• Member Since 15th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Using interrobangs for good and evil.


Sunset Shimmer's relationship with Twilight Sparkle and Adagio is everything she could wish for. Both girls make her happy beyond words... except when they're all together. Something goes wrong as Sunset tries to spend time with the two of them and despite her best efforts, the chasm only grows wider.

Originally written for Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest: Journeys. I couldn't finish it in time due to life problems, but here it is.

Huge thanks to Krickis and Char-Char-Chan who helped me tremendously with the writing of this story. I couldn't have done it without them.

Also, many many thanks to Apricallico who did this superb cover in a pinch.

There is no sex scene in this story, only heavy flirting from somesiren.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 41 )

Welp, that went well.
Cant wait to see what happens next!

Kinda like this. It has drama and in my opinion some comedy. Keep it up

I'll do my best! Hope you enjoy what's coming next!

Can't wait to show you ^^

I'm enjoying it so far. I think you're doing a really good job with Twilight's voice. This is like, my worst fear in a polycule tbh though. I don't think I could date 2 people who didn't like each other.


I think you're doing a really good job with Twilight's voice.

I had so much struggle writing Twilight's voice, I'm glad I managed to do it right ^^

This is like, my worst fear in a polycule tbh though. I don't think I could date 2 people who didn't like each other.

Yeah, this is a really messy situation and often a dealbreaker... I'm doing my best to tackle the issue in this story. One way or the other. I hope you'll enjoy my take on this ^^

I really liked this chapter. Sunset going to Applejack makes a lot of sense, and I'm glad to see the way you characterized Applejack.

Thank you for your kind comments ^^
I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and I hope you'll enjoy what's to come just as much!

“I put Take a Hint in a loop. Hopefully loud enough to deliver the message through their thick skull.”

And now it's in my head
I'm not even sure it's the right song but it's repeating the chorus over and over

some conflict management would be nice!
Even as an Infp I can tell that this situation would get exhausting fast
I would just make them act on their hatred for each other in a bdsm-y contract-y way, seems like that would help in this context (I'm a switch but so far I can't see another way to make dating two people who despise the sight of each other get along. I don't think I'd be able to take it though, sounds like a deal breaker, maybe)

Yeah... It's kind of a worst-case scenario...

“You didn’t tell Twilight until you were already there?”

I had thought of that but since Sunset knows they don't exactly like each other, I assumed she had mentioned it or something
full on not saying anything is terrible and explains the reactions to a certain degree
subversion of expectation can make an experience so much worse in this case, if that makes sense

She passed the wooden arch and the world changed around her. There were no more orchard, no more trees, only her, Adagio, Twilight and the fire that followed.

Saturnz Barz - Gorillaz

that's the song in my head in this dream sequence

A voice, distant, distorted and weak, yet carrying a strange sense of strength and power rose from everywhere around her. It came as a breeze of fresh air, soothing the heat of the brazier. “It is, indeed, a nightmare. You are safe, Sunset Shimmer.”

Luna! just in time as usual.

“Truthfully speaking, I’ve got no idea what that means. Is that what you youngsters call ‘that good shit?’ ”

Still trying to figure out if this is AJ or Granny, and in a beautiful way it could be both

“Nah, I’m good,” she dismissed with a wave of the hand. “I mean, things were simple, but I was a disaster.” Applejack’s stare intensified. “Okay, I’m still a disaster. But I thought being good would at least makes things simple after a while, you know?”

Ye'r a teenager darling, you need to develop your poker face after you realize there's an in between for Queen Bitch and Patron Saint

Ain't nothing straight about what you're about to set Sunset...

My thoughts exactly lmao

Sunset had braved quite a lot of ordeals in her life. She had fled her mother figure to a whole different world, she had faced magical beings with nothing but songs, she had harnessed magic in its raw form to save her friends... This had done this and many other acts that would be deemed brave, bold or reckless depending on who you would ask. Sunset was used to put her life on the line. For better or for worse, that’s something she was willing to do. But this time… she had found her match. She had found a foe so great, so threatening that she didn’t dare face it head-on: Night Light’s doorbell.

I swear to all the gods this could easily be solved with a coffee outing and a nice long conversation because that's my mood right now. There's no logic to it, I just feel like coffee and a relationship discussion and it's weirdly nice.

“It doesn’t bite,” said a startling voice coming from behind her. She turned quickly to see Night Light carrying a bagful of groceries in his arms and an amicable look on his face. “Well, I assume so. At least last time I checked it was still a normal doorbell.” Concern settled on his face. “Did something magic happen again?”

Ah, supportive parents and their wholesome concern "Did something happen again?" And I am weirdly happy things are going the way they are.

Sunset perked up immediately, hope rising like a phoenix from the ashes of disappointment. “Oh! Good!”

A phoenix from the ashes of disappointment!!!!!1
I fricking LOVE THISS
So delightfully descriptive! The whole story's been that way in fact, it's really good

“Oh! I almost forgot to put away the groceries.” Night Light announced unsubtly. “Twilight, would you mind staying with our guest while I do that?”

Night Light: *gently yeets himself outta the room*

It did after way too short an eternity.

I love this
It kills me its so good

Sunset instinctively moved in to hug her but was interrupted by a sudden, overwhelming wave of foreign emotions. Insecurities, doubts, inadequacies... jealousy. It hit her like a slap in the face... Like the first notes of a song by Arctic Donkeys.

Oh Sunset is a Magical Empath
Being an Empath is already hard but a magical one?


I had thought of that but since Sunset knows they don't exactly like each other, I assumed she had mentioned it or something
full on not saying anything is terrible and explains the reactions to a certain degree
subversion of expectation can make an experience so much worse in this case, if that makes sense

Yep, Sunset is not really good at dealing with this whole thing... I hope I will be able to explain why later in the story.

Saturnz Barz - Gorillaz

that's the song in my head in this dream sequence

Interesting choice!

Ye'r a teenager darling, you need to develop your poker face after you realize there's an in between for Queen Bitch and Patron Saint

She'll learn. One day...

My thoughts exactly lmao



A phoenix from the ashes of disappointment!!!!!1
I fricking LOVE THISS
So delightfully descriptive! The whole story's been that way in fact, it's really good

I'm glad you like it! I was kinda proud of this one :twilightsmile:

Oh Sunset is a Magical Empath
Being an Empath is already hard but a magical one?


Thanks for all your comments, I'm super happy to see you liked my story so much ^^
Hope you'll like the rest just as much!

Hey, pleasure is mine
This is a Really Good story so far

“I’ll need it,” Sunset whispered as she finally let her friend go.

Outta the frying pan, into the Fire!

“Oh…” Sunset finally let out AS SHE REMOVED HER FOOT FROM HER MOUTH.



Outta the frying pan, into the Fire!

Time to face your siren, Sunset!

I love it
I really do
This is amazing

I'm really glad you do ^^

I'm glad you do!
More is coming in the coming weeks ^^

very good story so far and GAH i was sure scitwi and adagio wher egoing to kiss and figure out the sollution to the problem

I'm glad you like it :twilightsmile:
We'll see how Adagio and Twilight's relationship evolve, but it's definitely going in a more amiable direction :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the new word! I had no idea that metamour was a word, much less the perfect word I needed to have in my current relationship

You're welcome! I wish you, your partner(s) and your metamours the best!

The solution is simple. Lock Twilight and Adagio in a room and let them settle their differences. Who ever walks out of the room on their own power wins

This would be a very disputed fight... Twilight has telekinesis but Adagio has more experience and is an expert at psychological warfare... I'm not sure who would win...

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