27th, 2017

Editor\spellcheck and needs fleshing out. Otherwise, not to bad a start.
I'll follow

Hmmm... Looks like my comment really did get lost in the internet somewhere. But that's ok, I saved it, remember? I'd hate to see you deprived of useful criticism just because the site made a mistake, since that's clearly what happened here. I mean, it's not like you would go through and delete any comment that says something negative about your story. That's just ridiculous.

Alright, normally I don't read this kind of story, but I'm bored so I gave it a shot. I also gave it a downvote. Here's why:

As the first commenter pointed out, the grammar is atrocious. Not everyone is good at it, and that's fine, but if it's not your strong suit you need to have someone else look over your chapters before you publish them. This is your third story, so that shouldn't be something that still needs to be pointed out. Regardless of whatever other flaws your stories may contain, people will always be more forgiving and more willing to overlook them if things like grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are correct.

But in this case, the content itself needs a lot of work as well.

For starters, don't use the Displaced template unless you're specifically writing for the sake of other people who write Displaced stories. The general public strongly looks down on that particular sub-genre, and there are several very, very good reasons why, all of which are present in this story. The whole set up is, in a word, lazy. It's nothing more than an excuse to write a character that has the same powers as some other character, who acts like that character, who looks like that character, but without having to worry if you go completely off the rails with him because it's not a real crossover so it's ok. If you want to write about Alucard, then actually write about Alucard. If you want to write about a guy who acquires super-awesome vampire powers, then write about him as your own character, not a cheap knock-off of someone else's.

The dialogue is just... a mess. There were quite a few times in this where the dialogue felt so unnatural that I found myself wondering if you've ever actually had a conversation with another living human before. I'd like to say that a large part of that is due to the poor grammar, but even if that was perfectly fixed the word choice and sentence structure leave a lot to be desired.

On top of all of that, the characters themselves are completely flat. It seems like you at least try to give some kind of personality to the main character, but it's so random and all over the place that instead of feeling like an actual personality, it comes across as just random emotions thrown on a blank slate. He feels like some sort of awkward, bipolar puppet instead of an actual character. And the others are even worse.

I went back and took a look at your other stories, and they all suffer from the same problems this one has. And seeing how closely together they were published, that doesn't surprise me. Take the time to really look at your work, get someone you trust--whether on this site or elsewhere--to look over your work, and seriously put effort into improving what you've already got out before trying to move on to another story, otherwise you'll just keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

And given what I've seen in the comments of your other stories, as well as what just happened to the other comment in here that seriously criticized your writing, I wonder how long it'll be before this comment mysteriously disappears as well. But even if it does, that's ok. I took a moment to save this so I can remind you again later, just in case this happens to it. ;)

I never knew my mom or dad they leafed me to die.

I want to see art of the mom and dad turning high-powered leaf blowers on this child.


Mother, Father, please!

zip zoom zam

Please, the leaves, they're slicing me to pieces!



7900985 Bulbasaur used Razor Leaf!
It's super effective!

Ya know it's funny you picked shadow for a name cause that was what I called my black cat. She was always in my shadow following me. If good ol sunbutt finds out about Al and Luna' s relationship then try to write it as her understanding why they got together rather than not. Can't wait for the next chapter bud.

Alrighty then.
It seems that a mysterious error has resulted in my comment being deleted, worry not though I am still living (kinda) so I can give you some more constructive criticism but alas it seems as though other people have already done that for me and more then often the error strikes them as well so I will leave you with this.

You can go far in fimfic with the determination and imagination you have however you still need to learn a lot abut sentence structure, grammar and spelling (I myself have trouble with sentence structure and tenses, while my grammar has improved it is helped by the fact that I have a grammar correction program on my computer)

No one is immune to errors and bad writing you need to learn to bring your characters into the 3rd dimension or the 2nd at the very least, but if you are unable to take constructive criticism you WILL not succeed, some people will overlook bad grammar, and cliche ideas but not many.

Remember when people post criticism they are trying to HELP you, I took the time to think out and write this to help improve your story I am not trying to attack you or discredit you I love to see new authors popup and create masterpieces even if they are a little ruff around the edges but if every artist out there refused to take criticism art wouldn't look good at all, criticism allows you to improve the areas that you are weak in, I know this myself I have trouble with 'talking head syndrome' ( it's where I focus too much on dialog and not enough of scenery, making the story setting more like a lecture rather than a story)

So there you have it, take what you will from it, I'm not attacking you and I'm not insulting you all I want is to help you ( as cheesy as that sounds its true)

If this message happens to come across the error that many others in the comment have faced, I'm done, you do not deserve help in that case. If you read through this entirely thank you for taking the time out of your day to read through my rant and sorry if it offends you.

Dude, you need a proofreader, pronto. Maybe an editor. The premise of the story has good potential though. I'm not going to rate yet, but still, this is going on my read later list. Happy writing!

Good chapter. Nice to see the prick beat beat.

also why do the Griffins think their better then the ponies? If I was Alucard I would just shoot them both and get it over with

Wow the feels at the end r strong

Comment posted by Hidemain deleted Feb 4th, 2017

Losing points there Luna. But hey it's not like our main man won't hear her out right? After all Moonie over there was only created by Lulu' s jealousy.

I can't wait for the next chapter this is going to be good:twilightsmile:

who are those people the character is talking about?!!!!!:flutterrage: and why?!:facehoof:
this is a weird displaced :derpytongue2:

I'm sorry, I don't even know that much about Hellsing...
But having every single characters power?
No. Too OP.
AND their skills?
Look, it's already too OP, and the grammar isn't that good based off the description.
Try to pace things, let him learn how to use his powers and not know right off the bat. And maybe tone down the pace of the romance? Clop on the fifth chapter is a bit fast. And maybe get an editor if you don't already have one.

Hmmm...Interesting. The description has caught my interest. Now, I will read the first chapter before continuing this review...
...Okay, first thing that hit mere a few spelling errors. But considering what they are I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and guess that English is not your first language. Here is the mistakes in quotes, followed by the corrections.

I never knew my mom or dad they leafed me to die.

Leafed should be left.

I even lost the woman carrying Are baby girl.

Are should be our.
...Okay now onto the review. I'm sorry but while the premise caught my interest, the grammar and shear levels of 'Gary Stu' in this story have ruined it. I could not even get more than halfway through this chapter before saying that enough was enough. Not to mention that you have the entire story of Hellsing wrong!

Editing is needed but other than that, it's quite good.

Nice chapter but you REALLY gotta work on your editting

Huh... ya know I would have tapped heart butt. But hey that's just me. Great chapter bud. Can't wait for more.

They all look hot headed to me. I find it ironic he told luna to calm down when he was the first to anger and not being reasonable. Nightmare moon may have been created from Luna's jealousy (depends on the point if your using the comics or not) but she still took over and ultimately destroyed Luna's life. If nothing else nmm is the embodiment of all Luna's failings. You'd be an idiot to think they could just get along.

Hey moonking, don't listen to some of these comments, your doing a great job and I love everything you have written here, I love the story, I love the people you wrote and how you wrote them, I love the choices you made, and I love the main guy, I think what you've made is one of the best story's I've read, so who cares what others write, people write for three reasons, to give credit, to help give advice, or to be big dicks, I hope you read this and think it's worth it to keep writing, I wanna see the next chapter, I wanna see him turn armor into a bigger badass, I wanna see him get all the girls and win his fights, I wanna see him back a big badass dad and king, and I wanna see him distroy the Griffen royalty and all they stand for, I want you to know you have my support and many others there are 78 people (me included) who gave this a thumbs up, screw anyone else, if you write, write for the joy of it, for the fun of creating this universe, and for entertaining all of the 78 who liked this, even if there's only one who likes your story, then it's worth its continue ? so keep your head up and write when you can my friend, because you have my support

You should had some more comma's I had to re-read some parts and pause to under stand.

Good story though not trying to be mean or anything

Couldn't our main man just drink Twilignts blood to get a greater magic boost? I mean she is the element of magic after all? And are we just gonna forget the whole Cadence fiasco? Great chapter though. Even though you placed that cliff we have to hang off of at the end here.

Comment posted by Hidemain deleted May 7th, 2018
Comment posted by Hidemain deleted May 7th, 2018

“Y-you stay away from me I won’t die here I have so many mares to play with so many life’s to destroy.”

This is a bit of an unbelievable statement too far over the top if you get my drift. The problem is people who act like Blueblood here, don't think they're "destroying live's" or playing with mare's. They see it as either their right or the rightful order of the world so to speak. Very seldom will anyone demonize their actions. No matter how horrid our actions appear to other people to us they will be justified in some way.

I've already spoken to you about the honestly terrible portrayal of the hellsing series so I won't get into it here. But I just want you to know I still think you should remove the crossover tag. The only thing you've kept constant from the series are the names and abilities. And I'm questioning the abilities too. When Alucard drank the blood of his victims he gained everything they ever were. So he shouldn't need to learn the spells he would simply need to use the knowledge he gained from the sisters and whatever he could use from the guards and blueblood. Also the series revolved around the Bible, Alucard had no ties to Norse beliefs so the Valhalla bit is out of place.

It's been a week?

Comment posted by Hidemain deleted Mar 9th, 2017

Oh that's just her beat talking for her. Probably.

Wow so rushed and it almost seems like english is the authors second language I hope he gets an editor soon to fix all the errors.

8035397 yeah but he probably wants to finish the story before he edit's it.

KO awesome chapters, the story is getting good in my taste and Cadance screw up on trying to deal with her 'problem' but hope Shining Armor can help her through this. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

Ya know if I were in Roy's shoes and I or Armor wasn't fast enough and then lost another wife and child. Then their world would have been already ashes. I don't think good ol Roy can take another heartbreak like that.

Damnit cadence shouldve done it right, keep pestering him and you would be in his herd.

Can Roy turn others into moonwalkers?

The fuck? Seriously 2 things is something i dislike about this chapter, 1: Roy is to forgiving and 2: you still need to fix your grammar problem, jeez man i mean english is not my birth language so i do not know much about proper english grammar but even i know enough english to know that much. Don't you have an editor something to help you out?

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